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at this point I believe you already know charge GPD and you're using it but in this video we're going to be going over key things that I guarantee you don't know about charge GPD now we'll be able to help you supercharge your charge gbd and turn it into this absolute super assistant that you can use whenever you want now charge GPS works with proms all you have to do is go to and you can type in anything and it will answer your questions in a super intelligent human format but what if I was to tell you that you've been asking the wrong questions the entire time it all comes down to the questions that you're asking it's basically like everyone can have this summer but not everyone can use it properly and in this video that's exactly what we're gonna learn so as you have been using charge gbd you may have realized that some of the responses that it gives you is not you know that impressive maybe you're asking for specifics about a different business or perhaps you're asking for specific about a certain industry well what if I was to tell you that if you just simply ask charge GPT to act like an expert in that field it will give you better responses like you can ask Chachi P to act like a customer or you can ask it to act like a co-host or a child talented expert in the topic that you want answers for so let's try this out let's ask Church to put some questions now I can go and type in gaming title ideas for YouTube video about chat GPT it will give me basic answers like this but instead you can say I want you to act as a fancy title generator I will type keywords via comma and you will reply with fancy titles my first keywords are API test automation please see how much detail and expertise are provided in that second response or I can say your top Tire marketing expert who coaches business owners on a daily basis on how to grow their business specifically with paid advertising you studied at the top marketing School in the US Now teach me how to create content that connects with small business owners within the hospitality field what kind of questions should I ask them when prospecting for New Leads prioritize common and expert advice what this is going to do is you're gonna Force charge GPT to act as if it's that person that I described to it so it's gonna deliver the responses as if it's delivered by that expert I've also told it to give me uncommon and expert takes on this individual topic now you can get very creative with this you can ask for humorous takes you can ask for common takes like just get credit with this and always ask charging Beauty to be specific if you wanted to be an expert in something ask it to be that expert in the specific field and describe it to it what that expert looks like so the next problem I see with charge GPD is when you ask a list of ideas it can get super generic and quite expected so similar to the first prompt let's ask you to come up with new angles and new approaches on the topic that we're talking about so for example we're going to specify the topic here and we're gonna let Church be know that the topic is how to bring new clients into my marketing agency that is in the music industry and then I'm going to specify that for a topic about brainstorm unique and unconventional ideas prioritize ideas that are effective and low cost so with this we specify the topic that the charge GPA is going to write about and we gave it all the information that it needs and then we have gone ahead and we have asking to brainstorm unique and unconventional ideas and as you can see by the responses these ideas are pretty unique you're not really going to see many people talking about these methods and this is how you can really super power your chart GPT this next one is super crazy so you can actually get charging PD to write in a specific way so maybe you're right and you came to charge your beauty for a little bit of help now if you go and ask charging questions like everybody else then you're gonna get very AI responses oh we don't want that we want the AI to speak as if it's us we wanted to speak in a certain tone of voice and mimic someone else's writing so in this case we're gonna feed cha GPD with our writings and we're gonna ask it to create a style guide for the future responses now the beautiful thing about this AI is that it has memories so inside of this chart it considers every single question we have asked it that means that we only have to ask it one time to speak in a specific way and to copy a specific output so that it can go and copy that same style and use that same style to every response that it gives all we need to do is to fit this AI with our example work so in this case I'm gonna say analyze the text below for style voice and tone using natural language processing create a prompt to write a new article in the same style voice and tone just to give charge GPD an idea of who I am my turn of voice and how I deliver my message then touch if it is going to take that it's going to use that information and give you responses with that in mind there you have it Chachi PD Copita style and now it's generating a brand new article without style now this is a game changer knowing how to manipulate the chat GPT to actually get the results that you want without having to go through hundreds of different prompts now this next thing is getting the AI to deliver it in a certain tone of voice now this is really good especially if you're creating an art copy or Instagram captions you can ask it to speak in different voices you can get different perspective from it you can ask it to speak sarcastically make it ironic whatever you want to do this creates really fun responses from chat GPT now I personally find this one of the best prompts that you can use because it just shows how smart how clever this AI is so for the example of this problem we're gonna ask it to give us the most sarcastic and ironic advice on how to look after my pet cat and as you can see the response that it gives me are exactly that so if you really want to get the most out of charge dpd ask how you want it to speak tell it how it should speak you know put your hand down and let it know who the boss is I'm just kidding so if you're not a writer and you're not putting your own information let it know that you want it to speak in a sarcastic tone in a lazy tone in an ironic tone just let it know like being very specific with the keywords are gonna help you a lot and that's gonna improve the responses dramatically the final example prompt that I want to give you guys is getting Chachi PT to vary its output so you can get it to write an outline you can get it to write a mind map you can get it to ride in bullet points you can get it to write persuasive essays you can get it to write in chunks of text that are under certain character length so in this case we're gonna ask Chachi to deliver our responses in bullet points and this is going to be really helpful if I'm writing a frequently asked questions section or if I'm using it for a Twitter thread so my example prompt is going to be create me a bullet point list on the reasons why exercise is good for you as you can see chachu pretty is listening to me and doing exactly what I said creating me a text in bullet points and it's going to be super helpful for me just to copy this and put that on my website now those are just some examples that you can go and run through chat GPT you can really get smarter with this and you can educate the AI exactly how you want it to be so thank you so much for watching this video I would really appreciate if you drop a like And subscribe to the channel if you want to start an AI business I suggest you watch this video here where I show you seven different AI businesses so I'll see you again in that video bye
Channel: ItsArda
Views: 437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, chat gpt, artificial intelligence, chat gpt prompts, how to use chatgpt, open ai chat gtp, how to make money with chatgpt, chat gpt to make money, chat gpt 3, chatgpt examples, chatgpt questions, chatgpt business ideas
Id: IFn8M9KFGzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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