How to Stuff a Pork Loin - Rolled Stuffed Pork Loin Roast Wrapped in Caul Fat

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hello this is chef john from food wishes comm with how to stuff a pork loin that's right this is not so much a recipe is it is a techniques video i'm going to show you how to butterfly stuff wrap in caul fat and then finally tie and roast and while i'd love to take credit for this i got the idea and the meat by the way from Pat LaFrieda & Sons in new york city that's right the celebrity butchers to the stars so let me show you my method for doing this it is super easy requires no skills or special equipment so first up we need a boneless pork loin roast this technique by the way will work with just about any size but I'd say like a 5 to 6 pound piece is going to be just about perfect all right you got your fat side we're going to flip it over to the meat side and a pork loin is kind of tapered on the right it's a little thicker than on the left there so I want you to find the tapered end and I'm saying and I really should be saying side the tapered side because that's where we're going to start our cut our first cut is going to be about a 45 degree angle and we're going to make like an inch deep incision just like that and then we're going to turn the knife basically parallel to the board so we're not really cutting down we're not really cutting up we're just cutting straight across and we're going to make a whole bunch of like one-inch cuts and every time we make that cut the pork will unroll a little further now a real butcher can do this in just a few cuts but this is way easier for the amateur there's really no way to screw this up as long as you're going nice and slow and if you're worried about all those cut marks don't be you'll see when we cut this open those will be completely invisible and you can see what's happening here from the side because our knife is sort of parallel to the cutting board we're getting a fairly uniform thickness and with each slice we can unroll it a little further and of course we're going to go all the way to the end as far as we can go and there we go we have tons of surface area now to stuff and roll and if we take a look at this from the ends there's one little extra thing I want you to look for one side of a pork loin is going to be a little bigger than the other so you see that side pretty uniform pretty even but if I turn it this side has that little extra thick muscle there I like to make an extra cutter to right in that to sort of flatten that out a little bit and I'm going to probably say this four or five times during this video but don't worry about perfection once this is stuffed and rolled and wrapped in hide and roasted it's going to look perfect alright a pork loin can sense fear do not play scared that pretty much goes for anything in life but especially butterflying a pork loin once the butterflying portion is done we're going to season both sides generously with salt and pepper and the reason you got to be generous is that's a lot of meat so you really want to season it well we'll flip it over season the meat side and once the meat is seasoned we're going to go ahead and stuff it now this is going to work with any bread stuffing whatever works for your turkey will work here you want about 3 cups of stuffing like I said this is a techniques video for how to do the pork so I'm not going over how I made this stuffing it was a very standard bread stuffing celery onions garlic bread cubes some stock some herbs and I had a whole bunch of dried figs and you want to Pat that down nice and firmly stop about an inch from each side and give yourself a few inches on the top by the way we want to roll from the end we finish the cut at towards where we started our cut and then simply roll it up firmly but not too firm you don't want to squish out this stuffing and of course you always want to end up with the cut on the bottom all right we're going to set that aside and onto our cutting board we're going to lay out some of this caul fat that's a fatty membrane that surrounds the organs in a pig or a cow or a lamb or whatever animal I believe this is from a pig and you may remember this stuff from such science fiction horror films as everyone of them but don't worry as scary as this looks it's going to give the finished roast an amazing color it's going to keep it very moist pork loin is very very lean so it's perfect for adding moisture and flavor and we're going to spread that out on our cutting board one or two layers you want to overlap it a little bit and that was probably 5 or 6 pieces if there's any holes you can just patch it with a smaller piece and then you're simply going to place your stuffed pork loin on the caul fat in the back and just roll forward all right tucking in the sides if there's any excess and it looks like there's going to be like a big knot of caul fat you can just pull that off and again do not worry about being too precise once this is tied and roasted you will not see any mistakes or spots where it was a little thin or a little thick it will all look perfect promise and that is called fat wrapped so we've butterflied we've stuffed and we've wrapped in caul fat the last step is of course the Tyne and we're going to use the simple homemaker method forget those fancy butcher knots entrusting I want you to take a single piece of string about a foot long so put the string underneath bring it up over the top and then instead of just twisting the string once I want you to give it at least four or five twists because that tension will help you cinch it up and it will hold until you make that final knot and I want you to do three or four ties on one end I want you to do three or four ties on the other end and then finish in the center this is a great tip for making it nice and even in uniform if you start from one end and go all the way it's a little harder and again the key really is twisting that string five or six times before you cinch it down that's really going to hold everything in place so that's looking good once your pork is tied it's ready for the final phase which is roasting I'm going to use a heavy metal roasting pan of course I'm going to throw a sliced onion underneath throw that pork loin on there and we're going to put that in a very very hot 450 degree oven for 15 minutes just to get that outside seared then we're going to reduce our heat down to 325 and we're going to roast that until the internal temperature reaches 140 so my took about an hour and a half and when it was done it looked so beautiful I thought it was fake and I made it and the juices from that caul fat and the onions and of course the stuffing in the pork itself makes these beautiful pan drippings that we will spoon on later as you'll see all right we have to let that rest at least 10 to 15 minutes if you don't you're crazy but after that I'm going to take a knife I'm going to slice that open and you're gonna see a butterflied stuff roasted pork loin in all its spirally glory come on of course you're going to remove that string before you serve this there's an old restaurant rhyme that goes if your customer eats some string your lawyers phone will start to ring and it really is true so be careful so pull that off I'm throw that on a plate maybe with a big potato spoon over some of the pan drippings of course those little droplets are fat you need that pork loin super lean and those melted drippings from the caul fat are gonna give it just enough richness and moistness to counteract that leanness and just look at that it tasted every bit as delicious as it looked moist juicy flavorful just a beautiful beautiful technique so whether you get your meat from a celebrity butcher or not and I only said that to brag or just from your friendly neighborhood butcher this will come out spectacularly so I really really hope you give it a try head over to food wishes calm for all the ingredient amounts and more info as usual and as always enjoy
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 573,136
Rating: 4.9105387 out of 5
Keywords: Stuffed, Pork, Loin, Roast, Wrapped, Caul, Fat, Rolled, butterflied, butterffy, butcher, pat, lafrieda, meats, new york, technique, culinary, entree, dinner, holiday, chef, john, foodwishes, Food, Cooking, Recipe, Pork Loin (Ingredient), Kitchen, Meat (Ingredient), Restaurant, Recipes
Id: 3jVuC60Z3xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 20 2013
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