How to Strengthen Your Singing Voice

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[Music] hi guys i'm madeline harvey and thank you so much for hanging out with me today what i thought would be a very helpful concept for our video lesson today is to discuss the inner workings of the larynx the muscle system that governs the entire vocalization process as we isolate these muscles this is going to strengthen our vocal cords and our muscles surrounding the vocal cords which will give us more power more control i like that and more smoothness during our transitions so if you like today's video please be sure to give it a thumbs up or click that subscribe button below i would love to see you here as often as possible so the image that i would love for us to contemplate or dare i say meditate on is that of a bow and arrow if we were to put a video one of those tiny video cameras down your nose and look into your larynx at your vocal cords we would see that the larynx is diamond shaped like this and the vocal cords extend in a v pattern across two major muscles the muscles on the bottom are called the thyroid muscles they're responsible for contracting the vocal cords making them thicker and shorter for the lower notes so if i go i can isolate that feeling of the thyroid muscle pulling on those vocal cords making them nice and short now up top here is our arternoid muscle and very much like a bow and arrow that's the muscle that pulls against for the higher notes so it will pull the vocal cords in a very extended stretched out way making them thinner for the higher note so if i go i can feel that artenoid pulling against that muscle that muscle on the inside so this is what we're working on today and to help us isolate this we're going to need to make sure that we can hold the throat in a nice open position so what we're going for there is a stretched almost yawn-like feeling so just take a second to register that sensation go ahead and open the throat as if you're yawning good now we're just going to activate the breath by sighing this is going to ensure that our airflow is steady and even okay so we're just gonna hold open no sigh good now this just allows for us to get that steady even airflow going so here's our exercise we're really going to think about that bow and arrow okay we're going to do a glissando we're just going to walk down from high to low good and here's what i want you to think about i want you to imagine that bow and arrow and you're going to feel the stretch before you come into the sound so if my starting point is here i'm going to feel that stretch as i open the throat and as i walk down from c to f i'm gonna really isolate that muscle and i'm gonna allow for it to slowly and controlledly return to its neutral position which is that f so if i go good that's what we're go that right there right there is what we're working on today that's the only thing that i want you to think about the quality of the sound does not matter if it breaks if it wobbles i just want to reassure you that that is symptomatic of you isolating something that your voice has just been accustomed to jumping over right so as we lean into that muscle as a coordination it's going to feel very much like we're at the gym we're going to lift nice and slow so we can develop those muscles long and strong but as we do they might shake they might get a little tired and shake a little bit all is well do not dispel okay so here we go remember open the throat sigh bow and arrow ready here we go [Music] ah keep the throw up in the entire time [Music] [Music] ah [Music] ah i'm actually not sure what my arms are doing past the point that's like right here here we go [Music] control it take your time [Music] i'm just going to take this time to remind you sigh into it we do not want to push the voice by us continuing to hold our throat open we are holding open this entire vocal tract we're making sure that it opens this will ensure that the muscles under the chin don't collapse it by far making it right we want to go nice and slow but as we open the throat in this way and we isolate this it might expose some gaps in coordination and again i say don't trouble your mind don't despair continue to keep it open and control that sensation here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yay and there we have it it is a little bit of a challenge there's a lot of things going on but whenever i'm looking for a sound to present to you guys i'm looking for something that's going to give you the sensation in the easiest most practical application possible so i want to encourage you to keep with that image of that bow and arrow feel the pull back make sure your chords are in a nice extended state and that when you apply the breath to the sound it's with a feeling of a sigh this is going to make sure that we don't have excess pressure building up inside of the throat so there you have it friends i hope you have enjoyed today's video if you have please be sure to give it a thumbs up or click that subscribe button below i almost sure subscribe button below i would love to see you here more often and if you have any questions please be sure to leave them in the comments portion of today's video thank you so much i love you all thank you for being beautiful and i will see you next time bye
Channel: Madeleine Harvey
Views: 62,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: voice lesson, strengthen voice, stronger voice, strong singer, how to sing, how to strengthen voice, how to sing better, how to sing with power, how to sing more powerfully, powerful voice, vocal power, Madeleine harvey, vocal exercises
Id: D1kq8nvE3JI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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