How To Stream On Facebook With OBS - EASY TUTORIAL

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if you're looking for an easy tutorial on how to stream on Facebook with OBS this tutorial will help you tremendously OBS studio will give you the power to design your own video overlay just like this on Facebook live yes if you're new to my channel I provide super fun tutorials on OBS studio YouTube tips and tricks and other video software tools the purpose of this channel is to bring you the juiciest information to boost subscribers and views for your channel subscribe and let's get some together so here's how the data travels first what we'll do is connect our USB camera and microphone to OBS studio on your PC and from there we'll add all our special effects our graphics our motion our sound effects everything that you do with OBS the example that you saw at the beginning of this video is a prime example of what's capable of OBS studio and then we will output that information live to Facebook live using a unique URL and special code that is assigned to your Facebook account so we're gonna dig in first now and look into how to connect both the camera in the microphone let's go okay here we are in OBS and what we're gonna do is we're gonna focus in on scenes and sources now understanding these two things is very very easy all you have to know is that the scenes contain the sources and what's inside sources are things like your microphone your camera a window showing or your browser graphics movies that sound effects all that stuff okay so what you do is you create a scene that contains a bunch of sources and then you create another scene and then you can switch back and forth so it gives you a quite a large amount of power in regards to what can be shown when you have a bunch of scenes so let's go in and create a scene right now well click the plus sign in the lower left-hand corner and we'll type in mic and camera okay you can name it anything you want it's not really that important hit OK and now that we've created that scene now it comes time to add the sources we're gonna add a mic and a camera source so I'll hit the plus sign and the first thing I want to click here is add a audio input capture we're gonna add my microphone click that and this is very important because naming it helps you organize and reuse these things so if I'm going to name this mic so I can reuse this source in other scenes if needed and if you don't name it what it is it's gonna get confusing really quick so name it Mike and hit OK then you select the mic and in this case it's the ATR USB microphone that's what I'm using right now hit OK again and as you can see I when I did that it created another audio mixer track called mic but I can't hear it it's not coming through the speakers and the reason why is the system assumes that you don't want to do that because when you're in a live stream and you're talking you don't want the vocalization to come out of the speakers and then be recorded back into the mic it creates a weird effect and it's irritating for your users and so it's best to make sure that the sound is not coming through your speakers but if you want to hear it you can do it click the gear click advanced audio properties and then you'll see a track here called mic and under audio monitoring click the down arrow and click monitor and output and now you can hear the echo because the sounds coming out of the speakers and getting re-recorded onto my microphone creating this weird sound effect which people don't want to hear so turn it off but I want to make sure you understand how to do that down the road ok now we're going to click the plus sign under sources again and select video capture device and that is my C 922 and that's exactly what I'm gonna name this c92 to hit okay and just by luck the system has has already selected a C 922 Pro stream webcam I think I only have just a couple so yeah I only have just a couple here and I just got lucky and it selected it now I'm not gonna get into the details of this I want to get you off the ground quickly I'll just hit OK and you're in good shape here is my live stream view you can make it larger or smaller if you you click your Alt key and click on one of the handles you can actually crop the size which is very helpful so there you go size and cropping okay good let's go over to Facebook and get that special URL in special code that will give you the power to broadcast from OBS through Facebook live to the planet Earth let's go okay the next step on how to stream on Facebook with OBS is to go into settings in OBS and select the stream icon on the left and there is a service pulldown click that and select Facebook live upon doing that I want you to click the get stream key and it will take you to Facebook log in to your Facebook account and it will take you to a special URL called forward slash live forward slash create and when you get there there's a little blue button that says create live stream click that and it's gonna take you to a page with some special parameters that you need to review here real quick the most important thing click the use stream key button here the most important thing that you want is the stream key so click copy right away and you'll have that into cache so you can paste that later and now you want to review some of the other settings here you can check off use a persistent stream key which means that it will be the same key from time to time you won't have to go through this process so if you check that off it may make things a little bit more convenient for you in settings click the down arrow for stream and the first one says in live video if the stream stops I don't think that's a good idea I think I will uncheck that just in case there's an interruption in the stream I don't want to have to restart the whole stream all over again so I uncheck that you can allow embedding in other words there's a URL that you can copy and paste into your website if you wish which is really cool if you check off unpublished after live video ends it basically means that the video will disappear I'm sure they'll have a copy of it somewhere on Facebook but it won't be made public after you make your live stream if you uncheck that it will be viewable after you're finished and then finally there is something called viewing allow viewers to rewind I always check that off because that's kind of a nice usability capability that people can review or rewind your video after they see parts of it so it's kind of a nice thing allow people to do that and now we're pretty much ready to go I'm gonna recopy the stream key just to make sure that I have it in cash I'm gonna pop back over into OBS studio and I'm gonna put my cursor right there in the stream key field and hit paste and there it goes now I'll hit that okay and now I'm gonna click start streaming and when I do a little green square comes up which means that I'm sending the signal and it's going successfully over to Facebook so let's pop over to Facebook real quick and as you can see in the lower right hand corner there is a actual video that is showing my stream there it is right there if I wave my hands there is about a ten-second delay so that it does take some time to get over there but it is getting there so we are successfully streaming data through the Facebook servers and it's almost ready to go live so if I hit the go live button right here I'm gonna do it right now here we go boom oh they want me to add a title so I'll click the add a title here real quick test 2 and I will hit go live and it does some thinking it goes boom it's official we're alive so here's what the comments will pop up on the left there's really I don't know I'm not big on Facebook so I don't have too many users it's where you can communicate with people as you're live-streaming I'm gonna hit oh there's high velocity savage there it is what is up it's good to see your brother thanks for stopping in I've lost these savaged you'll be in this video dude later so we hit end okay and you can rate it and so forth I'm going to go to stream health and it gives you some statistics to show you how many bits per second and your frame rate and all kinds of cool stuff and the event logs and everything it's kind of neat if you're interested in learning how I made that cool overlay at the beginning of the video click this link right here and if you're interested in trying to sort of tweak your settings so that your live stream resolutions are a little bit better check this link right here I explained all those intents parameters and make it real simple for you in the meantime I wish you all the luck and keep fighting and stay strong things will turn for your channel I promise you I'll catch on the flipside
Channel: Scott Fichter
Views: 586,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to stream on facebook with obs, how to stream on facebook with obs 2020, how to stream on facebook with obs studio, how to stream on facebook with pc, how to stream on facebook using obs, how to stream on facebook using obs studio, how to stream facebook live obs, how to stream facebook live with obs, how to stream to facebook using obs, facebook live obs studio, facebook live stream, obs live stream tutorial facebook, obs studio facebook live tutorial
Id: 7yFUZbkk2BA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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