How to Stream Clothing to FiveM Servers (2022)

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[Music] push the goddamn button P the goddamn button everybody subscribe to the channel if you haven't already go ahead and click that red button right there and also click that Bell for notifications and select all all right yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo it's games and Graphics we are back in the building with another GTA 5 Mod live tutorial for you and what we are going to be installing today is uh streamed close to our 5m server that's what I'm going to be showing you how to do and let's go ahead and jump into it because it's going to be a lot of requirements all right so follow me follow with me all right now the first thing we are going to need is 5m all right so if you don't have 5m all of the links will be linked down in the description the first link link will be 5m what you want to do is come here and download the client if you don't have it already all right now the second thing that you need to do is go ahead and click on the form button right here all right when you click on this form button it's going to lead you to this page right here which is the 5in form now I want you to go ahead and sign up if you already have an account that's good now if you don't you need to sign up all right now this is the most important part right here the email that you're going to use to sign up with 5m you're going to need to use that same email to sign up with patreon okay or if you already have a patreon you're going to need to switch that email to match up with your 5m account okay it's going to need to be the same all right now once you have this made of course you are going to need a server all right we will not be making a server but I will leave a link down in the description to video showing you how to create a server if you don't have one already all right so once you watch that video to create your server next thing you're going to need is your key master all right this is a uh fully explained uh text um to tutorial right here showing you how to create uh your keys you want to click on this link right here which will lead you to the Key Master website and follow these instructions right here to create your key all right once you have that key created you need to insert that key into your server.cfg that's after you have created your server all right that way you have your keys um all registered under your account with 5m all right you want to make sure that everything is connected your emails is still the same all right at after you have your key master created next thing that we want to do is go to the 5m patreon page all right now if you don't have account with patreon then you need to go ahead and create one and use the same email that you used to create your 5m account all right can't say that enough all right make sure that the emails match all right now once you get down here and you have your emails matching your patreon and 5m account you want to scroll down and you want to select the 5m element Club um argentum yeah you want to select the 1950 per month tier all right it's the 1950 per month tier you want to select join right here okay now let's go over the perks that you get that it comes along with also all the consumer orientated features from the $8 blue and great tier then you get exclusive element Club access for Server Keys linked to your patreon linked Forum account all right that's the Forum account we just covered then you get up to 64 slots with one sync that means you get to have about 64 people uh running around in your server and you have stream custom clothing all right that's what we're here for today and you also get to use some color codes in your server name to make it look all neat and stuff all right so you want to come here and join this right here after you have joined this all right you're going to have to give it some time all right um there's been some people that say it takes anywhere from an hour to about 6 hours all right so give it about 6 hours just so um everything can link up and uh 5m can do the thing on the back end all right so after you wait up about a couple of hours and everything then you should be all good to go all right now there will be one more requirement that we are going to need for this to work that tool is going to be called GTA util all right this one right here will be linked down in the description as well what you want to do when you get to this page is Select this one right here it's a it's going to be a zip select the zip file to download all right once you have that downloaded there is going to be another link down in the description it's going to link you right here to the Yeezy 450 for the MP mail all right these are some shoes that we could stream to our 5m server also you can use these in single player as well for your MP mail character all right now you feel free to use any other shoes that you want here but I'm just going to use these for tutorial purposes all right and you could also follow along with me and uh download this link as well all right um the Green Arrow is where you want to click in order to download this all right so once you have all of these things downloaded and installed and you have your server created created all right on the left hand side of me I have my server all set up and ready to go I have my server key inside of my server.cfg and everything is set on my right hand side I have two downloads and also have a text document inside this text document I will also leave this information linked down in the description okay so you can follow along with me all right let's go ahead and minimize this real quick now the first folder that we have right here is going to be are um our shoes our Yeezys all right these shoes right here is going to be our Yeezys and this is the GTA UIL folder all right now let's go ahead and open up this folder right here now what we're going to do is open up that folder and we are going to copy the address at the top all right just going to copy that make sure that you open up the folder first and then copy the address at the top now what we want to do is is open up our um command window all right just want to go down to uh your window symbol select this uh little magnifying glass type in command once you type in Comm it should pop up then you want to um right click with it and select run as administrator once you do that then you'll have this window that pops up you want to type in c d space for slash I think that's a for Slash and then D again space and then we're going to paste that same address we just copied all right once we do that then what we want to do is take uh this first line remember this is going to be down in the description for you you're going to highlight this first line right here copy it and we're going to go over here and we're going to paste it right behind here and then hit enter all right then it's going to say GTA 5 folder all right so from here you want to go ahead and locate your GTA 5 folder I'm going to go ahead and minimize this window and what I'm going to do is find my uh folder I have m's in um the quick access right here so I'm going to open up and what you want to do is find your GTA 5 folder open up the GTA 5 folder okay you have to open up the GTA 5 folder copy it once you copy the address at the top you want to go back over to uh your command window and you want to paste it right here then you want to press enter now this is going to take some time because it's going to be loading all of the DLC list all right depending on the computer or whatnot will uh depend on how fast it's going to take all right once that is done we can go ahead and exit out this window right here all right now if you come back over into your GTA UIL folder you'll see that you'll have some uh clothing files right here all right and if you open up the clothing files folder then you'll see that you'll have uh some MP folders right here it'll be MP female and then MP male all right uh let's go ahead and open up the MP mail free mode folder inside the NP mail freemale folder uh in mp mail free mode folder it's going to be a components folder open that folder up and inside that components folder is going to be all the places that we could place her clothes from the accessories beard decal feet hair hand head um the bib lower uh task teeth and upper all right so since we're going to be doing the feet uh let's go install the feet but I need my uh shoes so I'm going to go ahead and get that up right over over here on this side all right so I have my downloads up on the left hand side now and I'm going to open up the shoe folder which is the 4501 I guess that is open up the shoe folder inside that shoe folder we are going to have our files right here these are going to be our shoe files all right so let's go ahead uh back over to our GTA 5 uh UIL folder inside of our mpm free mode and components and let's go inside the feet folder okay since we're installing shoes we're going inside the feet folder all right let's go inside the feet and what we want to do is drag and drop all of these over here grab these and put them right over here inside feet then after we do that we need to create a new folder and name it zero then after that what we need to do is take our model which is the ydd file file the ydd file is always the model file let's go ahead and rename that to zero then we are going to take all of the textures which is the YTD files YTD files are textures we're taking the textures and we're going to drag and drop those into the folder okay so now it should look like this right now now let's go ahead inside of the zero folder and now we want to go ahead and label these by numbers starting off with zero so since our shoes have three different type of textures we are going to name it zero one two all right and if you have more textures than that then you will continue down the line with the numbers all right so the first one we are going to select call the zero the second one which is B we're going to talk uh turn that to one and then the third one is going to be two all right so now that we have have our textures labeled correctly let's go back now if you wanted to add in um extra shoes then you would create a another folder and then you would name that folder one okay and then you will take the other model and name that a model one and then you will take the other textures of that next model and throw them inside of one and then repeat what we did inside of zero folder all right so now that we have our shoe ready to go right now let's go ahead and head back to right here all right we're just heading back into um our folder in the beginning where we had our clothing files folder at okay we're going to go back right here and we're going to copy the same address that we copied earlier remember we going to copy that then we are going to open back up our Command window by pressing c m or command spell it all the way out right click with the mouse select run as administrator then we want to select select uh yes of course after that window is open let's go ahead and type in CD space slash I think that's forward slash and then uh press D and then space and then paste in that address we just copied press enter then after that we are going to take the second line this is going to be down Linked In the description you want to take the second line that says input clothing files you want to copy that copy copy and you want to come over here to your command window and paste that line right here and then press enter now this may take some time as well just be patient all right when that is done you should see that um it has uh the link to where the folder is at right here and when this is all done doing that you can go ahead and exit out and if you go back over to your GTA util folder you will see that you have a custom custom clothing folder all right this custom clothing folder is all set for our server all we have to do is bring up our server I'm going to bring up my server and go into my resources folder and all you have to do is just drag and drop it right over here all right drag and drop it and once you have dragged and drop it over here um if you open up the folder the custom clothing folder look inside the stream folder then you will see that everything is uh labeled right Al files is labeled right to be streamed also pay attention to uh the number of um the shoe or the number of the feet file that you have installed mine's is 16 so when I get inside the game uh make sure that you have a trainer or something installed where you can look for your clothing you're going to go to shoes and then look for 16 all right so that's just a little way cuz a lot of people install clothes and don't know exactly where to find them at uh this is a good way to uh be more familiar with how to find those clothes that you installed all right so looking for 16 in the shoes category now let's go back and we will just go ahead and highlight the name of custom clothing copy that now you want to go into your server.cfg open that one up and you want to go ahead and paste that in down here just go ahead and select I mean hold on push that back there we go type in start or Ure whichever and then paste the name of the folder which is custom clothing inside your server.cfg once we have done that we're all good to go ahead and run the server so I will see you in the server all right once you spawn into the game you are going to see that your character is uh you don't have any clothes on all right it's pretty much going to be just invisible all right that's pretty clothing for let's go ahead and open up any training that you might have I'm going to be using V menu I'm going select player related options go down to player appearance and then P customization scroll down to shoes and we're going to select number 16 I believe was uh 17 actually it's going to be 17 all right so even though it says uh 16 in the files um it was 17 inside of our trainer all right so those are it right there I'll try to get like a closeup and we have three different textures the white black and green I believe like neon green and we have our e so you want to do the same process to um install pants shirts even hair and um all different type of textures for your character for your MP character all right same thing go from M females all right I'm go ahead and select me a nice little outfit say PS there we go and I have my nice little white Yeezys on yep yep Sitting on Top of the World yo and our new Yeezys that's right got a bunch of cars over here I can pick from but anyway uh we're going to wrap it up here man but if this helped y'all out to install stream close to your server or if you just enjoyed the video feel free to smash that like button for me definitely subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and share the video with your friends that are in the modding GTA 5 yall it's games and Graphics me and my mp character we out of here until next time y hi ain't scared of you [Music] [ __ ]
Channel: Games & Graphics
Views: 44,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gta 5 mods, gta 5 mods games and graphics, games and graphics, real life mods games and graphics, How to Stream Clothing to FiveM Servers (2022), fivem, fivem clothing, stream clothing fivem, how to stream clothes fivem, how to stream clothes, gta 5 mods pc, servers, keymaster fivem, fivem patreon
Id: C1tkvzVQE94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2022
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