How to Store & Stabilize Gasoline for Long Periods of Time

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you [Music] hello YouTube every year I get the exciting task of rotating my gasoline stock so that I'm ready for the winter with my portable generator so in this video you're gonna see how I store the gas prepare it and hopefully you'll learn something I've had very good luck keeping a lot of fuel for a long time and no problems so I hope you enjoy the video alright back from the gas station this is one of my least favorite chores of the year when I've got to basically load up on gas to get me through the winter so I don't have a whole house generator so I have a Honda as you'll see in my other videos so what I do is every year I load these gas cans up these are racing jugs and they are obviously a proof of gas and I fill them each with five gallons I've got five of them so I keep 25 gallons of gas and my generator also holds five gallons so altogether I've got 30 gallons of gas which sounds like a lot but if you lose power for a big storm even with my Honda the mostess is probably gonna run is about four to five days and that's really not that long because we've had storms out here in New England that I've occasionally been longer so no there's enough talking so let me tell you what I do because everybody's gonna tell ya that you know you keep that much gas everything's going to go wrong two things you've got to have safety in mind and some areas have different regulations about gas I follow all the regulations I'm aware of but I personally don't like keeping gas like this in my house or in my garage so I keep it in a separate shed away from everything and that way if you did have an issue at least you're um you know obviously not in your house second thing is this let's see if we can get this in here if I could not cover the camp so this stuff called seafoam there's people out there that love it there's people out that hate it I'm telling you right now this stuff is awesome stuff isn't the cheapest it's like ten bucks a can I have used this stuff forever use it to clean machines I use it to maintain machines but the most important thing I do is for storing these cans of gas so it actually can stabilize fuel and a lot of people don't know that so what I'm going to do now I need to add a certain amount so that's five hours container so you're gonna need about a can and a half of this but it's well worth it because every year that I've used this and I've done this for about ten years I have never had the gas be a go bad people talk about ethanol I've had none of that stuff so just put this stuff in your gas you can use stable if you want I don't like stable it stains your fuel tanks which is sort of a visual thing but I don't really want anything stained in my containers and things like that and I've not had good luck with it so this is my choice it's up to you I'm not getting paid by the company and I pay ten bucks a cam like everybody else so anyway so what I basically do pretty simple you don't smell anything the vents are closed I don't think you need to shake up sea foam but I do it anyway a little bit so this brand new gas I just got it so I'm gonna mix up so this container is actually um measured in milliliters but I know exactly what I need this stuff's clear as you can see so what I do is I pour in one and in my case I know that five ounces is one and a half it's as simple as that so I pour that into the gas I don't obsess over it I don't do any of that stuff I just put the cap on and in my case I'll shake this up a little bit I'm gonna make sure that this doesn't tip over on me worst thing in the world is to spill gas so shake it up a little bit by the time I carry this over to my shed it's gonna be very well mixed close these containers tight I leave this thing I will not use this unless I need it for a storm otherwise I won't see this container again for another year so what I do is every year I swap these out and what I'll do is I'll put my solar hose which you can probably see in the back this one here and what I do is put this on and a year from now I'll run this in this truck and I'll burn this out so once a year I change it through this setup with the seafoam has been faultless for me I've had nothing go wrong so for my experience at that point and I recommend it for you as well thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Silver Cymbal
Views: 231,256
Rating: 4.8351159 out of 5
Keywords: generator, gasoline, storage, fuel stabilizer, winter, gas, stabilizer, gas stabilizer, fuel, winterize, stabil, honda, storing gas, ethanol, how, stabilize, prepper, honda generator, how to store gasoline long term, how long can you store gasoline, how to store gasoline, prepping, bugout, emergency, long term gas storage, storing gasoline
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2017
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