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hey guys welcome back so this is a long awaited video maybe more awaited on my part to find some time to film it but today I'm gonna be talking to you about my decision to do a low by year and why and how I stopped shopping and why I'm going to stop shopping for the year of 2019 so I've done a little bit of sharing about this on social media already on my Instagram I'm at style apotheca leave it down below come check it out that's where I post every single day shameless plug but since January first I have not shopped today is March 9th 2019 and I still have not shopped for any clothing any housewares any makeup any skincare any sort of formalities that I used to shop for constantly I have not bought a single thing since January 1st and that has been a conscious decision of mine I'm making it to explain why I decided to do this you may not have a problem with shopping I definitely did this is for people who may be interested in a low buy or no buy for people who don't know what it is and they want to know a little bit more about it for people who are interested in stopping shopping or maybe living a more minimal sustainable lifestyle I think this video can speak to basically anybody who might be interested or if you just want to see how much of a up I've been with shopping for the past like 30 years then keep on watching and in no way is there any pressure to do what I'm doing these are just the rules and reasons that I'm going to be going over that I have made for myself and that I am doing my best to stick to so if you want to know how to stop shopping and how I stop shopping impulsively then keep on watching I will have timestamps in the description bar down below labeling everything that I'm talking about at what point in the video so if you don't care about certain points then you can skip ahead to whatever is relevant to you so my name is Kristina and I am a shopping addict that is why I decided to do this low by year I've tried to do low buys and know many times before but I have always failed and then I always went on some crazy shopping spree at the end of this so I have never gone consecutively this amount of time without shopping and I think it's just because I finally hit a point where I said I can't stand this anymore like whatever rock bottom is I think I've definitely hit it and that's what got me into gear and made me think I needed to do something extreme and something completely against my behavior that I'm used to in habits that I'm used to for me to finally stop shopping so I've been inspired to stop shopping by a couple of channels on social media actually then I will leave everybody linked down below but Asia dang she is a youtuber and if you don't follow her already you should but she is in the middle of a massive debt repayment plan she's paying back over two hundred thousand dollars in student loans she talks about money in a way that is not taboo and not anything to be ashamed about because I think we all avoid talking about it everyone is really awkward about it and Asia just doesn't give a it's really motivating and that has really motivated me to stop shopping the other person that I want to credit for motivating me to stop shopping is another youtuber on here Hannah Louise Poston I discovered her towards maybe the end of December of 2018 and that's when she was finishing up her no bi year so she did not buy any clothing housewares skincare beauty anything that was not a need she did not spend a dime on it for an entire year most of the strategies that I'm going to talk about in this video I did get from Hannah so if you're interested in her know by year and now her beauty budget then check out her channel I'll leave it links down below and then the final person that I am kind of crediting for this whole journey that I'm on is Dave Ramsey he's basically the financial version of my dad that I needed to be like figure your out and get going stop being an idiot get yourself together you want to check out any of these people which I highly recommend you do I leave it down below so those are some of the people that are keeping me motivated but the reason why I decided to do this is because I needed something extreme towards the end of 2018 I was spending so frivolously on stuff and just so impulsively and my whole space was just getting completely overwhelmed with crap like look at all this behind me these are all coats everyone except one of them on this rack is mine who needs that much I am a style blogger and it's something that I decided to pursue out of passion and I love doing it but for the longest time I used it as a reason to get new new and I think coming from a place of wanting my my Instagram and my blog to succeed but I was using it as an excuse to shop and especially on Instagram and this is why I kind of disclaim all of my styling videos and my haul videos is I was completely triggered by watching YouTube videos and needing that exact piece that the person was wearing in the video because if I didn't if I didn't have that exact piece I wouldn't look as good as her or I wouldn't feel as good as her and then I wouldn't be as successful as her this is like the train of thought that I had which I think perpetuated my cycle of compulsive shopping what I realized is that this stuff it did not serve any of those purposes it did not feed my soul half of this stuff is still hanging in the closet with its tags on so I never even took a photo of it for my Instagram I would find myself scrolling really in search for inspiration and don't get me wrong I do find these social media channels extremely inspiring and I am inspired by different women and people on Instagram and social media every single day but I also would put myself beneath that person that I idealized on Instagram because she had the Chanel purse or the Chloe booth I kept saying to myself that five wasn't enough until I had that thing but the problem with finally attaining the thing was that there would always be another thing to come after it I would get some short-term happiness out of it but the next week I would be on the hunt for thing else if it wasn't you know I needed this pair of black booties it was I need to find the perfect white button-up and then I would end up with 12 perfect white button-ups in my in my closet and still on the search for the other one so it was this perpetual cycle of feeling less than finding something to covet acquiring it and then it's not serving any purpose for me and and then I'm just starting to get buried in clothes and stuff that I wasn't using that I was spending my hard-earned money on and I was just going getting completely overwhelmed I couldn't do it anymore so that was sort of towards the end of 2018 and that's when I kind of discovered rediscovered Dave Ramsey and his Total Money Makeover rediscovered Asia dang and discovered Hana and I was like okay I can do this too so if you really want some amazing advice on how to start your low by or your no by then I would definitely check out Hannah's video I'll leave it link down below but I took some points from her kind of philosophy and applied it to myself so this is what I did so I'm gonna give you just a breakdown of some steps to stop shopping and have a successful no bi or low by year step number one is to remember your why why is it that you have decided to stop shopping is it because of environmental reasons like you want to reduce waste is it financial are you in debt do you have a student loan that you need to pay off do you want to save for an amazing vacation to Europe or something fantastic that you want to save up for but you're spending money on other frivolous that's getting in the way of this main goal or is it something inside is it like it is for me is it something that is about self love and self care and comparison are you using shopping as a crutch for that think about your why write it down somewhere you can write it in a your bullet journal write it on a post-it write it on your mirror make it your phone background think about your why and look at it every single day if you have a goal that you want to reach you have to write it down and by writing it down it really does make the first step and the steps to come after that so much easier reviewing it and going to that and keeping that in the back of your mind will really set you up for success in your low by year so step one is remembering your why step two is to write down what items are your problem items so for me it was definitely clothing and makeup so for you is it clothing is it skincare is it food eating out at restaurants is it uber so write down the things that you think that you want to change set some ground rules around purchasing those types of items for me clothing with my main problem and is the item that I am focusing on the most in my low by year I'm not allowed to acquire any new clothes unless they meet a set of rules that I've set for myself and you really want to pay attention to the gray areas so what about gift cards what about when you run out of your favorite lipstick finds your areas that are a problem for you and set some rules around how you're going to be shopping for these items moving forward I have like a set of questions that I ask myself before I'm going to buy the thing and I have started to use these questions in shopping for my groceries in signing up for a workout class in deciding if I need to take an uber or public transit so it's kind of spilled over into other aspects of my everyday life which i think is really positive and really helpful and it's just keeping me mindful of my behaviors and my spending habits and other in other things besides just shopping for clothes I think you'll find that as you grow in this lobe I know by its really going to change the way you think and your behavior so the third thing that I did to help me stop shopping was unsubscribe for some people this might not be helpful but for me it definitely was getting emailed would instantly create a sense of taste like oh no I need to get on this now where I'm gonna miss it or I need to get in on this early or I'm gonna miss out on all the best sizes and colors so I had to unsubscribe from a lot of those emails you'll be okay if you don't have that pair of jeans this year it's not the end of the world you're not missing out on anything but I had convinced myself that I had created some sort of status for myself with this company and when really all they were doing was taking my money and ultimately just feeding my addiction and feeding that behavior even more so that to me was also a turning point where I actually had like a feeling like a food like a flinch at unsubscribing from email chain that I knew you need to stop this this is a problem figure your out step number four is create a budget for me I use the every dollar app by Dave Ramsey this has been a game changer in my shopping behavior I've made budgets in the past but never really stuck to them remembering my why has kind of forced me to or motivated me to stick to my budget so right now for example my clothing budget is zero if you're on a low buy for clothing then you can do that within your rules so in step two you create the rules for yourself and when you're allowed to buy an item versus not buy and what you're eliminating from your shopping habits and what you aren't you can budget for that accordingly every single month depending on what you want to buy and that for me has really helped it really helped keep me on track you just see where your money's going remembering rule number one remembering your why rule number two sticking to your ground rules the budget just helps reinforce that and is a physical and visual place to see where your money is going for me the budget has been at the absolute game changer and rule number five is to take an inventory I had no idea what I had in my closet my closet is stuffed to the brim and I just had no clue what the hell was in there see what you have you don't have to write it down just take a visual snapshot of what you already own and start using it so for me with clothing it really kind of this all falls into figuring out what your personal style is or curating a wardrobe that reflects the style that you want to achieve the first step would be to get an idea of what you already own and get an idea of if its clothing what you wear all the time what you love what you catch yourself wearing multiple times a week just declutter start getting rid of things that you're not wearing if you haven't worn it for a year get rid of it con Mari that so when you know what you already own when you know what you already have chances are when you're out at the mall or shopping online or scrolling Instagram to get some inspiration you can ask yourself and remind yourself oh I have a black blazer already or I have a pair of straight leg jeans already that I can wear to get this style that I'm looking for the next time that you catch yourself tempted or that you're shopping and you see an item that you gravitate towards ask yourself if you have something similar already and by taking an inventory and a mental note or however detail do you want to get with it keep that in the back of your mind how can I achieve this look using something that I already have chances are you don't need the new thing chances are you already have something similar in your closet or in your makeup drawer to begin with so use that first so that's it I would call this part one of my how I stopped shopping why I'm doing my low by year let me know if you guys are doing something similar and let me know ways that you keep yourself on track in the comments down below this is definitely not a one-man show I think if we are all doing this together we can help each other out lift each other up and keep each other motivated so leave me a comment down below let me know how you have kept yourself on track so far in your low bye I will be doing more videos on this coming up just because this is something that is always changing for me and I'm always learning something every single day in this low by year and in this as a recovering shopping addict so stay tuned for more videos on that and I will see you in the next one thanks so much for watching bye [Music]
Channel: Christina Mychas
Views: 345,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to stop shopping, how to stop spending money, how to stop spending money on things i dont need, how to be a minimalist, low buy year, low buy, how to save money, budgeting, shopping addict, konmari, decluttering, dave ramsey, aja dang, no spend, money, saving money, spending money, shopping, konmari method, minimalism, minimalist, zero waste, how to stop buying things you don't need, budget tips, money saving tips, simple living, get out of debt, change your life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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