How to Stop Damp Penetrating Brickwork

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hello I'm Roger Bisbee from skill-builder and I'm out today looking at a little bit of a dam problem this is 200 year old brickwork and it's starting to decay as you can see the certain signs that it needs a bit of pointing needs a bit of tender loving care now one thing is that they're getting penetrating damp through to the inside in places but the other thing is that these aren't cavity walls these are solid walls so the insulation isn't great now they do say that what insulation is no insulation at all and laboratory tests are proved that if you have dry bricks you get better insulation from dry bricks than you do from Wet Ones so what I'm going to do with all this brickwork before I start replacing some of the sport bricks this is frost damage is to coat this whole wall in a storm dry masonry cream now I've used this before the first time I ever used it is when I had a customer whose RCD the electrics kept tripping every time they got heavy rain and I worked out that what was happening is that the water was penetrating the wall and it was getting into the back of the socket and it was just causing a short and tripping it now I gave that wall one coat of storm dry many years ago I'd say 12 years ago now I've painted that one coat of storm dry on and it cured the problem absolutely completely once and for all and they've never had a tripping problem with that electric since so I know it works and it penetrates the brickwork dries out and then once it's dried out you don't see it now this is a grade 2 listed building so the certain things you can't do in it we could render a wall for example and we couldn't use one of those awful plastic coatings so an invisible treatment that cures the problem is exactly what's required [Music] so you can see by the line here that is slightly darker the brick actually I think that's quite nice because it's kind of enriched the color slightly but you just have to be prepared for that the best thing obviously is not to stop halfway along wool but to carry on but having said this it's only 24 hours after we put this on so it will continue to be absorbed by the brick and you will see that lion fade so after a couple of days this will be a lot less pronounced so if you had to do a patch you would find that after a short time it was barely visible and of course the good thing is that unlike some treatments there's absolutely no Sheen on this it's completely matte and a completely natural looking finish now we'll just say the way that this works is that it doesn't fill up the cavities the little pores inside the bricks the capillary pores if you like what it does is it lines them with a kind of glass like substance and that stops the moisture soaking into the brick but what it also does very importantly is it allows that moisture to escape so we're not locking moisture in here we're actually allowing a wall to breathe which is what everybody talks about all the time any locks in moisture can evaporate and it just stops new rain from the soaking in so our great product I've used it on several jobs and will continue to use it because it is a real problem solver I'm Roger please be from skill-builder come back soon because we'll be doing more on them [Music]
Channel: Skill Builder
Views: 381,270
Rating: 4.8668065 out of 5
Keywords: water repellent, masonry cream, masonry cream paint, masonry protection cream, rain penetration, brick sealer wet look, brick sealer, penetrating damp, brick sealer interior, brick sealer application, brick sealer exterior, penetrating damp internal wall, penetrating damp brick wall, penetrating damp signs, penetrating damp external walls, penetrating damp treatment diy, brick sealer matte finish, brick sealer paint, stormdry masonry cream, Waterproof Brick Wall
Id: loLGEyVJH-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 1sec (241 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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