How to Stop a Charging Dog (MUST WATCH)

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hi pups and peeps as angie was with dog psychology 101 today's topic it's a question I get almost every day of my life what do I do if a dog is charging me when I'm out walking my dogs [Music] if you're new to our Channel please be sure to drop us a like and hit the subscribe button below you'll be the first in line to receive our new videos so let's say a dog comes barking and charging at you most dogs will stop for you it's a rare dog that's gonna actually come up and attack you and really bite you so for the dogs who will stop we need to try this first if a dog runs out of the yard is barking barking barking at you the first thing I do is stop put my dogs behind me so that they're being protected this should also make the reactivity to your dog much less and then I make a big loud noise hey stop something really large that will stop most dogs if the dog stops they're going to continue to borrow they're gonna swing left they're gonna swing right they're gonna continue to bark but if they stop they just told you I am willing to give you my position so just stand here and make eye contact make it very firm and that of course this is only when they've stopped okay now if they're still barking that's fine give them a second or two and then take a step toward them once you step toward them tell them go home or some other sharp command and almost always they will go home they will still be barking at you just stick to it stay calm don't keep yelling and don't run away so if we come upon one of these dogs who are really intent on biting you we have two options either number one you have a vertical place to be ie a car or something like that or we have to become a tree one option we have if you're out walking and you are near cars so anything chest higher above is what I consider a vertical safety if you're in an emergency situation you could climb on the car put your child on the car and have a safety position until the dog goes away I actually had an incident when Josh was about 5 years old I was pregnant with my second child and we were charged by a very large dog and it just happened to be in the neighborhood and there was a car on the street it literally saved our lives I do believe I threw Josh on the car I was eight months pregnant and I climbed on the car and it took quite some time for the dog to break his attention we're driving by and quite frankly I found it amazing at how many people drove past us with a large pregnant woman and a five-year-old on top of a car with a large dog circling us but thank God it was there it was a great Avenue for us so now let's talk about what to do if you have nowhere to go you're stuck in the open you have no vertical car or other surface to get on and the dog is coming to bite you so the best thing to do and it's gonna be the hardest thing to do in the world at the time it's to be still be a tree no eye contact don't move even if the dog nips you don't move many dogs when they're coming to run in like that their adrenaline is really high and they may come in and nip but they typically don't attack and there's quite a large difference between the dog attack and a dog nipping you a bite or a nip would not be pleasant but it's certainly not an attack where a dog is viciously attacking you with the intent to do you serious harm so be still and hopefully the danger will go away but if it doesn't what I want you to do is very slowly back away if the dog continues to bark at you just slowly back away until you can get into a safe area worst case scenario we get knocked to the ground and we have a really vicious dog or more than one dog the first thing you want to focus on is laying on your belly and covering your head and your neck this is crucial and play dead don't move no yelling no screaming I preach so much emotional fitness and in this kind of situation this is survival there have been people killed by dogs it's really rare really rare you're more likely to be struck by lightning probably two or three times before you're actually killed by a dog but heaven forbid that you or someone you know is literally attacked on your belly cover your head cover your neck and play dead until the threat has left thank you for tuning in be sure to hit the subscribe button and give us a like
Channel: Dog Psychology 101
Views: 3,020,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stop a dog attack, stopping dog attack, how to stop dog attack, stopping a dog, dog chasing me, running from dog, loose dog, stray dog, attacked by dog, dog attacks, dogs out of fence, walking your dog, dog walking, how to stop a loose dog, charging dog, dog bite prevention, dog biting, aggressive dog, stopping stray dog attack, dog running at you, how to stop attacking dog, dog psychology 101, how to prevent dog attack, how to prevent dog bite, approached by dog
Id: 8ndWvFtpyXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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