How To Steal Amazon FBA Wholesale Suppliers From Your Competitors

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hey everyone in this brief tutorial I'm gonna teach you how to steal wholesale suppliers from your competitors on Amazon now I've been running my course and my blog for a long time now and the common questions that I get asked is how do I find suppliers in other countries outside of Asia where the big-box stores getting all their cheap goods from and how do I know whether a supplier is reputable or not and how can I ago she ate lower prices with my suppliers now thanks to jungle Scouts new supplier database there is now an inexpensive way to answer all these questions and that's what I plan on doing in today's video now if you want to follow along step-by-step with my tutorial today what I first want you to do is go over to my blog and my wife quitter junk comm and click on tools and products I love then scroll down and I want you to find jungle Scout and I want you to click on this link here to get $20 off per month for the web app and it should cost you only $29 a month but realistically once you have your suppliers you really only need to sign up for this tool for a single month to get the benefits and for only $29 a month it is a no-brainer to have access to these suppliers all right with that in mind once you are signed up you want to head over to the jungle Scout tool and this is what it looks like once you're on the inside and what you want to do is you want to click on find suppliers and you want to click on supplier database alright so let's first find an item to look for on Amazon that we want to find the supplier for so I'm just gonna type in garlic press and I'm just gonna scroll down and I'm gonna choose this one right here it's one of the best sellers it's got 733 customer reviews but I want to know where this vendor is getting their garlic presses from and notice it's from a company called MIT ba alright so what do I do I go to the jungle Scout web app and I just type in company mitzva okay now the jungle Scout supplier database did not return anything most likely because MIT but is not the legal name for the company so this is where you have to do a little bit of research here so what I do is I type in MIT ba trademark and then I click on this link and what I'm doing here is I'm looking for the legal name for MIT buck kitchenware alright I notice that the trademark owner is galati Adi alright so now I go back to the jungle Scout web app and I type in Galati Adi and sure enough his company shows up and this is actually all the companies that he uses to import kitchenware from China so from here I just start clicking on the factories and see exactly what galati Adi is actually importing into the United States now what's cool about this tool is that it tells you every single shipment that Galati Adi made from this particular manufacturer and sure enough he is importing garlic presses from this factory the last shipment that he made was for a hundred and fifty three cartons weighing almost two thousand kilograms alright and so this is the supplier Shanghai shindig international trade no all right so as you can see this tool is super powerful you can just type in one of your competitors and out comes the factories that they are using to actually source products alright so oftentimes this is actually a much better way to find your suppliers than just typing them on Alibaba because these suppliers are actually already pre vetted by your competitors so if we go back to the supplier database you can actually search by product as well so if I type in garlic presses the product you'll notice that these factories which are used by very reputable companies like The Pampered Chef Serle table Dixon Ticonderoga and kitchen supply go they all get their garlic presses and kitchen products from good things international and Wonder household Ltd alright so guess what that means these factories are reputable because a lot of the bigger names are actually using these factories and as you can see here using this tool you can quickly narrow down which factors that you want to work with and which ones are going to be regular now what's cool about this is once you click on the factory it'll actually show you the amount of shipments that this factory makes to the United States and in general the more shipments that it makes that means that that particular factories used to shipping products to the US and general doze of the factories that you want to work with now keep in mind these large customers like good things international they tend to cater to some of the larger vendors so chances are there mo queues are going to be higher than the rest but rest assured if you look for competitors on Amazon chances are you'll find a factory that meets your moq requirements alright so I hope you guys found this brief tutorial on the Jumbo Scot supplier database useful now if you enjoyed this tutorial you could actually sign up to take my free six day mini course on e-commerce which can be found over at my wife quit her job com / free it is a very comprehensive tutorial and it is free and there is both a beginner intermediate advanced version of the class to suit all skill levels all right thanks a lot that's all I got
Channel: MyWifeQuitHerJob Ecommerce Channel
Views: 32,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazon fba, private label, selling on amazon, amazon fba wholesale, amazon wholesale, how to find amazon fba manufacturers, how to find the best suppliers, how to find suppliers, dropshipping suppliers, wholesale, finding suppliers, how to find suppliers for amazon fba, amazon product research, ecommerce, amazon fba product research, importing from china, china suppliers, sell on amazon, small business, amazon fba for beginners, how to sell on amazon fba, amazon fba 2020
Id: ydJIIvtkxQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 8sec (308 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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