How To Stay Motivated?

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thank you so much for watching tamusta music I have a really great time um communicating with you guys and thank you so much for many thoughtful comments on my YouTube videos especially uh talk videos uh I was making and this is the fourth one yes um until yesterday I didn't really have anything very specific I have a little bit idea about the jamming uh you know about yeah some topic about the jamming but just then I switched today just so maybe one hour ago um I just noticed so many people ask me very similar uh questions especially like this how do you motivate to play and practice guitar and other things consistently you know very consistently how do you stay how do you keep motivation you know how do you stay motivated right and a lot of people ask you know um first time when I hear that first my reactions why because guitar is just so much um motivation itself and so much joy because I think I found guitar as a joy in my life that's why it's always a motivations about the guitar so the question is first do you have very specific goals with your music or guitar okay or do you already have experienced like a play guitar have fun like you know you learn some song and you practice many weeks and then one day you can play particular sorrow or riff or whatever so that gives the person it's really um understood how fun it is to play guitar or do you do you maybe mixed up practicing guitar like a technique Foundation or performing a guitar like a learning a song or you know play a song kind of mixed up that if you ask a question the confusing maybe lose the interest something like that so now let's get into a little bit more details about what's what can we do what can we do what can we think about so so far if I ask you a few questions do you have specific goals have your experience already having fun with the guitar or you already know something but something confusing so please write your situation because I can help you more if you tell me more details and then other people probably share what you wrote what you thought kind of fun to do it okay so for me in order to motivate Body and Soul means if I feel tired of course my body tired and my mind is tired so I cannot do best good job especially I my work is primarily teaching guitar at the Berkeley College of Music Tuesday Wednesday 8 30 to 1 2 pm to 5 PM which is um I thought I teached 15 students Tuesday 15 students Wednesday in order to do this one with more a lot of motivation I have to prepare to feel good myself okay so the body and soul number one means I work out every day I eat well I eat breakfast lunch same time dinner I'm trying to be flexible you know and nighttime I don't eat too much I don't eat no I just eat ice cream but that's my hobby so that you know and I work out yeah eat eat not too much drink a beer I like I like a um Hennessy Hennessy and I like this um what's that Remy and Watson I like this one I got the rainbow but I just maybe a couple of times a week just a little bit like that you know not not too much okay and yeah mind control right so like a workout eat well and I like a gear so I have a a lot of uh things but that's actually sometimes bothering me because sometimes I wish I only have four or five guitars and maybe one two amps and I focus more playing and practicing but my business I have to understand this gear that gear this so understand I can teach people so I ended up I bought you know Roland one two twenty you know JSC because I have to understand you know this amp basement amp but right now I try to do little you know reduce so now next topic is pacing and balance pacing means we all excited you want to do a lot but if you do a lot you can handle it just like eating habit if you eat too much you can Digest and what happened they stay you know so pacing is to me important really so somebody said yeah I have to practice eight hours ten hours I don't really care how long to practice I care about how much content is so clear and gold is really clear and you keep continue to do it every single day yeah so pacing is important okay so the balance kind of same thing like you practice a little bit uh uh for example practice fingering exercise you know root 37 swing Triad you know going up and down and try not to make any noise so maybe three things you do that's Foundation technique and Foundation but then reduce the amount of time so that you have more time to do listening my stereo broken I was gonna play music that I was told that didn't work anyway my morons cereal broken that's fine and um see I I lost my thought see I don't hate it so there's a um brand so yes I totally oh yeah about the balance yes so you don't you just don't want to do too much you know enough so it's not so much about how long to do what to do and how much you focus so that's really important so for example this week I taught many students at the Berkeley make sure two things to practice fingering exercise but really quiet so that finger noise up here you fix it a lot of people don't know and do not use metronome when you practice fingering because important part is play soft so then I thought this hand does a little bit harder soft but this sounds always soft very soft very soft so rule 307 swing again we I do uh some sets you know sort of eight songs to play uh 40 to 54 you know 40 40 to 44 I have a dose system and I teach that to students so that they have a clear goal to go and they struggle okay but then we can handle it and we have choices and I teach having choices flexible manner to order that okay that's pacing and balancing okay third one like already said so the preparation practice routine but this is a little bit more about overall preparation preparation means many things I give you example in order to myself in order to you know stay motivated to teach well number one I get to school earlier I don't get there 10 minutes before 15 minutes or half an hour before then that's disaster so I get to Berkeley 6 45 and sit down drink a coffee relax I put everything down set up a Guitar you know everything set up you know all the notes everything ready 7 A.M that's where I start work I I don't tell you what to do but I work from that one hour do something see so my mind meditate it prepared everything ready to go so that's preparation preparation is very very important in our life I think five minutes ago before I do this one I went to the upstairs bathroom and I can see a little bit of you know cat you know a little Sanders around oh no and I could do two choices Yeah clean up with Attitude oh I don't want to do that that kind of attitude or ah forget about it because I have to make a video like that but then this is I did motivation I make a motivation video has to be my mind so calm motivated right so I take everything positive so that case I think about cats or sorry I should say sorry but ah let me you know clean up cat's gonna be happy so I just clean and oh need a more sand again I went downstairs bring up thinking about the cats not thinking about me so thinking about others really helped my mind control because I'm not occupied about what I'm feeling I'm just feeding other person which is cats so if I make a cats happy then cats are happy my wife is happy and I'm happy that's how it goes to this house then guitar thing is good you know yeah so you see Body and Soul workout eat well sleep well pacing and balance whatever you do not too much every day just do you know not so much everything okay then more detail preparation preparation to prepare practice routine so for example you do like a first my students practice chromatic scale two types there and Rule 37 swing group with metronome already eight different patterns do that and then eight different songs you can do that and try it so many ways you can do that that's preparation so if you do that your hand moves smoothly that's why when people ask me uh when I played um lovely lovely no no I'm sorry happy happy course really you know kind of tough to do it and tough to do it but why I can do so clearly a lot of people say why why don't you do that's another real creamer anyway the reason is I prepare consistently every single day practice fingering try as Ruther seven to be able to play perform well so that's already preparation but this is already different topic we can talk about practice technique technique Foundation what apply Theory and performance those two things but that's something else more like specific you know way to go okay I hope you understand a little bit about motivation just a smile fast smile and be happy you have everything you have place to live you have a food tonight tomorrow and Rain don't come to your head you are rich inside don't you think and if you have a guitar one or two great that's great wonderful that's already a lot of motivation right there just how you think that's why don't worry don't compare don't expect too fast be kind to yourself just to go easy something not working well don't worry just today tomorrow it's different you know something like that okay I hope um I said everything I want to say I just you know made this pretty quick one hour preparation but I was kind of thinking a lot of people ask me same question so you know why not yes let's see everything good I can't really read my letter what's the said oh yeah yeah so in a bottom line is this it's not easy but it's not too difficult okay it's not easy but not too difficult so it's really you can do this if you prepare so you have to think about preparation a little bit so think maybe write it down something like a goal to do it try if you're not motivated you can make it if you're not confident enough you can make it but nothing jumped out to you nothing is uh automatic okay you do it and something happened just like internet you know yeah so anyone can do this one so please do I hope I help you a little bit today okay thank you so much for watching Thomas the music if you like my content please share this with your friends and please subscribe music and if you want to learn more guitar details more details about you know guitar uh playing I I put all my passion into my guitar wisdom every week and that's where I teach everything so please stay on there and just practice okay thank you so much and please don't forget write any your thought comment here on the bottom here right thanks so much see you soon thank you thank you
Channel: TomoFujitaMusic
Views: 19,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Motivated, Motivation, Inspiration, Life, Talk, Tomo Fujita, Guitar Wisdom, Wisdom
Id: 6I89SjmRgmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2022
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