Start Your Freelancing Career as a Student in 2024

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I'm going to be honest freelancing while studying is a challenge it's not really impossible to do but it's pretty close to that hi I am Isaiah I am a student freelancer as of the moment and I am here to help you kick-start your freelancing career so you may be wondering how I started freelancing and all of that I started freelancing while I was still in college and I still am because it is a great way to actually make money while I study and it is also a great way to get experience in the field but the funny thing is that my main reason why I started working was because I was bored yes I was bored and I wanted to just you know look up and save up some money just for my shopping things and all that but look at where I am now but of course it is a fun and exciting career that you may actually want to consider as we go along most of the time I I would encourage students and those who are interested in starting freelancing especially if they want to grow their career to start as soon as possible able the sooner you start the sooner that you'll be able to build your portfolio and create a name for yourself and be an expert in the field so here are some tips how I started freelancing while studying number one research what type of work you want to do before you go out there before you dive into an industry and start taking on clients you have to do your research because it is very important it's tempting to Jump Right In especially if you're inspired by the idea of making money doing something you love but before you get started take some time to actually figure out what kind of work you want and what Market that you want to dive into let me repeat that when you're freelancing it's important to know what type of work and Market you want to do and explore before you go out there otherwise it can be overwhelming and difficult to figure out where to start you may be wondering or might question yourself where should I start what Market should I dive into and explore start by looking at the needs of your community and your industry ask yourself what kinds of jobs are people looking for what types of businesses need help in marketing how could I bring value to them those three questions are some questions that you will actually want to ask yourself before you dive into freelancing if there are a lot of people offering similar Services try thinking about what you can offer that is different or what is unique then what's already available and once you've got an idea for the type of work that you want to do and the idea of where it fits into the local and international economy put out some fillers reach out on LinkedIn or Facebook groups and many other freelancing platforms related to the niche you want to pursue remember the more informed you are about the industry and the type of work you want to pursue the better of your being you'll be able to set clear goals for yourself in your career which will help you keep track as you grow in your freelancing career next it make sure you have some type of portfolio available online okay you know what you want to do you know how to do it but how can you prove it if you're a student or someone thinking about freelancing I've got some tips for you one that type of portfolio could be a graphic video website or blog but contains the examples of your work so that people can actually see what you do since I was a student my first portfolio was my own blog page yes I am a blogger and if you want to see some of my right things you may check out the links down below Shameless blog anyways get your creativity out there and just post it online number two get out there and start talking to people if you're looking for freelance work don't be afraid to reach out to companies directly they're always looking for new interns or new talents but also be careful because there are some scammers number three be prepared with a plan B as as an infj always having a plan B it's important not to get too attached when starting out as a freelancer just because one client says no doesn't mean no one else will say yes take note of that Detachment is important when it comes to freelancing but I will talk about it in the next few videos and so as I gave those tips you may be wondering why a portfolio is very important just like an employee applying for a job it is also difficult for our clients for your Market to actually hire someone they've never met which is why having an online portfolio is important to them it allows them to get an idea of what kind of work you do and whether or not they'll like to hire you based on the information next stick with one or two projects at a time so you don't get overwhelmed note to self when you're a student and a freelancer it can be tempting to actually take as many projects as you want but the truth is it's better to focus on one one or two more projects and move on to another you'll get more done and you'll avoid getting overwhelmed and frustrated by unfinished work don't be like me who handled 13 clients all at once trust me you'll get overwhelmed but I survived though thankfully but if you're good at time management and you can handle almost two to five clients it will all depend on how you work just make sure that you do your best in each of the project you actually work on and never sacrifice the quality of your work despite the income they pay you there are so many things to do as a student and it's easy to get overwhelmed it's also easy to get distracted by all the opportunities that come your way but you can't let yourself be pulled in every direction you have to stay focused on one or two projects at a time that way when you're done with that project you'll have the time to think about what's next and when you do that you'll be able to make sure that what comes next is something where worth working on and so if you're a student or someone that is looking to take some extra cash freelancing is a great option you can find jobs that align with your interest and schedule and you can take on as much as projects as you want however there are some things to keep in mind if you want to ensure your freelancing experience is a good one the first thing to remember is that freelancing is a job you'll have deadlines and responsibilities just like any other job out there make sure that you have enough time to set aside for work so that you don't get overwhelmed by the number of projects or clients that you have also make sure that you're taking care of yourself while working make sure to eat healthy food drink plenty of water drink tea or coffee exercise regularly and get enough sleep each night if you do this then the job will be much easier for both yourself and the clients that you have and so if you want more videos like this make sure to subscribe to my channel and comment down on what you've learned in this video and anything that you want to ask me about freelancing or life or anything else that's it see you on my next one
Channel: Essea Kiel
Views: 37,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Essea, Essea Kiel, freelance, freelancelife, studentfreelancer, learn freelancing, work from home, freelance jobs, freelance for students, how to earn money as a student, how to start freelancing, freelancing tips, how to, how to earn money as a freelancer, freelance journey, earning money at 21, how I earn money as a freelancer student, how to start freelancing in 2022, 2022 freelancing hacks, freelance tips, freelancer life, freelancing, career, career tips, career hacks, work
Id: n31b8ll-cF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 10sec (430 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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