How To Start A YouTube Channel: Step-by-Step For Churches

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in this video I'm gonna walk you through a guide on how to start a YouTube channel for your church which will include all of the layout items that you need to have in place so that your channel a draws attention and stands out compared to everyone else all right so let's go ahead and cut over here to the computer so what we're gonna do is obviously go to so first off what you need to set up a YouTube channel is you need a Google account now there are multiple ways to do this so let's go ahead and let's do sign-in and if you already have an account you can put that in if you don't you need to create an account so let's go ahead and create an account here so we'll just use prototype Church I'm gonna use the same password I have on the main account which will make it easier so it's not a brand new password I need to remember and we'll do next and I need to verify telephone number here all right so we got the stuff verified take don't need to keep my number on here but what I'm gonna do is add the admin email go to our settings alright all of that just to get signed into Google and you go out you could have just made this a Google account everywhere originally I was trying to get this set up under the email that's for the church so we wouldn't have a multiple email account but we'll address that later alright so now that we're here let's go ahead and click on our little avatar over here and we're gonna go to settings and under here we're gonna click on create new channel now it's gonna pull my information that I had from the account but I don't want to use that I want to use a business or other name so we go ahead and click on that and what's going to be the name we're gonna call this one prototype Church now just leave it at that so this is what you want to have is your name now be I know this is kind of common sense but most likely unless you have a very very very unique church name somebody probably has the exact same name so you want to make sure your name accents who you are so like for example if there was another prototype Church I would say prototype Church r-va or something like that so you stand out so again one step I did not do but before this let's go ahead and actually do this step first before we pick our name let's go back here to YouTube and let's go ahead and just look up our name alright so there are a bunch of videos with that name but there are no channels by that name and let's check one other place we'll look at and we're gonna look up a little tight Church just to see if anybody has that name [Music] yep and no one has a name so that's good so will easily be able to stand out so I don't need to add anything else at the end because we're the only prototype Church that are on YouTube right now which is good but be mindful if you have a First Baptist Church or First Church of God and Christ or whatever like that or first missionary you have to be very mindful to look this up cuz you the whole point of this is to have your name stand out so people can easily find you so I've got a name we'll go ahead and click create and boom there we are we are on our channel alright now the first thing that you need to do is we've already set ourselves apart because most people when they make their church page they put it under a person's name now this is the church's YouTube page now what we want to do is have our logo here if you don't have one you can always make one honestly the easiest thing to do is take a picture of your church so that's what I'm gonna do right now for this example in the mind I'm just gonna use some stock footage here so I'm just going to click on here and when you change your profile picture this is tied to your Google account so I am gonna make the change here and like I said I'm just picking some stock footage but you probably the best thing you'll probably want to do is put your church logo or something like that so do the stance out alright that's it give it some time and then it will update over here so let's go back over here to our channel so as you can see our name is there now what's another way for this to stand out you understand have your page stand out by actually having some cover art so we would update that by going to customize channel and as you can see you have this layout here the channel art that you do is going to be different it's gonna be one image but it's going to be different based off of whatever platform that you're on whether it be a phone tablet laptop or TV so I'm gonna cut over to my own stuff over here and we're gonna go to I can't remember the person I got this from but I will link them in the description so I can give them credit for where I got this from what we want to do is make our cover art so I'm using canva com favorite tool that you'll see I use in a bunch of other places so what we're gonna do is just type in the search YouTube channel art this will add this template will automatically give you the size of the biggest image just gonna be displayed that's normally on a TV but that's not the best size you want to use when so if you make an image take up the entire size everything is going to get cut off when you are on a phone if you have a visitor on your phone on your laptop so there's a little tool here that I got from and I can't learn who they are but I will tag them when I get it pretty much when we do our channel art we want to have everything mainly displayed in here you can have a bunch of other stuff out here but this is the main thing you want to have covered so let's go ahead and add the picture here that we're going to use from our background let's go ahead and tap that to add it in here and I want to be careful because I don't want to overwrite the picture and I'm gonna change the transparency so that I can see through this so let's make this just a little bit wider and let you rack it down so that the cross is right there in the center now what it what's important what you want to list out on your cover art first off you want to at least highlight your name of your church you also want to make maybe put in the times of when you're gonna be your normal services contact information as well as your time of service some stuff that you wanted to jump out so when people look at your channel they don't know something else about you you might even want to include your webpage so that's what I'm gonna do so that was just a quick run-through of what I would suggest for this so let's go ahead and just title this alright let's go ahead and download that all right so now that it's downloaded let's go over here to add channel art and let's drag over or pick the file don't we just make and you'll see the layout in the different environments as you can see see it shows up here so we can see the information that's the full screen and mobile so all of the information that we want everybody receipt is going to be easily readable or in each environment and like I said I would have a link to where you can download that image that you can use that to at least know the proportions of where everything needs to be alright and as you can see everything stands out you can read I might want to have move that shadow a little bit different but again this is a good representation to wear when people see here they can see your information make sure I typed it right your website any other stuff that you want and there you go so right there you've already catapulted in comparison to any other churches YouTube page you're already setting yourself out now what's the next thing you need to do you need to add some information into the about so people know exactly what this page is about and what do you want to having you about you want to explain what's good what are you using your YouTube channel for as well as what is the premise of your church you know you don't need a long dissertation or anything like that but you just want to have what is your stuff about first off let's go ahead and add the easy stuff so let's do our links we're gonna add say website and with this ones where we will put our address here I can then you can add Facebook so put that then I also do Twitter and what other types of communication that you normally use this is where you want to highlight here all right because again we're using our same name across all of our platforms so to all social media and we just want an all linking back to each other so when somebody goes to your YouTube page they should easily be able to get to your website if you go to your website you can go to your Twitter your YouTube you want to all connect it and you can put a location in here I'm gonna say the United States business inquiries this is one I would say if you have an info or an administrator email this one is going to be traditionally hidden until people actually verify themselves that this is actually for business dealings so that way you don't get spammed with this stuff that's done as you see these links show up here all right now from your channel description you just want to give a highlight of what your church is all about so I was going to do this and change this full length sermons from church and I think I've pretty much it you can always put whatever but again like I said I don't suggest you putting a super long entry here but this is a good example so we have our point of contact and there should be done so alright so let's go back here alright so we have our channel art we have our profile picture we have our church under our name which we know is going to stand out because there's nobody else using that name videos we don't have anything right now obviously because we haven't made anything now channels it depends on if you have fellow churches that you work with what I would suggest is you under this account follow them so that these channels show up here so that way if you have a sister Church while the churches did you fellowship with as you get more attention on your channel default leave most most likely people are going to look at your channels and then you can reference other channels so that way you collaborate with each other so let's go to playlist now this is kind of a layout that I was honestly suggest for how you present your information on your channel even though we don't have pages of videos yet but this is how we're gonna work so from a playlist what I would suggest is make silence and another playlist will say these ministry if you have it dance ministry events special events ministry so these are all of our playlists right now all right so let's go back to this front page again so we're gonna pick our layout of how everything is going to show up by default uploads is gonna show up already we're gonna keep that at the top so everybody can see when you're posting new stuff and over time you might want to move that in a different location but let's just keep uploading as the very first item to be displayed on your page oh and also we're on returning subscribers so let's go ahead and click on new first and as you'll see we'll come back later we'll add a channel trailer or something that you want to highlight to give people's attention when they first go to their page and we'll cover that in another video uploads is gonna be there and you can always move that once you have more data but what we're gonna do first is we're gonna pick select content a single playlist we want to do horizontal so it goes this way and we're gonna pick the playlist that we just picked we're gonna pick sermons first because the word is most important be done then we're gonna add another one this one we are going to do then do media ministry here then we're gonna do music ministry do dance ministry one month I will say popular uploads would be here at the bottom and then I want to add one more this is if you're live streaming to YouTube I would say upcoming live streams now with this one I'm gonna go ahead and move this one up - right above sermons actually no let's keep it below sermons alright now let's go back to for returning subscribers the exact same thing is laid out now this is one thing I want you to call out when you if you are live-streaming in YouTube this is gonna show up your livestream is gonna show up above everything else I think that is it so let's go ahead and click on my channel here and as you can see you can't see anything because we don't have any videos there but once we start adding this is how the stuff is gonna work out now this sounds like a lot but this is another thing we need to do to make all of this automation easy for our page so we made all of our playlists so let's go over here to our medium and we're gonna do this for each playlist but this is actually let's do sermons first so what we're gonna do under each playlist we're gonna have it automated - once we upload a video it will automatically go to whichever playlist based off of the tags that you put inside of your video all right so let's go to edit here we're gonna go to playlist settings now what I like to do is ordering set this to newest so the newest go so top and it's gonna keep pushing down you can allow embedding if you want that means to somebody else or you can embed this on your website I suggest keep this on now what we're mainly gonna do is do Auto add this is something that you need to follow these rules because then it'll make your YouTube posting very easy so we're gonna do add rule and you can do based on title contents descriptions or tags what we're gonna do is do - we're gonna do tags and we're gonna say and there's a tool tool buddy I'm - buddy that I would really recommend and we'll talk about that later and how you can use to help spread the message and share and reach more people and rank your church videos in YouTube but we'll come back to that but in our tags we want to say service then we also want to say in our title in our title we're also say sermon alright so how this is gonna work if it sees any video with sermons in the tag and sermon in the title it will automatically be added to this playlist so you just have to remember when you post the video you have to have those two items in your playlist so let's go to media and we're gonna do the same thing now the tag is important because the tags are just not for you they are keywords that will actually bring up when people are searching for your YouTube stuff too so if anybody types in music ministry your videos will show as well in that list but we will talk about in another video how to have your video show up first compared to everybody else alright so we got everything set up here from our channel standpoint and our YouTube videos alright so what we're gonna do is now just click on our little icon here we're gonna go to the YouTube studio this is in beta this is gonna be the official way you maintain and add videos in the future but it's still in beta but what I'm gonna do is actually go to the classic creator studio here at the bottom because the options that we have are not available in the studio yet skip now what we're gonna do is click on our channel over here and then we're gonna go to upload defaults now this when you upload a video it's gonna take every setting here and automatically put it on to every single video so that you'll have to keep typing it up over and over again so this is how it ties into the tags we just talked about so what we're going to do is say we have a sermon I'm just gonna say and using to buddy this is how you want people to search you so we originally look to see this anybody else have prototype church no but when anybody types prototype church we want them to our videos to show up so how does that work the YouTube algorithm works by first your title your thumbnail then the description so we want to have at least prototype Church in three locations so we're gonna say our sermon title I'll do a vertical bar prototype shirt now remember what we did also with our tags so I'm gonna say because most likely sermons are going to be uploaded the most on our channel and I'm just gonna say sermon here alright and then in our tags this is the section I was talking about I want to do rows and you put double quotes around each one to keep if you have a space comma and then you want to put whatever relevant information so that your page stands out so people can easily find you so you can say so that means every time we upload this these tags are gonna be added which will automatically put these in the playlist but because of how you made it we need to make sure if we're uploading music ministry we need to race these sermons tagged right now other thing you can do here is do you want to allow comments you can say yes or you can say I suggest you do all except potentially inappropriate comments do you want people to see the views that's fine you put your default language right now I have English allow users to viewers to contribute translating titles say yes because you never know so it could be somebody else in another country that speaks French or something like that Russian or German and they they're bilingual so they'll translate for you give them that option now most churches are not on TV so under our caption certification I select this content has never has never aired on television in the US make statistics on the video public that's up to you I would uncheck that now let's go back to the top what's your category if this is where your church I'm gonna say this is nonprofits and activism and keep it on standard YouTube license because under Creative Commons people can copy your video and upload it somewhere else so just keep it on that and default Li we're gonna make all of the videos that we upload public so once we upload them everyone to see them now inside of here for our description what I like to do is hashtags work here in your description as well for YouTube so I'm gonna do hashtag frozen there all right and the hashtags allow it to be searched as well on YouTube so Indian after that here's a little ninja trick that I heard I learned about a while ago so we're gonna do share and then I hit the alt button and press 16 type in 16 and now give you an arrow now what I want to do here is make a subscription link so that immediately when your video shows people are going to be able to click this button and it will prompt them to subscribe to your channel alright so let's go ahead and just save this and we're gonna come back let's go to our channel now what you want to do is take your channel tag and paste up and then what we're gonna do at the end of your tag for your channel you're gonna do question mark sub nation equals 1 all right copy that whole thing and I like bit link this is just a URL shrinker we're just gonna paste in here shrink this and this is our link so let's copy that and let's go back to studio you gotta go to the bottom go back to classic channel I belong to folks under here let's paste this link here alright and let's also do now and Dan you were to all your links to our Facebook link well first you want to start off with your church website then your Facebook page the Twitter page and whatever social media that you have your list those church right so let's go ahead and save that so now every time we do a video all of this is automatically gonna be there now what's really important is when you upload a video in youtube the first three lines are gonna be the things that are seen that's why we want to have to like subscribe and share at the very top some people don't know so you can also actually let me come back let's do this as well you want to link our name and I just said that we want to have prototype Church in the title in the description and in our tags so those are the three ways that YouTube recommends that that's how you can be seen so when you open the video their first things buttons I mean the first lines you're gonna see at the top three then after that you have to click a button and say to show more we want to keep our stuff right there in the first three lines so people can see it alright let's go back here to status and features now in here because we just set this up you might not be able to do a lot of this stuff but what we want to do is enable live streaming you need to verify yourself again now you wanna come in here after you get verified enable live-streaming and longer videos I can't do it right now just because I just set my account up but we'll come back in here in about a day and maybe make sure this stuff is enabled all right so let's go back to our account there you go everything is set up ready for you to start uploading data and videos to your YouTube channel and again this is gonna stand out in comparison to just throwing stuff up there people be able to easily see what's going on in your church from a video standpoint alright so there you go that's the step by step guide of setting up your YouTube channel from instead of it just being just a dumping ground of just videos that are not organized so you have everything on it organize and automate it to where all you have to do is start adding content and it will populate your page and your digital footprint will be it will be so much better than when people come to your page it's just uploads you have it organized so it's easy for them to find your content as well as get in touch with you and all your other social media places your website as well as you'll actually be able to automate how you're uploading it so it won't be a task to do it so I hope you like this type of content if you do go ahead and hit that like button also consider subscribing and don't forget to hit that Bell notification that way you get notified when we come up with more videos that give you tips tricks and strategies to improve your media ministry and your digital footprint of your church this is AJ thanks for watching catch you on the next video [Music]
Channel: AJaytheCEO
Views: 24,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: youtube for churches, how to create a church youtube channel, how to start a youtube channel step by step, church youtube channel, how to start a youtube channel, how to start a youtube channel for beginners, how to optimize youtube channel, how to setup your youtube channel, how to make a youtube channel, how to grow on youtube, grow your youtube channel, youtube tips to grow your channel, youtube tips
Id: SkIw-Sfspm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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