How to Start a Successful Dog Self Wash

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this guy Dante he needs a professional groomer but you know what he also loves to roll in the goose poop and get into all kinds of messes which I can rinse him off in my own house in my sink but what if he was bigger what if I needed a place to take him to clean him in between Grooms that's one of the reasons why having a self-serve Pet Wash in your business is a good thing oh but there are cons to having a self-serve Pet Wash it could be very messy you might think that you need extra staff it's going to bring a lot of noise howling dogs blow dryers the dogs are going to get water everywhere all over your business and I know you're wondering will anyone use it well in this video I'm going to tell you what self-wash is ways to run one of the benefits of offering it as a service in your pet business how much money you can make and some critical things to consider so that you feel confident adding this potential Revenue stream to your business because it truly can be big business coming up with a new Revenue stream to make money is not only a reason to consider adding a pet wash station to your existing business but there are other benefits like attracting new clients and having something that brings in repeat customers on a regular basis and it's not just great for you it's great for the customers too because they can leave the mess with you instead of it in their homes hi my name is Candace Don YOLO and I help business owners in the pet industry start growing profit so that they can grow their businesses reclaim their life and keep making an impact at the same time and before I share all about dog self-washes as a revenue stream for either a new business or an existing pet business I want to make sure that you download one or both of my free guides in the description below to help you get started in the pet industry or to help you grow your existing pet business no matter what stage you're at let me first tell you what a pet self wash is this is where a customer comes to you to wash their dog they stay with the dog and they get to leave the mess with you you provide everything that they need the water the shampoo the towels the blow dryer the brushes and they go home with a clean dog this is less expensive than a full groom for the customer and it gives them an option maybe in between Grooms or for dogs that don't need a professional groomer this is also a great service to offer especially after people take their dogs on Long muddy walks or play times at the dog beach or if you're like Dante and have a dog who rolls and goose poop and what's great about taking a dog somewhere else to do the wash is that you can as a pet parent buy extra treats and goodies for your pet after it's all over here are some ways to run a self-wash there's more than one you could start with just one tub either one tub that's off to the side or in its own room or you can have multiple tubs or an entire storefront and business model full of self-wash stations maybe you put one outside your business or even at a dog park or a parking lot where it's completely enclosed with its own box and container or shed and it could have access through key codes or once people make a payment those pre-manufactured containers exist or maybe it's wide out in the open and it's just for warmer weather months there are a self wash machine things that exist that can run completely by themselves they accept credit cards and they pump out exactly the right amount of shampoo and conditioner needed so you don't need any staff to attend those or you could provide a more of a white glove service where you assist a customer to get them started and maybe even throughout the wash there are so many positives to having a dog wash self-wash service in your business because so many dogs are actually just being washed at home who are not using a professional groomer and there's no reason that you can't tap into that customer base okay don't miss out on that business because a self-wash is a great way to find new customers to bring them into your doors and then to turn them on to your other products and services so even if you know it's not going to be a big part of your business it can help attract to other parts of your business second you could sell monthly memberships and create an automated recurring Revenue stream just through your self-wash tubs and if this recession hits or when things change for a customer financially this is an option and for them to stay a customer of yours and maybe shift from grooming or stretch their grooming appointments out to save some money and grooming clients they actually might even consider bringing their dogs in in between Grooms or you can even start a bath Club specific for this service for your grooming clients an offer to do it for them you have the tubs overall this is an extra Revenue stream that has very low cost to get started and low cost to maintain plus it's a great way for you to introduce other products that your customers might like like brushes shampoos licky mats treats and you have a captive audience there who you could talk to while they're washing their dog about other services you offer or even upcoming events all right I want to shift gears and talk about potential Revenue here's how I would do the math if you're thinking about doing this let's just start with one tub what hours of the day would you be open and utilizing this tub maybe start at 10 A.M and the last wash is at 5 PM that gives you eight washes a day if the the customer was given a full hour to utilize the wash and let's say the customer was given 45 minutes to utilize the self-wash and you get 15 minutes for cleanup and let's say you charge 25 one tub with eight hours that's eight dogs times 25 that gives you 200 a day that's twelve hundred dollars a week 4 800 a month at 57 600 a year times to buy two tubs hundred and fifteen thousand three tubs 172 thousand eight hundred dollars so you can see here how this is an easy kind of passive potential Revenue stream for you I want you to play with your own numbers and hours and what you think you could charge to come up with your profit potential I mean I could talk and talk about self-wash tubs but there are some key things that you need to be thinking about if you're going to go down this path Like rules for your customers when they're actually in that room policies ahead of time like are you going to have them sign a liability waiver or show proof of vaccines will you have expectation ends for your employees on how they're supposed to clean the room or help customers and how will customers book their appointments or will they just walk right in how are you going to schedule these self-washes will you close them early are you going to leave time in between the booking of the appointments what supplies are you going to need like an on-site washer and dryer for towels would be amazing and how are you going to Market this service to maximize its use and make sure that it's a profitable Revenue stream for you so once you've made a decision to build out a self-wash business you'll be ready to grow a brand new very easy and highly in-demand profit Center for your pet business if this at all sounds overwhelming or you have more questions you have two options one is that you can join us in the pet boss Club because our members have how-to guides templates and trainings on exactly what to do in each of those areas I described so if you'd like to learn more just visit or you can keep doing it yourself and I can watch this video that I made for you about how to be successful in the pet industry or watch this one because YouTube thinks you'll like it I'll see you real soon on the next video foreign
Channel: Pet Boss Nation®
Views: 1,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dog wash, pet store profit, pet store ideas, pet business, pet boss nation, pet business strategy
Id: -m7pFiz6rDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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