How To Start A Clothing Brand In 2021 (THE ONLY WAY!)

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how is it going and my name is hayden and today in this video we are going to show you the best way to start a clothing brand in 2021 now this information is going to be vital and if you are looking to start a clothing brand look no further because this video is going to be giving you a ton of advice and help along the way i have personally been building my own clothing brand for the last four years now and i am very just well-versed in this entire atmosphere and what it takes to actually build a successful brand no matter what niche you are in i mean just take a look at my screen over here we have helped all of these people over the last year and a half now just starting with their brand and getting them scaled up to the moon so with that being said let's go ahead and jump right into this video i'm gonna go ahead and go over to my whiteboard and jump right into it alrighty so let's go ahead and get into the five most important things that you need to make sure you are doing before you start your own clothing brand in 2021 now there are a lot of really really important things that go into branding and especially just having your own brand especially going into the new year of 2021 but i think by far these are the most five important things that i personally think that you 100 need to be doing in order to see your brand successful next year so with that being said we're gonna go ahead and jump right into it so number one is good branding so when i say good branding there are really like five or ten layers that really goes into that but what i really mean when i'm saying that and the most important thing that i really can't stress enough to you guys is having a good brand name and meaning right so by having a unique brand name and like a really cool meaning behind it people feel like they can get behind your business and people love supporting a cause right at the end of the day people like wearing products especially clothing because it gives them a status symbol makes them feel cool and it's something they feel like they can get behind and support right so i'm not going to get like too too into the details here to try and keep this video as short and informative as possible but you just want to have a unique name and a unique meaning behind it right so you really just need to get your brain kind of thinking in a different direction and just thinking of ways that are unique and thinking of names that are just really different and will kind of hit somebody when you tell them your brand name like oh wow you know that's actually really cool like i really like that like what's it mean your your brand name should spike that curiosity factor and if it doesn't it's probably too boring and that's something that you definitely want to try and rethink another thing about your brand name when somebody googles so if you're trying to think of a brand name right now i would 100 go on google and google the brand name that you're thinking of using because if there's already five or six other brands using that brand name you are going to become a sheep and that's my third point right here don't be a sheep and what i mean by don't be a sheep you need to stick out from the crowd right at the end of the day there are hundreds of thousands of probably millions of people going out there and trying to start a clothing brand especially in 2021 but there are a finite amount of them that are actually going to be successful and if you have a name that everybody else is using or isn't really unique you're going to be a sheep and no one's going to care about you right at the end of the day people don't want to support a sheep or they don't want to go ahead and support something that doesn't really mean for anything or stand for anything right and another thing in order to get people's attention with your clothing brand you need to have a good designs okay if your designs aren't good and if they aren't wearable then there's a really good chance that you know nobody's going to want to buy your stuff right it's one thing to like get a couple orders from like your mom parents you know grandma grandpa whatever but if you really want to take your brand to a mass scale and become you know the next like supreme vape or whatever niche you're in it's going to come down to you having like really unique designs and if you don't know how to make designs it's almost like a whole nother topic i'll say for another video but um designs really are like everything of a brand right because the brand's all visual and if it isn't visually appealing or if someone doesn't like what you're putting out and they don't want to wear your designs then you're not gonna have customers right so that's probably i mean honestly all three of these points are really important but if you don't have good designs to start that's a huge red flag and you need to really think of getting designed so first i would definitely get a brand name picked out that's unique and special to you and also then i would start working on your designs because if you don't have good design and solid design light up then no one's going to want to purchase your brand and wear your product right pretty simple at the end of the day like think about it like you are all the stuff you wear because you like the design you feel cool wearing it and you like the brand right i mean like at the end of the day you just have to have a different perspective and put yourself into the consumer's shoes and when you start thinking as a consumer as a customer that's when stuff will really start picking up for you and i can promise you that so if you don't know how to make good designs you can you know like do some youtube videos searches on how to use photoshop or you can go to fiverr that's a big one i'll go ahead and write that down for you guys if you haven't heard of fiverr this is a great place to get um designs from they charge they're not really too expensive and once again i don't want to go too much into it but if you want to go ahead and get designs made if you're yourself not a graphic designer if you don't know anybody that knows how to design 100 go to and type in graphic designer for t-shirts or whatever you're trying to design your products and you'll find a couple of them that are really really good um so with that being said number two so now let's go ahead and get into number two and i just want to go ahead and apologize i'd literally just finish filming this entire video and my camera stopped recording so you're going to see a couple of the things that i wrote down on the board um like 10 minutes ago but like i said my camera's deleted everything so i got to restart which is totally fine because honestly i'm just going to get even better at all this information so if you see like a little change in scenery on the whiteboard here that is why so that being said let's go and jump into number two which is know your market right so once you go ahead and get the good branding down the brand name the meaning the designs all that stuff you need to know your market you need to know who you are selling to and how you're selling to them right so what i kind of mean by who you're selling to is like your dream customer so for example who is your dream customer who are the type of people that you think are actually going to love your products right for somebody like us in our niche we're in streetwear and we sell things like this i'm actually like literally wearing a hoodie right now and our market is somebody that's you know guy or girl doesn't matter 16 to 30 ish years old and they must like you know other streetwear stuff as well they may shop at like pacsun zara um h m forever 21 whatever right like we have a good idea of who are selling who we're selling to and who our dream customer is right so i'm going to add that dream customer because this is something that you guys definitely need to figure out and you need to go ahead and identify who your dream customer is and then how you're selling to them so once you figure out who your dream customer is you need to know how you're going to actually sell to them and how you're going to get them to buy your products right so there are literally a ton of different things you can do you can do um email marketing you can do word of mouth marketing you can do instagram ads you can do facebook ads tick tock ads snapchat ads tumblr ads like i don't know right like there's there's a ton of ads you guys can do and that is usually what everybody like preaches like oh ads ads ads ads but at the end of the day ads are very hard to get to convert especially when you're such a new business and you have like little to no social proof right so if you're like a random new brand that nobody else is really wearing your instagram is pretty bland and not really popping um at the end of the day people aren't going to want to purchase your stuff because they don't know if you're a real company in real business right so ads don't really work until you actually start getting customers and once you start getting customers that's when they start converting right so personally what we do what we do here at sherpas is totally different so we don't teach ads we recommend our jst free traffic method that is literally like a whole other can of worms that i cannot get into on this video it's exclusive to our students but that's what we do and that is what really kind of has gotten all the results you're seeing um in the other videos and like earlier that i showed you and all that good stuff is from that method right and that is because that is the easiest way to utilize free traffic and you're not having to pay for ads you're literally utilizing a free traffic method that we thought of and that took me about two years to perfect and you're getting customers to come to your store and buy stuff on autopilot totally free traffic you're not paying for them or anything like that so that is the best way to do it and we usually get people from about zero to five thousand dollars in sales and then we get them into uh next level which is another program that we have and then we scale them from five grand to like 30 40 50 grand like lucas is one of our crazy students he's had over a hundred thousand dollars in revenue uh within the last um like three or four months of him joining next level which is insane right so how are you selling them you need to figure that out for me what when i first started when i was in your shoes i had a word of mouth marketing and word of mouth marketing worked really well for me because i lived in a pretty small town and you know i was younger when i started my brand i was like 18 years old i'm 22 now and uh just fresh out of high school and i still knew a lot of people at high school um and i was you know not necessarily a popular kid right but people knew who i was because i live in a small town um and people like my brand i had good designs and i had a cool brand name and meaning behind it so people like my stuff so therefore they bought it right and that was word of mouth marketing that's what i utilized i just used my own social media platforms uh my siblings all my friends shouted me out just literally just word of mouth the most original way you can do it and that's that that that that is also free word of mouth marketing is free so you can definitely recommend that and then once you start progressing then you can start you know dabbling in the ads and all that other stuff but ads take money and you know it's usually hard to get ads running when you're starting a new business right so with that being said fulfillment so fulfillment is honestly like once again these are all very very important but this this right here alone is insane because if you don't and very imperative because if you don't know what to do well you don't know the who the what or the how of your brand you're screwed right like i'm using some crazy words over here because i really can't stress enough how important fulfillment is let's go and jump into that right so who is manufacturing your products right that's the who so you have two options here and this is the math i did a little bit ago before my phone cut off and screwed me so number one you have a screen printer screen printers are people you know i guarantee if you type in like say if you live in los angeles screen printers in los angeles you'll have dozens and dozens pop up say if you live in milwaukee screen printers in milwaukee like you'll have a ton pop up it's not uncommon to have screen printers in your area so this is probably you have a ton of them in your area whoever's watching this you probably have a ton right and this is what i did when i first started and then when i found out about this other method this honestly didn't come up pod until about two years after i started my business this is still pretty recent at least pretty recent to my knowledge because back then when i started if it even was the thing it wasn't big enough or it wasn't trustworthy enough to even be talked about because now this is a huge topic pod right so pod there's pros and cons to both this right so pods what we teach in sherpas we pretty much get all of our students in pod which is print on demand and we teach them something called printify right so printfy is a free it's not free cost user service but it's a free thing to have on your store you obviously pay them to fulfill your orders but if you just look up printify or print on demand suppliers you'll be able to learn a ton about them once again i don't want to get too far into it i want to try and keep this video to shorten to the point but print printed five and print on man is probably the better option right so with a screen printer there are pros and cons to both right we're going to get into that but first let's go ahead and cost about the what is your cost for manufacturing your cost per product so this is important because you need to figure out your cost per product because if you don't know your cost per product then you don't know what to sell for if you don't know what to sell for you know how much money you're making and if you don't know how much money you're making you're really not running a business so you need to figure out how much is it going to cost you and what's the best option for you personally depending on your situation right so the screen printer your average cost including the garment the screens the designs all that stuff that goes into screen printing is roughly six dollars a shirt right roughly if you have like a two to three color design it's about six bucks a shirt and if you're ordering like 100 100 to 200 of them that's pretty standard i would say for a screen printer right then you have number two which is printed five so this is your cost so printed price cost are more but i'll get into why they're more in just a minute here so print if i actually cost about 10 to 12 per product for a t-shirt depending on the blank and all that other stuff like if you have a good blank um and you're getting a good a good quality product made on printify it's gonna cost you about 10 12 bucks right and then so this is obviously the what is your cost to your customers and how much it's going to cost you for manufacturing so say you sell such a simple you know business path you sell at 30 bucks but it costs you 10 to produce then you have 20 profit left over right which is a really solid profit that's about 60 profit margins right which is really really good so then what you take with that profit is you put that profit back into your business this this is dollar signs over here this is money and then once you get that profit that's how you grow your business right you keep pumping it back into your business and that's how you grow that's how you can invest in you know facebook ad instagram ad marketing that's how you can invest in custom manufacturers like i'm wearing right now this is a fully 100 all-over print screen printed hoodie that is custom manufactured with our own fabric our own neck labels our own tags all of that but there's levels to this right and you need to be first at like level one before you get to level 10 which is like where this manufacturing is at and that mo this most importantly takes experience and money in order to get experience and money you need to put your time and you need to actually sell your products right so it's very important to figure out your cost for manufacturing because if you don't know your cost and it's very gonna be very hard for you to sell your products and make a profit so you need to figure out if you're going with the screen printer your margins are going to be nicer but once again the bad thing about a screen printer is you're going to be having to front a ton of physical inventory so the screen printer you're going to say hey bob i want you know 300 shirts made of this design and they may come back and say hey if you want to use our services our order minimum is 400 and then you have to order 400 search right that's a little high most order minimums are like 50 to 60 pieces but still when you're starting a clothing brand you know that is a lot of money that you have to front if you're getting like you know 100 shirts made at six bucks a pop that's 600 off the top of just you know product cost it's not a website theme it's not anything else that's just purely a product right and the beauty about printify about print on demand is you only pay for a product when it is printed right when it's actually someone orders from your shopify store you integrate it straight to printify they get the notification you click a button you pay then you pay print if i ten dollars that's how much your cost is and then you keep 20 bucks and that's the profit that goes back into your business bank account and then that's what fuels the growth of your business right so the big advantage to screen printers is it's cheaper the really the biggest advantage though for somebody like yourself that wants to start printing demand is it's safer you don't have to you know risk it and have that inventory cost because when i started my only option was screen printing so i was literally just like you know praying crossing my fingers praying to the gods that something would sell because i would have to go to los angeles and be like hey man i need you know shirts made like okay our ornament was 100 shirts or whatever and then if i ordered hoodies you know blank hoodies are like 10 times the cost of a t-shirt so that alone skyrocketed and everything was going you know crazy and i was sitting on a lot of inventory right so it was cheaper than print on demand but it was riskier so keep that in mind printify is your way to go because you know right now you really don't want to lose anything right because if you lose your entire business or if you lose all your money then you can go bankrupt then you're screwed right so print on the man is a safer bet that's what we teach our students so that's what i'd recommend so if i were you i would go this one right because i made the cost a little bit more expensive but the reason why it costs more is because of the house so how are you getting your customers their orders so with printify and print on demand they are literally fulfilling orders for you so they have their own manufacturers they have their own stuff all figured out and all configured and they are literally getting your customers their products shipped directly to the door you as the business owner don't physically have to ever see any products which is nice um but it costs a little bit more right and that's why it costs about 10 to 12 bucks with prettify because they're fulfilling your orders for you and they have to pay the you know customers are the customers their employees um those wages so they can fulfill the orders for your customers right so that's why it costs a little bit more um to go through printify but say if you don't want to go through printify if you want to have more of a hands-on thing that's totally fine that's what i did for the first like two years and i still am actually doing to this day then instead of printify doing it you are going to be doing it you are going to be responsible for getting all of your customers your orders their orders you're gonna have to be fulfilling everything yourself so you're gonna have to get poly mailers you're gonna have to put the product in a poly mailer you're gonna have to get packing slips you print that from shopify then you're going to go ahead and get a shipping label which you can buy a shipping label printer or you can print it out like a piece of paper on a regular computer printer and you can then tape it onto a shipping poly mailer so i mean as i'm sure you can tell this way the screen printer route is a lot harder to do on the fulfillment side of things um on getting their customers their orders the print on demand is definitely a lot easier right so it's once again this is all personal preference personally if you're just starting what we teach at sherpas is we get somebody on the printed five print and demand model we scale them up to about ten fifteen thousand dollars a month and then we go ahead and talk to them about custom manufacturing getting their own products screen printed and all that good stuff right so i'd recommend going with printify print and demand um but if you wanna be more hands-on just know you really need to make sure you have this dialed in the how and you need to make sure you have the what of your product cost is going to cost you so very very important once again so make sure you guys are taking notes on all this hopefully you are hopefully you know you're taking back all this information it really is truly good stuff so then number four so stay committed so literally none of this is going to matter if you quit if you simply give up and quit you are going to not make it if you don't make it if you give up and quit all this step one through three all the stuff that you're putting your hard effort work time and money into isn't gonna matter right and this is the most important part of the step because if you give up if you quit you're done your business seems to exist and everything you're doing doesn't even matter right and if you're going into this journey i'll be the first to tell you this is not easy this is honestly probably one of the hardest business models that you can possibly start and it truly takes so much time and energy to really get nailed down and there's going to be plenty of times you're going to want to give up believe me there's plenty of bad business deals that i went through that i wanted to throw everything in the in the arena i just wanted to quit take off my you know my business owner hat my clothing brand job and i was like i just want to quit i'm done i'll go back to my nine to five or whatever right there's plenty of times that that happened to me personally but i didn't give up and ultimately the reason why i didn't give up the reason why i have a thriving clothing brand now the reason why i have this business with ryan and sherpas is because i built an empire off my clothing brand because i didn't give up and there's gonna be plenty of things that are gonna be throwing your way plenty of obstacles but it's very important to stay committed and don't give up because at the end of the day there are literally you know thousands hundreds of thousands of people going out there starting their own brand and they don't have this they don't have the grit that it takes in order to be successful and you know it may take you longer to figure everything else out but if you just don't give up and if you outwork everybody else you're going to win you're going to come out on top right you're going to be you know the ultimate the winner and you're going to have the successful business right and this is something that's very very important because if you don't stay committed or if you give up you're done you might as well just quit call today none of this even matters so it's going to be hard it's going to be tough but then they stay committed just know you're doing this for you know not only financial freedom but to leave an impact to have a business to be a business owner to just have that like that effect of just having your own brand and i know it's something that you're all really really wanting and if you want it bad enough i promise you you'll get it so don't give up so then number five so i know everything we just went through one two three four all the steps and like i said there's actually like 10 or 15 more steps to this but i wanted to condense everything down for this video it's hard it seems like a lot of work you may be like hey like i really want to start a brand but like damn man like all this stuff you want to do all this a lot of work and you know you're right it really is a lot and it's really hard to do and that's why i recommend just to simply get the map right and by getting the map everything else is going to become so much easier all these steps step one two three and four are literally going to just be cake and it's literally going to be like a cakewalk for you right because at the end of the day we take people from sherpas with literally zero experience right and they understand people are watching this video they may have you know tried a brand once the price before and failed uh they may be totally new to this they may just really want to start a brand and get into business or maybe they want to start e-commerce and they want to start a brand e-commerce because they see it's like the least saturated niche and it truly is the best business model to start online right now in 2021 so if you're watching the video you're in a good place you're already miles ahead of your competition that wants to start a business especially clothing business because this is the best place to be to get the map we have taken so many people like lucas from zero to over a hundred thousand dollars in sales in less than six months of joining our program which is absolutely insane right so we know the mac we have the map we know what it takes to get to the top of the mountains because at the end of the day you know starting your own clothing and there are so many mountains you have to climb and so many treacherous trails you have to go through it's going to be hard and you're going to be wanting to give up a lot i can promise you that so just don't do that and just simply if you want to get started with your own brand and get to the top safely that's what we're here at sherpas that's what we're here for right that's what we're going to do for you we've done for hundreds of other people we have taught them the good branding we have showed them the marketing skills it takes in order to actually sell products we have showed them the fulfillment side of things we mastered this we show them how to actually have a scalable business model we've taught them how to be an entrepreneur we taught them how to have the mindset because honestly the mindset truly isn't one of the most important things you get them all the tactics but if you don't have the mindset to put it to you so the mindset not to quit they're useless right so we literally teach people how to actually become an entrepreneur and how to have the mindset of a winner and somebody that actually can be successful in business and that's all because we have the map we've done it for years ourselves we've done it for hundreds of other people and if you're watching this video and if you want to start your own brand you know by all means there's really two options there's either one you can go at it the hard way you can do all this stuff yourself and don't trust me i'm going to be here as much as i can you know putting all these youtube videos out all these informational videos out to help you but then today my all my time and like my true time and value and just knowledge is spent on growing my business and helping out clients at sherpas right because i can only hop on a video here do like a 20 30 minute video once or twice a week but you know i'm literally inside sherpas helping out all of our clients like every single day for hours on end working on my own business teaching them the tactics that i'm figuring out that worked for me there's a lot that goes into it as you can see so i can only do so much on a video and you can only do so much you know searching the internet trying to get the answers to the map that you have in your hand you know try and get the trails to the map right but you don't you just don't know so number five get the map if you want to start your own brand in 2021 these are all things you need to take in consideration if you don't have any of these figured out you're gonna be in trouble so make sure you guys do everything on the list and if you want to get the map there's actually gonna be a couple links in the description below go and check them out you can book a call to talk to either somebody on our team or myself and we'll go ahead and help you guys out and we'll get you to the top of the mountain safely so that being said i'm going to wrap up this video thank you guys so much for watching this video i hope you guys took away a lot from this content if you guys want to see more go ahead and be sure to like the video and drop us a comment in the comment section beneath let me know what you thought if you want me to like elaborate on any of the other topics let me know in the comments and i can go ahead and do maybe a whole nother video just on fulfillment or just on marketing or just some branding right at the end of the day i just want to do content that's going to help you guys out so let me know in the comments what you guys think and i'll go ahead and catch you guys in the next video and hopefully we'll see you inside at sherpas
Channel: Ryan Mathews
Views: 3,604
Rating: 4.8554215 out of 5
Keywords: Print on Demand, Print on Demand Business, Clothing Business, Clothing Brand, Clothing Line, Start a clothing business, picking products, getting customers, branding, clothing inventory, marketing, designs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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