HOW TO START A BODY BUTTER BUSINESS WITH $100 | Inventory For A Body Butter Business

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hey what's up it's your girl now and this is slay the Renee Way a place where passionate entrepreneurs can come to grow glow and succeed in their small businesses so if that sounds like you you're gonna hit that subscribe button because your girl was dropping gym after gym after gym so in today's video I have something very exciting I want to talk to you guys about I've been doing some research and I know that summertime is coming up and cosmetics and body butters are about to be popping showing you guys how you can actually start a body buttons business for under a hundred dollars and get all your supplies ingredients and everything that you need to start on Amazon so I'm going to walk you guys through exactly what the resources and supplies that I've actually used and how you can do this for under a hundred dollars like if you got a hundred dollars today you can start selling your body buttons within a couple of weeks so if you're excited go ahead and give this video a thumbs up subscribe to my channel and let's go ahead and jump into it so the first thing that I'm going to walk through is all the different ingredients that you would need if you're thinking of starting to sell body butters this is for beginners if you've never sold or created body butters I will also include videos on how you can actually create body butters I will be showing you guys here shortly but I'm going to give you all the list of ingredients then we're going to go through the containers then we're gonna go through packaging and lastly we're going to go through like extra tools or supplies or things that you might need to make your body butters right okay so as far as the ingredients goes obviously you guys we need some sort of a shea butter so we're going to go and type in shea butter and let's look at what the results show us we have only a hundred dollars to spend you guys so we got to make sure we're staying on budget um we want something that's between two and five pounds to start okay anything less than that you might be making something for like testing or for personal use but to actually be able to sell them you need between two and five pounds to start which I'm going to show you guys if you scroll down there's a five pound there's five pounds for about 20 or so dollars just gotta keep scrolling okay here we go here we got a five pound pack for 26 dollars that's not bad it's um unrefined which we love that but let's see if there's another one for cheaper than 25. okay here's one this is herb Organics pure raw African shea butter five pounds is twenty three dollars all right right on budget twenty three dollars okay so we're gonna add this one to our cart you can play around with this and see what actually works for you but I'm trying to make sure that we're staying on budget we saving some coins this is for the girls that want to start a business but we don't got a lot of spend so 100 all right so here's our shea butter next you need some sort of a carrier oil you can use any oil of your choice I will show you the carry oil that I prefer so we're going to type in carrier oils so far our total was twenty four dollars we're at 24 dollars okay you can use coconut oil jojoba oil avocado oil there's grape seed um what did I say jojoba oil olive oil grapeseed oil sweet almond oil so many Vitamin E oil there are so many different types of carrier oils that you can use but we're trying to stay under a hundred dollars like I'm gonna keep saying so let's scroll and see if we can find here's one this is 16 ounce coconut oil that's only twelve dollars that's not really bad at all 16 ounces is really good we want between 8 and 16 ounces of carrier oil and if you're doing two different carrier oils you can do four ounces of olive oil and then four ounces of grapeseed oil it depends on what you want for your formulation so let's see okay here's another 16 ounce coconut oil for fourteen dollars that's on budget we got a jojoba oil four ounces for ten dollars but I think we can do better than that y'all let's see here we go fractionated coconut oil for ten dollars okay this one if you were using coconut oil this is very very affordable to start okay let's keep going let's keep going I'm just showing you guys some of the different options here we go almond oil we have sweet almond oil this is 16 ounces really good size and a really great price for 11 dollars so I would definitely stay within the 10 to 15 range for your oil and like I said I figuration too then try to get them under ten dollars each okay but you're just starting you're starting small okay you're going to be able to build your inventory up once you get more money from actually selling so next after you get your carrier oil you're gonna need some sort of maca powder and make sure that you're doing good for skin safe so type in micro powder for body butter I like to go over here you guys into the under 25 section if you can scroll over there because that way it'll filter all the results for you and you won't be looking through prices that we can't afford because we only got a hundred dollars so Let's see we want like a good variety of colors we want some cute colors 24 sets of microfiber for only seven dollars it's going to be a little bit of micro powder in each but like I said we're starting small we don't necessarily need tubs and tubs of maca powder you just need a Sprinkle of it to add some color so this is cool it's a nice little seven dollars okay um between six and eight dollars for Micah powder is what I would recommend let's see um okay here we have another one this is 26 colors for 8.99 still very affordable a lot of color variation um let's see we have some more here's the brand that I use for my body butters it's called marblers and I get the big bag like this but that's once you actually have to make tons and tons of body butter so start please don't buy this big bag okay you don't really need all of that to start you can get multiple different colors in a tiny little jar or a tiny little container Okay so yeah okay here's another one y'all twelve for six dollars so six six to eight dollars for maca powder and you're definitely going to want some color on your body butter so get your Micah powder another ingredient we need you guys we definitely need the fragrance oils you want it to smell good it's supposed to be spring and summer turn so I highly recommend only doing two cents to start you can start with two different fragrances and then have a plain option for someone who doesn't want to do any fragrances they just want the shea butter you know two cents to start and then as you start to get your inventory as you start to get more sales and people start requesting different cents then add don't ever start and have 30 different cents because first of all it's going to be hard for you second of all it's going to be too much money and third of all you don't actually really know what your customers are going to like yet so pick two very common um very Universal type of fragrances especially for like spring and summer and we want to get something that is 30 milliliters and under seven dollars each two fragrances under seven dollars or about seven dollars so say we wanted to do I really like this brand right here though forever yours that's a really nice brand I've tried them out before and it smells really good and it lasts once you put it in the body butter you can actually smell it so let's see um this P and J P and J trading they also have really really good smelling fragrance oils yeah I love them so then we also can see all right let me just scrolling just trying to look okay here's one that is twelve dollars so that Asian Orchid that's 12 okay it's okay y'all don't worry we're gonna go here click that under 25. okay under 25 dollars okay here's something there's a warm vanilla sugar fragrance oil for only six dollars that's really affordable and okay go to page two we're just gonna keep scrolling it on you do your research you're gonna have to take your time but I'm showing y'all in real time what it's like to actually shop for okay here's one the P J P and J trading Brand This is a 30 milliliter fragrance oil in a scent coconut and it's only 6.99 same thing over here for peony which I have this phrase myself it smells so good seven dollars so definitely check out the P J trading brand I'm gonna link this stuff down below there are seven dollars each so that's about 14 to 15 dollars for your fragrance oils now that we have our fragrance oils we've done the shea butter our carrier oils maca powder fragrance oil there's something else that we need okay so to make sure that your body butters are not like super greasy on the skin you have to get something called arrowroot Arrow root powder it's like this powder that will help to minimize your greasy feeling like you want your body rolls to be moisturizing but not like leave everyone greasy every time they sit on something they're getting grease all over stuff so I'll show you guys the one that I found that is really affordable this one right here this organic arrowroot powder that's a good size 16 ounces is only ten dollars we still within our budget but this one right here this Judy's is eight ounces for eight dollars and like I said because it's you're just starting you're going to have a small amount of body butters you don't really need but like teaspoons of this actual arrowroot powder so you can do this one for seven dollars um they also have this one for 6.99 seven dollars so you got options okay between six and eight dollars should be about how much you're spending for the arable powder two stay under a hundred dollars if you got more than that you can ball out but I'm talking to the girls who got a hundred dollars or less all right so I think that's it for the ingredients now we're going to move on to getting our containers okay like I said because we are just starting you guys you don't need to make more than 12. okay you literally can start selling your body butters two different scents 12 body butters total you can make four or five or one cent four or five of another Cent and then two unscented or however you want to mix it up and four ounces the little four ounce jars are a good size to start so look up four ounce containers with lids um I'm sorry that's the wrong cosmetic container is four ounce with lids okay I'll show you guys the ones that I personally use remember we're going to spend between 15 and 17 on containers that's it so you see we have a 36 pack right here that's 20 and that's a really good price but that's a little bit more expensive and a little bit more than what we need for right now if you look over here we have these four ounce jars that I personally have purchased this exact brand right here two zazo two zazzo and I think it's 12 and here yeah it's 12. so ten dollars y'all can be dead Okay add that to the card um if you don't like the black Lids you can keep scrolling and see if they have any white list like right here these are four ounces with 12 again for another ten dollars different brand but between 10 and 15 or so dollars for your 12 jars that's all you need to start okay and also I'll show you if you're doing eight ounce if you're doing eight ounce we can also get between 15 or so dollars like right here we have these eight ounce Amber jars it's 12 of them 15.99 still in budget okay Amber is a really nice uh I guess like color container I don't really see that very often so if you want to stand out get you the Amber Lids or Amber jars okay the only thing that you're going to need as far as packaging on here is you're going to need tissue paper whichever color you want okay it depends on your branding so you got about seven to eight dollars that you can spend on tissue paper if you want to do different colors and have packs like this if you want just plain white there's 100 sheets for eight dollars tissue paper edges it's make it makes it look really seamless when you pack them up if you've seen me ever package my products always use tissue paper okay but we're not going to actually purchase our boxes on Amazon because we we only got a hundred dollars baby we don't got enough money for that for this box okay let me go over here okay the free shipping supplies we're looking for the smallest box they have the medium one I think is going to be the smallest I don't think they have a small oh yes I do but that's a flat box okay that's a flat box where's the one that I get hold on let me see because there is one that I've used myself okay I think it is the medium size I'm sorry guys it's been a minute since I've done this okay so this medium box right here is what you would need and it's free literally all you do is choose the quantity that you want do you want um five boxes you want up to ten or do you want the big pack of 25 okay you can choose how many different quantities of you that you want if you want to that would be 50 boxes but for us we just need one but now back to Amazon because we've got our tissue paper and we've got the boxes now now you need shipping labels okay so type in shipping labels for printer okay if you don't have a shipping label printer this is something that you can do that is just as effective and it's actually a peel and stick label just in case you don't have a label printer yet because y'all will be getting a label printer I promise you that but they have shipping label paper that you can get like this five dollars yeah five dollars these are eight and a half and eight about half eight and a half by 11 inch shipping labels that comes with two shipping labels on the sheet so when you go into print your orders out you'll be able to print two labels at a time and it can go through your printer and then you peel off your label slap it on your uh box take it to the post office okay five dollars you have five dollars all right so now we've done everything as far as shipping containers and ingredients now we gotta go and get our supplies because I want to make our body blenders with awesomest wise first thing we need is a mixer until you can afford an actual stand mixer all you need is a hand mixer so look hand mixer under 25 okay I'm gonna show y'all the one that I added to the cart it was like 12 or 13 and it had great reviews I think it's this one here's one thirteen dollars make sure you check the reviews okay this one says 900 plus bought in the past month go through read the reviews see what other people experience but keep in mind y'all it's not gonna be state of the art because we only have a hundred dollars but something to start you off okay that's thirteen dollars here's one for thirteen let's see what else we got okay I think those are the two that I saw that were like in the price that I needed to be even this one right here this one's 16 but that's a little bit more expensive than what we want so we got a stand mixer now we need stainless steel mixing bowls okay if you're gonna be making your body butters day in and day out you need stainless steel bowls so that you can freeze them if you're gonna do like the whipped body butters where you whip it and then you put in the freezer for a little bit I'm sorry double boil method where you melt the shea butter down whip it and then freeze it again and then whip it again for real fluffiness you want to have something that you can put these away in and we are again going to the under 25 section under 25 and let's see what we have okay here's a set six or Twenty this might be a little bit too much y'all this might be too much we need it there's one on here that I found for about twelve dollars these are in my cart already let me show you okay so I got a set of six there's a set of six they're flat bowls they don't have lids because what I've learned is you can use like plastic wrap and you can cover your bowls in plastic wrap really tight especially since it's going to be in there for a short amount of time you don't necessarily need the lid um you can do plastic wrap to secure them so that nothing's getting in your body but it's why they're freezing the refrigerator here's a set of sticks for twelve dollars with this set of six you're gonna be able to mix different colors in different bowls especially if you're trying to pipe them with two different colors for one scent or something like that you don't want to have you need a couple of bowls to do this so here's your bowls now we gotta stand then we got a mixer our bowls and now we need piping bags okay if you're gonna pipe your Butters you need a Piping Bag set something that you can actually put your body butters in the jars with so you're gonna need a Piping Bag set and this one right here is Affordable this is eight dollars for a hundred bags and it comes with the tips the tips are going to be key if you want like that nice like a cupcake topping like type of look okay that's seven dollars but then we have this one over here these are reusable we don't want that we want disposable you want some disposable bags okay here's another set but this one doesn't come with the tips we need the tips okay here's one for eight dollars a hundred bags for yeah 100 bags with six different tip styles okay okay all right so now we got our piping tips in the bags okay so then the last thing that I think we need to go ahead and get is we need labels to go on our jars so we're gonna look up two by two or two by four labels it depends on what size you want for your jars but I'm going to show y'all what the options are guys these are going to go around the perimeter of your jar okay and then they also have 300 labels two by four this can go right into your printer design your labels on canva print them right on the label boom you're done so all you need is between six and eight dollars for your labels and then that is it okay so we just walked through all the different tools and things that you're going to actually need to actually create the body buttons right we've got our ingredients our packaging supplies containers and any actual tool that we need to actually create our body butters but we're not done there you guys I'm gonna give you a little bit more tea if you haven't already you guys can check out these two videos I have one video I have two different videos three website eCommerce platforms that you can actually create your website for free zero dollars we have Big Cartel over here in ecwid over here so check out either one of those and see which one you actually like better both of them work perfectly fine they're amazing for anybody who doesn't have money to invest in their website starting and I think that's going to be it you guys I think we've covered everything this is something that I wish that I would have known had I have just been starting my cosmetic based business but I'm helping the girls out make sure you guys go ahead and give this video a thumbs up subscribe to the channel and comment down below if you're excited to start your body butter business if you have any questions about anything let me know and I could do a separate video explain it more in detail but that's pretty much it so I hope you all enjoyed this video thank you guys so much for watching I'll see you on the next one peace foreign [Music]
Channel: Slay The Renee’ Way
Views: 103,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buisness inventory haul, small business inventory haul, small buisness inventory haul, body butter business inventory, body butter buisness, body butter business for beginners, body butter business essentials, body butter business 2023, small buisness haul, amazon inventory clearance, amazon inventory, how to start a body butter business, how to start your own business, whipped body butter business, 2023 business planning, starting a small business, 2023 business ideas
Id: _p5HLIpIKL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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