HOW TO START 2024 SUCCESSFULLY: 2024 goal setting template, vision, reinvent yourself, & mindset!

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before we get into this video I do just want to say if your year has not yet begun if it has not been off to the best start if you do not yet have your vision your goals and everything mapped out for you do not worry you are not behind you have more than enough time to get back on track and hopefully this video helps you out with that hello my friend I am so glad that you've clicked on this video today because me and you need to have a word I am going to share with you in this video exactly how you yes you are going to have the best start to your 2024 this year is not going to be like last year it's not going to be like 2022 it's not going to be like preco postco in fact we're removing the words covid-19 from our vocabulary because this is going to be your fresh start this is going to be your season this is your year so if you're ready to be serious this time time around I mean come on be honest with yourself you've just been so unserious for the past few years and you do not want to repeat that same cycle you want to see change you want to step into your potential you want to actualize your destiny you want to really fulfill the goals the Visions the dreams that you have then in this video I'm going to share exactly how you are going to create your vision for the year map out your intentional goals execute on those goals and not make excuses and truly reinvent yourself and change your life so make sure you stay tuned and let's get into the first point the first thing that you're going to have to do if you want to change your life this year is get comfortable with sacrifice to transform your life it takes a lot of sacrifice many decisions that are going to make you feel uncomfortable are going to make the people around you feel uncomfortable but it's all going to be necessary for your growth a lot of the decisions that you're going to have to make in this season are going to be decisions that go against the norm against the societal standards against what people in your environment are doing against what your circle of influence are doing it's going to be decisions that are leading you to step outside of your comfort where you're now within the unknown you don't know what this where this decision is going to lead then on the top of that you've got people around you who are going to try and influence you and persuade you that you're not making the right decision because they want to bring you back down to their level of comfort so you're going to make a lot of decisions in this season that are not going to typically make sense however this is going to Aid and support your growth depending on what you are wanting to achieve this year which we will get on to when we discuss Vision but depending on on what that is just know that there's always going to be a level of sacrifice it doesn't matter what you're working towards in order for you to be gain in something it means that some things need to be taken away because you need to create that room and that space to welcome in new blessings so let's say you have a goal of being healthier this year in order for you to achieve that goal and realize your potential within your health it's going to require you to remove maybe fast food remove certain bad habits that you had so there's always going to be a necessary sacrifice whether you are let's say starting a business in order for you to start that business in the beginning you may need to sacrifice income you may need to sacrifice your time you may need to sacrifice your social life for a season of course but all of this is something that you're going to have to come to terms with and I think the reason why a lot of people go through the same Cycles year after after year is because they're unwilling to give up their Comforts temporarily for a long-term gain if you've been saying you wanted to start this business for the past few years and you haven't started it yet but yet you're out every single weekend with your friends going for food going on trips then it just goes to show that you actually wasn't willing to sacrifice your time your resources your money your income your social life in order to prioritize this business so that's why you haven't yet seen the result if you are serious about maybe moving into the next phase of life wher you are ready to get into a serious relationship whether you're ready to start a family whether you're ready to look into marriage but yet you're still not putting yourself out there maybe you're single right now you want to start dating you want to be in a relationship but you're not putting yourself out there you're not seeking the environments where you can potentially find the right partner or you're not willing to give give up spending time with your friends 24/7 then that just goes to show that you're not ready to sacrifice your current comfort for the long-term gain so just know that regardless of what your vision is what your goal is it's going to take a level of sacrifice and it's not going to feel comfortable it's not meant to be comfortable if I was to sit here and list all of the sacrifices that I've made even just in the last year alone that has got me to this point I definitely sacrificed a lot of my social life in order to build my business in order to work I've sacrificed a lot of time with my friends now I'm not saying that you just have to that now cut everybody off but just know that when you're in a different season in your life to other people then you have to honor That season and you have to realize okay in order for me to move into this chapter for example with me I've just got married so in order for me to seriously move into this chapter in my life it required me to know that okay I can't be out every weekend I can't be doing this anymore because I need to prioritize stepping into wifehood stepping into marriage and and what that chapter looks like so it doesn't matter where you're at at life just know that it's going to take a level of sacrifice and you have to be willing to do that and if you're not willing to do that then it's going to show because you won't see the result that you want and year after year you'll be in the same situation the hardest thing about making sacrifices is not wanting to let people down and having that fear of Abandonment that fear of missing out and honestly speaking these are just things you're going to have to get over as you get older you realize that you know this is just a part of adulting this is a part of us maturing this is a part of us growing up so it gets to a point where you're going to have to grow up like it's that simple and you're going to have to realize that okay my family my friends the people around me may not be comfortable with the decision I need to make but it's now time for me to be selfish and it's now time for me to reclaim my life because at the end of the day nobody's going to live your life for you so you are responsible for the results that you see for the transformation you see not them so yes they may be pacifying you and comforting you for this season but 5 years down the line when you're not where you want to be when you haven't realized your potential when you've allowed your ambition to go to waste who's then going to be responsible you can't then blame your friends you can't blame your family you can't blame your boyfriends you have to take full responsibility and it's not always nice but that's just what comes with being a leader it's about you stepping up and knowing that okay if I'm a leader I'm 100% responsible for My Success I'm 100% responsible for my failure I'm 100% responsible for my um sacrifices so that's the first point know that you have to make sacrifices I'd even encourage you to make a list right now of all of the sacrifices that you may need to make going into the next few months and if that's a bit too overwhelming then just think about this month what are some things that you can sacrifice this month to allow in space for the new blessings that you're wanting to receive so Point number two let's create a phrase or word for the year personally I like to go for phrases just because I like to spice it up a bit and I want to make it a phrase that is exciting to me so every time I say it I'm just reminded of my vision what I'm working towards and and I just feel like certain phrases hold energy and words do too but let's say for example if you was to set a word for this year and your word is consist consistency yes that's great but I mean it's kind of boring as well and after a while you'll be like okay but what does consistency even look like what does it mean and it just allows room for doubt so I feel like when you create a phrase you're covering all bases and you know that that phrase is personal and relatable to you because you decided upon that phrase so here are some of my phrases for 2024 the first one is infinite energy this is going to be my year of infinite energy infinite resources and just knowing that I have the ability to just tap into unlimited energy whenever I feel like it I am not allowing my energy to prevent me from achieving what I need to achieve this year so anytime I'm feeling low on energy and I know I need to push through and get things done and don't get me wrong the is definitely going to be time of rest and I'm not someone who is just like go go go hustle grind that's not me but I do recognize that are going to be seasons for that because the life I'm wanting to live is going to require a lot of work intentional work of course so my word is infinite energy and anytime I'm feeling low on energy I'm just going to remind myself I have infinite energy and I'm just going to locate and source that energy the next one is my tank is full and I actually heard this phrase at a Bible study that I went to recently and the message was just sharing how we already have all of the resources we need our tank is already full everything we are seeking is already within our reach if it's not directly within our reach it's indirectly within our reach from our networks from the people around us and it actually reminds me of a video that I did for Q4 I can't remember exactly what video but I remember sharing in that video that for the whole of Q4 I wasn't going to invest in anything else um in terms of resources because I already have a wealth of resources courses Etc within my reach didn't need anything else and it's often the case for many of us our tanks are already full we already have the knowledge the information the resources that we need we now just need to execute so that's what I'm always going to remind myself when I feel like I need more I need to get that um program or I need this new template or I need this new resource I'll firstly just see what I already have in my library see what I can make use of and just know that my tank is already full I already have an abundance of resource next thing is to execute now think later and I love this one because I'm definitely someone who can overthink and my overthinking leads to paralysis so instead of that I'm just going to say to myself execute on it now and think about it later and a prime example is this video I've been overthinking my come back to YouTube for way too long and literally in this second I thought you know what I'm going to sit down and I actually wanted to curl my hair and everything and I thought no we're not doing any of it we're sitting down and we're creating this video so that is definitely my phrase for this year execute now think later so what is your word/phrase SL phrases going to be for 2024 let me know down in the comments I would love to hear them and I'm sure many other people will be inspired too all right so next we are then going to look at your vision statement so this is actually an activity that I had everybody who went through the reinvent yourself challenge do this is what you call your crazy Faith vision statement and what you want to do is create a bunch of statements for the next 12 months now a lot of people when they create their vision statement they're thinking way too small and they're not allowing themselves to dream big they're not allowing themselves to really see what would what could be possible if there were no limits and often when I do this exercise people would say some really simple basic statement that is not exciting not um doesn't produce any adrenaline like doesn't have any emotional attachment to you at all and I'd be like uh-uh you better go back circle around a block and write that again because this year we want to be chasing after our big ambitious often scary very often fear driving goals we want to be setting a vision statement that is bigger than the results and the evidence that we have currently created for ourself because in order to grow you're going to have to stretch outside of your comfort zone you're going to have to do things that haven't been done before you're stepping into unknown territory so allow yourself to dream big and a way to get yourself started with this is to ask if there were no limits to my potential what would I do do so in the next 12 months if there were no limits to my potential what would I do and then just go off and write that and this is something that even I had to check myself on recently because I was sat with my husband and we was planning out our shared vision for 2024 and what we want to achieve and I even said to him in that session I'm feeling quite bored right now like the session was a flop to be honest um that session in particular was a flop I mean we do many planning sessions together and they always seemed to be successful but this one in particularly just didn't go well the energy was off we wasn't really vibing and I just said to him I feel bored by this so we ended up just taking a pause and I realized the reason I was feeling bored is because I just wasn't thinking big enough I wasn't dreaming big enough and I was playing very safe so I went back to the drawing board and I had to write out my statements again and I had to really think okay if there were no limits to my potential what would I achieve in the year of 2024 and go ahead and write and I really want to share with you a couple examples of the crazy Faith vision statements that were created in the reinvent yourself challenge I'll leave some right here because it was just incredible to see the women really expand their potential really expand their creativity their imag imagination and just what they see as possible for them and then of course we discussed okay how are you going to achieve that and that's where the excitement comes in that's where the energy is because you're like wow I have this big goal I know it is possible to achieve but lowkey I still don't fully believe it but now I've got this system where I can execute and I can get it done oh it's just it's just so exciting and creating vision statements and seeing my clients and students create vision statements and then create execution systems and goals to complement that it it's just my favorite thing and I love to see the transformation there so I'm going to leave some examples and I'm also going to leave some information in the description all right so now you have your vision statement ideally you want to have at least 10 at least 10 statements and if you're thinking okay but I've run out of things to say segment it into the different areas of your life so you have relationships Health um personal spiritual Fitness career finances segment it in down into all of these different areas of your life and what is relatable to you and then write an individual vision statement for all of these areas now here's the catch what you're going to do next is what's going to help you really just blow up your results this year and if you know anything about my journey from my channel then you'll know I'm a huge fan of the 12we Year system and I like to set goals and aim to achieve them in 12 weeks or less now I'm going to of course show you my system for that and I do have a template as well so I'll leave the information down in the description but we're going to dive into that template for a hot SEC because I want to show you exactly how you can create a similar execution system so what you're going to do now you have your vision statement is you're going to focus on the next three months only so we're in January now February March April you are only going to focus on on April and see imagine April being your full year like just discard the rest of the year for now of course you have to revisit it of course you've got plans coming up Etc but in terms of you achieving maximum results right now and in terms of you having that crazy transformation Reinventing yourself I just want you to focus on the next 3 months sl12 weeks so this is the 12we master plan template this is a execution System created on notion for those of you who are serious about achieving your goals in 12 weeks or less and in my humble opinion this is one of the best templates that is out there it's so functional so optimized and it's designed to help you execute so as you can see you have a space to put your free main goals now I suggest you only work on free goals at a time and the reason for that is because you want to narrow your focus and increase the intensity so let's say you've now created your vision statement and you've got maybe 10 different bullet points on there for what you'd love to achieve within the next 12 months of course you're not now going to go and work on all of those 10 things at the same time so you need to decide okay what do I need to prioritize first in order to move the needle forward get closer to my result so based on your crazy Faith vision statement go ahead and circle maybe three of the key priorities that you need to focus on for this next three months and that's what's going to become your goals so you're going to put that in goal one goal two and goal three and then once you've got your overall goal you can then start to break down the different strategies and the different action steps that you're going to need in order to achieve that result as you continue to scroll down on this tracker once you start to input your goals you'll see that there's now a section for you to add your tactics so your tactics are going to be your action steps that you're going to focus on every single day in order to get you closer to this result now I'm definitely a firm believer in creating small consistent incremental changes as opposed to creating a massive transformation overnight and not being able to sustain it so it's better for you to create maybe three to four different action steps step that you're going to do every single day and as the days are going by it may not seem like there's much progress but over the space of 12 weeks you're going to see a huge transformation and not only that it's now become a habit as opposed to you just focusing on going full steam ahead blowing all of that Steam and by the time you get to 12 weeks you've already dropped off or you're not consistent or you've ended up resenting it because you haven't romanticized the Journey of it so instead you want to focus on creating smaller tactics and this is something that I do go a lot more in depth into within my private community so if you are interested in purchasing this template you can also join the community and you get weekly trainings accountability check-ins and walkthroughs of how to use this template so make sure you head to my description to find out more about that so for the purpose of this video I'm going to do an example goal so let's say I have a goal of hitting 200k subscribers on YouTube so now I'm going to fill in my strategies so I'm going to post three times per week I'm going to collaborate with other creators I'm going to do keyword optimization okay let's I'm just going to stick with those threee for now you do not have to fill out all five for the strategies between three and five is ideal so those are going to be my key strategies now I've completed that section I can go down to the goal section and you can see that the goal has autop populated so hitting 200k so now I can put in the different tactics that I have for that so you've got I've got my strategy which is to post three times per week so in order to do that what do I need to do every single day I need to brainstorm video ideas and I can actually choose the days I'm going to do that so let's say every Monday I want to commit that to brainstorming I can select Monday and then for the weeks I can select every week if I want to do every week or maybe I just want to do it every other week so I can do week one week three week five week seven so on so on so I'm going to select every week for this one another tactic I could do if I'm wanting to post um free times is I could let's see I could film film free videos so if I want to batch my videos and let's say Tuesdays are my content creation days so I can select Tuesdays for that and and that can be every week as well so you can really optimize it to your schedule to the frequency that is required for you to achieve this goal and then you'll just go on and follow this this format for all the rest of your goals so it's super easy to fill out and you can also track your progress as well so you can see how you're getting on throughout each week so once you move down to the Habit tracker section as you can see I've got film fre videos on Tuesday so if I come complete that for Tuesday that's now going to show as 100% for that week similarly with the brainstorming video ideas as soon as I have completed that for Monday because I set that as specifically a Monday task it's now going to show 100% and now you can see my progress so my progress for week one is at 100% because I did my brainstorming on Monday and I um filmed my fre videos on Tuesday and of course the more of these tactics you complete the more you're going to have to fill out and you can accurately track your progress but just for the purpose of the example of how the template works I wanted to quickly show you that and then you also have a section down at the bottom for some visioning some Reflections so you can set out your one-year Vision you can include images you can create a vision board and something that's really helpful is that you can also do a life audit so a life audit will help you if you are unsure okay what what do I need to prioritize maybe you've just been going through the motions of life for so long that you actually don't know what you don't know you don't know what you need to focus on so this will really help you to map out the different areas by giving them all an individual rating and then based on those ratings maybe that will give you an idea of where you need to focus your attention for this next 3 months so definitely go ahead and fill out your life section so you can get an accurate representation of where you're currently at and then there's just a few more resources at the bottom as well so that is a template in a nutshell now of course if you join the 12we master plan Community you will get access to weekly trainings accountability mentorship by myself training modules so much more and this is all lifetime access as well you only purchase the template once and you'll get lifetime access to the support group so this next point is something that I did already touch on which is just the point of romanticizing the journey and focusing more on who you're becoming in the process as opposed to what you're actually doing now of course when you set goals which you know I'm kind of being turned off by that word because instead of setting goals we want to create systems we want to create habits we want to become the person who just does the thing who just gets the results as opposed to always chasing the result because what will happen is when you set goals without a clear system in place you are going to do whatever it takes whatever is necessary to get to that goal and then when you go to achieve a similar result you're essentially starting from scratch again if you don't have the right systems in place you haven't created a formula you haven't stepped into that level of identity where it has become second nature because you've just been throwing things at the wall and just praying something sticks and then when it does stick and you get the result that's great but then when you do try to do it again it's like starting from square one so instead we want to focus on creating reputable systems so that we can just execute without thinking about it so it becomes a part of our identity a part of our DNA to take those action steps and examples of this show let's say when people are dieting and they're going going to lose weight they may lose the weight but then as soon as they lose that weight they gain it back because they go back to those same bad habits they haven't created a sustainable system they haven't stepped into the identity of the person who is a healthy person they've just committed to the action of losing weight so have a think about that who do you need to become in this season what habits do you need to adopt what characteristics what personality traits all of the things that are not necessarily tangible is what is going to allow us to create lifelong and sustainable results what's going to allow us to achieve the tangibles and if you're wondering okay I'm not sure how to answer that question then think about someone who is quite influential to you and this is not an idol I'm not telling you to like idolize anybody or see anybody as above you but there are definitely people on this Earth in this natural Realm real who influence and Inspire us so think about the people who maybe inspire you and based on the success the level of success they've achieved start to question their identity and start to question who are they who did they need to become what habits did they adopt what P personality traits do they have that allowed them to achieve that result and then that'll give you an idea of maybe who you need to become of what you need to now step into and then the thing is to just seriously let go of past stories old versions of yourself old identities just leave all of that in 2023 as I mentioned in the intro we are not talking about co9 in 2024 I do not want to hear about the life you lived preco I do not want to hear about how lockdown stole your life from you I do not want to hear about the person you was before lockdown the body you had the relationship you was in all of that is in the past and I'm even talking to myself here because I even still catch myself sometimes talking about preo pre- lockdown what I was doing where I was traveling to all of these things and nowadays it actually makes me feel a bit sick because it's just like it's now a whole 5 years later like grow up get over it Life Goes On and 2024 will be the year we get over our past version we get over the success that we saw and then lost it and wish we can get it back we're going to get over the business that we had and we let go of and now we don't know what to do we're letting go of the past body we had the whatever it is let it all go so that you can move forward you're no longer that person yes you can admire the person you used to be yes you can pull inspiration from that person but the truth be told is you're literally 5 years older right now so you need to grow up and you need to get over that person and that's just a bit of tough love that we need to hear right now because your past self or the idea that you have of this past version and this story you've created in your mind as to why you can no longer succeed and why you wish you could go back to the good old times that is just holding you back in a big way so for you to really move forward it's time for you to have a level of Amnesia in this season and it's time for you to recognize okay that person was a great person but they're now gone who am I today who am I right now and likewise if it was the opposite maybe you didn't like the person you was a few years ago maybe you didn't even like the person you was yesterday even last week let go of that story let go of that person you are no longer them you have the ability and you have the permission to move on you have the permission now to reinvent yourself and to become the person that you truly want to be and not everyone's going to like it not everybody's going to understand it but as long as you stand strong in your conviction of this is your new season everybody else is going to have to just get on board I've seen it happen time and time again with my own story everybody else will have to get on board or get lost it's that simple I'm coming with a bit of smoke today I'm feeling a bit spicy today so the next question you want to ask yourself is what is in your control now so similar to what I was just sharing forget about all of the old stories and ask yourself what is in your control now whenever you feel yourself slipping whether it be this week this month throughout the year if you feel yourself falling back into Old Habits old cycles and if you feel yourself falling back into that victim mentality where you don't feel like it's possible anymore where you're not feeling encouraged inspired maybe you've had a few setbacks and you're now having to go back to the drawing board ask yourself a simple question of okay what is in my control now because ultimately not everything is going to be in our control there are going to be factors that are going to either hinder our success delay our success or prevent our success so the question you need to ask yourself is what is in my control how can can I shift The Narrative when everything seems like it's going against me how can I bring it back because we always have some level of control even if it's just controlling how we feel about a situation I mean the situation could be absolutely Dreadful it could be the worst thing ever but you don't have to feel like it is that's the one little thing that you can control in this whole situation and then the final point we made it we're almost there the final point is to slow down to speed up and this Probably sounds very countering intuitive to everything else I've shared especially as I've been sharing that I like to achieve my goals in 12 weeks or less and I like to really ramp up momentum and Etc which is all true but it is also true that I've been able to achieve certain results because I've limited my focus and I've narrowed it down so when I'm saying slow down to speed up what I mean is taking that vision statement that you have with 10 different points points and instead of focusing on all 10 different points at the same time you're narrowing it down to three points and in that time it may feel painfully slow it may feel like oh but I just want to focus on this goal I just want to go over there I'm seeing all these people achieve this success over there and I'm just really focused on these one thing like I need to add more to my play I've got the capacity like just remove that train of thought and really focus on narrowing down being intent intentional slowing down and really understanding your process understanding your system before moving on to the next before jumping ship the issue with our society is we have so many options and we always Jumping Ship before we allow an idea before we allow a business a goal a dream to come into full fruition so in this season you're going to want to slow down and really master your craft Master this habit this go whatever it is that you're working towards focus on mastering that before you move on even when it feels boring even when it feels uncomfortable even when you're uninspired just maintain a level of focus and that of course is exactly what the 12we master plan template allows you to do so make sure you head down to the description if you are interested in purchasing I really do hope you enjoyed this video on how to start your 2024 of strong just know you are not behind just know you are not late you are right on to time and if you are intentional about your year ahead you will see results that is it for this one I'll see you in the next one bye
Views: 12,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: montelle bee, 12 week year, 12 week year montelle bee, 2024 goals, how to start the year, ultimate guide for 2024, how to have the best year, new years goals, motivation, ultimate guide to change your life, how to be healthy, how to get motivation, how to be productive, healthy habits, trying healthy habits, how to change your life, how to get out of a slump, getting out of a slump, ow to be confident, how to be that girl, how to be productive at home
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 6sec (2106 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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