How To Spot Tricky Chess Tactics

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hey guys this is going to be an educational video on the topic of how to spot very complicated tactics so the target audience for this is probably a little bit higher rated than a lot of my typical videos maybe if you're above 1500 you might get the most out of this if you're below that it might still help you kind of give you some insight into what stronger players are thinking about so regardless I think you'll probably learn a thing or two we're going to be focusing primarily on this position right here but I am going to show you the entire game leading up to this point so you can understand how we arrived here so let's go ahead and jump back to the beginning and we'll get started all right so here we go I was playing as white against a strong National Master play the Carroll con and I played the line that I teach in my E4 Gambit course and it's this bishop C4 line it's a basically the point is we're gonna immediately put pressure on this pod on this diagonal and then follow it up with F3 and give up this Pawn to get the f file open and it leads to some very nice attacking positions so I like to play this one I talk a lot about it in my course and I did play F3 now my opponent accepted it they don't have to accept it sometimes people will decline it with E3 which is kind of boring in my opinion but a lot of people do accept it I captured there's a couple of moves that black could play here Bishop G4 is a blunder that actually happens quite a bit it's a very standard move in the Caro con but it's bad and if you would like to pause how do you think I can take advantage of this if you had a chance to look at that there's two ways to do it but Bishop takes F7 check is very simple and when the king recaptures the Knight comes in with check unleashes my queen and I'm getting my piece back um and I'm also you know the black king now has no castling rights uh it's it's kind of open because it's missing the F Pawn and this is a great position for me the other way to play it which is also good for me is to play Knight to E5 right away and if black tries to take my queen they get checkmated and so the only move for black well they could go to H5 to defend this whip then again I sacrifice the queen which also leads to Checkmate and so the only thing they can play at this point would be Bishop to E6 but once I trade this this is a terrible Bishop now for black because these double isolated pawns great position for me so however you want to look at it Bishop G4 is a big mistake the main move here is Bishop to F5 and then the other line which sometimes people will play as E6 very passive uh they're choosing to leave the bishop stuck back here behind the pawn chain it's uh it doesn't become a Target like sometimes as we saw that Bishop became a Target and so that's the benefit of this the downside is you have a bad Bishop that's kind of passive for most of the game so anyway Castle developed my bishop and I played Queen to E1 now this is a very common maneuver when you are thinking about attacking on the king side and your queen doesn't have a direct uh route over there because the knight's blocking it a lot of times what you can do is play Queen to E1 and he gives you two different options now to bring the queen over an attack on the king side and so that's kind of what I was doing you might say that looks weird stepping into a pin I'm not really worried about this right now I'm playing on moving the queen pretty soon anyway I just need to get it over there so that's the idea my opponent captured that Knight and played H6 and so I went ahead and followed up with the plan of Queen to H4 it also creates a pin on The Rook so that my Bishop is tactically defended here black tries to take this they will lose the Rook okay now a lot of people will Castle here but if this happened I was absolutely planning on sacrificing my Bishop and opening up the king and the nice thing here is that now I can drop this bishop back in the future and create a Checkmate threat it's very difficult for black to stop that yes it's defended by the Knight but for example um well let's just say I don't know what they're gonna play let's say they bring the queen out and I drop this bishop back black has to be extremely careful I don't bring my knight in and then get rid of these Knights and get checkmate okay so for example black ways to move I play Knight to E5 and the problem for black is that both of these guys are under attack and that's the only thing stopping the Checkmate so for example I'm going to Simply take here if the Knight recaptures I have Checkmate um um yeah like this is checkmate or if well there's not really another good move for black as if this then the Knight is also getting captured however you look at it it's not good so that's kind of the idea that's just the point um now of course black can play better moves but I'm just letting you guys know I was planning on sacrificing it so my opponent I think was aware of that and didn't want a castle kingside all right and so he played Queen to A5 I dropped my Bishop back anyway because it wasn't really doing too much here and I wanted to be ready in case black did decide to Castle also this way it's defended I don't have to worry about any tactics where my Bishop is is loose and maybe gets attacked by some of these moves I don't know and so Bishop D3 brought the Rook over to the center I'm not really worried about these pawns because I'm trying to launch an attack on the king like if black wants to get greedy and start taking some Pawns that's fine with me I'm going to keep attacking and usually that's not going to end well for black if you leave your king in the center for too long when all the pieces start getting involved and attacking there's usually some some sort of good combination right so Bishop to B7 I brought my knight into E5 and my opponent here Castle's uh queenside I think they missed this idea um probably because here's I think this is what I think they were thinking if I go for the fork now they actually have H takes G5 which attacks my queen and once I Retreat the queen yes I'm able to get a rook um that's Black's turn um I'm able to get a rook but they get two pieces so they have the two knights for The Rook which actually is a pretty nice trade for black so I think that's what they were thinking however rather than going for it right away I can throw in this capture which is what I played and now black doesn't have this move of capturing me anymore okay and so now I can go and I actually get it for so I'm doing really well here they capture the pawn I decided to take the Rook I wanted to take this Rook because when they take me back I felt like The Rook was kind of out of place over there as opposed to if I take this way and they take back well now the Rook is Right Where You might want it to be attacking my Pawn so a little detail there but I think it was important and it kind of buys me an extra move right okay Rook takes E6 it was a free pawn and at this moment in the game I was starting to think about a tactic now I don't want to give it away just yet so I'm not going to tell you any more than that except I was starting to think about something here okay so Rook to d8 and again I'm thinking about a particular tactic um and that's when I played Rook to E7 and then when my opponent captured here it worked out very nicely they walked right into what I was setting up so if you would like to pause and try to think through here what do you think a good move for white would be all right well if you had a chance to look at that I'm going to tell you what I played I'm going to walk you through how I arrived at this conclusion why it's a good tactic and then we're going to talk about something else in the position that I actually totally missed that was an even better move okay so the move that I played here was Queen to H3 check and in first glance it kind of looks like oh I'm just saving my queen actually I'm not I mean yes I am saving my queen but I'm actually setting up something else by going here and the point is that after the king moves which is what I was expecting I have this move Rook takes B7 check and the point is that after the king takes I now have Bishop to A6 check and my opponent here resigned because they're about to lose their Queen so how did I see this right like what was going on well back here as soon as my opponent took this it reminded me of a tactic that I've seen in the past and the tactic that I've seen in the past is there is a piece somewhere along here a rook or a queen something that's attacking the queen except The Bishop's in the way and if you can move the bishop with a check on the king then it unleashes that piece and you can take the queen for free so that was like in my mind but of course I don't have a piece here right I don't have a rook or a queen but I was thinking I wonder if I could do that I wonder if I could set up that by moving my queen maybe back here or my Rook up or something like this right so I kept that in the back of my mind as the game went on so of course I'm going to take that and then remember when I said I was kind of setting up that tactic well one of the problems with that not working is that both of these moves aren't check right they have to be checked or it doesn't work I can't really get rid of the bishop but I can get rid of the pawn so I captured it thinking to myself okay I'm getting closer now like if I brought the Rook back in the bishop here with check that's one way to do it so I'm kind of thinking about that and then my opponent played here and again I'm thinking okay I probably want to move this somewhere this is super obvious if I move here like that my opponent's going to see that right away so how can I disguise that how can I find a more complicated version of that and I was thinking of this move Queen to H3 check but then I said to myself but then the problem is the King's gonna be on a dark square and I can't check with the bishop on the dark Square so it's not going to work right but then I thought to myself but if my rook's on E7 and I sacrifice with a check that's probably going to force the king to take and guess what B7 is a wide square that my Bishop can attack with check and if my queen happens to be here on H3 guess what I can take the queen so that's what my brain was thinking about and that's why I played Rook to E7 now it also happens to be a good move I'm not just like putting all my eggs in one basket of like okay if my opponent you know sees this I'm just done for no this is a good solid move regardless of if this tactic ends up working out but it's there and I wanted to try to go for it and at the same time this is a great move right and sure enough my opponent captures and it worked out perfectly for me that it probably looked to my opponent like I was just trying to save my queen with a check when in reality I'm actually setting up this nasty tactic right and so they really needed to play Rook to D7 to try to hold on it's still not a great position for black I can take the pawn and and this is pinned and it's you know still good for me but that would have been better they did play King there and then I did the follow-up and like I said they resigned so that's what my brain was thinking about hopefully that helps you guys a little bit there but I want to point out something else and that's the fact that in this position right here I had a much better move than Queen to H3 check now whenever you see kind of like a winning line there's not really anything wrong with playing that so I don't feel bad that I play this right but um it just goes to show that there's so many options in complicated positions like this and uh before I say anything else if you would like to pause what do you think the actual best move in the position was it's not Queen to H3 well if you had a chance to look at that the move here is Rook takes F6 and there's there's so many things about this move that we have to talk about first of all why are we giving up our Rook for a night that's one reason second of all um or maybe this should be first why are we giving up our Queen right so let's start with that one because that one's easy the point here is that we have a Checkmate that's just our ladder Checkmate there it is game over um which honestly I didn't even think about in this position because you know like right here this is not Checkmate that could block and also I didn't really want to move my Rook off the back rank because I was worried about stuff like this and then the third thing is like I'm just giving up my Rook for the night even if you know I would have let's just say seen this what about this this is another part to the puzzle like why am I giving up the Rook for the night so if you'd like to pause what's the the follow-up here for white well if you had a chance to do that it's the move Queen to G3 and it's an amazing little simple move but it's just threatening checkmate and it turns out black can't stop it just can't stop it there's no way to defend this unless you're gonna go here with your Rook but that leads to this followed by this which is checkmate now this is a kind of a tricky Checkmate to see so that's one part of it the other part of this is that there's a check here but after King to F2 black has no follow-up there's no good checks for the queen uh The Rook check doesn't really do anything you just take it like there's just no follow-up moves for black so and then you know the king can move here doesn't matter that's still Checkmate there's no other moves for uh for black there's no way for the queen to you know come back and defend it there's just nothing for for black to do so going back here and just I want to point this out if I would have played Queen GT right away there is this move Rook to D7 and black defends and there's no Rook to E8 because the Knight is covering it right so that's why we had to um sacrifice this first then play Queen G3 because now this you know we already talked about this is Checkmate okay so that was pretty complicated and I did not see all of that primarily because of this line let's see primarily because of this move right here the fact that there was no way for black to uh you know stop this Checkmate wasn't really on my radar and so giving up the Rook to set that up it was just I wasn't even thinking down that line right also I was focused on this tactic which was was a good idea and it worked out in my favor and I won the game so that was another reason but I just wanted to point out like there's all kinds of crazy tactics in chess and so anyway I hope that helps you guys a little bit with the the thought process just to kind of summarize the key point was I've seen this tactic before where there's a piece behind um my bishop and I move it to deliver a check and I win a piece right I've seen that before very simple tactic nothing complicated about that and I paired that knowledge with some other features in the position to ultimately set it up and win the queen okay so that's that's kind of how you take those little basic tactics you pair them together and you get more complicated ones hope you guys learned something from that and like I meant like I mentioned the uh the opening is in my E4 Gambit course there's a link in the description if you want to check that out all right see you guys next time as always stay sharp please support and take care
Channel: Chess Vibes
Views: 62,710
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Keywords: chess, chess vibes, vibes, nelson lopez, nelson, nelsi, checkmate, how to play chess, chest, how to play chest, beginner chess, chess for beginners, how to learn chess, chess tutorial, chess openings, chess endgames, chess endings, chess strategy, chess tactics, chess tricks, chess traps, how to checkmate, how to win at chess, learning chess, board game, chess coach, youtube chess, chess on youtube, chess channel, youtube chess channel, chess for kids, easy chess
Id: 7YabtOKx1rY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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