How to Spend One Day in New York | A Completely Free Itinerary

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Hey, everyone. It's Katherine with Free Tours by Foot and today, I'm going to take you through a full-day itinerary of free things to do in New York City. A couple of caveats. Well, all of the activities that I'm going to mention are completely free. In order to do this and to really maximize your time, you do have to get on and off the subway a lot. I believe there are six subway rides in this itinerary. So, you will of course have to pay for those depending on how long you're staying in New York City. This might be a good opportunity for one of those unlimited New York uh metro cards uh but that depends again on how many days you're staying and how many other times other than this itinerary you would be using the subway. This is also just so you know a jam-packed day. This is probably not for somebody that's looking for a somewhat leisurely vacation. Um this one is going to start at 8 AM and go past 8 o'clock in the evening. So, a jam-packed day but lots to see and covering a lot of the highlights. Like I said, all for free. So, let's go ahead and jump in. We're gonna start 8 AM in the morning at 61. street in Lexington right in front of Picka Bagel. Now, we are starting here because you need to power up for the day that you have ahead um and this is a great location not just because it's very close to Central Park which is going to be our first activity but also because these are truly fantastic New York bagels. A great New York bagel like pick a bagel. It's going to be hand rolled, boiled, should have a nice, chewy exterior. There are a lot of different ways you can get your bagel. You can get yours with cream cheese. You get a bagel sandwich um but anything you get here is going to be great my personal favorite is a whole wheat everything bagel I don't know why I felt like you needed to know that if you need a little help choosing something though that's a great place to start um so once you have had your bagel 8:30 AM we're gonna head over to Central Park so we're going to use the first part of the morning to cover the lower section of Central Park so this is gonna take us from the southeast corner of the park over to Strawberry Fields finishing up on the west side at 72nd street um so some of the things that you're going to see in this lower section of Central Park are going to be the Plaza Hotel right at the beginning. You'll see the pond, you'll see the Central Park Zoo, the Woman Rink, the Dairy, Bethesda Fountain, uh and of course Strawberry Fields right there at the end. Now, if you take a nice walk through the park starting at eight thirty, you kind of go at a leisurely pace, take some pictures. You should be finishing up over at Strawberry Fields at about 10 o'clock in the morning and so right there on Central Park West is a subway station at seventy-second Street. You are going to hop on the beep Train there at 72nd street and take that down to 42nd street Bryant Park. It's a quick ride but you'll get to get off your feet for just a few minutes. When you get out at the 42nd street Bryant Park subway station, you will actually be able to look towards Times Square and you'll be able to see the New Year's Eve ball right there at the top of number one Times Square. Grab a picture um and take a little stroll through Bryant Park. It's not a very large park but it is and there is always something happening in Bryant Park depends on the season if you're here in the winter time we have a holiday market that goes on there in the summer there is a full range of yoga classes fencing lessons there's a Bryant Park free outdoor library that goes on throughout the year so take a little time to soak in Bryant Park from there you'll actually be able to see the New York Public Library on the back side you're gonna walk around to the front side check out the library maybe go in for a minute. At least go in and see the entrance and the rose main reading room. It is really really beautiful. But then you can take a continue walking down forty-second street. You'll be able to see the Chrysler building, my personal favorite skyscraper in this entire city and you'll be able to go inside Grand Central Terminal. Grand Central Terminal is a train station but it is also an absolute masterpiece of architecture. It is beautiful. Great place to spend a little time. You can walk around. If you have time, and you are so inclined. We do have an audio tour. We also have a self-guided tour right on our website that you can get. It's nice to have a little bit of information. Grand Central has an amazing history and there's also like some nooks and crannies in the terminal that I think if you've never been before and you weren't really looking for them, you wouldn't necessarily come across. Um what Grand Central also has uh public restrooms if you need them and also a food court on the lower level. So, we are right about lunch time at this point in the itinerary. So, this is a great opportunity to grab some lunch at Grand Central. Uh sit there and eat for a little while, get off your feet. Again, we have a lot more walking to do um but once you finish up with lunch about twelve forty-five, you're gonna get on the seven train towards Hudson Yards. Um the seven train goes two different directions there at Grand Central. So, make sure you get on the right train but it'll be easy because Hudson Yards is the last stop uh going the direction that you need to go. So, it will say seven train to Hudson Yards. So, make sure you get on that one. Head over to Hudson Yards. Hudson Yards is a new development. It's actually the largest private development New York City has seen since Rockefeller Center was built in the 1930s and it's actually still ongoing. There's still some construction going on there but a lot of it is finished um including the beautiful vessel. So, this is something where you are going to have a little bit of advanced planning that you need to do. Um vessel is free but you have to have a ticket because it's a time to entry. Um the way that this is designed is all these different staircases going up and down this beautiful sculpture piece so they have to limit the flow of people going on and off of it. So, you are going to want to make a vessel reservation for 1 PM um and spend a little time on the vessel. The amazing thing about doing this is you get by going up and down all of these different staircases, you get all of these various views of the city. So, make sure you have your camera ready cuz this is a great spot to take so pictures. You know, from here, you are actually right at the north end of the high line. Uh so, you can walk the high line straight down to the other end from here. So, if you've spent, let's call it 30 minutes at the vessel. You can start walking down the high line at one thirty. So, the full length of the high line from where you are is about a mile and a half but you're gonna wanna stop. You're gonna wanna take a nice walk. There's some beautiful views. You're gonna wanna take pictures. There's even spots along the way. If you wanna sit and rest for a few minutes, I definitely recommend doing that and there's also a lot of art installations on the high line. So, make sure you you really save a little time to take all of it in. You're gonna walk down the high line for about an hour and you're gonna finish up at Genzivort Street which is the southern end of the high line. So, from there, you'll be pretty close to the A and C train at fourteenth Street. That's the blue line and from there, you're going to take a downtown bound A or C Train and you're going to get off at High Street Brooklyn Bridge. So, High Street Brooklyn Bridge Station is very close to the Brooklyn side of the Brooklyn Bridge. So, the next step on our itinerary is to walk across the iconic Brooklyn Bridge. Um so, you can go on the Brooklyn Bridge from either direction. You don't have to start in Brooklyn but it's actually fantastic to do it. One of the reasons people like to walk the Brooklyn Bridge is because there's really spectacular views of the Manhattan skyline. Uh and if you start on the Manhattan side, people tend to spend a lot of time doing this and looking over their shoulder so they can see the skyline. If you start on the Brooklyn side, you just have it in front of you the whole time and it's really nice. So, this is another place where if you are interested, the Brooklyn Bridge has a fascinating history. This thing took 14 years to build. Um this was the longest suspension bridge in the world at the time. So, a lot of new things were happening. It was a really big turning point for New York City and for Brooklyn which were two separate cities. It the time. This was the first time there was a landlink between the two cities. We do have an audio tour walking the Brooklyn Bridge starting on the Brooklyn side like I'm having you do now. So, if you are interested in learning a little bit more, this is a spot where I really do recommend um getting that audio tour for just a few dollars and having it guide you across the bridge. You'll definitely learn a lot about the bridge and make sure you spot all of the various things that you can see from the as well. So, if you walk, started your walk across the Brooklyn Bridge at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and you take a leisurely walk across the bridge, stop, take lots of pictures. Um we're we're padding this a little bit. This will put you over the bridge at about four o'clock. Um the full length of the Brooklyn Bridge is 1.1 miles or 1.6 kilometers. So, this is AA leisurely and generous amount of time um but right there on the other side of the Brooklyn Bridge, you're going to be Right by city hall in Manhattan. Um right by city hall there is a subway station. You'll see it as soon as you get off of the Brooklyn Bridge. Um and from that subway station, you can take the number four train and you can take it downtown bound just a few stops to Bowling Green. Just so you know, when you get down there, there's actually countdown clocks letting you know when the next train is. Um if for some reason there are delays or something like that and they say the next train is not going to be for 15 minutes which would be unusual but it can happen. Um if you don't mind a little extra walking and I know that there is a lot of walking in this day, you can actually walk from uh city hall to Bowling Green in probably about 15 minutes as well. So, if you're up for a little extra walking, that's an option if you walk to take off one of the subway rides. So either way, once you get down to Bowling Green, you're going to go to the Staten Island Ferry Terminal. The Staten Island Ferry is a commuter ferry technically. Uh ferry's commuters back and forth between the southern tip of Manhattan and Staten Island all day long and it's completely free. Uh and even though it really is supposed to just be a commuter ferry, it's actually used by a lot of tourists in New York City as a sightseeing ferry with good reason. There are some of amazing views of the Lower Manhattan skyline and the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island out there in the harbor. Going to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island can be a very long day if you wanna do those. If you want to do that and get off on those islands, you absolutely have to take the Statue of Liberty Ferry. That's the only official way to do it but if you're short on time or you don't wanna spend the money, going and seeing those islands on the Staten Island Ferry is great. You'll get very close to them. You'll get some really nice views, you can take some pictures, um and it's much much shorter. The ride over the Staten Island is twenty to twenty-five minutes. Most people just exit the Staten Island Ferry. You do have to exit on the other side. You can't sit on and wait for it to turn around. You exit on the other side, you zip around in the ferry terminal and board the next ferry departing for Manhattan and you can see all of these things out there in the harbor in just about an hour. Um so, A great thing to do at this point if you're getting hungry before you board the Staten Island ferry. There's actually a lot of quick places to grab something to eat there in Lower Manhattan right down there by Bowling Green and so you can grab something and actually eat it. While you're sitting on the ferry, you can have this lovely boat ride. You can sit on one of the seats that's facing out into the harbor facing where the Statue of Liberty is and have something to eat while you're looking out over the the water and looking out at the Statue of Liberty. So, Staten Island Ferry is also an option for an audio tour. We do have an audio tour that is guiding both ways both the ride from Manhattan to Staten Island and the Staten Island to Manhattan return. Kind of detailing what you're seeing both directions. So, if you're looking for a little more information while you're riding, that is an option for you as well. If you just wanna relax and have something to eat and look out over the water and look at the Statue of Liberty, you can definitely do that too. So, when you get back, over to the other side once you've completed your ride on the Staten Island ferry which like I said really typically only takes about an hour. We have allowed in this itinerary an hour and a half. Just in case there's any delays or any wait. Um so, we have you back over on the Manhattan side at 6 PM and we have included in this itinerary a little time at this point to explore the financial district. Um the financial district is one of the oldest parts of New York City. This is where the colony of New Amsterdam was initially founded which then later became New York. Um this was one of the early capitals of the United States after the American Revolution. Um this is of course the home of Wall Street but it's also the home of Trinity Church of Saint Paul's and of the World Trade Center. So, take a little time to walk around the financial district. Uh we've actually allowed an hour and a half to do this in this itinerary. You can walk right there from the Customs house down there at Bowling Green. Um you can walk through Bowling Green. Go up Broadway. You'll see the charging bull. You'll see Wall Street, Federal Hall, Trinity Church. If you continue at Broadway, you'll see Saint Paul's and then you can loop over to the west and you can check out the World Trade Center and the 911 Memorial. So, once you've spent a little time in the financial district um and it's 730 in the evening and you're up at the World Trade Center, you can go to the Fulton Street Subway Station right there down the block and you can hop on the subway up to twenty-third Street. This quick stop at 23rd street is so that you can check out it the flat iron building. It's a really well-known triangular-shaped building. It was originally called the Fuller Building but it had an uncanny resemblance to an old fashioned um iron and so New Yorkers started calling it the flat iron building. Um it is a great thing to stop and take a picture of. You're also right there by Madison Square Park. Uh another great place to just take a few minutes, look around. We have you or arriving there and spending a little bit of time and then at 815 hopping on the subway, you can take the yellow line. You can take it up just a few stops and you're going to get off at Times Square forty-second Street. Um so, by this time, it should be dark no matter what time of year you are visiting and that's really the time to visit Times Square is you wanna go when all of the lights are lit, when all of the billboards and the spectaculars are there. Um at this time of night, it should be active. It should be full of people. There will probably be some street performers, some buskers, costume characters, everybody walking around. Times Square is called the crossroads of the world and you'll probably see what we mean when you get there. There's a lot of people, a lot of activity. Um if you are tired at the end of this long day, which would certainly be understandable, um you can head over to the Red Steps in Times Square. You can sit and just people watch for a little while. It's one of the best things to do in Times Square. If you have a little more energy left, uh once you've spent of time in Times Square taking in the sites, taking in the lights. You're actually just a short walk from Rockefeller Center as well. So, if you want it as an added bonus to the end of your day to head over to Rockefeller Center and walk around, it's another great place to visit at night. So, there it is. A full day, more than 12 hours in New York City with all free activities. If you are short on time, if you don't have a lot of of time or days to spend in New York City, this is a great way to see some of the most popular sites all in one day. If you're short on cash and you're really trying to watch your budget for your trip to New York City, here is a great way to spend a full day in the city, spending almost nothing, just your subway rides, and those audio tours if you decide to take them. You do not have to spend a lot of money to have a great time in this city. This place is for everybody. So, thank you so much for joining me and we'll see you when you visit New York.
Channel: Free Tours by Foot - New York
Views: 37,565
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Keywords: New York, NYC, one day in new york, one day in new york city, one day in nyc, new york in a day, new york in one day, nyc in a day, new york city in a day, 24 hours in new york, 24 hours in new york city, new york city, new york, things to do in nyc, what to do in nyc, things to do in new york, nyc things to do, things to do in new york city, what to do in new york, travel tips nyc, free things to do in new york city, free things to do in nyc, free things to do in new york
Id: _tCEdyvmmdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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