How to Spend One Day in Dublin, Ireland - Travel Guide | Best Things to Do, See, & Eat!

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have a pint at Temple Bar Pub so that officially was our first Irish pub and it did not disappoint welcome to the Guinness tasting [Music] room we're Matt and at a part-time non- remote travel couple based out of Nashville Tennessee in 2021 we visited all 50 US states 2022 took our adventures abroad now we've set out on a journey to see as many of the 1,000 places to see before you die well before we die in last week's video we were showing you around our home city of Nashville where we learned about Nashville's music history at the Country Music Hall of Fame and RCA Studio B sampled some of the city's best eats on a three-hour food tour cheered on Nashville's newest professional sports team and so much more this week we're in Dublin [Music] Ireland welcome to Ireland this is the first video in our Ireland Series where we're going to be traveling around this beautiful country and we're starting things off here in Dublin now this city obviously needs no introduction because on top of being the capital of the country it's also the most populated and most visited city as well it's known for its friendly people Rich history and of course pubs we've only got one day to explore here and you guys know us we're going to doy and eat as much as we possibly can so we're going to put our itinerary in the blog and we'll link that down in the description and if you have more time in Dublin than we do still be sure to check out that blog because I'll be putting a whole lot of recommendations that we don't get to show in this video let's not waste any more time and let's get to it chy latte time and I got a double Heaven very nutmeggy but I really really like it so I wanted to start our first day off in Ireland the most traditional and Irish way that I knew how and that is with a full Irish Breakfast I've never had Irish breakfast before let us know in the comments if you have and if you like it or not so if you don't know what an Irish Breakfast is that's okay cuz I didn't really either so I'm going to tell you what this breakfast comes with two sausages two bacons a black and white pudding a fried egg which is Sunnyside Up beans mushroom hash browns tomato and sourdough toast should I start with the most controversial part of the Irish breakfast first blood sausage the black pudding I've heard this can be very irony because it is blood pudding essentially well it smells really good actually I like it it's not irony at all to me it's got a lot of spices in it though very complex you want to try it I'm really kind of nervous about this is why I didn't want to get an Irish praktice that's good I'm a fan I mean it is a different thing having beans for breakfast for an American but so far I'm a fan of the Irish [Music] breakfast so breakfast was amazing that it was I am absolutely stuffed that Irish Breakfast was as delicious and as filling as I had heard it was now let's go and explore the streets let's do [Music] it so we are now crossing the hay Penney Bridge which is the oldest pedestrian bridge in all of Dublin it was built in 1816 hay penny was not its official name but it got that name for the toll that it cost to cross this bridge which was a hay penny or a half pence from what I understand but now it's actually officially called the liy bridge but pretty much everybody still calls it the hay penny bridge I love that it's one of the oldest cast iron Bridges like ever yeah pretty cool it's so [Music] cool um the iconic Temple Bar pub now when you think of Dublin you probably think of this place and also if you're like us and aren't Dublin experts we didn't realize that Temple Bar is actually an entire District that's just the Temple Bar Pub our goal is to get back over in this area um in the evening when it's a little more lively we heard it definitely gets Lively it is very much the tourist part of town probably not a lot of locals are here but I think it's worth checking out especially if you're only here for one day and it's your first time like us yeah I highly recommend coming during the daytime cuz then you really get to see all the different colors the architecture is really cool and all the beautiful plants [Music] so we are now at Trinity College and it is an absolutely beautiful campus it is the oldest college in all of Ireland it was founded in 1592 also fun fact King Joffrey from Game of Thrones went to school here obviously the actor of King Joffrey since it is a fictional character but we are here to see the book of Kel's and the long room which I am so excited about yep let's go do it all right so our tour guide yesterday said that this is a Hidden Gem this is Museum of geology she said to go behind these big huge wooden doors and just push it and go in there's no signs or anything [Music] so wow that was absolutely Epic completely unexpected cuz there's literally not a sign nothing on the doors we were hoping we didn't get in trouble but we didn't and it was beautiful no our tour guide yesterday we did a walking tour which we highly recommend doing when you get to a city cuz you'll always find hidden gems like that one y we'll link our tour that we did down below definitely recommend doing it now on to the book of Cs so we highly recommend buying tickets in advance because this right here is a huge line yes and that is for the people that have already bought tickets if you actually want to see the book of Kels like guaranteed on your visit definitely book in advance cuz some of these tickets and especially High season during the summer yeah months out they'll be gone so book in advance we're going to put all the links to the tours that we do and more down in the description this is very overwhelming there's a lot of people here [Music] [Music] so we just finished with the book of Kels which was really beautiful the Celtic artwork is absolutely phenomenal yeah it really is it was awesome seeing such a work of art they that it was created in somewhere around 800 ad and took around 75 years to create which is pretty wild I will say it is a little bit of an Instagram versus reality kind of thing um as long as you set your expectations and know what you're in for it's going to be a great experience you are seeing a book and you get to see a one page one page of it it's under glass in a dark room so yes just know what you're in for They do change the page every 6 to8 weeks though so that is true so if you come every six or eight weeks I think they only show four or five pages total though oh really they don't flip through the whole book that's wild so yeah I think now one of the things I was really looking forward to was the long room library because if you know me you know I love books and I love libraries now I do have to say we were forewarned about this Redevelopment restoration thing that they're doing so about more than half of the books were already gone out of the library which was a little disappointing but I understand so they started their Restoration in April of 201 23 it's a $995 million restoration it is pretty cool though because this is the first time in history that they're doing this so you will actually get to see the library shelves completely empty like we did today and again it's once a lifetime opportunity so even though I would have loved to have seen it full of books but I'll just have to come back for that but now we're going to go check out one of the historic Gardens and Parks here in the [Music] city [Music] so we're here at the Dublin Castle which isn't really Castle because it got burned down the majority of it really long time ago but there is still one Tower that's original a lot of it is in the Georgian style which is really interesting just come and check it [Music] [Applause] out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm dressing [Music] up hey not bad not bad that was fun I wish I had more time here cuz I would definitely dress Matt up but we don't Christ Church Cathedral is absolutely stunning in our research and talking to our tour guide yesterday she said if you only got to do one cathedral in Dublin she recommended this one as far as going inside and we can see why absolutely beautiful you really need about an hour to an hour and a half to really see it all and do it all without feeling rushed yeah we unfortunately only have about 45 minutes but they do have a free audio guide as well so you can download that on your phone when you come in so bring headphones or airpods which we did but yeah definitely recommend it so cool now on to [Applause] [Music] lunch [Music] my first Irish spear in Ireland I know we're probably going to get some comments down below about I should have had a Guinness first but we're doing something with that a little later on and I wanted to try another local Brewery this one is from Rye River Brewing this is their logger and our waitress said nice choice when I ordered it so super smooth light but not too light I like that a lot I think Natalie's going to like this cuz she's not necessarily a stout drinker I think this would be more up her [Music] alley so I got their fishing chips and it is a massive piece of fish with fresh chips that's really good the breading is so crispy it is very freshly fried I really like the tarar sauce got a nice tartness to it and I don't know if you can tell but this fish is super plaky I got the Guinness stew which I am super excited about and Irish soda bread [Music] I apologize the music's a little loud and the lighting is not the best but it's a Irish Pub this stew though I would die for it is so good I am obsessed I am a meat and potato girl so I think Ireland is for me you know what I mean but Matt had this thing on his plate which I assumed was avocado it is not avocado though it is actually mashed peas Natalie is disgusted by peas so she about gagged just when I told her what it was I'm not disgusted by peas but they're not my favorite um since it's pureed peas definitely not a fan um so yeah so that officially was our first Irish pub and it did not disappoint the food was great the people were friendly and the beer was really good they're also known for being one of the best live music pubs in Dublin so definitely check this place out course what can you do that of course yeah say hello to the local prostitut I would know about that and we appreciate the real history okay so fun fact they don't really have any Uber or lift they do have the Uber app but it's all taxis so you really can only get taxis yeah no ride sharing good little tip to know before you come to Ireland now we're at the Guinness and Storehouse which I'm so excited about even though she's not the biggest fan of Guinness we got to kind of say that quiet over here yeah well I've never really had it I'm not a huge dark beer person and I'm kind of shocked that I have to drink a whole pint of it so we'll see how it goes I'm really excited though I think it's going to be a good [Music] time so guys you're very welcome to the Guinness doorhouse the whole of Guinness so little did Andre Guinness know that when he began his journey back in C 59 a we be starting here today and You Begin that journey by signing this lease here so this is a lease for 9,000 so that is quite substantial [Music] commitment welcome to the Guinness tasting rooms my name is Mike one two three [Music] fantastic I like it theit of the I didn't think I now did everybody enjoy that yeah that tasted so good I have heard that Guinness in Ireland is different it's always better well they also said that you're probably drinking Guinness wrong if you don't like it so that's why they have this whole Tasting Room just to tell you how to drink it I'm I'm shocked now we're going to take it to the real test and see if she actually likes a full Pint of it yeah let's [Music] see I'm so excited to get a stouty with our picture on a beard when we were planning to come to Ireland in 2020 with our original plann date to come to Ireland we had gotten our hopes up and we're excited to do this experience so 3 years later we get to do [Music] it it's so cute pretty cool I love it cheers cheers I don't remember the Irish let us know in the comments we already forgot honestly I'm shocked that I like it I am too right we still haven't even made it up to the gravity bar yet which is like kind of the main attraction of the storehouse other than Museum obviously [Music] this is definitely a different vibe than the stouty bar it is packed in here it is super loud but the views are pretty incredible oh they really are uh if you can get a table like near the windows that would be amazing but it is crazy busy and we want to remind you we are here in the middle of the week not even in the on season yet so Matt actually secured us a table no Natalie has given up on it I think I have some exciting news to tell you and Matt doesn't know what are you ready yeah what our Ireland trip is confirmed wow we're in Ireland it confirmed I'm so excited we're going to Ireland with a group of you guys in one year I know almost to the day almost oh my gosh so if there are spots available we're going to put the link down in the description cuz we are so excited I'm literally going to cry I think it's going to be so epic we're coming back to do exactly this with 16 of you and we cannot wait yeah I'm so excited [Music] awesome they said if you don't don't get a mustache you're not drinking it [Music] right so we got some extra drink tickets and we're going to go gift them to somebody since we're done for the day so let's go thank you my friend you're welcome you're welcome enjoy highly recommend this experience as you guys know I was not a Guinness fan before but guess what now I am I think a highlight for me was the gravity bar at the end taking in those 360° views of just absolutely spectacular the whole thing was done incredibly well but yeah you have to do this if you come to Dublin again we'll put a link down below for tickets and go ahead and book them in advance oh yeah no 100% there's a reason why 1 million people come to this a year now we're going to head to a place that's known for its shopping but more importantly for me it's known for having a famous local ice cream shop so let's go let's [Music] go [Music] I got the cookies and the Dingle sea saltt which is one of their top flavors so I got one of their other top flavors which is the Irish brown bread and I also got the brownie one cuz it was really good I love that they give free samples as a game changer oh yeah the brown bread was so surprising to me mhm the texture in it yeah cuz it's not like a very overpowering flavor but it's got It's like brown bread chunks in it it does interesting he said it's been here for like 20 years so it's tried and true y so good definitely check this out when you're [Music] here this is a statue of Molly Malone Super Famous as you can see there are parts of her that are shinier than others and apparently if you touch them it'll bring you good luck or something like that that's what was said it's not an Irish tradition it's more of a tourist tradition so [Music] yeah [Music] so Grafton Street has a lot of shops and is really great for people watching that it is now most of the shopping is like big chain shopping with some high-end places as well also lots of great street performers there and obviously ice cream but one of the things that we mainly went there for we didn't really see any of and that is postcards for our patrons now don't worry we're going to find some postcards before we leave Dublin to send to our patrons but we want to thank every single name down below without you guys we would not be able to do this channel so we thank you so much and if you're interested in supporting our channel in a greater way check out the link down in the description for our patreon page we would absolutely love to have you in the family now what better way to spend some time here in Dublin then another Irish [Music] Bob so I decided to switch it up and I ended up going with another Irish beer called a Beamish another Stout as you can see nice and dark it's good very similar to Guinness has a little bit more of a maybe a sharpness on the back end but again that can depend on how it's poured and who poured it and all that so I'm no expert I just know it's good so I do want to say that nothing is fast here which is fine but your girl is about to pass out we had a over 24-hour travel day yesterday and just sitting down I'm going to fall asleep in public if our food does not come soon and Matt is going to play a game with me on his phone which he never does trying to pull up Jin Ry so she'll play with me so I will stay awake so an hour and 15 minutes later we got our food yes there's not a lot of food that I would wait an hour and 15 minutes for um including this we ordered one shepherd's pie mostly I think they're extremely understaffed and and one kind lady is doing the job of like five people at least it's hot I wasn't really hungry when we got here which is why we ordered one Andre and now I'm getting pretty hungry go for it so I was really looking forward to that place because my grandpa's last name was O'Neal this place is O'Neal the ratings were good but I'm not going to recommend it because we had to wait an hour and a half for food and it was okay yeah and that's really the only reason everybody was super nice you know you're going just for drinks I think it's a great [Music] place so we are trying to figure out if we're going to go to the Temple Bar Pub or not it's super super touristy also with the touristy side of it comes the overpriced side of it oh true we've heard that their pints there are ridiculously overpriced plus we've also heard that the price changes and goes up the later in the night as it gets I don't know if that's true or not but we have heard that's the case but at the same time should we just do it once I don't know it's pretty iconic I think we should just do it I guess we're going in we're doing [Music] it it is so chaotic here so many people we can't even get into the room with the live music to put it on TVs in this room but we'll be able to check this one off the bucket list now have a pint at Temple Bar PB okay we did it we made friends this place is epic everybody's like here to have a good time it is a good time for so as much as we would love to hang out and party with all of these wonderful people out here we have a very early morning tomorrow so I think we're going to call it a bit of an early night but we had so much fun exploring Dublin today and we hope that you enjoyed this video as much as we enjoyed making it so make sure you guys give it a big thumbs up and also hit the Subscribe button also make sure you guys check out the link down in the description for the blog we're going to give you all of the details on what we did plus a whole lot more and be sure to tune in to our next video for some more Ireland Adventures I went with something a little more I don't know girly no that's not the right word I apologize for the music it's a little [Music] way I don't know what this is goes around my neck this one is from uh the iconic Temple bub bub hi hello hello everybody just yeah that's the tee that your ice cream's coming from right there I know I saw [Music] [Applause] [Music] it
Channel: Adventures of Matt and Nat
Views: 126,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dublin Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, dublin ireland travel guide, dublin ireland vlog, dublin ireland travel, dublin ireland tour, dublin ireland food, dublin ireland things to do, dublin vlog, dublin city, dublin travel guide, what to do in dublin, dublin travel, best things to do in dublin, things to do in dublin, dublin things to do, dublin travel vlog, visit dublin, dublin guide, best things to do in dublin ireland, adventures of matt and nat, what to do in Dublin Ireland
Id: lhTRnPd3d7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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