How to Speed Up Your WordPress Website (in just 5 steps)

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Hi guys Today, we're going to see how you can speed up your wordpress website Let's say you have a website, And when someone opens your site, it takes a long time to open and your users are forced to wait for each page to load. Now what if you want to speed up your site and make it load faster, you can do that by watching this video. So after watching this video, you will be able to, increase the speed your site, by upto 2 times it's current speed and when a visitor opens your site Your site will load quickly and all your pages will load faster. Now, having a fast website is very important because if your site is slow, your visitors might leave your site and you might also lose revenue. Now, if you have a fast website, there is more chance for your site to get ranked on Google and you’ll get more traffic. Okay So in this video, we're going to see different ways in which you can speed up your website. And we will compare the before and after speed of our website and see how our site performs. Okay. I'm Bryan from Website learners and let's get started first. Let's see our site. So here it is. Now to speed up our site first, let's check the speed of our website. So to do that, just click the link below this video, and it will take you to this page. This is the site which will help us to check the speed of our website. So to check it, you need to enter the URL of your site here. So let's go to our site copy this URL, and then paste it here. Now if we click ‘test’ You can see that we have got the load time of our website The load time indicates how long it takes for your website to completely load When a visitor opens your site. here you can see that we have the load time as 3.0s, This means our site takes 3.0s to load completely. Okay. Now, you know the speed of our site next. Let's see how you can increase the speed up your site. So to speed up your site, We’re going to see 4 different ways. The first way is to reduce the size of images on your website. Now when someone visits our site, The site will take time to load all the images on our site and then display them. So in order to make our site load faster, we need to reduce the size of our images. And here you can see that we have the page size Page size is the size of a page on our website. Now, if we reduce the size of our images, our page size will also be reduced and our site will load faster. Okay. Next, let's see how you can reduce the size of images on your site. So to reduce the size of images, First let's note down these results We will need this later while comparing the speed of our site once you're done, let's go to our site. Now, to check the size of an image Just right-click on the image and click inspect. Here You can see that we have got the link of the image Now If you go here you can see the size of the image. Okay. Now, to reduce the size of images. First. We need to install a plugin in WordPress. So to install, the plugin, let's go to our WordPress dashboard. Now go to plugins Add click new Now here, search for WP Optimize’ And you will get this plugin.. this is the plugin, which will help us to reduce the image size. So to install the plugin, let's click install and then click ‘Activate’ So now we have successfully installed the plugin. and you can see that we have a new item called ‘WP-Optimize’. Once you have installed the plugin. Now to reduce the size of the images. Click ‘WP-Optimize’ Now click images. And, here you can see that we have got all the images on our site. Now to reduce the size of images, Just enable this option, click 'select all’ And then click ‘compress the selected images' Now as soon as you click compress, the size of your images will be reduced. So to check that, let's go back to our site and click ‘refresh’ Now right-click on an image click ‘inspect’ Now If you go here you can see that the size of the image has been reduced. Okay. Now if we go to the site, you can see that this was our load time before reducing the size of the images. Now let's again test the speed of our site And we have got the load time And page size of our site. Now If we check with our previous results, you can see that our load time and page size has been reduced. This means our site will load faster than before. So this is how you can reduce the size of images on your site. Okay. So now we have successfully reduced the size of images on your site. Once you're done. Now, let's say you want to add more images to your site And whenever you add an image you want to automatically reduce the size of the images. How do we do that? So now let's see how you can automatically reduce the size of new images to do that. Let's go to our dashboard. Now here you can see that we have an option called automatically compress newly added images. so let's enable it. Now, whenever you add a new image, the size of the image will be reduced automatically. Okay. So this is how you can reduce the size of the images on your site. Next, let's go to 2nd way to speed up our website, which is to enable page cache on our site. First, let's see how the cache works Now when someone visits your site, it takes time for your hosting provider to bring theat data on your site to your visitor, So it will take time for our site to load. Once you enable cache a copy of our website, data will be saved in wordpress.. And when a customer visits your site, the copy of the data will be sent to your visitor, And our site will load faster. Okay. Now Let's see how you can enable cache on your site So to enable cache on your site let's go to our dashboard here you can see that we have an option called cache let's click here And enable this option. Okay. So we have now successfully enabled page caching. once you're done, let's check the speed of our site. So let's go to this tab And click test, As you can see, we have got the result. Now, if we check our previous results, you can see that this was our previous load time. And after enabling page cache you can see that the load time has been reduced. So this means our site will now load faster. Okay. So this is how you can enable page cache on your website. Next, Let's go to the 3rd way to speed up our website, which is to use good hosting for your website. The hosting company of your site plays an important role in the speed of your site to understand this first, let's see, what is the hosting server? A hosting server is a place where all the data of your site will be stored. So when someone opens your website, all your data from the server will be given to the visitor. Now, if you have a high-performance server, Your site will load faster, And your data will reach your customers quickly. So it is important to choose a good hosting server, which will load your site faster. We, recommend you to use WebSpacekit hosting. as it has, high-performance servers and your site will load faster. Now, if you want to host your website on WebSpaceKit, you can do that by watching this video. Okay. Once you choose a good hosting company, it is also very important to select the hosting server, which is closest to your visitors. Now, let's say your server is in the USA, and your visitors are in India Now, if they try to open your site, it'll take more time for the data to reach them from your server. So your site will take a longer time to load. Now, if you select your server in India, when your visitors open your site, it’ll load much faster. So in order to load your site much faster, make sure you select the server, which is nearest to your visitors. Now If you see here, our location has been selected as India. So if we click here And change the location to USA, And click test. You can see that the load time has increased for this location. This means our site takes longer to load in USA. Now, if you change the location again, you can see the load time is different. This is because our server is not located at these places. Since I have my visitors in India, I have selected my server in, India. So If I change the location to India, you can see that our site loads much faster And also the data will reach the visitor quickly So make sure you select the server that is placed near to your visitors. Okay. Next let's go to the final way to speed up your site which is to use CDN. Now, let's see what is CDN CDN is known as content delivery network. It is a group of servers, which is available anywhere around the world. Just like your hosting server CDN can be used to store your website data. As we saw earlier, if your visitors are far away from your server, it'll take longer for your site to load. So instead of this, if you connect your site with CDN, which is available all across the world, a copy of your website data will be stored in the CDN servers. And if a visitor opens your site, your website data will be taken from the nearest CDN, which makes your site load faster. Okay. So this is how the CDN works. Now Let's see how you can to add your site to CDN We’re going to do 3 steps. The first step is to create an account on Cloudflare So to create an, account on Cloudflare let's open a new tab And then go to This is the site that is going to help us to add our site to CDN. Now click ‘signup’ here enter your email address and a password, And then click create account. Okay! Once you've created the account, we can now go to step 2 which is to connect your website, to Cloudflare So to connect your site to cloudflare First, you need to add your site to this cloudflare account. So to add your site, click add site’ Now here, you need to enter your website's URL. So to get the URL, let's go to our site. Copy this URL Go back to cloudflare and paste it here Now click ‘add site’ And it will take you to this page here You need to choose a plan for your account. I'm going to select this free plan. Click ‘continue’ Now again, click ‘continue’ Okay! We have now successfully added our site to the cloudflare account. Once you've done that you will get these details. Now, in order to connect your site to cloudflare you need to add these details to your hosting account. So to add these details, let's go to our hosting account, Now as I have my site hosted with GoDaddy, I'm going to go there, So let's go to GoDaddy. so to sign in let's click here And then login to your account Now, to add the details Just click DNS and it will take you to this page. Now scroll down, Click ‘change’ and then click enter my own name server Now, here you need to copy these details and paste it here first let's copy this and paste it here Then copy this, And paste it here Now Click ‘save’ Once you've added these details Let's go back to CloudFlare. Now click, ‘check nameservers’ then click 'get started' And it will take you to this page, Now to connect your site to cloudflare you need to complete these steps Now, here it will ask you to configure your domain settings. So to configure your domain, click save Now, to secure your connection with https Just enable this option and click save. Now again, click save and click save again. Once you've done that Finally click finish. Now to check if the name servers are changed. let's click ‘check nameservers And you will get this message. Now if you refresh here here you can see that we got this message which means we have now successfully connect our site to cloudflare Now if you don't see this message immediately try refreshing after sometime Okay! Once you've done next. We need to verify our email. So to verify our email, let's go to our inbox. As you can see, we have received an email from Cloudflare, Let's open it Now to verify our email Just click, this link, and as you can see, our email has been successfully verified. Once you've verified your email. We can now go to the final step of adding our site to CDN Which is to install Cloudflare plugin in WordPress. This is the plugin., which is going to help us connect our Cloudflare account with our website So to install the plugin, let's go to our dashboard, And then go to plugins And click ‘add new’ now search for cloudflare and you will get this plugin So to install this plugin, Just click ‘install’ and then click activate. So we have now successfully installed the plugin.. Once you have installed the plugin. Now to connect our account, just click settings Now, here it will ask you to sign in to your CloudFlare account. So to sign in lets click here And then enter your email address Now, here you need to enter an API key, So to get the key, Just click here, And it'll take you to our cloudflare account. Now, to get the key Click ‘API tokens’ and click ‘view’ here you can see that we have now got the API key, So let's copy it. Then go back to this tab And paste it here. Now click ‘save’ Okay. so now we have now successfully added our website to CDN And our site will load faster from anywhere around the world. So to check that, let's go to this tab, Now, this is the previous load time of our site in India. And If we click ‘test’ You can see that the load time has been reduced and now our site loads faster. Okay. Now let's check the load time by changing the location to do that. Just click here. Now, if we select USA, you can see that our load time is lesser than before. So this means our site will load faster from anywhere around the world. Okay, this is how you can add CDN to speed up your site. So that's it guys Now, you know the different ways to speed up your site, now if you want to know the advanced way to speed up the website you can get our course by clicking this link Also make sure you click this subscribe button to see more videos from us. So thanks for watching,, I'll see you in the next video. Take care Bye-bye.
Channel: Website Learners
Views: 77,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wordpress speed test, online image compressor, wordpress speed optimization plugin, how to make website load faster, increase website speed, how to improve website speed, How to increase website speed, how to check your website speed, content delivery network, reduce page load time wordpress plugin, how to speed up wordpress website, how to speed up my website loading, how to speed up your wordpress website with a cdn, how to make images load faster in your website
Id: SYizF37NgME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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