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hi I'm Larry I've been a builder for 35 years and during the course of those happy happy happy 35 years of building of course I've had hundreds of carpenters work for me and I know many builders and along the way we always run into these little predicaments where we know something can be done better easier or quicker or whatever and of course I've been pretty handy at designing tools and such and I've done I designed a few Matt but this one here I'm going to show you right here this is for spacing railing balusters you know you send a guy out to build a deck and then put the railing system on he's out there with his tape measure you know you got four or five segments and you know and trying to space the bow so I'll make it nice and what-have-you and now it takes a little bit of time and sometimes they get done wrong going to do them over again because you know across the front of any important let's say you might have four railing segments across in front of any porch eight feet long 4 feet long whatever the increment is and we keep it symmetrical we try to keep the post space the same and we want to you know keep the ballast in space pretty much the same but sometimes you look over and you poor unhappy unlucky Tapani he's got a post and he's got a ballast this yet two inches of space in and it gets to the next post and the ballast is inside the posters get a four inch space you got to do it over again but anyway this this year is just something I designed so that you never fail and it's very fast I mean it's way faster than trying to mark it out the ballast is individually anyways this is tape measure simple tape measure Emmett and what I'd like to to show you is I put a layout on the back which can be easily printed on the back of any tape measure and one of those is a typical ballast is facing four inch space between the ballast isn't a typical pressure treated ballast though okay so so set up for a ballast of four in space valves that with marks and I'm going to quickly lay this out here and then I'll bring the camera for close-up but let's say I had eight foot two by four 96 inches long so let's say we had segments 96 inches long anyway the first all you have to do for us justice find the center mark on this segment which in this case would be half a 96 48 inches and you just may come out okay then of course we took the tape upside down that's where I lay out my size and you put it across the railing segment in this case looking centers in two by four all right and you would just come down here and now there's a cinema of any one bowel stone on all the balusters so you just slide the center of a ballesta line it up with the center my of that balusters on the tape okay and then you would just transfer the mics over to the 2x4 or the railing segment okay I'll bring the camera over okay let's say his the my so I'll just run down you see how we have you got your this represent your balusters here okay and then the course your Center my and this is the center mic between any two balusters all the way along the tape measure so of course you look and the marks are all the way across the tape okay so at 48 inches we made a mac and now if you're railing segment was 88 inches then you'd have a percent of market 44 but anyway so now all you do is just simply transfer the marks and lay out this is laying out your bounces and could then just put your bounces on it done deal come down to the end and of course in this case we've got a about a three inch space between the last ballesta and the post okay not bad okay so once you transfer the marks you're ready to go if you get a top your top railing you could just but it to this and use a square and transfer your marks onto another railing if there were all eighty six inches long all you segments then of course you could just transfer around the mics to all of them just doing it one time okay well so the only thing you could bump into is let's say you're laying out a railing and the ballast to land it up ended up say you know right against the poster or halfway on the post or whatever okay so let's just save in that the railing segment was 88 inches long okay well then we find the sin of my which would be 44 okay 44 we'd make am i right there that's the center at 44 and then a cord we would turn the tape back over alright and now see these mark here between the balancers okay well in this case because we realized that we had a post that you know at 80 inches long didn't work out so what we would do is we would use one of these sentiments here okay so now we line the center mock up to in between the two balises and we'll get down and see what the space is at the end now anything you know under the four inches works which is good well this just happened to come out a two inch space so we'll have a 2 inch space between the spouse and the post on this end and on the other end and all the rest of the second and of the railing system I would come out the same okay so now we would just transfer the mics over at a set setting it in a new location and mics and it's done so either way if I was just laying this one out at a 88 inch railing I mean it were talking about three or four minutes it's done deal and just and the same with when I was laying it out at a ninety section trailing segment three to four minutes so a very simple simple creation here but it's worth its weight in gold I mean you me I mean our carpenters that work for us even that little Carpenters helpers can use this and it just won't fail us any ever again and we get the job done the right right the first time so I will end this video with a with a fine goodbye and I hope that I could get some good feedback on them from all of you carpenters and builders it's it's like I say it's just a very simple assistance type tool it just makes our job easier and and it takes out that the mistake factor which in my business and our business that's quite nice alright so like I say give me some feedback on it of course you won't have one to use but I'm sure that all of your carpenters and builders have been dealing with this you've had you've got your own solutions I got your own little speedy way of making the mark just by using your tape which is what I always did but I find this just so comfortable and easy to use and I could really use your feedback on it and thank you very much this is Larry of LTV builders of Buxton Maine been been real and thank you very much for your time you
Channel: LTV The Locker Room
Views: 55,913
Rating: 4.5174265 out of 5
Keywords: New Carpenter Hand Tools, Framer, tape measure, Carpenter Occupation, Hand Tools, railings, spaceing, Invention, See, railing layout, Contractor, Stair Layout, Construction, Contractor Tool Square, New, Carpenter, Must, New Tools, Builder, Staircase, shark tank, inventions for sale, spindle spacing, how to lay out balusters
Id: T54qZpez0s8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2013
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