HOW TO SOLVE A RUBIK'S CUBE (& Remember The Steps!)

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in this video i'm going to teach you how to solve a 3x3 rubik's cube there are lots of tutorials out there but what makes this one unique is that i'm also going to give you tips on how to best memorize the moves so you can eventually do this with no instructions i actually made this video for my good friend jimmy who basically started from scratch and here he is just one day after watching it oh what did you see that full cube there right there told you it works okay let's get into it so i'm going to teach you how to solve this cube layer by layer starting from the bottom then the middle and finally the top layer i was pretty happy to hear that you already knew how to solve one layer and not just that but solve it with the correct side colors as well when a lot of people say they can solve one side of a cube they often do something like this so sure all the correct colors are on one side but if you look around at the edges it's completely wrong and you can't keep on solving the cube like this now you probably didn't but just in case you fluked it let me really quickly show you how to solve one side of a cube correctly [Music] so we're going to start with the white side as this convention the first thing that we do is make a cross or really more accurately a plus sign and of course we're not just going to put any random white piece here we're going to be informed by what this side of the cube is gonna eventually become which is green and so if we find that white green edge line it up there you can see quite easily how that goes in there i'm gonna do the same to blue and put blue in orange is a little bit tricky now because how do i get that guy in over there a couple of ways of doing it you might have done something like this moving that over there and then moving that in and then moving that back that works but if you think about what you just did you actually brought that empty slot over there put it in and then brought it back this is the way that i normally think about it and finally the white red edge where is that piece ah there it is it's a bit annoying there's no easy way of inserting it in there or is there check this out turn it like this you might be getting green out but once you put red in you bring green back too easy next we want to get the four corners in and you might already have a pretty good way of doing it uh that you know intuitively you can sort of see how pieces can go in but let me show you a foolproof method that's only four moves uh which will come in useful again later so step one hold the cube so that the corner that needs to be filled in is at the bottom right step two find the piece that should go in there which is this guy here and move the top layer so that it's right above there and step three repeat a full move sequence that i'm going to call the easy move until this piece is correctly put in there what is this full move sequence you ask well it looks something like this this this this this notice that it only involves the right layer and the upper layer and there's a really nice pattern to it the right layer moves clockwise the other layer moves clockwise and then the right leg goes anti-clockwise and the upper leg goes anti-clockwise i'm calling it the easy move because once you get into the rhythm of it it's really easy to do let me quickly say at this point that we've actually got a way of notating cube moves and it looks something like this r means you move the right layer clockwise and r prime means you move the right layer anti-clockwise so that easy move would look something like this r u because it's upper layer clockwise uh prime u prime so back to this guy it's all set up and we're just gonna do the easy move however many times it takes for this to be put in place here we go and there it is let's quickly do for all the other ones hold the empty space bottom right uh and that piece conveniently is right there so easy move and it's already in just one time and finally we're gonna hold the bottom right move it so that it's over where i need to go and easy move it in there it is so with the bottom layer out of the way it's time to now move to the second layer by the end of this step the cube's gonna look something like this and there's an eight move sequence so you're gonna have to learn to put these four edges in but it's really quite easy and i'll show you how okay here we go to those four pieces out let's put this guy in so step number one we're going to look at the color that's over there and align it with the center piece over there so orange doesn't align with there orange aligns here and we're going to make this a side that faces you this is now the front side next we're going to think about where this piece needs to go and it's to the left over here and so we're going to move this piece away from that which sounds a bit weird but that's because we're then going to take this piece out this way we're going to move this piece back where it was before and then by closing this by putting this white spin back look at that we now bring these two together of course now we need to put this back in there so we're going to do that by moving this again this way out of the way and then we're going to do a front move this time to move this empty slot up bring that in and then do a front move to bring it back down so let's do that again with these guys i'm going to take that color line up with the center so red needs to line up here just like the last time it needs to go this way and you might be thinking hey there's a little cheeky guy in there but don't worry you'll get kicked out once we put this one in so once again we're going to start by moving this guy away from where it needs to go we're going to open this one up like that move this guy back and then close these white pieces back down which pairs them move this out of the way that way front move to bring this empty slot up put that into the slot and then front move back down all right let's keep going a little bit quicker so this guy needs to go there out of the way up back pair together out of the way that way front together and in leaving this one so we're going to pair it up with the colors on its correct side and this time needs to go to the right but it's the same moves as before i guess just mirrored so we're gonna start by moving it away from where it needs to go we're gonna open this slot up bring this guy back and then close this white slot there it is it's paired this time we're going to move it over here not that way like it was before and then an f move in this direction to bring that slot up bring this guy in there he goes second stage done now there's actually a tiny chance that after finishing that the top of the cube looks something like this but it probably doesn't more likely look something like this and so the next step is to make all of these yellow pieces orient upwards so this top face is completely yellow now you probably won't get there in one move and so the goal here is to get it into this specific shape which i'm going to call the fish and the way you do that is actually surprisingly simple there's a six move sequence you can repeat as many times as you need to it looks like this f so that's a front face clockwise that easy move from before so this and then undo that f move so f anti-clockwise and there you go okay this doesn't look exactly like the fish but i can't turn it into that later the point here is that i've got this yellow cross the yellow plus sign now i'm just going to undo that move to show you that that f easy move and then f anti-clockwise sequence really only works when you've got this straight line of yellow pieces we're going to ignore the corners for now because we're just interested in the plus sign so the question is how do you make these guys so that they've got that yellow line in the middle well here are the rules if the only part of yellow cross is that one in the middle just do the move however you're holding it so f easy move undo the f and then you'll get this this believe it or not is actually the exact same case as this because if you ignore the corners it's exactly the same well it's the same if it's this way and this is actually the way that you need to hold it next so you want to move this upper face until it's nine o'clock and once it's nine o'clock do it again f easy move undo the f and there you go you've got that straight line now when you do it to the straight line the next time you do it you're going to get that yellow cross so let's do it to this one i'm holding at the nine o'clock position f easy move undo the f i've got the straight line f easy move undo the f and i've now got that cross so here are the different versions you can get of the yellow cross that's not the fish remember that's the goal how do we get from here to here and then to the top face being completely yellow where there is a seven move sequence there's actually a variation of the easy move and it goes something like this it starts exactly the same so right clockwise up clockwise right anti-clockwise but now instead of up anti-clockwise we're going to do another up clockwise so r u r u is how we would notate that and then we do it again ah but this time instead of doing one you were gonna do two u's u u or u two and then close this r prime and there you go fishy fishy of course they're not just all going to turn into the fish immediately it actually only works if this yellow plus has two other corners that are solved as well plus you've got to move that upper layer such that there's one yellow color on this corner that's facing you right there if you hold it that way it'll work so same move again ah you are prime and then a u and then do it again uh u2 r prime fishy fishy but what do you do if there are no extra corners at all just do it wherever so here we go uh u r prime u uh u2 are prime and now that we've got this case we can hold it such that it doesn't work if it's like this it only works if it's like this the yellow piece sort of facing me over there in the top left and then uh uh u r prime u uh u2 are prime and there's my fish now what how do we turn this into completely yellow well guess what you hold the fish so that it's pointing that way same as before but this time you know that yellow thing is up the top and then do that same move ah u r prime u uh u2 r prime it doesn't always work instantly with the fish and so sometimes you might do it and then it's like hey it's a fish again but that's all right orientate the fish like this and just go a second time and you will get it by the way that seven move sequence is called the sun it's a pretty famous one just thought you should know if you've reached this point jimmy well done because this is the final step we're gonna learn now how to move these pieces around so that we can solve this third layer now brace yourself because this is the hardest one of all i'm now gonna teach you two algorithms that have got quite a few moves so don't worry i'm gonna break it down so it'll be quite easy for you to learn and maybe even memorize so even though the edges might all look really different there's actually a really systematic way we can get it done using those two algorithms and it looks like this oh wait any one of them okay so think of it this way the first sequence i'm going to teach you swaps these two corners around and the second one i'm going to teach you swaps these three edges in this anticlockwise direction but let's start with the corners sometimes you're really lucky and you get a case where all the corners already perfectly line up but more often than not you're going to get something like this so the first thing we're going to do is move this upper layer around see if we can align at least two of the corners that's it's always possible to do that so let's align this one red and blue with that do we have any others that are aligned nope that's not good so it's a line this guy orange and green oh that one's aligned that one's a line leaving only these two they just need to be swapped around with each other which is perfect for that first algorithm that i'm about to teach you here we go so it starts with the easy move it ends with something like the easy move and then has a few other weird turns in the middle so starting with the easy move and then we go r prime front ah two and then u prime r prime u prime and then we do the easy move at the end except instead of going r u r prime u we go front as you can see that's all that's missing there we go and look at what that achieved all of the corners are right leaving just the edges that need to be moved around that's a really long sequence you say true let's break it down again to see if it's easy to remember easy move and then three moves that sort of only use the right hand if i put my thumb in front r prime f and then r2 which is two r moves and then the left index finger joins in for a bit of fun so that u prime i'm going to bring this one back to where it was u prime again and then finally the easy move that ends a little bit differently with that f prime by the way that wonderful sequence was called a t-perm and this brings us to our very final step the sequence that's going to rotate these three pieces in this direction so you can already see that doing that to this cube is it actually going to solve it because it's going to move blue over there green over there and trim it there but that's okay because you do it a second time it'll solve it and this sequence goes something like this it's entirely made up of r moves and u moves and they always alternate it's like r u r u r u r u but in different directions so let me go through it quickly and see if you can detect a pattern r clockwise u anti-clockwise r clockwise u clockwise clockwise u clockwise r clockwise u anticlockwise r n t u n t and then r two just as predicted that didn't actually solve it but doing it one more time will did you see a pattern though here's a hint think of it in r u pairs so clockwise anti clockwise clockwise clockwise clockwise clockwise anti anti-anti and then r2 there's a really nice pattern to it isn't there the visible pairs are actually palindromic clockwise anti clockwise clockwise clockwise clockwise clockwise ante and then an anti anti-anti and finally just an r2 to finish it off oh by the way i solved the cube hooray yeah sort of forgot what the purpose of this whole thing was for a second by the way you might sometimes see final cases like this where instead of a three edge swap there's actually a four edge swap what do you do now well it doesn't really matter just hold in any orientation do that move clockwise anti clockwise clockwise clockwise clockwise clockwise anti anti anti r2 and this should now be a case there you go with a 3 edge swap that can be solved okay let's bring it all together now with the full examples of first let's scramble this guy orange is perfectly placed to go right in there and that brings blue really nicely in there as well red needs to go in there and i can do that remember by moving this bottom layer across putting red in and then bringing it back to where it needs to go leaving green which is right there a bit of annoying spot but i can make it a little bit easier to go in by turning it like that i'm going to move this empty space over there goes in there oops and then bring him back and that's my white cross now let's get the cornice in uh the green red is conveniently i'm holding it just right remember this the empty slot that's going to go in so put it over um where it needs to go and let's do a whole sequence of easy moves and remember to stop when it's actually in there it is right there so i'm orange green i need to hold it such that it's over uh the bottom right slot and i think only once yep and it's in uh this is blue red so easy move and finally this guy oh it's already down there but it's okay i can just hold it like this and just keep going next let's get the edges in for the second layer very conveniently this one's already lined up right there ready to go so let's move this edge away from where it needs to go open that up move it back close it move it away that direction well the direction that's like that empty slot move the front layer up in a way that i can push that in and push it back down oh blu-ray let's do that guy so once again [Music] and then this one this one now needs to go to the left so i'm going to move it to the right first [Music] and then front push it in and there and i think i don't even need to rotate that guys needs to go there let's do that quickly do i have the yellow cross on top no i don't but that's okay i've got this guy i'm gonna hold it at a nine o'clock position and go f easy move undo the f move and i've now got my straight line doesn't matter if i do it like this or like this by the way i'm going to get the same outcome but f easy move again ta-da and i went straight to my fish lucky me make the fish point that way and do the soon so that's easy move but ending with like another u and then r u2 r prime that didn't work let's do the fish thing one more time pointing that way and that worked uh let's see if my corners line up i can get two corners to line up like this leaving these two so let's do that t pump that's going to swap these two guys around so easy move and then three moves in the right hand r prime f are two left hand joints in this this this and then easy move but with an f at the end great oh look at that this is ready to go i'm gonna have need to do this last one once because it's gonna move them this way move it over this way so here we go uh clockwise empty clockwise clockwise clockwise clockwise clockwise anti auntie auntie bob's your uncle it'd actually be pretty funny if you did have an uncle called bob i'm not necessarily recommending this but just in case you want to take a bit further you might be wondering okay but how do people solve a cube in like five seconds short answer i'm not totally sure i take between 10 and 15 seconds myself but the way we do it is in essence exactly what i just told you just with a few shortcuts so let's scramble the cube and the first thing to say is that we get pretty good at figuring out really quickly how to solve that cross so looking at this for example i can see i don't know about four or five moves to solve the cross just because of experience one two three four there you go my cross itself next instead of spending time getting a wide corner in first followed by the edge we actually learned a whole series of moves that let us get them both in together so for example i know these two need to go over there which is where the orange green slot is and i just know that this is what i need to do and it's done i'll keep going if you like so this guy and this guy need to go in here and i can do that like this this guy and this guy need to go in over here and i can do it like this and finally these two need to go in here which i can do like that and then for this next stage there are actually 53 different combinations of what the top can look like without you know the yellow bits all around and those of us who are crazy enough um learn algorithms for all 53 of those cases so you can do it in one go you didn't think it'd be easy did you and then finally for this last stage there are 21 different combinations of what these side colors can be and once again we memorize how to do all 21 cases and that jimmy is how you solve a rubik's cube [Music]
Channel: Tingman
Views: 1,486,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rubik, Rubix, Rubik's, Cube, 3x3, Cubing, Speedcubing, Competition, How to, Funny, Crazy, Solve, CFOP, Feliks, Zemdegs, Qiyi, Moyu, GAN, 2x2, 4x4, Fast, Laugh, Cute, Amazing, OLL, PLL, F2L, channel, easy, guide, challenge, rubik's, cube, tutorial, pattern, algorithm, app, art, solve, method, magic, toy, complete, solution, animation, advanced, basic, record, speed, unboxing, review, beginner, how to, simple, remember, memorize, rubix, Step, Cross
Id: F68LxcmBw4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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