How to Solo: Mage Knight (First Reconnaissance, Day 1)

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[Music] hey gamers this is Liz doodsen from beyond solitaire and I am here to play through the first reconnaissance initial solo scenario of mage night so this scenario is designed to walk you through most of the basic mechanisms of the game things you can do with your cards all that so we're gonna do it and I'm gonna give you the full explanation of everything as we go I did a setup video yesterday and I do want to just make a couple clarifications I've been playing about the ultimate box and it's not set up the way that my beloved original mage night is set up so I remembered that you needed to take out some cards from the advance actions deck but I also forgot that all the expansions are tossed together in ultimate because I kind of keep them a little bit separate in my own box so for the advanced actions just take out cards 65 through 80 make those your advance to action deck and you're all good so you'll have a bunch of higher number cards that are from the expansions don't worry about them right now there's one other thing I wanted to talk about I actually just play with my whole stack of skill tokens and then just remove them as they show up but I forgot to tell you every hero has an interactive skill as well as a cooperative one and the interactive skill is something that you're not gonna want to use in a solo game because there's no other players to interact with so since gold exciti me deck and Toback is my main I pulled the interactive in cooperative skills from both their policy you can see so here's Toback right here Gold X right here the black mask is going to be an interactive skill you do not need it the white mask or helmet is going to beat your cooperative skill you can just go ahead and leave that in the pile there are players any cards to tell you what everything does and I will go through all the skills that we encounter with you in detail as we play the last thing that we're gonna do before we start playing is roll the mana dice I'm gonna go put them on the day board which is to the left of me right now you'll see them again shortly but you take three dice and these are our minute for the first turn it's not a bad setup we have green white and gold mana so these are the dice that we've rolled it'll be our mana pool for this first turn we will go through how to maintain your mana very shortly but for now this is the mana that I have access to the white and the green mana are basic colors as our blue and red gold is special gold mana only works in the daytime which fortunately it's daytime right now and it's essentially a wild so I can spend this gold as a man of any color of my choosing during the daytime at night its depleted and is not effective at night there's a special mana a black mana and that one does not act as a wild the way that the gold does but instead it allows you access to the most powerful versions of your spouse so day and night each have something special about them in terms of mana which we'll talk about more for now these are going on the day board and you'll see them when I spend them before we going the goal of the first reconnaissance introductory scenario is to discover a city that's it we just explore these tiles until we discover the one that has a city on it we will get a higher score depending on how much Fame and levelling up I managed to do along the way so there's definitely an incentive to discover and explore I mean that's really the point of the scenario but the ultimate goal is once I overturn it's how that has a city on it we are done for this time I actually really like that as a requirement because it just lets you mess around through cards choose what to do in a multiplayer scenario with more than one player working on the the project of finding a city you will have a day a night and a day in order in other words three rounds to find that city because I'm playing by myself I have two days and two nights so four rounds to get this done so if you want you can rush it but I recommend kind of stopping to you know smell the flowers and fight the ogres all along the way the next thing that we're going to do is we're gonna choose tactics so every round you play if major night you're gonna choose a tactic and those are present play or order in the case of us the dummy player but they also give you a special bonus that you can use for the entirety of that round pull out our day tactics they don't have to be in any particular order you can just look at them and pick whichever one you want it's not like we're fighting with anyone we have just a W player Imus so earlybird lets you go first gives you nothing tactic to rethink says when you take this tactic discard up to three cards including wounds from your hand and then draw that many cards shuffle your discard pile back into your D deck so basically if you draw an opening hand that you don't like then you can use this tactic to to give yourself a little bit of a reset here we have mana steel so when you take this tactic you can take one mana die of a basic color from the source and put it on this card and then you can use that man on any of your turns this day if you do reroll it at the end of that turn and return to the source so basically let you grab a mana that you know you're gonna want because the kinds of cards you're you're pulling and it lets you kind of guarantee that you're gonna be able to play one of those four it's better power because you need mana to power that that part of your skill number four here is called planning it says at the end of each turn if you have at least two cards in your hand before you draw draw is if your hand limit is one higher so basically it increases your card drop which makes the round go by faster because you're going through your cards faster but it also gives you access to more cards at once which leads to bigger actions per turn great start it's one of my favorites when you take this tactic immediately draw two cards and then number six the right moment one time is day during your turn you could announce that you will take another turn immediately after this so this can be good if your dummy deck is going fast I guess but this is really more of a competitive play one in my opinion because sometimes you just want to keep that tempo so I actually already know which one I'm gonna want because I like to start off with number five great start which will give me seven cards of draw this turn basically will happen is that I have this for this turn it's going to go back to the box at the end but the dummy player is gonna randomly draw a tactic card and it will determine the order we play in so they drew mana steel it's a three they're not gonna see any mana but we're gonna just run the dummy deck really quick because they have the first turn this round alright so I've got my great start tactic drawn all right so let's draw our opening hand my opening hand number is normally five as evidenced by my little shield here that's telling I'm level one to two but I'm gonna get your draw an extra two cards because I picked great start as my tactic so I got swiftness which lets me move or do a range attack March which is move or powered up to move more crystallize which is basically a way of manipulating man ads to get some crystals in my inventory which is good promise influence two or four depending on how I power its influences used to higher units which I may or may not be doing soon we'll see tranquility is a healing card I don't need it yet so that would have been my regular opening hand and then we're adding threats in for influence two or more if I'm willing to take a reputation loss which maybe I am and then rage which is attack or block so I have a little bit of everything in this hand and we'll see how I want to end up playing it I mean while the dummy player technically goes first so let's just run through a quick dummy turn so I'm using gold X's deck basically for the dummy player it's just to run through their deck we just draw three cards one two three and so see how this is blue and there's one blue crystal in gold X's inventory right now that just means that we draw one more card and that was the entirety of the dummy players turn so they're just running through this deck so that we can't sit and just kind of fart around for the entire game alright so it's my go let's figure out what we are gonna do with these cards okay well one of my big things I'd like to do is I'd like to get to about here because it's a village you can do stuff in villages and it's right next to an enemy and I think that we need to think about taking out an enemy because that's always a great idea and it's also got some exploration possibilities up here I could go this way but it's actually more movement to go into the forest so probably not alright so the first thing I want to think about is movement so when you take a turn in major night you can move and take an action you can take an action or you can just move as much as you want but you can never move after you've taken your action so I could never do something like move up here attack do something and then keep going that is not an option in major night so when you are planning out your turns do not plan to move after doing anything unless you are planning to make this a multi turn affair movement always happens first and movement in major night is something that is a little bit special because you think Oh move one means I just get to move one hex right wrong that is not how major networks so we're gonna pull our day board over here so you can have a look so major night requires different numbers of movement points to move into different types of terrain and that terrine is gonna be marked on the board by specific symbols and shapes so it's pretty easy to determine but moving on the plains is to moving into a city is to everything other than that costs a little bit more so if I want to move straight through this forest it's going to cost me three movement points to do that to to move into here and then another two to move here basically there's always a cost where you move and you have to play your cards well and efficiently so you're getting enough move points without maybe overspending because you have to think about that you want to play too many of your cards you could not go on water you may not move into water you may not end your turn on the water so that's why there is an X on it also interesting is it here the forest it's three to move in there in the day and five to move in the desert during the day but see these little blue numbers that's because at night these are gonna switch because it's harder to move around in a forest at night but easier to move around in the desert because it's not as hot so with this in mind I want to get here and maybe have enough points left over to do some exploration so I need to think about how much move that's actually gonna cost you pay the movement cost of the terrain you're going into and you ignore the one that you're leaving so if I wanted to go all the way up here and explore I would need one two three four five six seven nine movement to actually reveal a tile so let's look at the movement that I have and see if that's even possible so the other thing that's interesting about mage night is that you can play cards for a number of different purposes even if they are not those breasts purposes but let's get a big fat chunk of movement let's say that I want to play a March for its higher power which is move for I need a green mana to power it and if you remember I rolled a green mana when I rolled my source dice you can use one mana dive from the source per turn only one so in this case let's say though this turn I would like to use my green mana die and that is gonna give me a total of move for I'm trying to get to nine I don't know if I'm actually gonna make it but it's worth seeing what I can do so that I'm gonna play swiftness which is move two so that's a total of six movement then I don't actually have any more movement cards left in my hand however if I play any of my cards sideways that counts as one movement so if I want a total of nine movement I can choose to put three of these cards sideways in my play area and have that be three more points of movement to get what I want two of my cards are an easy discard because crystalize requires you to pay one minute of a basic color and then gain a crystal of that color to your inventory and I've already paid a mana from the source I don't have any mana crystals right now which are something that will gain and I don't have any mana in my play area so this card is useless to me except as something to play sideways so that's movement point number seven I don't need to heal right now so I can just ditch this card move them at point number eight and then for number nine I'm just gonna give up one more of these cards so I have two cards that give me some influence I'm going to move town so basically I have to decide do I want to keep my attack e card or do I want to keep my influence e cards because I would like to do two things when I get to this village I want to see if I can hire a unit which requires influence and I want to fight this dude which requires some attack however I have more cards that let me attack things than influence things so I'm going to take a risk and I'm gonna pay rage for nine and keep these for the next turn so I have move four powered by this man at four five six seven eight nine so I've made all my movement happen so I can go one two three four five six seven and then to explore I pay two more eight nine so that's all my movement spent so now I'm gonna reveal the next tile on our little tiled deck see what we see so this will be tile number three we're gonna orient the number the way that we always do we're gonna stick it over right here in the middle so I've got space for two more tiles on either side or I can kind of keep going but that's one of our tiles explore it and don't forget we have to get through this whole deck of tiles to find a city so exploration is pretty key we also now have two towns that are right next to each other which is cool and we've got some other little exciting things on the board that we'll talk about so here we have a keep and we're gonna grab a great keep token and put it there facedown for now so we're gonna put this token facedown note that it's gray and has keep on the back so it goes in the space would it keep on it yeah so we don't get to see what's here if I want to know what's in the keep and think about you know messing with it a little bit then I'm gonna have to either get one space away from it in the day so I can might peek over and see what's in there or if it's nighttime I have to just take a risk and go ahead and assault the keep and hope for the best so there's definitely a little bit of risk there's a lot of planning that's possible in mage night but it's also a no risk no reward kind of game where sometimes you have to go into combat situations and you don't really know what you need to get out that can always be pretty exciting for now though I am actually going to end my turn here so I made this massive move a two card left in my hand and actually you want to hang on to them because I want to see if I can get a little bit more influence I can't spend any more dice from the source this time which means that I can't power up either of these and I want to see what else I draw because I would really like to purchase maybe even these boots and crossbowmen they cost six influence and if I can get six that would be great but if I can't I just can't so if we're cleanup other thing happens because I reveal this tile and it's something that only happens in the first reconnaissance scenario in first reconnaissance you get fame for discovering a new tile so my fame is gonna go up to one that means it to fame from now I'm gonna level up which is something that needs to happen fast all right so I was my first turn I'm gonna go ahead and clean up so all these cards I go into my discard pile I'm just gonna stick it over here under my tactic cards that'll get reset and then I'm gonna draw back up to my hand limit which is five so I have two cards in my hand right now three ooh I got a special toget card instinct whoo four with some sweet attacks and five rage which will give me a tack or block too so I've got some potential for some cool actions coming up and we'll see what I can do one of things that's hardest about mage night is that your desire to do stuff where your are and your need to move on will conflict with each other but I'm not in hurry we do well or we don't whatever I'm just showing you mechanics so now it's gold it's the dummy decks turn again we're gonna go one two three once again we've got a blue and there's one blue crystal the inventory so we drew one more card so Gold X is moving but not really faster than we are so it's okay the other thing we need to do before we start the turn again is reroll this three-minute die so we've got another green and we'll just put it back in the source where we have a green a white and a gold that's actually good for me I got some plans so I think what I want to do this time is let's have a quick turn so remember you can only do one action per turn so I can either interact with this village or get into a scuffle with this enemy and I think that my best move is to go ahead and get a unit first and then start to scuffle I think that's what I want then I'll do some more exploring because I knew I want to recruit someone I might as well do it here and I can't move right now I can't move this way anyway because there's an enemy here if I move from here to here I'm moving from a space adjacent to a rampaging enemy to another space that's adjacent to a rampaging enemy and it will provoke an attack so rather than upset them right now I'm just gonna chill out in the village no to have a coffee look for some people to hire let's do it so I actually did hiring prospects and then I have a good opportunity to attack next turn so I think that we'll all go just fine what we're gonna do is we are going to play promise and we're gonna power it with a white mana so it was already influenced too but by paying the white mana from the source it's now influence for that's excellent for us so I have four influence I want six to hire my boots I'm a crossbowmen so I'm going to play threaten for influence - I could if I had I could have played the gold because it's wild I could have played for influence five what my reputation we're taking a hit so let's just not do that I have influence forward influence - for a total of six influence which allows me to hire these suitum crossbowmen they are cool because they can either attack or block for three or they have a range attack of - I really like range attack so I can get them in so I'm gonna go ahead and put them right here so this shield mark so I can only have one crossbowmen right now but as I level up I'll be able to gain more because as these shields come off the pile they become more spots for me to have units all right set refine - crossbowmen we're just gonna refill our offer it was some northern monk so what to think about that for a future turn so one unit for now but more later I've got three cards left but the thing is I want to take my action next turn so this is I think some people would like to play faster but I'm content to just far around or waste time so I am going to hold on to these cards and have a nice fat attack a block round next door and walking through combat so for now I'm saying that I'm done I'm gonna stay in the town because I don't I can't move I would have had to move at the start of the turn I did an action I can't do any more actions so that's that these cards go on my discard every rule does die so this time we have a blue mana and that one's gonna hang out a source and then I'm gonna draw back up to five so I can pick up two more cards one two okay so this time I got March which is good because I want to move soon not yet and manager I can use one additional mana dye from the source this turn whoo-hoo-hoo so mana draw gives me the ability to pump my magic up a little bit so we'll see what we can do now it's the dummy decks turn what you doing Gil Dix one two three another blue act so to go for so there was only one blue crystal if it was green we'd be drawing two extra cards per turn and it would accelerate which wouldn't be as good but we got a little bit more play left in this round so I'm just gonna milk this day for all it's worth now it's back to us I don't know about y'all but I sure feel like fighting so it's gonna be us versus this token right here so I'm gonna zoom on in and we're gonna talk about combat all right so we're starting off with a fairly basic combat round things get a lot more complicated later but we're not gonna worry about it for the moment so here's what I need I need to generate three attack to kill this thing only three it hits four four which means that if I end up having to block it then I'll have to block four four if I beat it I get to bane basically the top number is what you need to kill it the left number is what it needs to hurt you and the bottom number isn't the amount of Fame that you gain for taking it out hopefully that part makes sense so far so let's have a look at the cards that I have and think about combat so with movement with influence and with combat I can play non-combat cards or non influence cards or non movement cards sideways for one point but I should have enough attack to handle this business the question is exactly how do I want to do it so combat takes place across four rounds basically there's the range and siege attack phase so if I have enough range I can just kill this thing right off but I don't believe that I do in my hands then there's the block phase where the enemy attacks me and I have to see how many wounds if anything I will take assigned damage phase so any enemies that did attack I have to assign damage to myself to a unit and then there's any attack base where I get to swing at them and comet can happen in a series of these until somebody gets dead so let's have a look at the cards that I have for right now so I have move to influence to attack to or block to I could power it up with my gold mana for more but I don't know if that's gonna be necessary other options include cold toughness so I can attack - or ice block for 3 so I do have a lot of block going on here I have my mana job which will help me power whatever I want I have rage which is attack or block - so again attack or block and then I have march which is like a movement card I'm hoping not to spend this because I do wanna get some movement going next turn so I think that with between these cards and also my unit I'm actually fine I'm not gonna have to take any damage or do much of anything at all this should not be a big deal so I think what we are going to do we don't have any ranged attack because we only have two and I would have needed three to make it so that's okay because I have plenty of attack and have plenty of block so the siege and range attack phase is already over cuz I know it's not gonna happen now we're into the block base this thing hits for 4 with block you can't partially block damage it's really an all-or-nothing thing you either block and don't get hit or you don't block and you do get hit there is no you know oh why block three out of four so I only know you block it or you didn't so that's something that can be irritating I think if you want to you know get hurt less but in terms of simplicity it's there how do I want to block that's a good question so let's see what I have going on I need a block for 4 and then I need to attack for 3 which means that I'm going to use up all three of these cards and either some mana or my unit and I need to decide what I think is the best here's what I think we can do I like this I like this a lot so cold toughness cold toughness has a special power it's a lot of small texts let me read it if I power it with a blue mana which I do have in the source it says I get ice block 5 get +1 ice block for each ability or colour of attack depicted on the enemy token you block unless it has arcane immunity or for each man is spent by an opponent during the attack so I don't actually need to worry about that because I'm gonna get plenty of ice block from just powering this card which is what I think I'm gonna do so let's do that we are going to go ahead and ice block so for my block face I don't have to play any of these other cards I just pay this blue mana on the card to make my block ice block 5 so this thing hits for 4 I have block for five oh you missed me too bad enemy ha ha ha so if I take and damage I would have sign it now you can assign damage to yourself or you can just assign it to a unit but it didn't happen wha-ha-ha so now I can hit this thing what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna go ahead and play rage for attack 2 instinct for attack 2 and then this thing is done so I killed it because I only need to get up to 3 so the enemy is dead and now we talk about the aftermath of that all right so now this enemy has died you know what let's just go ahead and clean up really quick so I'm gonna not do anything else this turn because I can't move I did my action I could have moved here maybe but yeah not forget it I'm gonna go for a big fat move it next time so we'll reroll this in a second these all go in a discard let's just let's just reroll it alright so that's a green dice little messed up and then we are going to get the B reward for beating this enemy so let's bring our little Fame tracker over so we defeated a rampaging enemy the ones with swords on the back that means that the people around here like that so our reputation goes up by one spot it doesn't change anything yet we're still at zero but if my reputation continues to grow I'll get influenced which helps me hire people in towns if my reputation goes bad and I start getting negatives then I can then I'll have a deficit when I'm trying to pay influence to hire people and if I'm bad enough I can't interact with anyone at all until I've thought about what I did a little bit so we took it our enemy and we got to fame for doing it boom so that puts us at 3 fame that was just enough to level up and we're gonna need some more fame to get another level off because leveling up is important though here we are we get a specific reward for this level so next level we'll get another shield token and be able to hire another unit but this level this symbol means we get one card so we can advance action card yes and we get a skill token skill tokens are so fun let's go to the process of picking our new treasures because that's basically the best part of the game honestly I love getting new stuff alright so first advanced actions let's look at the ones that are on the offer because they are cool all right here choices friends we get either regeneration blood rage or ice bolt this is the one that was on the bottom of the column that does matter for a resetting around I do remember do not worry ok ok so regeneration is good if you plan to get hurt which happens well think about it blood rage is pretty bomb also it has disgusting art which I love so this is a tattoo if I take a wound I can increase to attack 5 if I take if I use a red mana I can take a wound to increase this to attack 9 so basically blood rage is like being a berserker that is cool these are my cards one of these will be mine ice bolt is Ganey blue crystal to your inventory and if you so this one's kind of cool cuz it's a card that powers itself if you already have a blue mana you can use range ice attack 3 that's cool I like it I like it but the other thing that's neat about that is that in order to keep powering the card if you do have access to blue mana you can get a blue crystal in your inventory that just kind of keeps from running around and then when you're ready to use the card again POW you have a blue mana so that's nice these are all very good cards but what do I want what do I want guys often I'll pick the range attack but I think I'm feeling some blood rage today so for those of you who like blood rage just remember this is the real blood rage okay best game ever major night so let's take this blood rage card because it's awesome attack two you can take a wound increase this to attack five attack for you can take the one to increase it to attack nine and the best part if I get to put it on the top of my draw deck so I get it next round woohoo I find this thrilling so these are gonna go back basically what's gonna happen is um they were like this with blood rage in the middle so this will slide down and I'll put another card up so now we're gonna reset our advanced actions basically a blood rage was here when I took it so we're gonna slide regeneration down and we're gonna draw a new card and this time we got agility good stuff also since it will matter for end of round I'm just gonna go ahead and pull some magical spells missed form charm sure we can't buy these yet but they will matter when I have to change at the dummy deck and a few turns so whether or not I get a spell I should have so now that we've leveled up the other thing that we get to gain is a skill so what we're gonna do is where we get to pull two random skill tokens from Toback skill pile and see which one we want alright so here are two of those skills tokens that we talked about when we did setup and these are so if you don't know what the skills are which I don't remember either you just look at this handy-dandy card that tells you yay so we have this one is I feel no pain so if I take this one once a turn except in combat I can discard a win from my hand to draw a card that's cool this one is shield mastery wants to turn I can block three or I can ice block or fire block for two so there's a couple special block types that are pretty cool this is neat but I really want this this is great so I'm gonna take this and have super special blocking power once per turn so basically whatever I have combat that is cool love it's this one is going to be basically blocked from mobs and I can't get this back I've chosen not to take it and the other thing that's going to interplay is next time I get to choose a skill I could take one of gold exes so that's the other thing the W player sport they tiny around but they also give you access to some another heroes skills which is pretty cool if mage nights can be called heroes we don't really know so gold X's skills now in the offer for next time so I'll just put these aside and we will continue play all right so y'all seen some exciting things you have seen combats you have seen a village where I hired somebody you can also by healing points there but it need it the time and now I think that we should make our way up here and see what kind of trouble we can make at this keep because why not that is my question so we've got these two cards and then we're going to draw back to five all right so let's draw four to five again so one two three Oh lots of movement okay and blood rage what a shocker I didn't expect to see that card so soon ahaha alright so we have all of our cards for our hand now let's just do a quick dummy dick turn getting close to end of round here one two three it's white crystal so basically it next to the Dominican player will have one card and then the next turn I'll have no cards no to clear end of round regardless of what I do so I only have a couple rounds left so let's make the most of them I'm also running low though so I'm probably gonna declare a two round see myself there's only two cards left in this deck okay here's what I would like I want to move up here the so there's two reasons one is I want to see what's in this keep the other reason is that I want to reveal tiles and this is in a space where I'm pretty sure we'll connect to two tiles so I could reveal - that seems good to me so let's do that I need to plan 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 movement and then maybe at least eight 10 if I can get it doesn't pretty good I do have a lot of moving this hand we might as well go for brick so let's see what I'm working with this is for attacking leader I'm just gonna hold on to that but I've got some pretty sweet movement powers going so so so so I have March I'm gonna go ahead and use it green it's a power that's a for movement for let's do this is risky but we're gonna do it anyway so we're gonna we're gonna play move four so I have a card called mana draw that lets me use one additional mana die from the source this turn and I want to normally you're only allowed to use one but I'm going to use mana draw to pull a second one I'm gonna use this gold because it's wild during the day as a blue so that's gonna be move eight and then this stamina I'm gonna play four to move nine ten Oh got ten movement rung it out so four eight ten mana mana no mana got to do two from the source normally can't because they use mana drive so one two three four five six this lets us look at what's in here PPE oh hello so I would really like to have some block to deal with this guy we'll see what happens we'll see we'll see okay so now I can use my other two movements each so I've done this two four six movements and I can use two to reveal this tile and two to reveal a tile up which I am all about let's do it so let's draw this tile this is time endure for it will go like this I do believe yes and then for two more points I can do title five and we're gonna get our first monastery hello how does this go yes oh good you can see matching the shapes up that's that's how that works look at these amazing possibilities before me I like it all so we're gonna have to set some stuff out we got some wandering rampaging enemies that we need to take care of setting them on on the board alright so I pulled a couple more of these tokens and let's put them down and see what they are so put down put down alright so this one is some wolf riders this one is gonna be some diggers and what's interesting is they both have special combat abilities so we can talk about that which i think is good good good good and there's a monastery we should definitely make our way here alright so something exciting happens now that we have revealed a monastery so we have advanced actions over here but the other thing is gonna happen is that were to come up to our advanced action deck we're gonna pull another one and we're gonna put it in the offer because you get an extra advanced action just available on the market and you get one for every monastery that you reveal on the map the other special thing for first reconnaissance that I don't want to forget but you don't normally do it in mage night is that because I just revealed two tiles I'm gonna get two more fame so we're up to five fame and in this three more we can level up which is imminent because we're gonna take on this keep come hell or high water it can be a bad choice don't care but for now my turn is over and we are gonna do a little cleanup so let's reroll our dice alright our reading a goal that's promising and we only have two more cards to draw so we're gonna grab them and that's it so we have blood rage we have swiftness we have concentration alright and then what these are all gonna go to discard and we are going to close out our dummy deck so I just popped the last card from the deck on top but what that means is that next round they would declare end-around but I'm out of cards anyway so I would basically play my turn and announcement around myself next turn so we're about even no problem okay so I've got these three cards and the question is what I want to do so I have choices I can choose to attack right now and take out this key like I know I'll win but I also know that I'm gonna take a bunch of wounds if I do that and I would kind of like to play for time and get a little bit more block hopefully before I do that because I have three block off my oats and crossbowmen so this unit can give me a three block but I need six and so when you get hurt in mage night it is not fun I only have two armor so what that means is if I get hit for six that means I take one wound and then 6 minus 2 is 4 4 is still bigger than 0 so I take one more wound four minus two is two it's due to still bigger than zero and I take one more wound and then two minus two is zero so the pain stops but I'm gonna take three wounds off of this thing if I attack it now and if I can get more block like more cards in my hand and do something with the blocking I think that's probably smarter the other thing is I have to move into a keep to assault it which means that I need more movement to so in mage night it seems like you just attack anything because the first things that you attack are these repainting monsters but what you actually do is you ascend and you basically mount to the hill on which there is a keep or a mage tower so you have to move into the space to fight one of these one of these kinds of units so that means that um right now I don't really have the movement or I could get it but that would not be great so we will just kind of wait this out so instead let's use the move that I do have because I get enough to get here so we're going into this hilly area that's going to be three movement and so I need three movement points to go in there move to play sideways remove three so we're just gonna come and end our turn here because we're on a blue crystal mine and that means that I would get it blue crystal so remember those cards with the city on the back of help here's the one for crystal mines it says my name if you let your turn on a mine gain one mana crystal of the color that mine produces to your inventory so this is also an opportunity to talk Hill about something else cool in this game and that is crystals so this is a blue mine I just ended my turn there I'm gonna get to take a blue mana crystal and put it in my inventory in other words here on this card so you might have noticed that most man I've spent up to this point is mana that comes from the source and that's mana that's a little bit more random you can only use one die at a time unless you have a special card that is not great so one way to get more mana is to either have cards let you gain crystals to your play area in which case you have to play them that turn or you have cards will let you gain to your inventory so I just gave a blue crystal to my inventory which means I can just sit on that until I decide that I need it so the other thing to note is that you can really only have crystals in your inventory that are basic colors so red blue white green gold and black mana are considered unstable so you might be able to get a crystal to your play area and push the kind of mana that you can use on a turn but you cannot store it in your inventory that's basic colors only so when you take a mana crystal to your inventory if you get a choice of color you do not get to choose gold or black alright so I know my turn on this nice crystal mine I got a crystal and that's basically I'm going to be able to do these cards that I used to move are gonna go into discard and then sadly into brown has come I don't have any more cards to draw they're gonna clear it into brown it's end-of-round so I do have this card left over sadly I don't get to keep it I have to reset everything but this is gonna come back hopefully soon so we can go wreck some keeps and some enemies on the way to a city so I'm gonna need to probably pick up the pace a little bit I got time I need one two three up to six more explorations but if the city is earlier than I actually have to I'm pretty close to finding a city anyway might as well enjoy the ride so we're gonna switch over to nighttime now so let's do this stuff that we can do over here and then I'll move the camera and we'll look at the other setup and then I'll move it back this is one of the thing that I forgot to do and that is put a token on this mage tower it is cool Maish our to the best so just like to keep except with a different token I'm gonna put a purple mage tower token here and this is another one most tokens where you have to get closer in the day to see what's there I'm not close during the day we're about to enter a night round so I'm gonna have to just work my way over there tonight and like assault it and just see what happens because it's fun and it's major night and that's exactly what you should be doing so reset continuing alright so now it's time for a day/night reset what's gonna happen is that first let's just set from day to night so was day now it's night and we need a reroll semana dice so soon we get for this night okay so this is great we got a red a green and the blue so the special mana changes at night so just so for example at the daytime Gold was wild and it was awesome now it's depleted if we get it so we don't really want that so let's uh let's be glad that we rolled all basic colors what black mana basically does is it's not a wild like gold we're about to discard this spell anyway but see this spell I really want one of these next room by the way so we are headed over to that beige tower so there are two options on this spell you got mist form and veil of mist mist farm is powered by just a blue veil of mist which is the more powerful form the spell its part by a blue mana and a black one so black isn't wild but what it does is gives you access to a more powerful version of your spell's alright so switching beta night re-rolled the minute excellent next what we're gonna do is all of these units that are on offer we didn't hire them now they go away they go to the bottom the deck and then we draw the top three more uten crossbowmen not gonna cry and Foresters okay so these are pretty cool down this advanced action that was on the market because of the monastery is also going to go to the bottom of its respective pile so it goes to the bottom will pull another one off the top so no crushing bolt is available at monasteries for six influence that might be work that's a great card next we're going to kind of rotate these rows so the bottom of our market ice bolt is also going to go to the bottom of the advanced action pile regeneration and agility you're gonna slide down and we're going to draw from the top for refreshing walk so these are the currently available advanced actions if we level up spells do the same thing now that we have a mage tower out spells are irrelevant we're in this game let's do it so we have mist form this one's gonna go away just like the others these are gonna come down and we're gonna pull the top spell off of the spell pile this has one more this has one more job to do however see how this is a blue mana what that means is that we're gonna add a blue crystal to the deme deck so it had it started with two green crystals at one blue we're gonna take a blue crystal and added two gold X's inventory so that now if we draw three cards in the third one is blue will draw two more cards instead of just one so when you cycle spells at the end of your round it makes the dummy player play faster and tightens your timer [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Beyond Solitaire
Views: 25,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to solo, mage knight, wizkids, board games, bgg, tabletop, solitaire, solo gaming, vlaada chvatil, liz davidson
Id: Cy_lnDypHuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 9sec (2769 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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