How to Sneak Pets into Your House / 12 Funny Pet Pranks And Hacks

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[Music] it's not my fault mom it was all fluffy what alice no more animals in this house [Music] hide a fish in a cup weave a spider into your hair play curling with a turtle and kiss a frog check out wahoo's new video about how to sneak animals into your house mom put down the mop i'll clean myself you just lie down and relax cover your eyes with cucumbers and rest stop right there snails well my mom can't see i'll clean up your trails oh no georgie you're eating cucumbers again bad boy come here alice hi kiddo what's that cocoon on your head it's fashionable right now mom really huh ah spider so that's where you ran off to spider alice a giant spider attacked me it crawled all over my face it was just a nightmare mom go back to sleep there are no spiders here what's this a spider web alice my precious babies hold on i'm missing a cockroach [Music] where'd he run off to robert where are you come back he's not here or here oh you put the weapons down mom i'll take care of him myself you just rest oh hi little guy i found you let's go somewhere safe robert run good boy run run run go is this cockroach racing alice well well well is this an amphibian cocktail this is for my theater club i'm playing a princess and this is my cursed prince so i need to practice kissing a frog seriously okay keep rehearsing enjoy kissing your toad okay wow i think the magic worked ribbit hello i'm a prince so you must be the queen mother what alice mom can i have some cake not yet alice this is for after dinner my favorite ant farm hey guys help me out go to the kitchen and bring me some cake go my six-legged servants ants are great employees you can always trust them what where's the cake alice here's my cake [Music] thanks for your hard work ants [Music] alice what's going on here oh mom want some cake my sweet little super worms no i'll hide you you can live in this fake plant for now [Music] mom won't suspect a thing it's just a plant [Music] perfect timing alice give me your flower i'll water it [Music] it's so unique it almost looks like plastic worms right on me alice stop right there what's in your hand just a kinder surprise mom okay you can go little egg soon you'll hatch an adorable chick i believe in you get comfy you need to stay warm good night birdie [Music] what a rooster at 4am where is it [Music] oh no the egg hatched already alice why do i hear chicken noises it's my alarm clock mom why is it set for so early so i can work out mom let me do my thing do it quieter next time clap cluck where are you chicken hi mom what's this monster this is my new dog-shaped purse it's super trendy right now it's called a doggie bag [Music] this purse is so dusty wait this isn't a purse at all alice here's my new fish alice it's my mom a fish a cup what a great idea alice do you want lunch oh coffee can i have a sip [Music] what even is this it's decaf and dairy-free it tastes really bad [Music] phew nemo we almost got caught welcome to your new home you must be tired alice let me help you with your backpack no no i've got it thanks mom now you're home kitty you'll definitely like it here and my mom definitely won't find out what's this an earthquake it's a cat alice come back here did you bring some horrible creature into the house again no mom this is my curling set i signed up for the local team and i'm gonna practice at home your curling stone is crawling away this is a turtle turtles don't play curling return it to the pet store my cute little hamster oops my mom is here alice decided to hide her hamster in a really secure place wow my daughter is growing up so fast come out little hamster you are so soft [Music] alice what happened to your room [Music] did you like her ideas for how to sneak animals past your mom then comment below and tell us if you're allowed to have a pet at home or if you have to sneak them in too and you guys subscribe to our channel like this video and click on the bell don't miss any hilarious new videos from wahoo
Channel: WooHoo
Views: 3,899,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, funny pet, pets, pet pranks, pet hacks, pet pranks and hacks, funny pet pranks, pets onto the plane, funny ideas, for pets, my pets, for cats, for dogs, weird ideas, sneak pets, crazy, crazy pets owner, funny pet pranks and hacks, funny animals, funny videos, pranks, best pranks, pet diy, hacks for pets, woohoo
Id: XcEo1wy2864
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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