How to Smoke Brisket in the Weber Kettle

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do you want to learn how to smoke brisket in the weber kettle like this and stick around because i'm going to show you now we're going to get started by setting our weber kettle up so let's get into it so we'll remove our lid take our cooking grate off and today we're going to be using the slow and sear so this will be the setup so that's our charcoal basket and water pan and then we've also got a drip tray here and that helps direct all the air up and through our charcoal basket so we can open up some briquettes and fill our basket up and if you want to use lump charcoal you can also do that in this setup as well then we'll take about 10 briquettes from this left side here and we'll use them to get our bbq started now you can get some fire lighters under your chimney starter to get them briquettes going like we normally would but today we're going to be using the grill gun now instead of that taking 10 to 15 minutes like it normally would this will get the job done much quicker so all you've got to do to get it started turn that one a little bit squeeze the trigger and there you go and then you control the amount of flame like that so let's get these brick heads going [Music] all right so that was only about 90 seconds and then brickheads are red hot and ready to go so i'm really impressed with that actually that's the first time i've used it and what would normally take us 10 to 15 minutes has only taken us 90 seconds so for the grill gun and everything else we're going to be using in the video today i'll put links down in the description for you to check out so now our brick hats are ready we'll get the rest of this webber set up so in a minute we'll get our lid on and let this webber preheat but this method our briquettes are going to burn from the left here and slowly burn throughout the rest of this unlit stuff throughout the day and this should last us a good 10 to 12 hours so let's open up our bottom vent get our lid on and open up our top vent too so while our web is warming up which will take about 10 to 15 minutes we're gonna get this brisket trimmed and seasoned now we've got a full pack of brisket here it's about seven and a half kilos and i'm going to start by trimming a bit of the flat off that's for two reasons the first being is probably not going to fit in the weather as it is and the second reason is i'm going to make a cool video out of using just a small part of the flat so stay tuned for that one in the future so i'm going to get my butcher's knife and i'm going to slice off right through here and you can see all of that beautiful marbling in this brisket this is a black onyx marble score 3 plus from rangers valley we picked this up from our butcher at austral meats so if you're in south australia check austral meat out or if you can source any of the rangers valley stuff around australia definitely do it so as for the rest of this brisket i'm just going to trim a little bit off the top here i want to leave a fat coverage of about two to three mil you can trim a little bit more off as you get into the point because there's a lot more intramuscular fat in there happy with that top side so we'll flip it over that's just a very thin layer of fat there so i'm happy to leave that a big pocket of fat up this end i might even just tidy that up a little bit don't throw your trimmings away you can always mince them up and it makes the perfect burger mints so i'm pretty happy with that now we can get it seasoned up so you can season this brisket in any of your favorite beef rubs or salt and pepper will do the trick nicely but we're going to lay down a base coat of our steak shooter and then top it off with salt and pepper just to get that real nice bark so we've got a 50 50 mix by weight of kosher salt and cracked black pepper so we'll get this mixed up and now we'll get this seasoned up so our brisket's all trimmed and seasoned our web is ready to go we've got some smoking wood ready i've gone with some cherry from natural smoke but if you've got another favorite smoking wood for beef by all means go ahead and use that but for now let's get the rest of this weather set up and get this brisket on all right so we'll take our lid back off we're going to fill our water pan up with boiling water that's going to really help absorb some heat and stabilize our temperatures while it's keeping some moisture in our weather too and that'll last about five to six hours before we've got to top it up again we can get our cooking grate on and we'll get a bit of smoking wood on here put another one here and another one here and then we can get our big beautiful brisket on now as you can see that is an extremely tight fit and that's why we trimmed some of that flat off and i'll also hook up a grill probe just so we can monitor our temperatures then we'll get our lid back on and get this thing smoking so we've just had a quick tidy up and our web is basically back at that smoking temperature we want to be at which for this cook is going to be around the 250 to 275 fahrenheit or 120 to 135 celsius range now if you wanted to use the snake method or the charring or whatever other smoking method you've got for the weber by all means go ahead and do that but i absolutely love the slow and sea and it's one of the most common readily available accessories for the weather and again i'll put links down in the description for that and everything else we've been using in the video so some of you have probably seen our other brisket videos in the weber kettle i like to keep doing different ways and methods to show you so you can try them and find the best one that works for you and some of those videos are one to two years old now so i just wanted to pass on a few more tips and tricks of learn in that time now because our brisket was so wide you probably noticed it was relatively close to our fire source but that water pan being in the middle of that i'm not going to be too concerned about it but we will keep an eye on it so as for now we're just going to maintain that nice smoking temperature we're going to control our temperature using our bottom vent like we always do and if you're interested we've got a bunch of other weber kettle videos for you to check out i'll put a few of them down in the description below so as for now we're just going to let this brisket smoke away and we'll check back once we're about one to two hours into this cook right so we are an hour in i am getting a little bit concerned about this side here as it is so close to the fire source and it is the flat side so i'm just going to quickly pick our brisket up and turn it around and because our point is slightly thicker and there's much more intramuscular fat in there that will handle the higher heat much better so we'll get this lid back on and let it keep smoking away all right so we're almost three hours in total into this cook so let's open up our weber we'll have a good look at how that charcoal is burning how much we've got left and we'll have a closer look at this brisket too all right as you can see we're holding nice around that target temperature we want to be at all right so our brisket's looking good we're about a third of the way through our charcoal so that'll be at least a nine hour burn time i might even turn this brisket around again and while we're here i might as well top up the water pan too we'll get our lid back on right so our brisket's coming along gray and our bark is looking nice too so i reckon in about an hour's time we're going to make a decision whether we'll wrap it or not and that's going to be based on how that bark's looking and i want to be at an internal temperature of around 160 fahrenheit or 70ish degrees celsius so we're just going to let our brisket continue to smoke away now and we'll check back in once we're ready to wrap this up it might be in one hour it might be in two hours but we'll go through it once we get there all right so we're just over another hour into this cook i've just had a check and the brisket's looking great our internal temperature is where we want it to be so let's open up this weber i'll show you what i'm talking about and then we'll wrap it up so as you can see that bark is looking insane an internal temperature in the thickest part pretty much right on 160 almost so let's wrap this up got two layers of quality foil here and we'll get this lid back on but before we do the beauty about the slow ends here is once you start getting to the end of your burn you can literally lift this up fill it back up with charcoal and it's going to burn back the other way so we'll get this lid on and wrap the brisket up and we can also chuck a meat probe in each end now too so our brisket's going to go back in the smoker now until we're ready to check for probe tenderness and i'm going to start doing that at around the 200 fahrenheit or 93 degrees celsius internal mark now i'm assuming it's going to take us a few hours to get there i don't like putting a time on these things that's why it's always good to get your brisket on earlier than you think and once our brisket is ready and i'm happy with it i'm going to let it steam off and i'm going to be holding this one in the oven overnight until i'm ready to slice and serve it when our guests arrive tomorrow and that's why i've chosen to wrap this one in foil so it holds all of those juices in there but if you're serving it the same day then by all means play around and wrap it with butcher's paper or boat it there's really no right or wrongs whether you're boating it wrapping it in butcher's paper or wrapping it in foil you do sacrifice a little bit of bark when you wrap it in foil if you're boating it or wrapping it in butcher's paper you do preserve that bark much better but as for now we're going to let this thing continue to smoke away and we'll come back once we're ready to check for probe tenderness all right we're about seven and a half hours into this cook now our web has been holding temperature beautifully and we've hit our target internal temperature in both ends of the brisket so we're going to unwrap it and start checking for probe tenderness oh wow that is super super soft there we're actually a bit closer to the 205 207 mark 199 there there is a little bit of resistance there but not much oh that is actually feeling really nice 99 of the brisket is feeling fantastic apart from this little section there but i don't want to overcook the rest so i'm happy to get this out so we are very carefully going to lift this out and back to our slow ones here for a sec as you can see they're burning red hot in there we've still got a few unburnt ones down here so can we still have at least another hour and a half to two hours of burn time which would have got us close to that 10 hour mark so we'll get our lid back on shut our vents down all right so what i'm gonna do now is just let this brisket sit there unwrapped for about five to ten minutes to stop that cooking process and then like i said earlier this is gonna get wrapped back up and held in the oven overnight until i'm ready to serve it tomorrow and i'm going to hold it in my oven at about that 160 fahrenheit or 70 degrees celsius range that's a really nice serving temperature to hold your brisket out when i slice it tomorrow it's still going to be beautiful tender and juicy and it's really going to allow our brisket to have a nice long rest as well so once this has had 10 minutes i'm going to wrap it up nice and tight hold it in the oven like i said and we'll come back tomorrow when this is ready to slice and serve right so our brisket's been holding in the oven for about 22 hours now i've just got it out so let's unwrap it slice it up and have a good look [Music] that is absolutely beautiful [Music] i can't wait any longer i'm just gonna have a quick taste here seriously all right i'm going for it oh man i'm a little lost for words that's just an all-round great brisket beautiful flavor lots of moisture in there incredible bark everything you want in a brisket that black onyx by rangers valley always produces consistent results so i highly recommend getting some if you can source it if i've missed something in the video that you want to know or if you've got any questions at all don't hesitate to ask them in the comments below but for now that's the end of the video thanks for watching and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Low n Slow Basics
Views: 89,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to smoke brisket in the weber kettle, how to smoke brisket, brisket weber kettle, weber kettle brisket, smoked brisket, brisket, how to smoke brisket on a charcoal grill, bbq brisket, how to smoke brisket in bbq, how to smoke brisket made easy, smoking brisket, how to smoke brisket for beginners, slow n sear brisket, sns brisket, slow n sear weber, sns weber brisket, weber kettle, slow n sear, how to smoke in weber kettle, weber, low n slow basics, low and slow basics
Id: sACFtbD-bdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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