How to SKIN Smooth in Capture One v 20 | Skin Smoothing WITHOUT Photoshop

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in this video I'm walking you through how to do skin smoothing in capture one however this is a great video for you to watch even if you don't use capture one because retouching and skin smoothing is not just taking away pimples or making you look like they have perfect orange peel pores it's about a lot of other things so make sure that you watch this and learn a little bit more about what skin smoothing is all about capture one it'll work in any capture one I really feel weird about saying capture one twenty anyway here we go so I've got this gorgeous picture of this beautiful bride here right now I didn't really do any adjustments to them just reset the entire thing the only thing I was doing is playing with the new high dynamic range that capture one twenty this is a you know has here they've got some new tools new way of looking at it but let's just work with the the file as is I don't want to do anything different to it I just want to show you this skin smoothing what is it that they call it it's actually found in the color editor oh they call it skin tone okay so there are two different ways I'm going to show you how to do this one is kind of the reverse of the other and depending on your workflow you may or may not want to use one or the other so alright we actually don't start in color editor we start in layers so two ways to do this we are going to work in layers for both just so you can adjust things kind of like when you work in Photoshop you want to just be able to have as much control as possible this video is brought to you by data color spider color management and you can save up to $100 they know how important color is for us photographers especially when it comes to skin smoothing like this and right now until March 1st you can save up to $100 whether it's capturing a moody sky or perfect skin tone getting color right can make or break your photo that's why calibrating your display and managing your color process is essential to capturing the precise tones that you want now's the perfect time to check out Spyder when we're talking about skin tones and and all that fun stuff so check out the deals in the description below and have also got a special link for you that's my link you click on it click on it anyway even if you're not gonna get anything just gives me brownie points alright let's get back to skin smoothing here and capture one number one way of doing this as it was taught to me it's called clown face were you making a clown face so we're gonna go ahead into the layers and add new layer you can name it if you want to I'm not into naming layers now the Enma tool turns on or off your mask the way that it automatically adds it I have it I don't know if that's a custom function or not is that it's automatically adding a new empty layer we'll play with the new fill later later later alright but we're gonna start with the new empty layer that's what we have here so what that means is if I hit B it's gonna go to my brush tool or you can come up here to the brush tool and you know we're gonna draw the mask and what you want to do is you want to just draw around her face and all the skin tones now with this picture right here it's actually not a huge deal because the environment around her is not the same color as her skin tone as opposed to let's say if I did this picture which I'm choosing not to because they don't think it's close up enough to really show you the difference you know some of these tones in the wall are similar to the skin so if I were just go into skin tones and not do this whole masking process it would select all of that too so you really want to come in and do the mask even though for this particular photo I probably could get away without doing the mask but I think this is better so I did actually just click and drag to draw but you don't see it because I didn't select mask so you can go ahead and do that I have if you right-click I have my auto mask selected so you'll notice that come into play every once in a while to be honest it's not a huge deal although maybe down here in these areas if we were to play a little bit more it would be but I want to use the neck and I want to use her chest as well as her face now after you've done that you're going to press e for eraser or come up here to the top and click on your erase mask I'm gonna make my size a little bit smaller and I do like my hardness where it is right now so that it's not very hard at all and I'm just going to erase like her eyes a little bit less than that let me actually just zoom this in a little bit so I can see a little bit better and I'm just doing command+ to zoom in and then pressing the spacebar and that gives me my hand tool really quickly um that's better okay so just gonna take away the eyes her teeth and then also her lips because that's a pretty big problem when you go to do this is that you don't want the lips to come into play you don't want to you know decolor them or change the color of them you just want to work with the skin and then you know you might need a little little adjusting here if you go over and that's fine I'm not gonna be super picky because I want to get to how to actually do this versus how to sit here for hours and draw outcome now you can see why it's called clown face right all right so I'm just gonna doing this back out for you guys and again you could go back in here and really you know you really do this if you want to I don't think it's gonna create such a huge deal because these are not really same tones you'll see later so I'm gonna unselect em so we don't have to look at that and what we want to do is come over to our color editor and skin tone hey like what you're seeing so far hit the link below to download my free guide for posing inspiration we could all use some it's good for individuals couples and groups as well so grab that super free right below we're gonna use this tool right here the selector tool and you want to find sort of a an average skin tone so you don't want to go like here where it's too light or under a shadow or it's too dark you want to go for like an overall average skin tone color so I'm gonna go like right about here now immediately over here you see that's the color I selected right there and then this is the range that it's including in that color I'm gonna expand that range just a bit just to make sure I'm getting all the different skin tones in there and you can also kind of change it with the density here but most people don't where it ends up falling tends to be a good spot all right so that's what we're gonna be now I used to make the mistake of coming down here and starting with smoothness and going why isn't it smoothening her skin I don't understand that's not what this is what this smoothness is I'm gonna reset it to 25 is it smoothing out see this right here the color selection look at that move all right as I go down now it's hard to do so it's smoothing out your selection of color so that's what that is again from here I would always go down to amount and now we need to start with here but we actually want to do it when to go down to uniformity first so all the way on the bottom now here's where you want to start off with the hue uniformity these are subtle changes by the way but what's going to happen I'm gonna go all the way to 100 and then let's go ahead and zoom in a little bit is it's going to change the colors to all match more that area where you're going to see it the most is look at her cheekbones which are normally which are more red in this case because she has blush on as I move the slider you can see those cheekbones colors starting to adapt to here they're not as red so doing that all over it's doing that entire thing all over so you don't want to go crazy and go to there because then I just took all the color out of her skin and we've made it on that right so maybe about here that's good but this is good for as if they're outside and they've red noses maybe or you know if there's a hand in the photo and that hand is a different color than the face you're selecting both the hand and the face and matching the tone now we're going to go into saturation and this will match the saturation throughout all of the skin tones here so you can see the biggest difference when I go from here all the way up you can see it actually D saturated her cheekbones again because were saturated than the selection that I selected the biggest one you'll notice is with the lightness so this is going to match the lightness of all the areas that we is selected to that one point all right so I keep reiterating that because it's all about that one point in this uniformity section here so you don't want to go necessarily crazy here but this is pretty good you know if you've got some issues with like too dark to light and this can like balance it out a little bit all right so once you've been done there now you're gonna go up to the amount section and the amount section it seems like it has all the same stuff but it changes everything as a whole that you've selected versus matching everything to that one point all right so let's just do it drastically with hue making the hue go all the way up versus all the way down you see how she went really green when I came up here and then went down she got really pink all right so it's changing the whole thing as opposed to trying to match it uniform it with the one point you selected same thing our saturation can go way up we call that Jersey Orange Lindsey is not Jersey Orange I would never do that to her and then you go all the way down and she looks like she should be in the morgue so I don't mess with saturation too much to be honest the lightness is probably what I mess with the most and not huge right here but you can see all the way dark and all the way like it kind of is nice to just soften up the skin tone a little bit like that so that is our whole way of doing it this way all right so we've just smooth her out smooth out the skin tones a little bit especially in matching her chest as well we could actually go a little bit more and you notice like mostly her chest is coming up here right to match so I could do that a little bit more but honestly I'd like a little bit of a shadow on the chest because it you know brings the attention to the face rather than all being like one flat light all right so that was option one all right trust me you're not gonna wait here for a million years for option two the other way to do this would be to have you have all your stuff here right that's all gonna stay the same but the difference we're gonna come here let me just deselect that by the way now you can see the before and after right when I select and deselect the layer it's just it adds a little bit of niceness okay well the other thing that you can do is you can go and this time do new filled layer and if I press M we're gonna see that the entire thing is selected right so that's a little bit different of a way to start it's kind of starting in the reverse instead of selecting exactly what you want you have the entire thing selected okay so you've got your math selected now you're going to go I'm gonna take off the end so don't look at all that now I'm gonna go into my color editor select wherever I'm just like pretty much exact same area do my same expanding and such right as I did before really set all the same basic uniformity and saturation and cue I think we went a little magenta a little less sachet a little lighter like all the same basic stuff then we come up here and we go to clear mask and it took it all the way then we go to our brush then all we're doing here is we're painting it where we want it to be okay so seems kinda backwards right oh and then you also want to make sure that like your your flow by the way if you're not noticing a difference and change the flow is up right so you're just going or maybe you want the flow down because you want it like applying to this certain part in this certain part but not the other part alright so let me just take off that layer and you can see the difference so it's just two ways of going about the exact same thing so that's you know there's really no difference other than my sliders are a slightly different but the cool thing is say you know I have this photo you know this one right here with all with all the ladies that we had before so maybe I just wanted to take the same settings that I had in this photo but that same smoothing this and I want to apply it to this one so normally what you would do I'm just gonna control and select that one and then with this one as my primary one picked I'm gonna go over to my layers and then this double one here double arrow that copies the settings and then you can click it and then decide which ones you want so I just want layer two because I want to paint it on to that next picture so I'll just hit apply pie okay then I'm just gonna come over to oopsies back to here so I'm just gonna select these guys and then with my layer two now I can go in with my brush and actually Minh hit em because that was the face where we did before so I'm gonna go ahead and we can go to clear mask right clear mask and then I'm gonna go to my brush and then I'm just going to paint it on to their faces now this would be a problem by the way if you had different skin tones are really different there you go really different from one picture to the next because if you look over here this is the exact same skin tone that we picked previously which by the way you can click and just move so I noticed this is a little bit more darker and a little bit more Orange so I'm gonna move this here towards more of the orange saturation and then I'm actually going to lower this would be a good time to do this right lowered the the density so you see her skin tone changing in the middle alright just a little bit so it kind of matches and now if there this I mean I can go crazy I can just quickly go over their arms see how it just smooths everything out alright nothing and this is a good example for like nice and warm up here but down here because their hands are down there it's just a little bit colder so if I go like this just applying that skin smooth ink now there's more of a match between the two right there alright and let me just zoom that out so you can see oh do you select those before and after alright so just a little bit of skin smoothing that you can do right there in capture one so hope that's helpful I like number one better but that's just my work style my work so you might like one better than the other I like whatever produces less clicks that's my mangle so I hope you've learned a lot about skin retouching after all it's not just you know going under the eyes and taking away pimples it has a lot to do with color tone saturation and all the things that we talked about in this video make sure that you hit subscribe ring my bell ring my bell I do all the time ring me bell and I'll see you next time
Channel: Vanessa Joy
Views: 17,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skin retouching, retouching, capture one, capture one 20, capture one pro, skin smoothing, skin smoothing capture one, skin smoothing in lightroom, retouching capture one, skin retouching capture one, capture one skin retouching, capture one skin tone, capture one skin smoothing, capture one skin tone uniformity, capture one skin tone tool, capture one skin, skin tone, edit skin, retouching faces, face retouching, lightroom alternative, tutorial, photography
Id: 26H5gstrdQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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