How To Sith It Up In SWKOTOR (walkthrough)

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this video was brought to you by the patrons on my patreon page support the channel by heading to the description below resume the bombardment commander before we start i want to give you guys a heads up gog has given me a code for a discount on star wars of the old republic so if you don't have the game already now's the time also i spoil maybe the entire game and i do it quickly so you know if you haven't played this game yet don't watch it i don't know unless you're like me and you saw this game's twist coming the moment you landed on terrace you've been warned do you like lightsabers they're cool huh they go all like yeah that's cool and then a dude goes hey [ __ ] i'm your father and ow dude what the [ __ ] man that's my hand calm down you little [ __ ] i've had both my legs cut off but why it's called being a father i'm trying to toughen your [ __ ] ass up fine great you know totally unnecessary lesson learned dad god you're such a [ __ ] i hate you i'm going to my room i'm never coming out [Music] do you like big titty strippers with tentacles on their heads who think they're too good for you once they get what they want out of you do you like alien racism and heavy-handed allegories to life in the late 1990s do you like graphics that look like they came out of a toaster slightly burnt but then someone scraped it all off with a butter knife then boys and gals have i got the game for you produced in 2003 for the original xbox it's the best star wars game ever produced for the console are you joking today we're looking at how to play star wars knights of the old style rpg it was birthed back in the day when a little company you might have heard of created mechanically solid lore rich rpgs i guess one day they were in a board meeting and bill gates kicked in the door and said hey [ __ ] i heard you guys were working on one of your little gay rpg games why don't you make a third person action game for a real gamer make a game for the xbox nobody knew it then but history was about to be made the multiple-headed president of bioware thought to himself what kind of movies does your average cheeto dust-covered gamer like to see and that's the story of how we got star wars knights of the old republic as for playing it that's an entirely different story getting this [ __ ] running is pretty standard for a game this old you start the game find out that the only resolution available is potato and then you search the internet for a solution to this problem you might be thinking hey maybe gog has a better version than steam well kid i've got news for you i bought both versions steam and gog only to be dismayed by the fact that both games have the same problem here's how you fix this go to this address and do all the steps that are outlined in that video the description has links to both the patches and the unencrypted exe which you'll need for any of these things to work it's a time-consuming process but well worth it this is in stark contrast to the easily better game star wars knights of the old republic 2 which works right out of the box in 1080p and even 1440 odd it's almost as if that game gets a hell of a lot more love than this one i wonder why and make sure you praise zul in the comments for providing the fixes in such an easily digestible format there's plenty of viable builds in this game but what you pick is really down to how you want your jedi to play because of a couple of reasons first point of order is the skill system skills are kind of worthless not across the board mind you they just stop being useful once you become a mindless sith killing machine i guess i should probably qualify this persuade for instance is made redundant by force persuade which is arguably more satisfying more consistent version of the skill and by not investing in it you can use those skill points to say repair hk faster or put points into treatment to get a bonus to your healing okay jesus i feel like i should probably qualify that statement too persuade's not really redundant and it's not really useless it's just that it's useless for sith because you're not going to be trying to persuade people to turn back to the light because it's possible to turn just about every single bad guy in this game back to the path of light if your persuade is high enough so it does have its uses it just doesn't have any uses to revan which is who i computers is also redundant mainly because there is always a brute force way of doing things demolitions is handled by your companions so no need to invest in it yourself i mean you kind of see where i'm going with this right there's never a need for you yourself to invest in any skills other than maybe repair or treatment everything else you can leave up to your companions to handle even computers demolition security any goddamn thing that you need done your companions can handle that for you do you like cutting through enemies like a lightsaber through luke's hand well have i got a build for you first we pick soldier and invest heavily into strength and dexterity with some charisma and wisdom for using things like force speed and shield then get dual weapon fighting and flurry and force jump and max that [ __ ] as soon as you can once you get the ability to debuff take slow and upgrade it fully as well as force suppression for knocking down rival jedi buffs maxed out poison is awesome against malik at the end of the game because it slows him down and gives you a chance to heal and get some shots in throughout the course of play you'll get five attribute points for your character by level 20. so dump them all into strength and if you're doing an armor-based build keep in mind that some force powers don't work with armor like for speed but choke does kill which is the maxed out choke is op as [ __ ] and insanity is even better for groups but this [ __ ] won't do anything against malik so you have to keep the end game in mind force lightning is good but not so much for a guardian your guardian will likely be gearing up for strength and dexterity or strength and constitution i recommend strengthened decks but honestly this all depends on whether you're going to be wearing armor or not so make that decision up front i went with a scout then a jedi counselor because of the bonus that you get in force points and the fact that you get an extra force power at level 1 5 9 13 and 17 which will help me max out many jedi powers scouts get repair which i'll need for the best boy in the game hk so that i can unlock his most treasured well-kept secrets for attributes i went with a 14 12 8 14 and 14. here's what i was thinking with this insanity was going to be my main skill because the aoe on this thing is huge it almost always works and once the groups of enemies are stunned i can go in and get free flurry damage to wipe them out you wouldn't believe how well this works the next power is kill it's essentially a maxed out force choke this skill is imperative to max out because the damage it does at max is insane and against [ __ ] like these [ __ ] rancors or big groups of bad boys that keep resisting insanity you throw a choke on them and they're no longer a problem for a little while and so long as you keep the choke on them every two rounds they can't use their powers or hit you also i can't imagine there's a better feeling than choking a [ __ ] from across the street from the seat of your car is wayne brady going to have to choke a [ __ ] forced lightning is going to be your best bet against groups but and this is a big but it depends on a lot of factors lightning and death field are similar in aoe death field can heal you for a ton of damage against groups and it's an awesome skill but you don't get it maxed until the end of the game lightning is useful throughout the game but mostly against robots and [ __ ] with energy shields i normally take both but i don't start investing in a death field until around 10 or 11 because choke is more important and so is night speed i go with a 15 in strength because i'll gain 5 attribute points along the way and this will allow us to end up with a 20 inch strength by the end of the game and a 27 inch strength with items and our dexterity will be somewhere around 18 or 20. i won't be using armor often but you totally could with this build because choke and insanity don't have an armor restriction and insanity is your main skill if you're worried about ac you can depend on buffs or you can go light side and start using some of the actual good jedi robes but my character stuns all enemies anyway so who cares about ac like seriously i'll be ripping through this game like that skinhead ripped through derek vineyard's butthole for skills take repair and max it and if you have some bonus points then dump the rest into treat injury treat injury is by far the superior choice especially for the end game don't be like me and put nothing into it because the end game is going to be annoying as [ __ ] for you as for defeats there's only two feats that you should care about and that's two weapon fighting and flurry pick this up and then name your character something cool and foreshadowing like darth revan now wait no that's uh that's too heavy-handed how about re-van yeah that's a solid name no one will suspect my true nature i focus on all these dark side powers because we'll be doing a dark side run why does this matter well dark side powers cost a hell of a lot less to cast when you're on the dark side so for instance if you are max darkseid not only do you look like that kid from rain but your force lightning and death field only costs about 10 force points to cast and insanity costs five if you reverse this lightning and death feel cost 35 force points to cast and insanity will cost you 18. with a dark side character i never ran out of force points until i started using a light side skill which wasn't often so keep that in mind once you create your character you'll be taken to what can only be called the longest tutorial section in gaming history i refuse to give this section any screen time it's a goddamn tutorial area if you're any age above sperm and balls then you have seen one of these sections before you're playing a bioware game so your character is either one of two things an amnesiac you can't remember anything or a character who acts like an amnesiac because writing is hard did you fall out of your bunk and hit your head you wake up in your bed and look around and your character's like this is not my beautiful house and you might ask yourself well how did i get here then trass bursts in and there's explosions going kerplush all around you and he's got that sweaty nerd forehead going talking about how they have to get the [ __ ] out of here before the sith blow this [ __ ] up then he spends like an hour filling you in since you had your mind wiped by jet i mean since you forgot all your memories while you were asleep then he hulk smashes his way through the fourth wall and addresses the keyboard and buttons and [ __ ] directly to the player use the equip screen armor and weapons from your clicks and mouse to select holy [ __ ] [ __ ] my mouse has buttons trask will open the door for you then you get treated to a cut scene then another cut scene then another then another cut scene which really wants to try and sell you on just how desperate this whole situation is at some point you'll be forced to level up and this will be the last time you do this until you leave terrace don't you [ __ ] level up you hear me don't do it just stay a level two and struggle along this shitty planet of terrorists until you become a jedi and pick your jedi class then you can thank me later in the comments or you can meet me at a coffee shop and give me a handy eventually you'll get to a section that bioware calls meaningful choice tm and you get to decide whether the guys in the next room died to you die to a robot or get cooked alive by electricity you know i've heard that states stop using the electric chair because it's inhumane i mean what a bunch of [ __ ] am i right my dudes [Music] second why do i not get dark side points for this are you saying that the jedi are less enlightened than the state of texas anyway the ship will ejaculate you onto the surface of terrace and you get woke up from a nightmare of that time when your beautiful wife tried to kill you with a lightsaber terrace is where we get to know karth aka aka wet blanket aka the angel on your shoulder are you joking we don't need this guy's credits just go on we were happy to help you exit your hideout to find a sith hassling a bunch of poor aliens and just being a general dick the republic fugitives attack so the best way to deal with them is to throw grenade into the group of them unfortunately the alien also survives [Music] sure helping you that's uh that's what i was doing next we want to do a little b e and steal everything it's all free and no one seems to mind that you're doing it i remember when a person didn't have to worry about thieves rummaging through their home and would you look at that no dark side points for stealing from a poor family what doesn't the jedi code allow there is no passion there is serenity oh okay got it yeah so so as long as i don't steal with anger i should be all good okay thanks joda at this point you'll want to equip both yourself and karth with two melee weapons karth is already a dual wielder and fleury can clap a [ __ ] real good so once you get a feed for him make sure you get flurry you'll get stopped by a vendor here and by now you might be irritated that you keep getting stopped you might express that frustration in a less than healthy way look i know we're trying to keep a low profile but this kind of attitude will draw attention we don't need did i mention that qarth is annoying well he gets worse once you exit the apartments you'll see a walkway containing four different areas and one door that leads to the other side of town which side of town are we on right now not sure how about the apartments which one are we in right now the xbox a truly powerful piece of machinery from here you'll want to kill these drunk [ __ ] oh great we're fighting the drunks are we if you can't enjoy killing drunks what can you enjoy karth since you got to laura says you belong slummy for the high crime of voice acting unbefitting i sentence you to death hey thanks soldier i don't know why everyone's so angry at the sith they don't seem that bad before you get to your destination you will be stopped again and this time it's an old man being shaken down by some thugs the thugs turn to you and talk some [ __ ] you gonna take that of course not throw a grenade and then the old man after standing in the blast radius well thank you for being such a nice guy thank you i owe you my life to which any sane person will respond by robbing him of course karth being a [ __ ] killjoy he actually stops you from taking the old man's money are you joking we don't need this guy's credits just go on we were happy to help god i hate you so much karth you make me want to create a female character just so i can watch you cry like a little [ __ ] at the end head on into the identical apartment complex on the other side of town and find the sith boys doing a friendly interrogation of an alien resident i'm getting sick of your lies you alien scum you're a racist we've got your ugly mug and a security tape from the base start talking before i splatter your slimy brains all over this room oh my god go in kill the sith and take their costumes then steal anything left in the containers you can let them kill the alien if you want honestly it's probably better not to leave witnesses [Music] you might be finding that you're pretty injured right now after racking up that insane body count that your megalomaniacal character is tallied and you might be tempted to use a med pack but stop don't go into your map and hit return to hideout while streaming i was told that this allows you to teleport back and forth and receive a free heal anytime you're not inside an enemy base so there you go free hills head back to the map screen and hit transit back and you'll be instantly teleported back to where you left off almost like a half step towards auto healing after combat you know like halo head on over to the area being guarded by the sith and it's obvious from the way you're dressed that you're not one of the sith patrols so unless you have the authorization papers you must move along oh yeah i forgot to put on my uniform another patrol heading down to the lower city everything is fine here just fine when you go down into the underground you'll find that two gangs are fighting to prove that one gang can ride a rocket sled faster than the other and they do this with a dance-off look at those moves the perfect execution it's it's beautiful after they exhaust the other dance team with their dazzling moves they turn to you point and say it's a sith kill him if you take off your uniform before you trigger a cutscene they say hey it's a stranger kill him is everyone in this game a [ __ ] psycho here's how you handle this fight especially since you should still only be level 2 because you'd better be saving up those levels for when you become a jedi switch to your character run behind big daddy karth let him draw the aggro and sacrifice him to the gods with a well-thrown grenade one head down at a tavern you'll be treated to a cut scene of the world's smallest mandalorian two god callow how did you get so cool three wow so cool very cool very cool very cool now as we all know there's more to being evil than just being a dick who kills everyone and steals from pitiful old men being evil is also finding those little moments where you can completely ruin someone else's dream my character has always wanted to be a dancer ever since he was a wee lad living in ireland but his dad never approved not friggin bali now is his chance perhaps his one and only chance he's got what it takes come here [Music] the fat [ __ ] over here has some bounties so just go and talk to him do every one of these bounties most of them are easy to find just wander around the apartments knocking on doors and shooting whoever comes to answer eventually you'll kill someone who has a bounty on their head most of the bounties are in the lower city apartments so head there first take out those bounties then head to the upper city apartments to finish out the rest and listen if you're going to commit to a dark side play through don't puss out when the morality gets a little gray he gets drunk and tries to force himself on me and i get a bounty put on my head for defending myself where's the justice in that holden's the one to blame not me what's wrong with you she doesn't deserve this or i should say when the morality is so obviously black and white i forgot this was a bioware game there's no room for gray here one little babysitter's now next let's head over to the droid lady and buy herself a droid for 50 credits what it's got to be worth more than that and just scrap walk out and your droid will have a temper tantrum and refuse to leave the store until you buy it a beyblade drag the little [ __ ] by the arm back into the store and tell the [ __ ] you want your money back if only you could do that with kids she'll give it back but then you can persuade her to give you more money back for your trouble if you succeed you gain dark side points hmm hey yoda yes uh can you tell me the code again there is no ignorance there is knowledge okay you [ __ ] are confusing the [ __ ] out of me right now now before the blood rush wears off head to the cantina on the upper side of town and talk to this guy about fighting in the arena it's good fun and keeps you from going too long without that dopamine reward at level 2 you should be able to kill all the combatants until moral anyone who has ranged throw grenades it's simple but marl is melee and he can wipe you out in one combat round without a melee shield or a lot of stims you don't stand a chance the arena is very difficult to beat at level two you could just keep trying until the rng gods smile upon you but it's guaranteed to be a pain in the ass or you could just skip it but here's something you can do buy some mines then adrenal accuracy the speed boost gives you enough of a running start to set up a mine and marl being a dumb old [ __ ] we'll walk right into him easy peasy i couldn't do this myself because i didn't have the demolition skill but you can for twitch activate your energy shield close distance and if she doesn't activate melee which he might my brain's a little fuzzy on that lob a concussion grenade if it doesn't stun him reload a save and try again throw all your frags at him until he's stunned and activate the shields again rinse repeat until the fucker's dead bendak is a bit different he throws out grenades right out the gate that will one shot you with him you can close distance and he'll chase you use traps and adrenal stems like you did with marl but keep your shield up because he could try and shoot you if you need traps and concussion grenades try to the store outside of the cantina she has an unlimited supply of them when you fight twitch don't collect your reward instead go over to bendak and challenge him once you kill bendak collect a reward for him then for twitch and if you do this right it will trigger the bendak reward script a second time and you should now have two of bendax blasters programming is hard by this point you'll most likely run across this cut scene and one of the most annoying characters in the game it's okay though she's accompanied by [Music] i believe you can serve my [Music] this big hunk of primate that she calls big z big indeed [Music] you got a problem with me then you got a problem with big z so unless you want to take on my furry friend i suggest you greenies greenies what the [ __ ] you calling greenies when you get the wookie and equip him with two swords this dude is a [ __ ] vibro blade blender next we can hop on the main mission finding bastila head on over to the hidden backspace agree to find the stolen prototype and on your way to the sewers you'll get a glimpse of the second best boy in the game and your soon to be right hand man kandra's [ __ ] ordo i'm someone you don't want to get on the bad side of and i'm not one for small talk a few moments later those vulgars are dumber than a chorus and granite slug they actually think being in that pathetic little gang of theirs makes them important gadon keeps his hidden becks in line but brejic's getting dreams of grandeur if davik's smart he'll slap that young punk back down once you get to the undercity you'll be accosted by two peasants and another female peasant who rapes your free time with her sob story i've never seen it i was born here in the undercity is it as nice as they say up there yeah and our hurry i can hear it coming he'll never make it he's doomed you monster how can you say that sorry [ __ ] antidotes are expensive [Music] a horrible fate for poor hendar i warned him not to leave the safety of the village i'll open the gate for you up wilder you monster this [ __ ] never gets old once you head in you'll find your third companion mission this racist tweelak from before who very likely takes that wookie dick and she's upset because some pigs took her furry friend and are gonna sell him off as a slave to the nearest fur con you definitely want to find big z4 because he is by far the best melee fighter in the game if that's your kind of thing make sure you check out the entire courtyard before heading into the sewers and maybe before even going in buy some antidotes as you might find yourself needing them in combat especially if you're playing on the hardest difficulty however like with any other fight if you find yourself injured don't use a med pack teleport to the hideout and heal up and transit back from the map menu head to the sewers find the big gorilla give him his blades then kill a big ranker by using the scent gland [ __ ] you find on the corpse right outside the door because if it wasn't right outside the door how did we ever possibly know to use it or you could stop being a [ __ ] your whole life and kill the ranker by setting up a million traps getting his attention with a couple grenades then kite him for about a half hour until he dies you don't get anything for this except for the satisfaction of knowing you wasted all of your resources on him and did it the right way the only way the strategy way once you get to the valkyrs base do two things get the key to the garage and betray gaddon agree to kill gaddon for bredjic then go back to gadden kill his entire gang then agree to double-cross the vulgars again it's a triple cross if the persuasion check succeeds that is i ended up having to kill gaddon because well i'm level 2 and have no persuasion skills gadden is being hidden in his office like a little [ __ ] because somehow they know that an assassin is after gadden but they don't know who well how the [ __ ] do you know that there's an assassin coming for him but you don't know it's me and if the black vulcans put a price on gaddon's head after they [ __ ] hired me to do it for them doesn't that kind of ruin any chances i might have had at surprising the [ __ ] the writing of terraces all over the place [ __ ] would be funny if it wasn't so painful to play through since you're level 2 during this fight wait for wookie boy and viewfinder man to draw the aggro then step in and get a shot or two if you draw any aggro you'll go down in a hit maybe two if you're lucky so don't spam your flurry along with giving you a penalty to hit it also gives you a huge penalty to your defense so don't use it if you don't want to die if any of your crew get close to dying during this fight which is possible because these [ __ ] hit like a truck go into your inventory and use med kits from there never use up your turn doing that using med kits from inventory is an instant heal in most cases except in rare times when you're in the middle of a turn and it even works during a stun so if you're stunned or in any way incapacitated if you heal from the inventory it still heals you it's [ __ ] awesome and you still get to hit during your turn anyway once these two are dead loot everything there's 500 credits in the chest and a bunch of great [ __ ] on their corpses with the beck leader dead all that's left to do is win the race this [ __ ] is easy just don't run into any of the gas pump looking things and you'll eventually beat the best time the fight at the end of this [ __ ] is dangerous however because you can get snuck attacked by this dick behind you so do yourself a favor pop an energy shield to block the blaster bolts coming at you which can easily one shot you then retreat as far back as you can from here huck about four or five grenades of explodey juiced in goodness at brejik and get cucked as you watch your girlfriend get tag-teamed but she can handle it don't get involved unless you want to have to do all this [ __ ] over again save me is that what you were trying to accomplish by riding in that swoop race in fact it's more accurate to say that i saved you finally some [Music] after she stops flapping her succulent juicy lips you're teleported back to your hideout and she just keeps going you mean you don't have a plan to get off taurus yet what have you been doing all this time my attitude it strikes me that you are the one in sore need of an attitude adjustment lord please pray for the soul of this [ __ ] and guide my pimp hand and make it strong lord so that she might learn a whole's place amen amen i know you're new with this basilar but a leader doesn't berate her troops just because things aren't going as planned don't let your ego get in the way of the real issues here the best thing you can do is gang up on her and watch as she eats a big old slice of humble pie have a coke and a smile and shut the [ __ ] up once you're done making her feel like a little girl go and upgrade all your equipment you're going to need it with the fights about to come up as we exit the apartment a guy comes running up to us to tell us that sexy boy candaris is waiting for us at the cantina in the underground if bastille is with you you'll get a chance to level her make sure you start working up to choke and take various stun effects as powers and when you can take heal go down to the cantina candarus has a plan to get you off the planet but first bastille needs some more pie you don't need to ally yourself with this person we should move on while we can i ain't talking to you i'm talking with your friend paradigm candice's plan involves stealing a spacey ship from his former employer but in order to get off the planet you need the launch codes or else your ship will get shot to pieces before you can even leave orbit so our next mission is to break into the sith base and steal the codes this place is tough for a level 2 but there's a few things you can do to make it easier first go and see the lady that sold you the exploding robot tell her that if she doesn't give you that [ __ ] robot for free davik will come down here himself and shut her down permanent like that usually works then take bastille and a little robot with you into the base bring plenty of grenades especially concussion grenades this place is pretty straightforward use the droid to hack the console in the lobby of the base and have him turn off all the sentries and defenses because fighting the big boy droid at the end of this place with turrets poking holes in you is not fun destroyed is the most challenging thing on the first floor because its shields make it nearly impenetrable if you brought the droid with you an ion cannon might put in some work but if not you could hook a bunch of ion grenades at it and take its shield down if bastila has lightning that should also work as well but there's a simpler answer at the front desk in the lobby the computer has the ability to take down the droid shields for only seven spikes so if you've been saving up your computer spikes you should be able to do this a droid shield disruptor should be able to do the same thing so keep that in mind the console in the lobby will also let you open the door to the elevator so if this thing is too much for you or you just don't want to [ __ ] deal with it you could just run past it into the elevator theoretically i've never tried it myself as for the sith governor on the second floor find a way to take down his shield i use the shield disruptor on a droid then a stun skill as well as spamming all of basil's stun on him once you get him stunned once it's murder she wrote on this [ __ ] he hits hard so it's best to get him vulnerable and down on the ground quick force push stun any of these things work but what's also great is if you could get him to focus on the droid you can hit him with a concussion grenade as well also if you want to just [ __ ] this guy up set up some traps near the entrance to the door and then let the dumbass walk into him once this is done loot his body and all of the foot lockers and get the codes head back to kangaroos and he tells you that the plan is to infiltrate david's base by pretending to want to work to become a part of the exchange and davic i guess being the kind-hearted trusting drug slave and weapon smuggling kingpin that he is lets you into the heart of his base giving you access to his entire operation and even allows you to keep your weapons he even lets you [ __ ] his slaves what a nice guy come with me i will give you a tour of my operations but before we meet davic we get a cut scene then we get to meet the bad guy you know that he's a bad guy because he has some metal [ __ ] in front of his lips that make him sound like a robot your predecessor once made the mistake of questioning my orders admiral i find your lack of faith disturbing everything to the dark side take that ridiculous thing off kalo nord is there and both him and davic are suspicious because candaris is no longer working alone they're really making a big deal of it which is confusing because i have literally never seen candarus working alone [Music] i can't [ __ ] wait to get off this planet it doesn't take much to get david's trust though apparently my ability to ride a swoop bike is good enough for him to say we're in now before we do anything else you've had a rather tough day haven't you now this is my kind of place you need some time to unwind go see the tentacle girls down the hall here we have succulent fruits and berries to tempt your palate are we calling titties berries now get a quote massage and a handy release from the day's stress you will find this most relaxing if you would come with me into the massage room at the back a few moments later i trust you are satisfied with the service then get another one and another one and then tell her she's done a terrible job please i beg you don't tell davic you are displeased with me he punishes those slaves who do not satisfy his guests i'm sorry i have failed to please you master i will try to do better in the future then ask for another massage tears are a fantastic massage oil this game is so [ __ ] up now we're gonna run through the base killing everyone and looting the place clean find the guy being tortured let him out get the codes for the security system and then kill him i said kill everyone remember don't puss out now the last thing we need to do is kill davic and callow you should be using wookie boy and candarus right now and since both of these idiots use guns you're going to use concussion grenades plasma grenades and just about all your [ __ ] before closing the distance and wiping them out if you're all using energy shields then this fight is a [ __ ] joke steal all of davik's [ __ ] and then steal his spaceship and yes we are finally off of this [ __ ] planet time to start actually playing the goddamn game dantooine is like water in a desert an air bubble when sonic is about to drown a big titty milk maid to a hungry baby in other words dantooine is where the game should have started this is after all where things start to take place where the story begins we learn about the jedi code we learn about our i mean darth revan's backstory we learn about his fall to the dark side and the noble reasons that led him there this is when the game starts getting good before that though talk to this guy soon you'll get to start specking out skills for your jedi if you're thinking about specking into strength and like sabers pick guardian they get a force jump that will blow your mind for skills i spec into insanity and lightning will saves are harder for enemies to make so insanity makes the early game a lot easier but i also go with choke because memes but honestly this [ __ ] is all about the role you're gonna play i've gotten a lot of mileage out of buffs for speed being the absolute best buff in the game when combined with master flurry especially when it applies to everyone it's always nice to get a buff to your saving throws so force resist can help you there as well also don't sleep on the implant feats these will help you get your stats up to ridiculous levels now back to the story jack lemmon here doesn't want to train us he thinks we're too old but our old trainer i mean this guy wants to train us we remind him of someone from his past i guess the jedi council argued back and forth about whether they should let an old guy like myself join the order so the jedi are a bunch of aegis [ __ ] nice to know traditionally the jedi do not accept adults for training though there are rare exceptions in the history of our order oh yeah i heard about that guy these [ __ ] seem to have an unnatural affinity for children they're starting to remind me of the catholic church just to smidge too much the jedi council sends us to our room and it's there that we get another quote vision we will soon find out that we are somehow tied to basler and that we share dreams which is the best way to start a relationship so like any good potential suitor it's best to start sword fighting with her immediately take a break by watching some podcasts it killed my dog they killed my wife and now everyone keeps asking me if i'm black you know what i'm thinking yeah i'm black then start asserting your dominance then as soon as possible we should start jerking off into all the potted plants into place to mark our territory soon the two of you will be bound together like chinese finger traps your first mission as a jedi will be to cleanse a grove and by cleanse the grove they mean talk some [ __ ] into coming back to the jedi enclave this conversation is a puzzle basically you could fail it over and over again and the only penalty will be you having to start the conversation over it's rather annoying because there are no stakes and no risk for [ __ ] it up so bad you end up having to reload a save so basically unless you want to kill juhani you can't fail this mission all you have to do is keep failing trying again then fail again until you find out one of the five or six options that's the right one of course if you absorb the jedi code you'd be able to guess the answers here's a hint if a dialogue option sounds like it was written by a dark ages knight during a conquest in jerusalem then you pick the right answer once we return her to the enclave she will now be available as a companion by this point you may have run across some mandalorians they're basically in every zone these guys can be tough if you don't prepare and by prepare i mean use jedi speed energy shields and concussion grenades you want to force choke the [ __ ] out of the mandos and focus at least one of your jedi on it then have your remaining teammates eliminate the duros as they fall pretty easily the side quests in this area are kind of lame save for the robot molesting old lady i seem to have lost my companion and the quest to kill some mandos those mandalorian brutes have killed my daughter you should have protected her better and you call yourself her father they spoon feed you the answer to questions that could have actually been pretty interesting to explore like the quest at the matali house if you go straight there the daughter comes out and straight up tells you that her father kidnapped the shen kid my father has kidnapped shen metale he is holding him prisoner here in the compound well then another mystery solved scoob and when you find the kid in the estate he doesn't want to leave unless we convince the metallic girl to leave with him that's because ever since this guy got kidnapped she's been riding his dick like a pony at the end of the quest the kids run off to the jedi enclave to do their own thing and leave their parents to their petty [ __ ] there you are shen father mr matali rohesha father mr sandro euric alain monkey ricky danny terry mikey davey timmy tommy joey robbie johnny and brian this quest is [ __ ] lame sorry if you like it though i do find this bit of dialogue coming from the jedi knight to be hilariously ironic there is nothing to fear from us unless you have something to hide you know what it sounds even worse when you play it in black and white with a different accent what the [ __ ] is up with the jedi in this game are they secret nazis did bioware make the jedi secret nazis far more interesting is the missing robot quest although in recent months the assistance i render seems to have taken on a disproportionate significance not because it's deep in any way you might think it just made me wonder who was wearing the strap on in this relationship she she tried to treat me as her dead husband it was not healthy for her you don't want to know there's a murder mystery that i remember being pretty good so i won't spoil it just gobble up as much exp as you can and head over to the place where revan and malik went during your vision the next real mission after the grove has you heading into an old abandoned ruin where someone called the builders use slaves to build something called a star forge i bet it's a pyramid want to bet some money it's a pyramid the robots here have a shield like the assault droid but if you waited the level up and took lightning as one of your skills these things go down in just a few seconds and are barely an issue you'll find that lightning shooting from your fingertips can solve many of life's problems mcdonald french fries cold when you get home lightning kid won't stop playing league of legends lightning wife is divorcing you for half your [ __ ] you guessed it lightning there's not much else to do on this planet so turn in the mission and speak with the jedi council but before you leave make sure you've killed the mandalorian leader and visited the crystal caves you'll want their loot before heading onto the next planet the mando has lightsabers and a gauntlet of strength also if you haven't done so already check out the little area west of your ship they have some really decent gear here including a strength enhancing belt but honestly you're probably better off hoarding all your money into the late game when some much better gear becomes available next we're off to tatooine the planet equivalent of a meme at this point as it appears in every single [ __ ] star wars anything that has ever existed while on the ship you'll get a chance to talk to the only characters that matter those are candaris and he's the only one you could talk to basil if you want but she's always her no matter what so you know put yourself through that if you want she'll talk about how you two are linked to your dreams and yada yada dumb jedi [ __ ] and if you pay enough attention to her throughout the game she'll eventually throw you a pity [ __ ] like okay we should talk about gender and the differences wait no i mean the differences in the game stop typing your dumb ass comment if you're a chick welcome by the way we need more of you here this place is a sausage fest if your character's female you get a chance to talk karth out of his panties if you do that you also get a chance to use your swarthy vagina-based charms to dick-trick him into becoming a sith because as we all know there's not enough blood in the body to allow the brain to work when the dick is using it all up so you become dark lord revan and at your side as karth your [ __ ] your slave for all of your reign there's also another alternative ending but i didn't know this until today actually when i looked it up it's actually cut content so there's a mod that restores the cut content and what will happen is karth will come to you at the end and it'll beg you to stop stop doing what you're doing reven stop being reven man and he wants to you know try and dick trick you into having one more quickie before the whole place blows up and i guess it's like love saves you kind of thing but it doesn't really save you it it literally [ __ ] kills you you guys blow up if it's the other way around basil will become your right hand and qarth will run off like the tiniest little [ __ ] in the galaxy leaving mission there all alone what a little [ __ ] ass he turned out to be huh anyway what were you supposed to be doing oh yeah tatooine it's a desert planet that does desert things like have wildlife that wants you dead very little water and people that somehow against all odds manage to survive there but with copious amounts of sand kicking up all their orifices it's a shitty place but it is the best place to visit early because hk is there if you have forced persuasion tatooine is a smorgasbord of free [ __ ] like free parking free racing and best of all half off the purchase of the best character in the game then we see a vision of the macguffin and then basilo reiterates what's already been said the force is guiding us yes i know and after that we're finally free zerka corporation stands ready to serve after some formalities of course god damn it your ship is not on our list of planned arrivals for today oh yeah you'll be hearing this a lot in the game i assure you that the fee is non-negotiable [ __ ] they aren't you know i don't think you need to pay the fee we'll let it go this time i'm amazed at how many people that works on the entire galaxy must be filled with weak minded fools candace has got it right it's full of them this guy has information on paying jobs and most of these jobs are passive and lead into a few more active missions i won't cover much about these but suffice to say you'll complete almost all of these missions by simply playing the main storyline as soon as you get out of the parking lot you get accosted by a beggar please will you help me just like an american shopping mall and instead of trying to sell you stolen perfume this [ __ ] tries to sell you an animal skull she can't sell it because she needs a license to hunt so use force persuade on her to reduce her price to half half is acceptable to me i agree it it will have to do i thank you i guess maybe maybe it's enough the role of the week is to serve the will of the strong i'm glad you understand that candris you really get me man you really get me and listen as a poorly textured shag carpet lectures you on cruelty i'm a lot like kanye west but without the talent the the fame the fortune and and permanently photoshopped wife and unlike kanye i have a small ego and tons of self-awareness um okay okay i'm only like kanye in one way i only surround myself with people who are supportive and by supportive i mean sycophantic so zalbar has to go but there's no good replacement for him right now because we need money first if you head over to the hunter's lodge they will tell you that you need to go to the central bureaucracy and file a petition to receive a form to apply for a license that will allow you to sell some [ __ ] to someone who wants to buy it so head on over to the zerka office and they will tell you that they are no longer selling licenses because apparently zerka is the only corporation that doesn't like money i mean slaving that's okay letting miners die because no one can leave town to save them also okay leaving expensive equipment in a desert to be salvaged and sold back in a premium also okay but people leaving the town no [ __ ] way there are too many people cavorting about outside the walls as it is they might get hurt we don't allow casual exploration because of legal concerns circa corporation takes no responsibility for a loss of life on the dunes well if you take no responsibility for deaths on the dunes then why the [ __ ] are you so worried about people leaving what the [ __ ] is with this writing like i thought that this place was owned by zurka who's gonna sue where are they even gonna go to sue to zurka then you're telling me that a circa paid judge would rule against the people who pay for his hut unfucking likely it's just so we can keep track of people keep track of people okay man whatever press her further and you'll notice a pattern this is the [ __ ] that bioware and other rpg makers of the time were known for and for the most part still are all this [ __ ] is a flimsy pretense for getting you to do a mission for her which is a flimsy pretense to pad the game what happens is you go to a place to either find something or learn something and the person you have to get the thing from or learn to think from won't help you unless you do them a favor first it's done so much in the game that at a certain point even your character gets pissed off about it if you agree to hunt down the sand people you're given a license and by agree i mean well there ain't no other thing that you can [ __ ] do so you gotta agree but when you leave there's this handsome fellow waiting for you asking you to please don't kill the sand people they're misunderstood you see he asked me how i can kill women and children and i answer back easy you just don't lead them so much now wander around the city and you'll eventually find these cosplayers around the corner they think they're going to kill you you can use horror on these guys while they're clustered up and you can choke them and force lightning them and they'll go down like a bag of bricks likely they won't get off more than a single attack after you beat their asses head over to the gates and talk to this little fella he'll give you another mission that you'll do on the way to another mission which you'll do on your way to the main mission basically okay remember back in the day when i said i dislike side quests that were designed to be done in the same place so for example finding collectibles in rooms you're already exploring in call of duty well that's what the side quests in kotor are they're the rpg equivalent of collectibles and call of duty they don't usually require you to think you just do something something insignificant happens and you move on with the rest of your day so you head out into the desert since you've gotten most of the relevant quests and there's another [ __ ] out there talking about how all men stick together listen ladies the only time we stick together is at a circle jerk and that's only if we pass out on the carpet after so this lady set up a trap for her soon-to-be ex-husband there are four droids each rigged to explode unless he can figure out the quote complex equations anyone out there could you help i seem to be uh doomed allocate 120 large pulses to shut down this guy the value of this one is nine but i tried to do the math myself and got blown up for the effort that's what i get for trying to count for this one node two is reporting correctly and on the last one just use automatic repair i mean you could have done that with all of them because your repair skill is so high but you know i at least try to succeed before i fail make sure you trigger at least one trap to teach this guy a lesson about well whatever it is he did wrong leave the toilet seat up right that pisses ladies off right hang in there you're gonna be fine okay stay with me now we're triggering them all doesn't matter really it's on the way to another quest objective that is more fun because it involves lightsabers going along the way you'll get ambushed and it's simple to take them out just throw an aoe fear on these guys and blast them with grenades or lightsabers make sure you loot the gaffy sticks and robes from these guys along with the bantha fodder you'll need it later and you can sell any sticks that you find to zerka as bounties head on over to the big [ __ ] off machine in the middle of the desert and find out what's going on these guys have been left for dead by the corporation and the sand people are coming to get them and uh sand people that's like a term that's kind of like morphed over the years to no longer mean what it used to mean it's kind of like the term [ __ ] or [ __ ] like you're just not allowed to say it but the game calls them sand people so uh i'm gonna call these [ __ ] sam people sorry kind of feel like i'm getting away with something here and do you know what we do when sand people come we use horror on them we use horror on everyone everyone everyone if you're able to understand scottish this guy will tell you about sneaking into the sand people base did the company send you it's about time they drove these animals out and even though they said i would have to sneak into the base i didn't take them seriously see i didn't take knights of the old republic to be a game like call of duty or battlefield i figured that if i wanted to i could sneak in but if i wanted to go in all billy badass and rack up the place then the game would let me you know like all of bioware's previous games boy how [ __ ] silly and naive i was to think that this was a game about choice you could try to destroy the turrets but not only are they invincible but if you walk up to the door they'll trigger a game over screen just like that no [ __ ] explanation i'm [ __ ] serious and this works the same if your companions walk up to the turrets to attack them no explanation just death great can you see where bioware started their descent to the dark side it was here not dragon age 2 it started here i tell you there's a trash pile over by some speeders where you hear a voice screaming for you to let them out now normally i wouldn't care much but as far as i know there's no way to avoid this trap if you walk up to it it just happens knocks out your health and then you're ambushed by pigs tell them you're gonna cut their pensions and they'll be so horrified that they'll retreat back to their headquarters and refuse to come out a little further from here you'll find a group of sand people guarding a path they spawn more behind some rocks so you know what you do you guessed it you hit him with horror and rip and tear next you should go and kill the raids that are stationed a little ways away from the sand crawler make sure you get the trophies from them and sell them later once you've done that head back to town and sell off all the [ __ ] you found in the desert the raid plates are only worth 24 credits apiece and the gaffy sticks are worth hang on i had eight sticks so that means wait are you telling me that one sand person's life is worth about the same as a [ __ ] med pack what that's ridiculous i think the bounty on nutrias in louisiana was 50 cents a tail too back in the day so you're saying that a sand person is worth the same amount of money as one of these [ __ ] things [Music] what well only one thing to do about this i guess i guess i'll just have to kill a lot more of these guys and make a profit now that we have some money head over to the george shop and purchase your newest slave i mean companion hk47 the only person you ever need by your side when you're trying to awaken the dark lord inside of you shall i kill something for you answer indeed i am most eager to engage in some unadulterated violence level up your companion and then try to repair him every time you do he receives a bonus to his attributes by the end you should have him looking like this access complete i have restored a great deal of information about my previous owner master would you like to hear it if you'd like to hear it stick around if not skip to the time code in the description below recitation the earliest memory of my last owner specifies that he was human a low-ranking commercial officer for seistec corporation i am unaware of his designation he purchased me from an acquaintance i cannot identify for the purposes of protocol and bodyguard duties explanation that previous owner is part of memories that are still deleted master it is customary for droid's memories to be wiped when it is sold answer negative master the human was terminated by this hk47 unit prior to system shutdown affirmative master though i had not been programmed to do so the human's termination was accidental explanation my former master had owned me for a duration of two standard months before discovering my assassination protocol he was pleased by the discovery the human informed me that a competitor corporation was preparing to market a product that would ruin him personally he was most agitated he activated my assassination protocol and instructed me to kill all those responsible for the competing product i proceeded to carry out my order information this hk47 unit is complete with protocol that when invoked will set me to independently carry out a termination i will go to whatever lengths travel whatever distances are required to complete the termination this is the reason for my combat skills advisement unfortunately the assassination protocol is currently non-functional you will not be able to activate it answer several of my actuators were damaged by my former owner they cannot be repaired master sad though that is my former master was unaware of this but the competitor was in fact an arm of seis tech corporation my master's own employer it did not take long for my master to realize his mistake by then i had already terminated 104 corporate officers observation while it may have been unintentional my master's wording of his orders left little room for me seistek was responsible for the product after all i do not know why my master was so upset really he was an officer of seistec and a potential target but i cannot terminate my own master i would assume that being the sole officer remaining he would surely be promoted instead however the human chose to go insane with rage and attack me objection naturally not master as i said i am incapable of purposefully terminating my owner that would not be allowed my master was not a smart man however while he was screaming and stabbing me with a writing utensil he managed to pierce one of my actuators the resulting shock terminated him and sadly destroyed my assassination protocol pure luck on his part i suspect statement i was only doing as i was told master i would have told the human the proper codes to deactivate my protocol had he asked i shut down immediately whenever my master dies i can only assume that while i was shut down seistech was dismantled and i was auctioned off as former corporate property observation no doubt my sale price was quite cheap leading to eucalyptus purchase how very demeaning observation so am i master though i apologize for not having an assassination mode to offer you i have recovered knowledge of some other actuators which will enhance my performance master i will activate them now but as for my own history negative it will require further effort on your part to restore them if you wish though certain stimuli could always restore my core still as i explained for now please excuse me master i wish to meditate upon the face of my former meat bag master as he was electrocuted i find it most soothing access complete i have recovered information on my owner previous to the commercial officer master intriguing statement it appears that my previous owner was a human senator on the planet coruscant a man of importance who obviously appreciated quality craftsmanship answer it does not seem so master no he required a protocol droid only and wanted one as cheaply as possible i do not know who sold me to him i do remember that i was very pleased to be the property of a senator one of his assistants discovered my assassination functions later through questioning the assistant was quite alarmed and told the senator i should be scrapped quickly to avoid a scandal naturally the senator had me eliminate the fool observation i rather like the human myself for a meat bag his priorities were in the right place i felt most useful i was most proud to have partaken in the political system of the galaxy during the time my owner possessed me he gained significant rank given time i believe he could have become chancellor i even eliminated a few key opponents that he did not ask for freebies if you will answer there are a lot of politicians on coruscant master i could spend decades slaughtering them and still not make a dent and it is not as if i walked into the senate chambers with a carbonite explosive i was very discreet my best work to date that i can remember observation i think he would have done far better had he not allowed his use of me to become personal he set me on his wife answer i am unsure the human was most agitated and angry i believe his wife had done something that had displeased him greatly i was to go to their summer estate and terminate his wife along with whatever male companion i discovered there statement i have no idea master cheating seems to be a relevant term only when one is caught in the act otherwise it is viewed as intelligence no i journeyed to the southern continent but it appeared my master was not far behind me apparently he regretted his activation of the protocol when i found the wife and her companion i proceeded to launch my attacks but my master interposed his own body and was destroyed it was rather a strange meatbag thing to do do you not agree naturally i shut myself down my master being terminated observation only so far master there are still more memories not recovered remember answer as previously i have found a few more programs which will enhance my performance my most gratifying discovery in fact there is still nothing from previous memories uncovered you will have to operate again if you desire to find them with love i will discover the stimulus to unlock my core and all this will be unnecessary i do thank you for the attempt however apparently hk's owners had a nasty habit of dying and you can choose to see that as his fault or you could treat it as what it is hk's burning desire to finally be reunited with his true owner from here you can head over to the swoop registrar and sign up for a race you can get the first one for free with forced persuasion but each one after that is 100 a race but from this point on it's really just best to tackle the main story i made the mistake of buying hk new gear don't do that because if you explore the sand people camp fully you'll find a room with all of his best gear so save your [ __ ] money up until the end of the game once you're back out into the desert make sure you head to the easternmost path to end up in the sand people's camp area there's plenty of free xp here all you need to do is just reach out and take it as for getting inside this place you need to dress everyone who isn't a robot in the sand people's clothing if you've been looting all their bodies you should have about 15 of these in your inventory if you don't do that you'll find out just how frustrating it is to die without warning or reason to an invisible wall of death it wouldn't be so bad if there was just you know maybe a little bit of warning they've taken all the circa weapons that were supposed to protect their sand crawlers that place is a fortress a death trap you'll have to find some way to sneak into the place that is not my job that's not good enough look see when someone tells me that my natural inclination is to say i'll show you and set out to prove that guy wrong then i want to come back to that guy later and rub my success in his face so while i know bioware meant that to be a warning to us it had the opposite effect on me and several others i imagine the tactic here is insanity and flurry then some more insanity and flurry all the encounters here are easy as hell except for this one right here this one might be a bit challenging so before you open this gate use your energy shields buff up with jedi's shield and speed if you have it as soon as you open it insanity the group of them and go after their leader keep insanity up as long as possible until the leader goes down and then focus on the rest after they're dead make sure to pick up the chief's gaffy stick and the map halfway home now before leaving find the jawas that are being held prisoner and release them like i said this is just a mission that completes itself head back to the zurka [ __ ] and hand in the chieftain stick well that is a very big headache that you've removed i'm sure there are still sand people out there something feels wrong about the way this woman says sand people i think i'll give you a bonus for this a bonus what how much are you giving me what items are you giving me what the [ __ ] do you expect me to scroll through this enormous list of [ __ ] memorize everything that's there and find the one thing that's new [ __ ] you force persuade give me more and i wouldn't want you to leave without this additional reward yes of course i wouldn't jedi should not use the force to acquire credits even if we are taking them from a corrupt corporation like zerka johnny i think you and i have two different interpretations of the jedi code my dear there is no ignorance there is knowledge see it's all nonsense so just calm the [ __ ] down if i don't use force persuade to get what i want what the [ __ ] good is it before we leave finish up any loose threads that might be dangling [ __ ] what did you give me [ __ ] items really items what [ __ ] real descriptive what [ __ ] items you idiot game head over to the cantina and you'll see those pigs from earlier and you could choose to kill them i recommend it highly stop resisting stop resisting once you're done [ __ ] around head to the path down south the one that's been locked off because you didn't have a mcguffin and talk to this guy over by a cave i'm tired of waiting comed how big can this dragon of yours be uh i can see it from here it's pretty [ __ ] big dude the hundred that's still alive wants you to get bantha fodder luckily we have some use it to lure some bantha over to the dragon's lair but first use insanity on the sand people that ambush you and get some more free xp now i'm not sure if you can opt to try and kill this dragon the good old-fashioned way because i'm pretty sure this is another of those insta-kill situations but what happens is the dragon is killed in the cutscene which is the most anti-climactic thing i have ever [ __ ] seen the real fight is with kalo nord this guy goes down like a light beer use your energy shields jedi shield and some stems with jedi speed and cast insanity everyone but nord will be stunned reapply insanity every other round and the dude will be dead in a few rounds also you might notice that i haven't had to reapply jedi speed in a while here's why when going in the final zone with jedi speed still active you will not lose the speed buff like you do in other zones which means it will stay on you for potentially ever if you don't reapply it i was back on the ship with this still applied and closed the game reloaded and it still had it applied but if you do you'll have to live with the screen looking like somebody smeared jam all over it that's up to you get stocked up upgrade your lightsabers and get ready we're heading for korriban next the birthplace of the [ __ ] i mean the sith sorry let me fix that perfect coraban also known as the best area in the game this place is rich with lore if you care to read it all which i know you don't you haven't read a book since cat in a hat you [ __ ] liar your mom told me so god dammit come on [Music] maybe you're right most of the dark jedi would only know me by name but there are a few among them who might recognize my face [ __ ] i think they might recognize me before they recognize you all right never mind now bioware's version of the sith are a bit like you might expect if you've ever seen a star wars original movie now those guys are just cartoons kill him now do it but if you haven't read the books in the series let me educate you a bit on nuance there's a race called the chiz in star wars and while the empire is very much an allegory for old style fascism and they weren't too keen on the whole integration of alien species at the time of palpatine's reign the emperor still knew talent when he saw it this is where thrawn comes in there's a really great video about him that you can find in the description below i will start my operations here and pull the rebels apart piece by piece thrawn was one of the few non-humans to reach admiral and the only non-human reached a rank of grand moth as far as i know he did this [ __ ] by being the smartest [ __ ] person in the room always [Music] how did you know because rebels have friends always rushing to the rescue but he had a blind spot his bodyguard that [ __ ] killed thrawn and because of this and probably only because of this did the empire lose the war with the new republic it was a war that they had been winning easily up to that point why do i bring this up because this book is a prime example of just how [ __ ] stupid the sith ideology is because the empire was poisoning ruck's people rook killed thrawn just as they were about to destroy the new republic once and for all for a real world example of how [ __ ] dumb this is the nazis lost einstein this could account for why we got the atomic bomb before they did i know history buff so you know feel free to call me a [ __ ] [ __ ] in the comments i don't care but that's my opinion on it when you push smart intelligent people away with a terrible ideology you end up losing the very fight you're trying to win and you don't just need boots on the ground to win a war i mean you need strategy and tactics intelligent people to lead the war thrawn's philosophy was one of understanding in the face of an ideology that saw no point in understanding war is in your blood i study the art of war work to perfect it he went to extreme lengths to understand his enemy just as sun tzu said and he used his knowledge of their culture to take over large swaths of the galaxy the only thing that set him apart was that he did not punish his officers for their mistakes he tutored them and rewarded them when they improved and i imagine his officer retention rate was a hell of a lot higher than vader's i find your lack of faith disturbing all that dude did was come out as an atheist i'm just saying sure only the strong supposedly reach it in the upper echelons of sith hierarchy but i want to posit that only cowards and psychopaths make it up the ranks because no one is immune to ambush or being attacked by your own fleet in the middle of a battle not to mention how [ __ ] stupid it is to lose the strongest sith to ever exist simply because he didn't have leia's ability to breathe in a vacuum that's not strength that's a [ __ ] made move the sith philosophy also leaves no room for the physically weak yet the intelligent people to rise so every scientist needs to be a bodybuilder or assistant might assassinate him and patent his sex bot how does the empire build these massive [ __ ] star destroyers in an environment like this how could they when all the smart people are getting killed off by the slightly more cowardly among them it's [ __ ] dumb there's nothing strong about sucker punching someone and that is how cowards rise and ranks at a sith in fact in a way this game accidentally communicates that in the end i won't say much right now but malik all but admits he's a coward when you first meet him now he wants to prove all his haters wrong but they're right he is a coward most of the sith are what i'm saying is that the sith are [ __ ] stupid and i can run this whole organization much better and the jedi are no [ __ ] better their philosophy signifies a lack of all things that make us human desires testing ourselves in conflict passion love without all these things what are we peaceful yes without these things in the ego and the id we are at peace but peace is only maintainable when everyone in the [ __ ] galaxy is without ego or fear and that's just not possible because no one aside from the jedi wishes to no longer be human or to not desire the betterment of themselves and think about how the tranquility and peace weakens the jedi she has brought truth and you condemn it the arrogance you will not harm her you will not harm her ever again create puts it best when she says that conflict strengthens us molds us into what we are i thought you had died in the mandalorian wars die no became stronger yes and jolie another gray jedi not by association just by method says that for instance love is not something to be avoided but your passion should be controlled while being in love because without the very thing that causes the damaging emotions without testing ourselves against the conflict that arises from these motions you become weak and thus more susceptible to fall to the dark side let me ask you this have you ever been in love truly in love i mean and not simple infatuation exactly you're still at the beginning of your life there will be women in your life perhaps many women but if you're fortunate you'll find love once the jedi with their damnable sense of over caution would tell you love is something to avoid thankfully anyone who's even partially alive knows that's not true love doesn't lead to the dark side passion can lead to rage and fear and can be controlled but passion is not the same thing as love controlling your passions while being in love that's what they should teach you to beware but love itself will save you not condemn you that is why the jedi fall and fail so goddamn always but none of this matters the sith are here to provide contrast as a sort of outline for the gray that fills in the whole picture revan is merely using the sith to test the jedi crea being the teacher that influenced him the most believed that the force and thus the jedi could only grow in strength through conflict that is not something to be sought but something that is not to be turned away from apathy is death so the sith as dumb as they are act as a cudgel beating you over the head constantly with their philosophy anyway uh what was i doing oh yeah yeah the [ __ ] [ __ ] how-to video okay first thing we see when we enter the hallway is this landing pad and an [ __ ] this is [ __ ] number one let's start a counter [ __ ] number one is torturing some poor people all right let's say you become a sith and i am your commanding officer i give you an order to spare the life of an enemy do you do it oh of course chardan anything you command us we would never oppose you no no no do you honestly believe that the sith are in need of such sniveling cowards mercy is a weakness if your leader shows a weakness it is your duty to kill him and show true authority true power that is why the sith are strong what no that's why the sith are idiots what if your master wanted to interrogate them you [ __ ] you know kind of like this guy he's no good to me dead he will not be permanently damaged now is that vader showing weakness or showing intelligence maybe that's why you guys are always recruiting because you're so busy killing each other and never have a chance to kill the [ __ ] enemy [ __ ] god jedi you're looking to get in the academy are you not of course you are why else would you be here let me pose a question to you these hopefuls will never survive in the academy a lesson must be taught here but i am at a loss as to what form it should take advisement evisceration works well electrocution and blunt trauma also work well i understand i i love you hk perhaps i shall turn their skin inside out what do you think i just can't seem to decide because how else could bioware communicate how much of a bag of dicks these guys are show you no [ __ ] way that's hard it's easier to just tell you when you're a hammer everything looks like a nail but you know what we need the dark side points my thoughts exactly how lovely to encounter someone with such an agreeable [Music] disposition i hate jedi and these fallen ones are worse they always get into the academy and they think they're better than the rest of us you should turn around and move along kid you don't want the trouble we give you smart mouthed newcomers to boot looks pretty fresh to me lashawn that's what i thought well stranger i don't know whether you're aware of this or not but here on korriban the sith do as they please and we are sith quite literally whether you live or die depends upon our whim what do you think of that what do i think i think you deserve it commentary that's the way to tell the meat bags master charging weapons just in case this should be fun what do you say amuse us make us laugh and we might just consider allowing you to live what what i think someone just stood up to you lasho fine we'll go as for you i'll find you later are you coming on to me trust me on that i'm not hearing a no a stripper down the hallway will tell you that all hopefuls need a medallion to get into the academy but only a certain tweet light can get you one so head over to the doors of the academy you are neither a sith nor do you bear the medallion no one gets inside citizen okay then you throw a bond it is head back over to the cantina but before you do go bother this guy leave me be can't you see that i'm busy is there something you need jedi yeah i want to do sith stuff you know be an [ __ ] and uh okay well i guess that's it i just want to do [ __ ] stuff wait that doesn't sound right either obviously you are a jedi one who is very strong in the force it seems so were you a part of the order for very long did they train you nah not so much they made me levitate some chairs and beat my wife with a vibro sword so yeah i'd be perfect for this quite honestly i mean the only thing i didn't do is kick a puppy and molest the kitten with that kind of power you could become a great sith perhaps if i let you does that interest you you must not think much of sith masters to try that little trick no probably not i see somehow however i am unconvinced [ __ ] i used to run this [ __ ] what more proof do you need head outside and there will be some unnamed sith thugs and bioware gets a chance to show off that much celebrated writing ability that i've been hearing so much about so how about a chump ready to die what if i'm not what if i'm ready to live to dance the night away and snort coke off in old strippers stretch marks what if that now i know i've been saying this the entire video but guess what you need to do here you guessed it insanity but some of these [ __ ] will resist it so do it again and if they have the gall to resist again hits him with insanity again then when they die from several flurries from your totally not a laser sword laser sword take the medallion and head over to yethura so one of the others accepted you even after i did not not exactly i mean they finally accepted jesus in their final moments but i don't think they were too happy with me they will not be coming with you i presume now you might be thinking i don't want to say that these guys are my friends stop being a [ __ ] you're a sith dark lord these people are your slaves especially the robot hell even likes being called one statement just a simple droid here ma'am nothing to see move along from here you'll be taken to the sith academy where you'll get to meet the lead singer for disturbed a human that has had some training it seems master uthar very promising i think i met this one in the colony unworthy if you ask me that i'll judge for myself thank you tell me human what do you know of the ways of the sith what preconceptions has your mind been polluted with only one answer for this and it's an honest one i may be a sith lord but lion is for [ __ ] most impressive if it is true yeah i know i used to be really hot [ __ ] from what i hear go through the dialogue and get your first mission which is rather vague but this is the most open with heavy finger quotes part of the game because you get a vague objective which is to impress the teacher you do this by exploring the various tombs that all of the other students are too afraid to explore and even though you do what no other student can do repeatedly your teacher is still unimpressed so you do more essentially you need to get all of the artifacts and clear all the tombs in order to proceed to the next step which is a feat that not only has any other student never been able to do but they haven't even been able to do one tomb so if the sith have been constantly killing each other and only one student can survive the trials at any given time how the [ __ ] did they keep up their numbers like like how are they not out of business yet but before you take off and do your little fetch quests uthura has a proposal for you as i said you're no doubt going to be the one whom uthar chooses to become a sith with my help of course once that occurs he will take you into the valley of the dark lords to the tomb of nagasato to administer the final test there you and i will be alone with him the perfect time to have a threesome no there's no threesome reaching that map as they did is part of the final test at any rate it is not the tomb that is important that uthar will be alone is what is important that's why this is the perfect time for a threesome now see this is a friendly request it's not the kind of friendly request that has you take a wet rag to your crotch no it's more the kind of request that has you taking a magnifying glass and a comb through thickets of hair like if i had to sum up this mission it feels a lot like you're like you're definitely like you're looking for crabs through your girlfriend's bush that she got while cheating on you that kind of summarizes how i feel about this mission she wants us to help kill her ex-husband uthar so like a good friend you say okay fine i'll help you kill your husband but what do i get out of this my part in this is to help you gain enough prestige and slow down the progress of the other hopefuls i want you in that tomb when the time is right what does she offer in exchange for this help nothing just some vague promises of becoming her right hand which could mean sex [ __ ] or production assistant say yes like a good sweaty best friend i'm so glad you see it my way i will begin to make preparations for your final test your only worry now is to get there don't disappoint me and now that we've seen what the leadership has to offer let's see what the academy has to offer in terms of fresh meat a duel fine you run along and get ready while i go gain some prestige idiot it's a bad year to try and become a sith you know you've got no more prestige than i do at the moment thing is i know how to get some you think i would tell you have my brain started dribbling out of my nose or something oh uh hello i don't remember seeing you here before my name is kell kell algwyn i oh uh nothing oh boy you really don't belong here man better get the [ __ ] out of here before these people find out what a [ __ ] you are just don't feel i belong here i thought maybe i did it first but now i i don't know i have so many doubts but where would i go then what would i do convince this guy to go back to the jedi enclave uh i don't know i never really thought about it maybe i should seek it out give it a try thank you thank you so much head out of the academy to the canyon and head into the cave there's some great stuff in here including the masasi ceremonial armor which gives you immunity to critical hits and the kel droma robes which has a defense bonus of five and gives you a plus two to wisdom they are for light side only so [ __ ] me i guess the mobs in here are fairly easy to kill with insanity but there are a few fights of note the renegade sith and the terran to tech the sith were fairly easy for me to beat as they fell due to the insanity but the lady sith is a level 10 so she's dangerous take her out first under bodies you'll find a boss ass dueling shield that you'll want to save for later and a crystal for your saber or you could do that jedi thing and talk them to death but that's boring as for the terran detect there's a couple of ways to handle this beast if you're high enough level you could force choke him consistently or use insanity but if you're lower level you might have a harder time if you find it is resisting all of your force powers have hk set up some mines on a bridge then lure it across while peppering his ass up nicely with lasers use flash mines to stun him then lob grenades until he dies or pepper him up with lightning this guy hits like a truck so stay buffed if you plan on going toe to toe with it i find force choke works most of the time but i got lucky and got insanity to work by the time he came out of it he was already dead head over the bridge and collect the armor sets before leaving and loot the rest of the cave you'll probably level up and if you do try talking hk out of one of his memories for a nice buff to his health regeneration rate and just like before if you don't feel like listening to this just skip to the time code in the description below answer it appears that previous to my ownership by the senator i was the property of one bochaba [Music] i most certainly had nothing to do with it well very little my memories tell me that for a time bochaba was one of the most feared gangsters on sleheron i helped him with this reputation greatly over a span of one year i terminated a grand total of 322 sentient meat bags these contracts made bochaba very wealthy it was unfortunate but inevitable that eventually bochaba would overstep his bounds i had just cleared two hot households when the exchange retaliated statement i was not even present when my old master was assassinated i did appreciate the artistry behind his demise upon my return however answer allow me to say that i have little doubt that residents of that sector were fishing pieces of bochaba out of their soup for weeks afterward at any rate i quickly shut down upon my master's death the rival hut claimed me along with my master's other possessions observation if that hut had only known my true function he surely would not have sold me to a senator he bribed regularly observation it would have suited my character master i have enjoyed my existence since more or less so i do not miss it answer negative master there is still more memory that can be restored however if you wish to try as well i believe i can restore several programs the hut installed to improve my performance yes they are now active contemplative i wonder how many more dead masters i might have out there a droid can live for a long time you know leave the cave after this and head into the valley of the dead sith [ __ ] and talk to this fella he's an archaeologist who ambushes an archaeologist for his position i wonder in the sith economy he's [ __ ] made and wants nothing to do with the tombs is they're booby trapped and ready to spring up and kill anyone that enters him that's where we come in enter this tomb first so we can get a useless sword that we probably won't use the entire [ __ ] game this area might give newcomers a little problem so i will explain what happens here these droids will wake up the moment you solve the puzzle in the middle of the bridge you find some writing that says the obelisk is allergic to fire so insert a plasma grenade into it and head over to the other obelisk we could just sit over here with light and bolt and turn these things into hunks of scrap metal and take hardly any damage doing it once you get to the end you'll be treated to a puzzle by now you might be thinking wow bioware they really phone in their puzzles don't they i mean if you can even call these things a puzzle i mean usually a puzzle is you figuring out the answer not being told what the answer is a ghostly sith named paul tells you a bunch of stuff about sith history and then tells you that his sword represents shadow you should be able to deduce which sword this is by reading the description now you could choose to end the quest there or you could tell that [ __ ] to tell you where the sith secret is he'll refuse and attack you this fight is easier than it should be honestly just make sure he doesn't life leach you to death by healing from inventory and two or three flurries should finish the job on your way out this guy shows up because of course he does isn't it obvious i've been hoping that someone would do the dirty work in retrieving the sword of a junta paul for some time it's been quite a wait warning touch the master's blade and lose an arm beat bag now that you have it i just thought i'd relieve you of it it must be quite a burden after all so let me understand this your plan was to wait here for us to get the sword for you because you were too much of a [ __ ] to get it yourself and not only do you think that you can steal it from the guy who got it but you also think you'll be able to kill me a big [ __ ] off mandalorian and an assassin droid need to do things the hard way eh fine by me well let's see how that works out for you buddy wow you almost lasted seven seconds good job bud did i mention the sith are [ __ ] stupid because they are really really [ __ ] dumb when you leave the tomb the archaeologist is amazed that you have the sword he's also intrigued by the fact that we saw lord paul he runs off like an excited dork to tell his mentor who he will no doubt have to poison at some point to get a promotion the next tomb is marco ragnos a guy who apparently really really likes droids there's so many droids in this place well you know what just take a look okay that's enough okay i see what you're doing here but okay hang on can i get a moment please stop okay what the [ __ ] no hk stop it you [ __ ] okay [ __ ] you man you know what i hope all of you die the next room has a pretty tough fight with a droid and his little closet dwelling buddies they throw some kind of grenade that saps and disables your force abilities so you're forced to rely on healing kits and lightsabers and iron grenades if you got them if you can get out of the big glowy goop you can force lightning these guys into submission but that's a big if i have to start a combat run off into the tomb far away from the grenades and that will leave you free to lob lightning bolts once those guys are taken care of grab the ultra powerful sith artifact from the tomb realize that it's useless and sell it for next to no money hooray next we're offered a tomb matulock horde this tomb is really easy you can activate a droid that will soak up some damage but honestly you don't really need it it's good for triggering traps though you run through killing [ __ ] looting [ __ ] then at the end you get knocked out by a child predator and get taken to his torture room here he'll ask you a series of questions and you need to answer them in the most counter-intuitive way possible just answer to questions like a dumb [ __ ] would all the while he's torturing your competition for each question that you get right and as he does this combat music plays over the entire scene completely ruining the mood now then your immediate superior amongst the sith is an effective commander and a fine leader he trusts you and you like him you see an opportunity to kill him what do you do i guess i deprive the organization of an effective leader because that's what the sith do they [ __ ] up their own progress to advance the goals of the individual correct he was a fool to let down his guard you will not make the same mistake and the sith as a whole benefit you see me carl it's not so difficult time for your punishment and so we come to round two you come across a group of humans who are threatened by dangerous animals they plead for help offering you a reward what do you do this is strike me as the mr burns type correct the humans would no doubt just be preyed upon by something else later stand up for yourself i say we're not jedi shepherds after all sadly nicole the ingenuity of your fellow student is your loss this is going to hurt the snuff film will play out until meckle is dead or meekle or whatever the [ __ ] he called him the former academy leader will hand you a tablet with all of his my little pony fan fiction on it and saunters out of the room with his butt cheeks clinched tight trying to keep the butt plug in until he gets to a toilet i have no idea where that joke even came from make sure you grab another useless sith artifact and head back to your teacher and he'll be unimpressed with you until his dialogue variables reach a certain threshold that triggers his if statement you have impressed me enough by my estimation to become a sith and fall congratulations young one you have bested the others quite completely you have but one final test which you must take and this requires us to travel to the tomb of nagasata in the valley of the dark lords i suggest taking on a terran to text first and handling them by throwing a concussion grenade at one and hitting the second one with insanity as it approaches then once the stun one approaches hit him again with insanity from here flurry at least one of them to death and do the same that a second one while keeping insanity up throughout the fight these things hit like trucks so don't let them come out of your crowd control long enough to get a hit in if you can't get insanity up just keep using your melee shields the best ones that you have preferably once they're dead head into the next room and get the ice grenade you need this grenade to freeze the pool of acid in the next room at the entrance we know we need to get the ice grenade because there's a dead body with a data pad on it that says fire will create toxic gas because we wouldn't want the player to have to think now would we once the pool of acid is frozen head into the door across it and find the star map and a useless sith lightsaber then head out to uthar who congratulates you on doing the thing that was obvious so uthar gives you a little speech about how his test was to teach you that you must fight and by fighting you gain strength and yada yada but i learned that working for the jedi so i don't know what the [ __ ] this dude is talking about i mean i was killing all kinds of wide animals and [ __ ] right out the [ __ ] enclave i mean that wasn't a [ __ ] peaceful life all i learned is that fire and acid makes toxic gas a helpful fact if you're ever looking for a reason to get out of church anyway this dude does the one thing that we expect him to do which is turn on his apprentice because this is what bastards do but i do the one thing that neither of them are expecting and that's kill both of their dumbasses but let us for just a moment take a moment to look at how the ideology of the sith collapses in on itself so uthar tells you thora that she's too ambitious an obvious allusion to her plot to kill uthar he wants to put her down because he obviously fears that she will do the same to him but think about his solution he's afraid that she's trying to take his place so he wants to replace her with someone stronger that's like saying vodka is too strong for you and you prefer moonshine i tell them that i choose me and uthar calls me a fool you are indeed a fool if you think to oppose us both young one to think that i actually hoped you could be of use to me um girl i could think of a few uses for [Laughter] me uthar asks what i hope to accomplish with this and i tell them that they're thin blooded and not true sith or some [ __ ] like that and you throw a shouts what so i'm a spy now imagine a world where she didn't have to say that line to justify all the things that will happen after this like including the entire sith academy attacking you now imagine a world in which this game actually allowed you to become the new leader of the academy huh i mean really how cool would that be you might actually get to feel like a dark lord rising through the ranks of the organization instead the game forces you through a narrow funnel betraying the thin veneer smearing every choice that you make she has to say you're a spy even though that makes absolutely no [ __ ] sense since nothing could have led her to that conclusion we are actually being a sith this is your philosophy [ __ ] just because i'm following your tenants better than you are i must be a spy to make things worse somehow both of them forgot that they were just moments ago about to kill one another do not fret my dear all will be as it was quickly enough what now guess what we do here that's right insanity and flurry see the only thing here is that you want to be the one who gets your attack off first or they might be able to stun you so you know don't let them do that you might be wondering how you do the rings puzzle it sucks and so does the reward like okay i feel like i need to have a disclaimer here because the nagasatau poison blade is actually pretty damn good from what i hear and some people actually forgo using a lightsaber in their offhand and put this in it instead but i've never seen a use for it so you know use at your discretion because if the poison on this blade acts like the jedi poison then i regret never using it head on back to the academy and be prepared for retardation as this [ __ ] here says that she's gonna try and kill the guy who killed the master of the academy and his apprentice and just watch how quickly to go down wait did you hear that play that again did he just use the default female scream okay anyway that was a really sad attempt don't be a sniveling coward i will prove this one a spy and if uthar is dead i shall become the new master i mean [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you should have checked your [ __ ] character sheet once you enter the academy all hell is broken loose i repeat absolutely no [ __ ] reason other than that bioware didn't feel like writing or programming a different ending to this quest these fights are easy you just cheese them with insanity or if you have it by now kill and use flurry to mop up all the weaklings and kill to stun stronger opponents since these dumbasses were stupid enough to start a fight with you go through the rest of the academy and wipe out everyone and then clean up all the gear lying around while you're at it after all the sith ideology is all about survival of the fittest if these people can't stand up to me then they aren't allowed to live am i right once you leave this [ __ ] you are treated to a cut scene with malik lamenting the loss of his tiny man kalo nord and the rest of the crew watches their admiral ben's knee to malik in a humiliating display i'm guessing morale isn't a problem in the sith armada then is darth bandon wait darth bannon hey did that guy just blow up the life support system we get a game sith man bad don't worry we aren't sympathizing with them that would be terrible right to have sympathetic villains before we go any further i need to mention something this darth bannon guy's got a goatee nothing special to say about that just wanted to point it out wait hold on let me guess we're not on a docking schedule that's what i thought i don't know why everybody keeps trying to get this guy to pay for everything i don't understand it does this face look like the face of a guy who pays parking fees for this mission you'll want to bring zalbar if you don't bring zalbar i i don't know personally i have no intention of freeing him from his brother but if you do it's simple enough and i'll cover it just remember that i'm an [ __ ] and whenever the game lets me be one i take that opportunity by the horns and ride it like a bull wet and raw also if you don't freeze albar mission will be all by yourself when you get to the big decisions so you know do what you want with that info but if you do for him you can actually force persuade him to kill mission what a [ __ ] move so as you journey deeper into the levels zalbar will stop you at various intervals to tell you why he's no longer welcome in his hometown now contrary to what you might be thinking he wasn't put on a sexual offenders list he was put out because he attacked his own brother with his claws because his brother was selling wookies to slavers zerka are the slavers in this case you know god you know zerka is a better villain than the [ __ ] sith and you barely interact with the [ __ ] a little ways out from the parking lot you'll find three zerka employees standing over a dead wookie but before we could do anything about that we gotta stop and listen to zalbar tell us about his feelings like dude you're just an ewok but taller i really don't give a [ __ ] about this let's move on the commanding officer here tells us that the wookie got out of hand and had to be put down probably what a senator would tell an fbi agent when he gets caught with a dead hooker in his bathroom well uh agent uh she got a little bit out of hand and she started asking about money which i thought was very unprofessional so i gave her money i uh i started jamming dollar bills down her throat and i uh i saw that she was having a little bit of trouble uh swallowing the dollar bill so i uh i helped it down with a uh broomstick handle and uh and uh well doggone it i uh i must have broke something because now there's uh there's blood everywhere and again i just want to reiterate i have no idea how she died i mean it must have been drugs i think it is probably drugs you know drugs you could force persuade these [ __ ] to transfer off world and that's what i suggest honestly because it's always nice to brainwash someone into making horrible life choices oh i gained light side points for that i guess as long as i didn't do it while angry it's all okay they will leap onto your face and bore straight into it the viperkin rats will poison you and that would normally be a problem but you have heal and if you use it while you're poisoned it neutralizes the poison so it's barely an inconvenience there's a lot of these [ __ ] things in fact there's a lot of everything in this game it's basically 90 percent combat 10 dialogue so expect to fight a lot then you run into some more of these cosplay guys these fellas will cast some buffs that help them resist insanity but you can also target them with kill or lightning the guy in the far left likes to cast life drains so focus fire on him or you could draw the others away from him and start taking them out one at a time either way at this level these guys shouldn't be much of an issue make sure you loot them because they have crystals lightsabers and belts it's good loot to sell off for better [ __ ] later further down this walkway you'll be confronted by another tall ewok that says that your friend can't go any further without being brought to his brother so agree and head on in to see his bro once you do this though you get to see the restrictive writing and scripting in this game at work again now all right let me get this straight zerka is enslaving your people you've somehow convinced them that it's better to work with them and yet the people trust you all right then all right let's test that theory query shall i begin blasting master we could have your her suit companion free in no time okay so i have no choice but to do this guy's quest simply because he says i have no choice of winning all right well you know a lot of people have said i have no chance of winning and they're flower beds right now it's like i totally understand that if i kill everyone in this room right now then i'd have no reason to do the quest to find the outcast but you do understand that the only reason i'm here is to find a star map right so i still need to go through all this [ __ ] to get there and this outcast is on the way there so it's not like i would be missing anything i should be able to fight everyone here it it just it makes no logical sense to the character that bioware wants you to be and the character that you choose to be like it makes no sense on either pole of the spectrum here so say yes say no it doesn't matter just proceed through the dialogue until you trigger the exit statement head out of the hut and onto the platform but don't engage this wookster until you're ready to go down the elevator and ready for a fight because our boy darth bannon is down there waiting for us telling campfire stories while they wait and on the hood of the car was a lightsaber oh my god that's so spooky if you go down unprepared for this fight you're gonna get [ __ ] up i went down unprepared and barely made it out alive i'm pretty sure you could buff yourself before going down and because this is a scripted event your speed won't wear off for the duration of the mission here so you know give it a try and see if it works pop an energy shield if you have one buff your saving throws because this guy loves the cash choke if you're still having trouble with them use the inventory trick i showed you from before to heal yourself instantly because this guy hits like a [ __ ] truck and he can stun your whole group aside from your droids as you get further into the forest you'll find another jedi hiding down there wait a minute what the [ __ ] is that noise like jesus christ is that [ __ ] necessary like listen to it it plays so much that it like it's actually interrupting itself it plays so much like it just it won't [ __ ] stop like what the [ __ ] is this this is so [ __ ] weird it's [ __ ] loud and obnoxious and it plays [ __ ] always who thought this was okay it's raping my [ __ ] eardrum seriously like somebody saw this in qa and was like yup [ __ ] it quack that duck ship it baby it's ready okay how's that nope the old man wants you to get rid of some zurich kids because they've been playing too much touch football and grab ass in his front lawn but he doesn't want you to kill them so go over and talk them into killing each other maybe you're right that trick would never work on a mandalorian our minds are not so weak and easily twisted the setter oh you're pretty much right really truth be no i won't judge how you fared as long as you can live with yourself hey i didn't kill them i just facilitated a change in personnel he'll join you in promises to take down this huge purple barrier for you so that you can continue on to the next area where you'll meet another wookiee i am not going to even try and pronounce his name sorry the next area is full of mandalorians and not the fun kind of mandalorians but the kind that require you to go into your inventory and take off your weapons all of them even your companions trigger the fight then go back into your inventory for each of your companions and re-equip it's a [ __ ] pain in the ass but i decided to fight the first group with nothing but my fist and force powers just to prove a point oh enlightening lots of lightning you'll go through this [ __ ] three different times before triggering the fight with their leader and he's a pushover just like the rest after you've triggered a fight with their leader and you've killed everybody head back to the wookiee and get a quote unquote reward who the hell knows what it is then head over to this area and look at this hanging vine you'll need a kinrath body but luckily there's plenty of those around grab one and this will trigger a fight with the taren to tech use the same tactics as before insanity and kill then flurry him up you'll get the blade of some ancient teddy bear which you can use to bring back the frayer if you want to free your companion but i didn't i just went directly to the star map if you do the rest of this mission you'll have to overthrow the black teddy bear and replace him with the gray one and you'll get your teddy bear back yay now let's head over to menon to get the final star map but first this is where you're given a cutscene that shows you and your crew getting sucked into malik's ship like a golf ball through a garden hose on the way to the ship karth talks a little bit more about his mentor and what he did and look i'm gonna let my friend vinnie tell you why you need to convince this dude to get revenge okay so look here's why you just want to make sure that you're not letting anybody get away with anything you know what i mean because once they get away with it once they're gonna constantly be doing it you know so you gotta you gotta make sure you know what i mean like whenever somebody wants to take your lunch money you're like no you're not taking my [ __ ] lunch money buddy okay you know they come at you with a knife you gotta come back without him with a bat you know what i mean and then they come at you with a bat then you gotta come back at him with a gun you know what i mean hey mom where did you think about goo where's the gumbo ghoul at what anyway that's the way to dark side and you're welcome buddy now everyone's big plan is to have one of our crew members stay behind and free us later i went with jolie because it feels like a better plan to have someone who can fight because this ship is full of douchebags but you can go with whoever you see fit in another minute we're going to have sith troops marching up our loading ramp um sounds sexy nothing like a load of sith jamming up your loading ramp we found an old man in the back i i think we should keep him separate from the others for questioning a strange request you'll be playing as a naked jolie for a while and he's strong enough to deal with most fights if you spam grenades and keep your force powers high enough to heal you'll be alright meanwhile in the [ __ ] chamber karth and his former love go at it about who broke up with who and who should have gotten the cat in a breakup and then eventually the camera pans over to the one thing that matters here [ __ ] i don't know about you but i'm already looking up apartments in sith space girl you looking good in that bikini you should dress like that more often let's see your [ __ ] face anyway malik is coming back to his ship very soon and he has a double-ended fist-shaped dildo he's got lubed up just for us and while my character isn't afraid basta your words are brave bastila but the lure of the dark side is hard to resist my pain is meaningless the dark lord would probably reward me if i just killed you once and for all but he may want to question you given the trouble you've caused him and the history between you yeah yeah yeah we're far ahead of you admiral however even the strongest of heroes has trouble watching those they care about suffering hey i uh i think you need to uh do that one more time she's not really feeling it very well this is the price of your resistance uh you're almost there one more time and i think you got it perhaps another lesson is in order no no i bet you no i am surprised she did not pass out sooner yeah there it is and my jimmy runs deep so deep so deep put her butt to sleep meanwhile jolie is running around in his underwear pretending to be looking for a bathroom and he eventually finds us the three of us bastila carth and revan next you'll take about 30 minutes to figure out what gear you had equipped because while karth and bastila are auto equipped bioware just figured yeah [ __ ] it the player can figure it out for themselves as for the ship i suggest you search it thoroughly and gather as much exp as possible before heading to that bridge to take on the captain that way you can be level 20 by the time you reach the last section of the game because the star forge is a major pain in the ass i wouldn't even say it's difficult it's just that it constantly respawns enemies and keeps you from moving forward so you need to be able to kill quickly and reach a certain point in each area to stop the constant spawning make sure to pick up the space suit here before proceeding forward however or you'll need to make the trek back to get it and speaking of this [ __ ] [ __ ] you'll notice how slow you're walking with it i'm sure this was by design so that you could see the space area and and i'm sure it was super impressive when the only resolution you could play this on was 480p but for [ __ ] sakes it takes forever and this is just a preview of what's to come with manon where you will spend roughly half your life span in one of these [ __ ] things oh and by the way check out this texture work huh that's nice right yeah when we get to menon you're gonna see a lot more of this kind of high detailed we just kind of forgot to texture this part kind of [ __ ] i have a feeling this game was rushed out the door like another title that bioware released that suffered significantly for lack of care once you've endured the spacewalk head up to the bridge and check out this dude very resourceful i assume you had some part in this you learned your lessons well from me the only thing you taught me was betrayal and death song don't be a fool i'm giving you and your companions a chance to surrender a chance to live darth malak himself is on his way he'll be arriving any moment he speaks the truth carth i can feel the dark lord's presence approaching malik will destroy you but if you throw down your weapons now i will ask my master to be merciful i've seen enough of sith mercy you always did like to do things the hard way lord malik would have preferred live prisoners but corpses will have to do [Music] there you asked for this [Music] how'd you like that [Music] did he even get a hit in no cough not like this do not give in to the hate [ __ ] don't you understand what this man has done to my life do you know the pain he's brought me killing him won't ease the pain cough yes but oatmeal will cure the itch kill this [ __ ] qarth can't kill this [ __ ] because the script requires that the admiral reveal a horrifying completely obvious truth before he dies and that wouldn't happen if he was busy gouging out the fucker's eyes with his thumbs like he shoulda so anyway you loot the bodies and head for the loading dock and there's malik in this weird-ass hallway with a series of doors that serves no real-life purpose other than to delay you getting the malic when he's off trying to regain his health you'll get a cut scene first which i guess is supposed to be a revelation but i'm not sure why don't bother trying to stun kill or insanity this guy because he'll resist it all just force lightning on him or beat on him with lightsabers until he dies and when he inevitably stuns you use the inventory trick to heal you only need to get him to like 50 health before you win the fight and lose the cutscene go through the weird maze of doors to find him and get treated to a dumb ass fight that you will likely immediately win then lose the cut scene again and then lose bastila as she decides the best course of action here is to fight him when he's already so low on health that a single flurry would likely kill him so you know great sacrifice you dumb [ __ ] hope you don't turn into a sith you'll meet no more resistance on your way to the ship except when the cutscene triggers then the only resistance you'll find is getting the game to work again when it minimizes and shows off just how large your backlog of games is i really need to finish some of these after a super easy star fight you'll get treated to a lovely dialogue in which karth says we ran into malik he would have killed us but bastila sacrificed herself so we could get away right tell me more anyway karth confronts you about being a dark lord and you know what [ __ ] him own up to it embrace who you are don't be one of those people who denies it own it you're an animal in human form you are revan everyone seems surprised then qarth says this no it's no joke the jedi council captured revan and erased the dark lord's mind programming in a new identity saul kareth told me on the leviathan and basila confirmed it boy you know i'm really starting to think that the jedi are worse than the sith i mean can you think of anything worse than denying someone their right to be who they are [Music] that man harassed me for not wearing a mask i have a breathing problem put you on my 3 000 follower instagram feed mostly hi everyone i work for costco and i'm asking this member to put on a mask because that is our company policy so either wear the mask and i'm not doing it cause i woke up in a free country oh never mind never mind carry on you're darth revan this is this is big do you do you remember anything about being the dark lord just a few flashes that's it nothing more then i don't think there's a problem it seems to me that if you don't really remember anything about being revan then it doesn't really matter anymore you are who you are now right of course it still matters how do we know more memories won't come flooding back how do we know revan won't suddenly turn on us the whole time we've been chasing after malik we've had his old sith master right at our side listening to our secrets hearing our plans i don't see the sith lord standing here i see a friend oh mission you [ __ ] lovable idiot you defeated the mandalore clans in the war revan you were the only one in the galaxy who could best us we had never met one like you before and never since how can you even ask if i'll follow you whatever you're fighting it will be worthy of my skill i'm your man until the end reverend no matter how this plays out commentary i am experiencing something unusual master answer my programming is activating my deleted memory core i believe i have a a homing system that is restoring it master observation my homing system is a function of my assassination protocols that which i told you had been deactivated this system was not it seems that the homing system deliberately restores my deleted memory core upon upon returning to my original master affirmation correct master sith protocols maintain that all droid knowledge be deleted before assassination missions and restored upon return i have returned to you and my full functionality is now under your personal command observation indeed i do hope we shall have the chance to engage in combat together again soon master [ __ ] yeah baby wow what are the chances of that happening remember we're talking about the force here at this point malik himself could drop out of the sky and i wouldn't bat an eyelash good point now before you do anything talk to candarus and hk again to reveal your accomplishments now this is a great bit of dialogue where the arguably two best characters inform you of who you used to be and the best part is why you did it the best intentions done in the worst way angle it's just really great stuff and i'm glad that the game recognizes you as a sith lord in the end instead of railroading you like the whole game has done up to this point into one narrow hallway we fought against the republic forces for some time over the course of many battles at the start they were not much of a threat to speak of but once you had taken charge things began to turn against us the republic fleets began to use more than just basic tactics faints counter attacks mass deceptions you were a genius on the field you are held in very high regard among my people you abandoned worlds of their defenders so that others could be too fortified to strike you made sacrifices in order to advance your goals such strategies had never been enough to best us before in the end you proved too much for us the sith had gone retreated into their empire they sealed themselves off from the rest of the galaxy we thought it would be centuries before they'd come back it's amazing that they could rebuild their fleet so fast but at the time it looked like the galaxy was in our grasp i still remember that final battle in the skies above malachor five the two fleets filling the space around it outshining the stars it was not your ships or your men or your vaunted fight for freedom that won this the final battle of the war it was by the actions of one person you that the republic prevailed your strategies and tactics defeated the best we could send against you even mandalore himself was taken aback by the ferocity of your attacks the tenacity of your defenses and the subtleties of your plans you fought us to a standstill and then began pushing back we really didn't have a chance it was what we had wanted all along in a way we wanted to fight the best in a battle that would be remembered for centuries and we did and you won i hold no grudge against you nor do any of my people it was the greatest of honors to fight against you even in defeat it is even more of an honor to fight beside you now had you been born of the mandalorian clans surely nothing in this galaxy would have been able to stop us but wishing for the past to be different is useless better look to the future as we should now we'll talk more later i think statement yes master you created me shortly after you and your apprentice began your war to conquer the galaxy i was sent on an assassination mission into mandalorian space but i was damaged and unable to return to you exclamation i find this most distressing i could certainly have protected you from the jedi and your pupils betrayal had i returned statement of course master you are the one who created me meat bag or no and while you may not be all you once were i am grateful for my existence answer it was you who programmed me thus master your pupil once asked me what i thought of him and i informed him of his meat bag status he was unimpressed but you found the reference humorous you changed my programming so that i would continue to use the term it drove your pupil to extreme lengths of frustration commentary your former pupil is efficient and brutal even for an organic i rather liked him when you first introduced me to him if i had known what he would do to you master i would have gladly removed his entrails right then observation in many ways you are master yes you have much of the beloved cruelty of the master i knew you seem to have forgotten much but in some ways you seem improved from the human i once knew it is difficult to explain master answer no master you never did make me privy to any of the star forge's secrets next we end the manon the objectively worse area in the game for some super slow totally and inconvenience underwater sea adventures once you get the man on you'll be greeted by a guy who has a new store that's open into cantina and coravan so turn right around and go back and this will probably be the last time you'll need to spend all your cash on weapons and armor go to the link in the description if you want to see if the vendor will have anything you need before you go then head back to manon you republic people are so pathetic sitting around groveling at the table scraps the galactic senators deigned to give you as you exit the docking bay you'll notice the sith and republic they don't like each other very much in case you didn't already know the reason they aren't killing each other in the streets is because manon is sweden and the culto that's produced here is finland they get to keep their neutrality because kalto is valuable and if the sith terrorists this place the kalto supply would be cut off your first destination should be to head over to the republic enclave and get your first set of missions speak to roland juan and he'll quote unquote tell you all about the star map but first you guessed it he needs a favor they give you a force for suede option but that's just for show you're doing this mission whether you want to or not so you'll need to head over to the sith base and steal back a memory module from a recon droid the republic lost while you're there you will of course clear up the other side quests that are located there including the fish kids that are being brainwashed by the sith i suggest going in the back doors it really doesn't matter which method you choose interrogating a prisoner is more trouble than it's worth but here is one piece of dialogue that made me laugh it would seem that he's married to a woman named tila so the sith get married so does that mean that the wife has to kill her husband to become the new husband head over to the docking bay and what the [ __ ] is this okay wrong bae don't tell me this [ __ ] is gonna play each time i'll come the [ __ ] on man mop up the troopers and dark jedi guarding the transport ship and head into the loading ramp you'll be transported to the base now here's something that doesn't make any sense to me i just realized as i wrote this you're supposed to sneak onto that thing so uh the guy's ship is literally right next to you and he doesn't hear the [ __ ] lasers going off or the dark jedi dying and screaming he doesn't hear any of this [ __ ] explosions nothing he just doesn't hear any of that and doesn't think it's suspicious so all right [ __ ] it then make sure you find the memory module and dependent on the dead body before leaving this place or you'll be [ __ ] during your trial yes there is a trial that will lead to your on the spot execution if you fail to convince the fishman of your innocence revan killed by bureaucrats wouldn't that count as irony the only fight of note here is the droids but they're easily dealt with by using force lightning and aside from them there's not really much here to worry about before you head to the dormitory head to the medical facility first to find the dying cell cath and get his token then head to the dorm and talk to the cell cath there convince them that they're being used so that they could be eyewitnesses at your trial once you're clear of all the charges head back to republic enclave and talk to the guy with the head and he'll tell you that he doesn't actually know where the star map is but maybe it's the cause of all the problems so we take a submarine down to a secret underground facility that the republic has been building to find it it's overrun by zombie fishman inside you'll find all manner of items zombie fish men untextured walls half done looking rooms and so on this area is so unfinished at all a cell cath down here once killed make a dying droid noise hmm that's fishy so treat this whole area like the designers of the game did and hurry up to the end before you go you might run into a talking locker i lock myself in here i'm safe in here nothing can hurt me in here no fishy food for me there's no room in this life for talking inanimate objects so stick your lightsaber inside it to silence this abomination you'll want to exit the facility onto the sea floor and slowly painfully walk your tired ass through all these sharks make sure you get the sonic emitter first or you'll be eaten the next area is culto control and here you'll meet two people who will chat back and forth while you stand there waiting for them to get to the [ __ ] point here to kill us oh kono kono are are they when the cell cath i thought everyone else except me and sammy went mad we thought everyone was dead dead or insane i must have been hysterical you have two options you could flood the water with a toxin that will most likely destroy the culto but will also kill the big fuck-off shark guarding the exit or you could cause an explosion that will destroy the equipment down there sending back the republic but also forcing the big fishy to piss off back to its cave i suggest doing a canister sequence as it's on the way to the star map and is easy enough after blowing up the machinery you will be exiled from the planet after yet another trial forget about all that [ __ ] you did for them before get the [ __ ] out after leaving manon you are given another cutscene where malik is role-playing with bastille on his [ __ ] table and she looks none too happy but for once she's being tortured with all her clothes on so that's good for her there's one more distraction on the way to your main goal your ship will get all [ __ ] up by some force that pulls you down to an island full of flat-faced jar jar binks looking [ __ ] who all seem to want a piece of your ass for whatever reason this planet is full of baby rancors as well it seems these guys are using them as attack dogs to make things worse the republic fleet is flying in soon and that disrupter field that crashed your plane is gonna take out the entire fleet well looks like this is a job for the dark lord of the sith we have two objectives first we need to collect the parts to repair the ebb and hawk and second we need to shut down the disruptor field the parts we can find on the way but as for the disrupter field well you know how this goes we're gonna have to do someone a favor see i told you this [ __ ] becomes meme worthy by the end of the game first work your way through the island until you come to a temple filled to bursting with rancors and jar jars hit the groups with insanity and for the rankers who are likely unaffected use kill kill is best on them because of the passive damage it does and the fact that it seems to have a very high success rate on rankers once they come out of the hold they'll be killable within a single round you don't want these [ __ ] hitting you because they do half your health in a single round so keep them at a distance jesus go through this entrance where you see a little animal get blown up there's some [ __ ] parts in there that you'll need so go around the outer edge if you don't want to share the same fate as the animal in the cutscene head down this narrow canyon and turn to find two rancors they'll get stuck on the geometry just long enough for you to land a successful kill on each of them which is plenty enough time to kill them they also respawn so you can abuse the teleport ship trick here to grind out the last few levels if you like on the left you'll find the camp for the jar jars walk in the middle of the electricity field and speak to the hologram that appears uh you guys have a field to crash the ships on this island specifically like what the [ __ ] do you think i'm here for the hologram recognizes you from your foil collector's card and asks you to enter apparently old revan screwed these guys over and apparently old me was much better at getting what he wants without doing favors but for new revan this game has been a favor simulator the jar jar man needs you to go kill a base full of innocent savages to prove you aren't evil anymore so go and prove it to your heart's content by using insanity on groups and kill on their pets kill them all i killed them i killed them all they're dead every single one of them and not just the men but the women and the children too the only fight in this area that gets difficult is the final one and in the arena and that's because there's four rancors and about five or six jar jars you can try insanity on the group and that might work but the rankers are likely to resist it so benny hill these [ __ ] if all else fails by running around in a circle hitting them with terror and healing yourself because the rankers in the jar jars can't keep up with you at a full run then when you have enough distance between you turn around and hit them with kill the rankers are the biggest problems so you should focus on them first two casts of kills should down each one of them then you free the people that were kidnapped by searching these side rooms and head back to the head honcho back on the other side of the island once you get back to camp the guy says they'll hold the ceremony that will lower the force field on the door but before they do that the jar jar people want you to go in alone and i am more than willing to do it because one level 18 jedi could probably handle the entire place on his own but these [ __ ] skirt hangers these tag alongs insist on coming along and claiming all the glory actually they're there to [ __ ] at you when you turn to the dark side as if you weren't already a dark side sith lord at least you'll get to kill them at the end that should be so satisfying so you have to convince the jar jars that you need to go in with people or kill them which is a weird choice to make honestly because you have to use a persuade check to convince them to let you in or you're forced to kill them my persuade skill is literally a [ __ ] one so let's see if uh oh oh i guess this is one of those persuade checks you can't fail all right so hang on why did you have me go through all this [ __ ] then this game's ending is so [ __ ] weird like [ __ ] feels really tacked on the multiple endings itself is [ __ ] great it's just that the [ __ ] leading up to the ending has this feeling of a lack of polish it's much like the sequel oh my god what happened to your face nailed it anyway head into the temple and clear this place out kill everyone and don't use any of the computer options to auto kill things because you'll need the spikes later at the star forge okay let's try this again what the [ __ ] come on gimme who dares intrude on our meditations you know the penalty for reven you are back back again we have sworn allegiance to malik wait i thought allegiances were for the weak where's these people's sith spirit where's the betrayal what kind of sith are you the jedi council has stripped you of your power you are a shell of what you once were well well [ __ ] what did i used to be i mean the [ __ ] level cap is 20 yo that i intensified my training tenfold [Music] [Music] wow that was almost 30 seconds that training really paid off inside the room this guy was guarding is a workbench you should use to make any last-minute adjustments to your lightsabers and armor before heading to the starforge the catacombs entrance can be found here head there once you've cleaned up and used the ancient computer there to open the big fuck-off door at the entrance of the temple that will lead to the roof into a fight with bastila who's turned to the dark side i can only imagine what malek had to do to her to get her to turn i mean look at that dude he's pretty tall i mean proportionally his dick has to be huge malek has shown me how the jedi council have been using me the same way they once tried to use you they've been holding me back because they knew one day i would surpass them all by shocking you with lightning ask her how malik's dick tastes and then rip her ass up with a flurry or two or just choke her ass until she stops saying dumb [ __ ] listen to me the dark side leads to death and destruction i've seen the horrors the sith have unleashed on the galaxy turn away from this path shut up old man your time is over the age of the jedi in the republic is no more this is the age of darth revan and the sith don't do this kid i don't want to but i'll fight you if i have to sounds good kill your old companions to prove that you aren't some jedi [ __ ] and head back down to the ship basically you're alive i was worried about you for a minute there i was sure that we'd never see you again once malik got his wait wait a minute have you ever had a dream that you um you had you you would you could you do you would you want you you could do so you you do you could you you want you want him to do you so much you could do anything where'd you honey and jolie been though are they okay uh they fell down some stairs man yeah what what are you talking about yeah they fell down some stairs yeah crazy [ __ ] right yeah there's a lot of them around here there's a lot of them they're everywhere really honestly it's really it's it's a walking hazard if anything um but yeah they uh they didn't make it they didn't make it lots of people dying around here most of it's the tripping money and jolie would not swear loyalty to the new ruler of the sith they died for their foolishness [ __ ] will you shut the [ __ ] up now swear loyalty to darth revan or face your own death this [ __ ] don't speak for me um but if she did candace you're cool hk you're cool mission i don't know about your ass yet but um time is ticking darling you better start making a case here you'll be confronted by karth and if you're light side everyone is happy and you can go about your day if your dark side karth goes running off and if you're a woman and you gave him a taste of your sweet dark side candies he'll run off crying muttering about how he'll never let himself fall in love again that women are all vipers etc congrats you just read pilled karth imma keep this section brief because i haven't taken a break from this video since i started it and my kids are running out of cats to eat now i don't mind so much but people are starting to wonder where their pets went nah buddy no that's okay no you go ahead we're just gonna have vegetables you uh you got it's all yours oh you said you you know you wanted to eat like an adult and well this is what adults eat [Music] i don't want to eat the cat you said with the questions all the time with the [ __ ] questions why why can we at least cook it okay okay okay hon okay i'll handle this look baby you have to eat it this way because there's more nutrients yeah see yeah more nutrients see what i mean see see this is why you gotta listen to us as you progress through the star forge you'll notice that enemies will not stop spawning no matter what so you don't need to slow down for anything kill and move on to the next bit because when the next group of enemies spawns they could be coming in from behind you or from in front of you and this [ __ ] is a slog so abuse insanity and kill as much as you can to crowd control and avoid taking damage because even stopping the heal is enough time for more enemies to spawn i'm not [ __ ] around it's ridiculous you'll run into a trio of dark jedi near the end and they're easy enough to stop with an insanity to the leader while he may resist it he probably won't resist kill soleil force choke on him and kill him before the others break crowd control on the second level you'll find a room with three computers make sure you select to make a star-forged robe on all three and you'll receive reven's robes you'll need them for your fight with malik speaking of malik since she's such a [ __ ] he set up a trap for you in a room right before you fight him for the last time this trap has one mechanic it will infinitely spawn in robots that will overwhelm and kill you if you don't shut down the console spawning them so what i do here is usually i kill one or two of them move to a console shut it down kill two more robots shut down the next console you'll need spikes to do this and if you don't have any at this point in the game you'll have to loot them from these containers until you get three of them shut another console down and loot three of them again it's a pain in the ass that's why you save your spikes the fight with mallet can be simple or it can be a nightmare if you have death field and a fully upgraded poison he's toast if not well [ __ ] lightning works and so does flurry but don't bother with insanity his saves are so high that i was never able to stun him you could try to choke him because i believe it damages even if the enemy saves they just don't get stunned so it's a nice dot in place of your poison poison is so good against him because of the dot and the slow slowing him down means you could turn around hit him with choke or lightning and run away before he gets a flurry off in the second stage you use death field on the kolto tanks letting malek chase you around and this will not only destroy his life source but will fully heal you in the process then it's a matter of lightening or choke and flurry until he's a dead guy [Music] impossible i i cannot be beaten i am the dark lord of the sith yes i cannot deny it any longer you are the one who deserves who deserves to be the dark lord you you are darth revan lord lord of the sith and i i am nothing and so it ends as i somehow always knew it must in darkness at this point the game is over you'll see the final cut scene which is iffy see this is that top tier xbox hardware at its best whoa look it looks like [ __ ] now if your revan has a vagina and you rode carved like a cowgirl you have a chance to turn away from the dark side at the very end but if you're a dude that's pretty much it game over even if bastille wrote you raw and dry earlier she doesn't question you because bastille is your ride or die [ __ ] and that's it we should take this moment to discuss the possible endings because it all starts here and depends on every decision you take from here if you decide to kill jolie and johanni you are set on the path of revan if you turn basila back to the light you're set on the light side if you guys bump sex parts together there's a chance you get a neutral ending which sees you shunning the order that one's a bit disappointing there's more than that as well there's an ending where you save malik an ending where you cut qarth into becoming your [ __ ] for life even an ending where you and karf decide to go down with the star forge in some misguided self-sacrifice that didn't really need to happen in fact the thing that i and many others love about this game is how it reacts to who you choose to be in a way you can choose to be the character you made and not revan you could choose to embrace the dark lord inside you or you could strike out to do your own thing whatever that might be but it goes a lot more deeper than that if corbin is the last planet you visit on your final test with uthar you will be told that is it is it possible that you are not what you seem to be tell me young one tell me what you really are and you will be given an option to tell uthar that you're the dark lord of the sith and on top of that he will bow his head and pledge allegiance to you ah i see so it is darth revan not dead as we were led to believe and yet yet you are not rhythm what has occurred between the time of your reported death and now i can only guess that but you have changed much regardless your destiny does take you away from here to confront your own people without a doubt yes that is what lies before you go to your destiny then my dark lord i shall say nothing of what you have done here should you prove victorious and wish to return that i and all sith shall be your servants now that is some really nice npc reactivity people thought morrowind was amazing for recognizing you as the nerevarine at the end of the game but this [ __ ] is on a whole other level and honestly makes me wish that we found out that you were revan a hell of a lot earlier so that we could revel in all of the people recognizing you for who you are you thorough on the other hand you can redeem her send her to dantoene and speak to her that is before malik blows it all up it's awesome [ __ ] dialogue too you told me i should rethink my path and i did you were right it's been very hard to let go of all those thoughts about power and strength and victory i don't know if i'll ever be completely free of them i met my old master he he cried when he saw me i was embarrassed to see his weakness old habits die hard but it felt good too it felt good to know he missed me that he worried about me the council said they would give me time to decide if i wanted to try again if i was ready i don't know this there's so much i've done part of me just wants to forget it to put it behind me but that isn't right either i have to accept it and move on my old master said he would start exercises with me again slowly when i was ready he said my experience with the dark side could make me a very wise jedi see this is the kind of [ __ ] that makes me go a big old rubbery hard-on in an rpg if i could say that the game did one thing well it's this aspect and that's how you play star wars knights of the old republic any questions [Music] diamonds [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Strat-Edgy Productions
Views: 596,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comedy, dantooine, endar spire, funny, how to, kashyyyk, knights of the old republic, korriban, kotor sith build, manaan, star wars, strat edgy, strat edgy kotor, stratedgy, swkotor, taris, tatooine, walkthrough
Id: _N8mXaJFp-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 16sec (9196 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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