How to Shoot Your First USPSA Competition

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all right guys this is it we are here um at the match and uh so we're actually going to be shooting um a local match we're here at Schultz Rod and Gun Club so big shout out to those guys um especially Eric camps the match director for letting us kind of jump in and uh do a bunch of filming today um we are here let's see so the match is supposed to kick off uh probably within the next 45 minutes or so so we're here early um we'll go ahead and get registered and then we're going to go check out the stages some of them might still need uh to be dialed in I think they're getting the rest of set up but we're pretty much just going to let you guys follow along uh as we kind of go throughout the day so hopefully you guys get an insight to what a match is actually like um including all the little rules so if there's little rules about um like gunning up and and where we can handle our guns and things like that you guys will be able to see all of that and then we'll shoot matches we'll kind of talk through our stage plans a little bit we'll shoot the matches you'll get to see that and then we'll also kind of debrief with it with uh you know with you guys after the stage is over so hopefully this is helpful for you stay tuned this is going to be a great [Applause] day Jeremy how's it going man all right how are you good good morning good morning uh Brennan brenn brenn yes brenon bck car Optics minor a122 815 correct you are all checked in everyone is Down Range setting up stages so we can shoot quicker so appreciate it all right very good thank you sir great thank you that's pretty much it just uh they should have all of your information already kind of loaded up into practice score signed up online before you guys watch us do that uh yeah that's pretty much it all right so pretty much all the stages are set up pretty interesting thing is at this match everybody kind of shows up early on the day off actually sets up the stages which is cool um looks like we have kind of a bigger stage set up here this one is also going to be pretty pretty big I think the one on the end is a little bit smaller so pretty interesting um a lot of a lot of matches have the sages set up kind of beforehand like on a Saturday night or uh or a Friday night but I think what's cool is like USPSA is a volunteer sport so pretty much nobody's getting paid from it um so like everybody just kind of jumping in pitching in is pretty much uh I I think the key so really cool and uh yeah everybody just wants to shoot wants to make it happen um so this is a safe zone so uh usually designated by something like a sign or something like that um no ammo allowed so that's the biggest thing right what I'm going to do over here is just take the opportunity to go ahead and kind of uh gun up so what I do is we will throw the belt on all right shout out blue Alpha makes the best belts and uh are also a sponsor of the channel so shout out to Blue Alpha if you guys are looking for good nylon gear made in USA make sure you check out uh their website and uh help us out by using our affiliate link we'll leave that in the description so this is the battle belt light it's actually my first match with this exact setup um but everything coyoty Brown I think looks actually pretty rad um cool so range bag all set up here we're going to do a full range uh Range Bag breakdown at some point um but essentially I've got my guns so I've got a backup gun here and then a uh my match gun and it's really important to have these little sleeves because you're supposed to bring your gun in some sort of case like this uh so I walk this right into the safety table because I am at a safety table I can go ahead and handle my firearm this is the only place you can handle your firearm without the Autos permission so I'm just going to check my dot brightness I'll have an opportunity to do that again if you want to dry fire at all you can so I will usually go ahead and drop that into my holster and uh and get a couple just cck straws so I'll go ahead and just get a couple practice draws here make sure my setup is correct yep everything's feeling good so big thing is whenever we're walking around with a gun the hammer has to be down so I'm going to just go ahead and point that in a safe Direction click the trigger and Holster from here when I leave the safety area cannot handle the gun again until the RO says make ready so going to keep that in mind um I also have uh my mags all preloaded so definitely recommend pre-loading your magazines and of course they're pre-loaded with uh jell shot ammo so uh also big shout out to uh Angelo and a screw over at jello shots ammo for sponsoring all the ammo for this channel could not do it without him make sure you guys go show him some support and uh we will leave the link to his website in the description as well I'm going to go ahead and uh leave my mags in there for now um and I'll go ahead and just zip this up but that's pretty much it for prep here so got the gun on got the belt on belt's feeling good I'll throw this back in here and uh yeah at this point it's really just kind of waiting for the shooters meeting to start um and uh once that starts they'll kind of do a safety brief they'll assign squads so figure out what squads you're in things like that and then we go to the corresponding Bay and we just start shooting so um before we do that let's take a look at a couple of these stages and just kind of see what we're dealing with all right so pretty much every stage there's going to be a written stage brief or at least there should be so um we were actually using these to help set up the stage as well but what I'm going to look here is it gives me all the information so we talked about before how we want to identify every Target and all the four shooting positions um so here it tells me this is a com stock course of fire 22 rounds 110 points there's 11 USPSA targets and zero poppers so that means uh I'm just going to kind of identify those 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 so it looks like all just those USPSA targets and it says on start signal engage targets from within the shooting area the starts position is standing with toes touching marks hanging load and holstered wrist below belt and it gives you PCC start position as well so looks like the start position is here so toes on X's so let's go check that out so I don't think theyve maybe put the X's yet but it looks like they're going to be kind of right in here so starting outside the fault lines and first thing is I'm just going to identify where all the targets are so I've got one two three four over here at this really steep angle and remember go outside the fall L right find your target so that's four five six 78 and then back here I've got uh 9 10 11 okay so yeah all I know where all the targets are so now I just kind of figuring out how I want to shoot it so essentially what I like to do ideally I have more time than this right ideally I have an hour to walk stages um I think if you're a new shooter you need at least an hour to walk the stages um because you really don't want to be problem solving and trying to come up with something as you walk onto the stage so right here I'm already thinking about kind of what this stage is going to require for me it's going to require uh probably a lot of shooting on the move I can see this is kind of a long a long fault line I'll shoot these shoot this guy I have all four of these available to me and then it looks like there's kind of kind of three four shooting positions right so pretty straightforward I feel comfortable with this um and uh yeah I'll go check out the next one so this this one over here also looks pretty straightforward essentially we have like an L-shaped box here airplane going by L-shaped box again looks like three or maybe four Force shooting positions gour over here to the left looks like we'll have a force shooting position in the center um because of these tight targets kind of in here and then in here right so I've got to shoot from this position and I'm betting to do anything I'll have to shoot yep I'll have to shoot from this position as well there's a port down there and there's some really tight targets tucked in there that you've got to be right up on the port to see cool so far so far everything's been pretty straightforward I like how it's looking I think this is going to be good all right so this one is interesting cuz it's super small so one two three four four literally only four targets including one swinging Target and there's one shooting area so this has no Dynamic movement you're literally just standing here and I've got one target here Target there Target here and a swinger and it looks like there will be some sort of activator uh that I'm going to probably activate myself and again the written stage will tell us that this is Comm stock both hands holding the activation rope so when we start I'll actually start holding that rope I will pull it it'll pull the stick out that swinger will activate and then you draw and engage all the targets so again pretty straightforward but could be a little bit tricky CU we got a moving Target and we've got some no Sho in there but as far as stage design goes really simple easy set up and uh yeah nice short little course of fire all right so essentially what we're doing is we're just waiting for the shooters meeting to kick off um in the shooters meeting the MD or the match director will kind of address let you know about any administrative stuff so like a lot of times um in matches that I've run before I've said hey guys like we need help tearing down afterwards um this is how the squads are going to work make sure you take your tablets your timers with you or whatever it is so we'll get all of those kind of administrative announcements from them if there's any club announcements they'll usually throw that in as well um and just kind of give you an idea of how the day is going to run um yeah it's pretty straightforward uh really what we're doing is we're just kind of waiting for our Squad assignment it's a pretty small match I um I think there's a few extra than maybe signed up I think we're going to be less than 50 Shooters today um so you'll probably rearrange the the the squads a little bit just to make sure we have like 8 to 10 to 12 people per Squad so that it just kind of flows smoothly that way you have enough people to Pace you have enough people to R so run the timers the tablets uh score and uh also have some some room for you to get ready before you're shooting so you're not pacing right before you go to shoot we have to tear everything down today so there's no no more pistol leagues so when you're done we're going to have four squads we have seven stages so some people will have to pull double duty please take everything down all right without further Ado we've got squads so you know how I am with names so bear with me we got John right here John oh come on let him do it let do I appreciate Justin Anderson Brenan rafie myself Kevin Van lamb arist Keith we are squad one we're starting on the classifier all right so we're starting out on the classifier so this is um 2204 these are one of the stages that you actually shoot for score um that actually uh contribute to your overall classification so this is uh call before in the storm it's a 16 round Virginia count speed shoot so that means I can't take any makeup shots uh for USPSA cardboard Target the best four hits per Target will score so we're starting outside the shooting area Seated on the chair hands on on Knees Toes touching AA line firearm's going to be loaded and laying flat on the table um and Mags have to be on the table as well um and then it's going to be engaged two Targets any two with four rounds each reload engage the remaining two with four rounds each um generally what I do on this is um I do let's see what do I do so I I pick pick up the gun I load I go top Target in the middle and then bottom Target and then reload and then the two sides this generally just I've shot this maybe once before I think so um yeah it'll be pretty straightforward I think all right guys uh 224 call before the storm is a 16 round Virginia count speed shoot there are four USPSA cardboard targets the best four hits per per Target will score start position is completely outside the shooting area seated in the chair hands on Knees Toes touching rear fa line firearm is loaded and lying flat on the table not propped muzzle generally downrange all loading devices to be used must be staged on the table on the audible starts signal engage any two Targets with four rounds each then perform a mandatory reload and engage the remaining two Targets with four rounds each from within the shooting area are there any questions you have five minutes to the [Music] stage are you ready stand by yeah you just threw procedures all over for those guys what happened I just sent it I zeroed it well what happened tell the tell the people who don't know what heing is so I wasn't thinking about I didn't visualize um I didn't I did not think about exactly what the stage procedure was you took an extra shot four no I shot 1 2 3 4 five and then I went and then I reloaded went to the next Target it should have been 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 reload 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 go ahead make ready sir what was the time uh 1380 BR and rapy myself that was sweet cuz you're left handed so you're like the only dude like I know that guy know broke one of mine but they don't have black in stock anywhere so are you ready stand by yeah all right quick clear out woo got a mic in there guys 659 659 wait wait [Applause] okay two Alpha Delta mik Two Alpha Delta Mike four Alpha Four Alpha Four Charlie four Charlie two alpha two Charlie two alpha two Charlie scoring is complete fast though yeah F so essentially uh it was it was going okay um at the end I threw a mic so I had a Delta going on to that Target I um I did the reload the reload was actually okay my next four were all right had too many Charlies already right off the bat I kind of knew that um had I think two alpha two Charlie four Alpha and then two and two and then that next one I I saw a dragon Delta and I was I kind of just rushed it cuz I was trying to make up time for points um and then threw a mic so it was a dragon a Delta two alpha and then a drag off mic into that b so it is what it is that's something that I struggle with but kind of on these classifiers you you pretty much have to send it at least at M level to to get GM so I'm not upset about it if you score too low like what Jus and I both did it won't actually count toward a classication so uh I believe it has to be anything lower than 80 for us is like not even count so shouldn't be a big deal but um honestly it'll not probably affect my match uh overall like placement badly really all right let's see are you ready ready stand by now R is clear 701 7 the other um so I'm going to fly into Athens and then it's like an hour or so to the West I believe in for okay and then uh we're going to come back we're going to do a whole tour so we'll spend a day or two in aens we're going to metora santarini how much time for I'm going to be there for two weeks the match like seven days so I'm saying You' got like seven days yeah of optimistic well it's going to be we'll be moving you know so it'll be like seven slow days shooting and then seven real fast days anyway stand by if you're finish show click clear down ranges clear 1251 1251 how do you want to score this let me do the middle four first okay all right I got two alpha alpha Charlie two alpha two alpha all right two alpha two alpha two alpha two alpha alpha Charlie Alpha Charlie all right through the uh through here I've got two alpha alpha Charlie two alpha 2 Alpha sorry I thought you did that right y my bad now just these guys two alpha two alpha two alpha two alpha two alpha two alpha alpha Charlie Alpa Charlie scoring complete shooting yeah very very good good time was head Factor uh 1215 Beautiful s all right go and make ready for are you ready stand by if you're finished ick CLE out poster ranges clear 1442 1442 Alpha Charlie Alpha Charlie two alpha two alpha uh two alpha two alpha ala Charlie Alpha Charlie ala Charlie Alpha Charlie ala Charlie Alpha Charlie two alpha two alpha two alpha two alpha two alpha to Alpha all right let's do the last four wait wait two alpha to Charlie let him know Alp two Alpa two Alpa Alpa Charlie Alpa Charlie scoring is did you get the oh made it made it up yeah new shooter doesn't thanks you're welcome so a couple of makeup shots that definitely cost me some time I wasn't very efficient getting out of the first position but um and I definitely also gave up some Charlies on close targets um Target connection I think that's I think that's pretty much it but fun stage it's uh gets your gets your uh blood pumping that's for sure are you ready stand by if you're are finished unloading so clear if you're clear hammer down and Holst range is clear time 1046 10 46 Short Stroke ala two Charlie Alpha two Charlie three Alpha three Alpha Alpha that that threw me off a lot Short Stroke the the rack so I got a click racked again threw me off rushed through the first three targets and then I pulled it together with the other ones but those first or those first two Targets bad had a mic no shoot so it is what it is I might do it I don't have a are you ready stand by if you are finished unload show clear if you are clear hammer down and Holster rang is clear time 9:30 9:30 two Alp one Charlie is that two Alpha Charlie yep two Alpha One Charlie three Alpha three alpha alpha three Alpha two Charlie Charlie three ala three and three Alpha three wow very complete where you go Justin three Charlie all day yeah that's damn good you nice hit Factor on that nine hit factor nine yeah fantas yeah so first array to the left um saw a lot of people tagging that M shoot so I know I had to go control brenon you and I were just talking about that right before I went up and uh got um so wanted to really make sure that I saw my DOT level two confirmation on every single round the stage was three per and as soon as I was done with that array next Target was attacked I saw him on dot in every single one took a makeup shot and I called it right away um finished the stage felt pretty good so nice four Charlies on that whole thing or three yeah four maybe three actually three yeah handgun loaded and holstered both hands holding activation rope so both your hands are holding that upon upon start signal activate swing let this pass there we go okay so activate the target engage each Target with at least two rounds then perform a mandatory reload re-engage all Targets with at least two rounds swinging Target remains visible at rest this is comto 16 rounds 80 points four USPSA targets best four per Target now you're asking can you stack shots yes you can stack shots so it's kind of a horse a piece like what do you want to do you it's a speed shoot so you have to engage at least two rounds or you'll get a penalty and then you have to shoot at least two more you could shoot four you could shoot six you could shoot 12 it's up to you there's some interpretation too much thinking too much thinking yeah all right any questions on it let's do it want to see it yeah yeah I need to think about it ready ready that's fast that is fast basically like usually you try to prevent St uh stacking cuz of count but so potentially here you could do something like draw Blaze eight shots reload and then just Hammer four into each now you still have to waste those first two so I don't know Max was saying he like everyone's going to stack and I'm like well maybe maybe not cuz the time you're going to take to shoot two you know you're losing time yeah so you have to reload between after after at least two rounds at least so you have to shoot two rounds at least at each Target and then oh before Oh before then you have to reload and then you can shoot so you can shoot as much as you want but as long as you shoot you know eight shots let's say you can then reload and then shoot as much as you want it'd be really hard to like judge like might as well just go to on everything reload to yeah that's what I'm thinking but there's leeway not usually they don't allow it but this time there is so anyway with that said we have rafay Arman and myself I don't think there's much gain in like trying to game it like that think so either dude you have to shoot anyway and you have to wide wide wide and you have to actually shoot at the Target because you're going to have and like some of them have no shoes I can't I can't give that it it are you ready stand by if you're finished and loading show if you're down is clear 104 104 two Alpha One Charlie two alpha three Alpha One Charlie three Alpha One Charlie three alpha 1 Charlie three alpha 1 Charlie three Alpha One Charlie three alpha 1 Charlie all right Alpha Charlie to Delta Alpha Charlie 2 Delta scoring complete 637 are you ready stand by if you are finished unloading show clear if you are clear hammer down four one alpha three Charlie three three Alpha One Charlie [Applause] one one alpha two Charlie one Delta one alpha two Charlie one Delta going complete 5 one two little slower than I wanted but um I'm okay with it so I definitely had a uh I think I actually had two mics on the first pass on that swinger um I called like a Delta and a mic um and I think that Delta was actually a mic so I think it was two mics but I sent to reloaded right away uh and then went back to it I should have engaged it last planning on engaging the swinger last on second pass I did not but I don't think it worked out too badly I still spent about the same amount of time 1 2 three four um didn't try to double it or anything and then just hit the last two um not the best but also like I'm not I'm not mad at it uh bay five four stops question mark start position toes touching marks in the back handgun loaded holstered wrist below belt stage proed J pwn star signal engaged targets fromin the shooting area com stock 32 rounds 160 points 14 us PSA cardboard targets and four poppers best two per uh cardboard score steel Must Fall to score must have snacks for matches very important this is the lead flavor Brandon talk me through your walk through [Applause] here so we know there's 14 targets and 14 paper and four steel always identify every Target first and for shooting position so I've got two paper four steel available so I have to come here I believe to shoot at least [Applause] these also have to come to this corner to get these close ones so this stack right here on the right and this close one right here has to come here I also have two opens and a double back there that are available but I also think they're going to be available from up here so I'm going to check [Applause] that so all of these are available up here so I will take these from up here most likely and [Applause] then we port [Applause] where again a lot of these are available so it just depends on where I want to end but these two low ones for sure and those two uh the tuck and the open so I essentially have to go to four places um so now it's just about where what order do I want to do it in what makes the most sense uh man so it's I think it's either going to be go left or go right if I go if I go left I get the four Steel Two paper I'll likely have to move into that P into that big open space and then Retreat over my shoulder so right-handed shooter coming back over my shoulder I prefer this both hands on the gun turn around present the gun I think that would probably work best for me it might be interesting to see what it's like to go um to go and then go far right shoot those targets and then shoot on the Move coming into that big open section of wall shoot on the move across there and end in the port so I'm going to have to walk a couple different ways and see what makes sense but that's what I'm thinking so far are you ready stand [Applause] by [Applause] you're finished clear if you're clear hammer down and Holster ranges clear time 1718 1718 uh the no shoot area two Charlie two Charlie two Charlie two Charlie two alpha two alpha two two alpha two and then two two scoring complete ping up that's kick my butt fine you did good seven Charlie not bad are you ready stand [Applause] by if you are finished clear if you are clear hammer down and Holster range is clear 1731 1731 hang on hang on got there Alpa Charlie two alpha alpha Charlie two Charlie Alpha Mike mik two alpha two Alpa what you got here two and two that one mik oh that one Mike almost was somebody what's uh let me see the C gosh I was almost almost cool H you had Justin on too I had Justin on time I never have Justin on time like two TS in a second or something but it matters and the four though that's exactly forly one makeup on steel uh yeah yeah so I overran that position my reload you know the thing where I fumble my reload every time I do this in a match so didn't get the mag in early enough the gun was late coming up I kind of overran I had to lean back out and as I lean back out I I plugged the black I thought it was still good though which is irritating because I called a good shot but it wasn't a good shot so man just a lot of little tiny mistakes are going to add up to kind of tank me on the placements today but everything else I felt tremendous about that was the first stage that I've shot at the speed I know I'm capable of but still being controlled enough to see Alphas that was a solid execution yeah so I was hustling I was running fast well I like I was running fast fast for me I was splitting aggressively but I was still seeing my DOT which is exactly how I need to shoot stages like this so it's a it's a good stage for me again just like one sh call mistake uh stage six step and such um start position toes touching marks handgun loaded holstered Pawn start signal engage Target from in the shooting area comto 32 rounds 160 points 14 USPSA cardboard targets four poppers best two per Target will be scored steel must ball to score 32 rounds 32 rounds are you ready stand by if you're are finished unload and show clear if clear hammer down and Holster rang is clear not aut we got it just uh it picked up that last okay so 1460 1460 right to the barrel all right this Barrel yeah two alpha 2 Charlie two alpha two Charlie two alpha two alpha two alpha two two Alpa two alpha alpha Charlie these primers are really sensitive so like want to conf this how was it pretty good are you ready stand [Applause] by if you are finished unload and show clear if you're clear hammer down and range is clear time 1695 1695 after the barrel after the barrel got two alpha two alpha two alpha two alpha two two alpha two one more out two Charlie two Charlie scoring complete ah there's go dang they're close yeah I know it [Applause] this one had three shots in it that one had three shots cool thank you how that feel I couldn't remember which one I sent three at lot of Al six Charlies six Charlies yeah cool8 2 seconds lower than uh just got it cool thank you uh fine yeah um I don't know I I I feel like it was I feel like it was good I feel like I shot more Charlies than I wanted I can't actually having a hard time figuring out where all the Charlies were apparently I had six Charlies um but all of the close targets that I knew knew I wanted to shoot fast on but still shoot Alphas I did um especially on the right side it was double alpha everything 1 2 3 seven of the last eight targets were all two alpha so happy about that a little late like wasn't very aggressive coming into that first position I had the gun up but was unsure of my DOT and I that was caused me a little bit of time um everything else I think was was okay other than one makeup on the Steal so um not bad I feel like that was like a 85 90% run for are you ready stand by if you're finished show clear if you're clear hmer down and Holster range is clear time 834 83 are you ready stand by if you're finished un load if you clear hammer down and Holster range is clear time 974 974 just the last three uh two alpha two I think this is ala Charlie again okay I think it was really in the way you engage the targets kind of roll through that area where one Delta was that over here uh it was uh near the barrel six Charlie won Delta then yeah all right cool thank you y welcome 96 Factor 96 yeah I had a Delta kind of overran one of the positions but it was funky coming off of that control Target like I was trying to be controlled and then I came over and I just kind of saw Brown and started shooting and I was trying to like find the specific spot on the target to engage and I think it was just kind of a little messy so I burned I think two Charlies in that first spot um and then coming out of that position I also burned a Charlie uh in the Delta I believe so but then everything else is good I was happy with my aggression moving in and the fact that I shot Alphas on the move and was still moving so yeah uh that was the last stage of the day so um that will wrap it up so we have the rest of the shooters still to um to shoot here we'll tear down that's pretty typical at matches so we'll help tear down stage all the props so that the range is ready to go for like normal members um and then I think we're going to try to get with Eric as well cuz he's the match director he has experience directing major matches in local matches and he's uh a local GM has been for years so I think we're going to try to get him on camera as well and uh see um see if he has some advice for people who are just n to so last stage is done so just like we gunned up we got be gun the same way so I don't even know if you gun is a word but so my uh my my P case I've got that right here so I'm going to come over safe area one thing that I've done is I've already taken my Mags out put them back in my range bat I I like to do that just as the first thing I just make sure the hammer on again and then I just bag it so um these little pistol sleeves are pretty handy this one is from savior equipment um with their specialist range bag so I've been digging on this thing like a lot and uh yeah it keeps everything organized so I just put it right back where where it goes uh magazines are back kind of where they go in here and then it's just zip everything up I'm going to go ahead and just ditch my belt cuz he's got to go tear down the stage um and then yeah we'll try to try to grab Eric and then uh closing thoughts out in the parking lot all right so we've got Eric camps here so Eric is a GM has been a GM for how many years 2018 so 5 years8 change local GM uh has been shooting at a high level for a really long time you are directing both uh local matches and you've also started directing some uh major matches as well right correct yeah um so really involved in the Shooting Sports has been involved for a long time Eric we wanted to get your advice for so you know some advice for Shooters who are either brand new to shooting and getting into competition shooting or perhaps they've been shooting but they're new to competition so new to competition either way what would you say maybe you know one or two things that like right off the top of your head this is my best advice for like that person well I I like it from the match director standpoint I like it when people ask questions you know if um before the match they sign up on practice score I my stuff should always be available if you're shooting at my clubs uh just you know send me a text or um an email or something it it's cool because then I can kind of gauge where that Shooter's at like where's their heads space what do they know what don't they know you know we get new people that do a ton of research they come in they have a thorough understanding of you know etiquette and rules and stuff and we get people that don't and there's really no wrong spot to start but it's good to know where you're at so that I can help you out so for this club that we're at today Nisa we allow people to just walk on and shoot but we do a new Shooters meeting and really I can give them more value if I know where they're at so you know I can give you the general speech what we're doing but if I know hey you know this but you don't know this I can get you up to speed a lot faster so questions I like questions that's really cool what would you say do you think people need to like stress out about the division they're shooting uh or do they need to like what rules do you think they need to know like before showing up or do you feel like you can learn all of that when you show up um it's a it's a lot it's like drinking out of with fire hose if you're if you have no idea what's going on so obviously like use YouTube use interviews hopefully use this right um to get a a basic understanding of what we're doing you know you don't the scoring is complex it's what makes the scoring so great is that it is complex but it's going to take a lot to to digest that um safety just understanding the safety stuff that's the biggest thing um people always get caught up on divisions and equip rules it really doesn't matter no one comes out and wins their first match no one is even really competitive and as a match director I don't want you to try to win your first match that could end really bad for us like um no show up you know have an understanding of the rules have um you know really just focus on the process I like to tell people first find all the targets then focus on getting the hits and the speed will come and and that's just me as a match director because I don't want you you know going crazy the first time out there right yeah absolutely um well man that is awesome thank you so much for number one putting on the match number two being able to jump on and and give our our viewers some some good quality information guys uh if you're interested in shooting matches like this be sure to take Eric's advice hit up that match director generally their information is linked right on practice score when you sign up so hopefully you can just shoot them an email or a phone call or something like that get some of that information that's important to know um we're lucky enough to know Eric so we were able to kind of set this up and he even was able to kind of allow us to film some stuff and and hopefully get some really good quality for you guys um guys if you like this series please uh like And subscribe we're really you know we really need your support and uh share these videos if it was helpful for you um there's not a lot out there on kind of this whole process um until next time keep practicing shooting we'll see you on the Range see you
Channel: Gateway Defense
Views: 17,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: uspsa, competition shooting, smith and wesson, smith and Wesson m&p2.0, 9mm, performance shooting, uspsa carry optics, Red Dots, Iron sights, pistol red dot, practical shooting, apex trigger, competition, range day, shot timer, tactical, tactical shooting, edc, every day carry, concealed carry, toyota, 4runner, overlanding, ccw, ipsc, idpa, 3 gun, red dot, taran tactical, speed shooting, holster, kydex holster, tier 1 concealed, range, shoot and move, ta targets, pistol shooting, gun
Id: Jgdiv0rbMa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 54sec (2754 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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