World champion reacts to shooting videos of his subscribers | JJ Racaza

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hey guys this is JJ Raza a while back we had invited you guys to post some videos of you for me to analyze so I have a couple of videos here that I've chosen that I saw and a couple of them are field courses some of them is just a drill so we're going to go ahead and analyze these videos the first video is coming from Joshua Hilario so Joshua Hilario this is your video shooting a field course right I'm going to watch it in its entirety without anything first just kind of observe all right so my first initial reaction to this one is right off the bat right as soon as he gets to the first position right here as he gets it up first position he right here in this position right here that gun should be pointed at the Target looking through the wall however he decided not to punch out until his Left Foot Right Here lands and then that's when he decides to point at the Target by Point by doing that what essentially happens is he doesn't start seeing his sights until right now and from there it takes him a few seconds to settle because that's a hard shot and then now he finally breaks the shot wherein if he decides to get the gun up right here on that right foot that stomp foot which is what I call the three-step entry get the gun up as that put that foot starts orienting towards the target then you will be able to capture your sights which will force you to stay lower because you'll start recognizing all this movement this final movement of him here standing up is his natural structure that he likes to shoot from he should learn to stay a little bit lower getting a little bit wider stands that forces him to stay lower and loaded at the same time and that because he stood up right there what what's going to happen here is I believe it's going to affect his exit because he's no longer from in a loaded position now he's standing up which is basically a flat-footed position is he comes in position he jumps up with this leg to stop himself and then as he comes and plants on this leg he comes up and then he starts to essentially stand up and present only when this leg comes up and that presentation late presentation forces him to stand up because he gets to his natural shooting stand the problem with that now is that now he's standing up it's more of an upright position he's no longer loaded to get out of the position so now when he leans over here to to shoot he has now to kick this leg off because all the weights here I'm standing up to drop down to get back out of the position so the fix would that be is instead of here and there I would use the right foot as to start aiming just behind the wall it'll force me to stay loaded so now when I do this I can just pull out as opposed to dropping my weight which is costing about half a second the entry he lost about three4 uh four10 of a second because it took him a while to get his sights as opposed to getting his sights on target already as he comes up to the position that will save him some time as we showed that earlier on the video and then the exiting now instead of drop stepping and then getting himself lowerer to push out is now he's already loaded in that position because he's staying low for this now he can just pull himself out as opposed to having to put himself in a lower position then drop stepping which causes him some time so those two t two right there can cost him probably about a second or if not over a second on that first position all right so as he exits here he drops step which should have been a Lead Foot pivot he should have kicked out forward it should have stayed loaded but instead because he stood up here delaying everything shooting his position and now it's a sense of out of balance now he has to kick off from that position to get low and to get explosive here's the next position he gets the gun up he does a really good job but the problem with that is he gets the gun up way too soon he takes how many steps gun up already on the first step right there on the left gun up two three four so four four steps before he takes his first shot so to me once I bring my gun up I should be shooting within the second or third step no more than that he's at fourth step so he's delaying so that means he got his gun up way too early which caused for SES to do this and he knows he still has to cover ground so he's still moving quite fast to get to the position that he wants to be able to see the entire array over here that opens up on the left side so again the same exact thing if he he understands the concept of three-step Entry instead of what he did one two three four to be able to shoot I would activate the three-step entry which means if by the time I get the gun up on that either right foot or left foot right that should be the my in my stimulus to slow everything down so I can shoot so he lost lost two things he lost the ability to run fast closer to the position and number three he lost the ability to get the shots off sooner because he stopped way too soon and he knows he has to cover ground in order for him to expose the other targets to the left so instead of three four steps for him I would literally just go one two three by the third or second step I should be able to shoot so the three-step entry is basically post and I mean um break post leg and then into another post leg if I go into to shoot and I should be able to shoot within um two to three steps from that position but he didn't do too bad he got his gun up but there's such a thing also as getting the gun up way too early costing you more time in an unstable sight picture and useless sights on target longer so I don't want to spend too much time on there I'd rather spend that time more on a run that's way too much I should have you he should have only taken two steps in order for him to get his platform set and so he lost the advantages of being able to run further into the corner into the field instead he's slowing down already there trying to shoot Targets on the Move quite aggressively I wonder what that Target looked like probably a good shot but I don't know right that's a wild guess those seems to be not so hard shots but lost the opportunity to run closer to the Target and really should have been only stopping right here first that's when the gun should have been up start shooting there rolling into the next position setting up for the final Targets on the left side and instead of kicking off that Left Foot Right There Left Foot Right There as he's transitioning yep that's another movement he has to account for instead of doing all of that he should have already been set at this point and then now he has to get set Again by doing that it orients him in a weird way where it puts all the weight on the right foot and he's not balanced the left foot's not even forward and here's the problem with this that foot should have been already stable but he sends to kick it out again readjust during the transition which is okay to readjust in a transition but once I'm in set in position I should always come in to the position like the way he does one two three as I'm shooting as opposed to the way he does one two shoot and then make the adjustment again those adjustments will cost you time and cost your targets to shake as well so that's another issue right there I would fix that I would I would just clean up his entry in his exit as he goes around here the exit I'm already gu in it's going to have to drop step again and he does something even worse he drop step with his left foot which is a very long way to go before he hits the ground to kick forward it should have been just a leap fo pivot with that Left Foot Right Foot should have been loaded since all the weight's already on that foot that switch stance in order for him to accelerate that one cost him probably a good half a second to 3/4 of a second if not a full second cuz it takes so much time to go from here to to this as opposed to from here to this I'm taking a positive step versus he's taking a negative step to load up and it's taking him all that time to make sure he's in athletic stance instead he should just get in there in a low stance and be ready to get out of the position takes off running all this is good magazine loading while he's running get to that position I don't think he does anything bad here yep there it is oh oh hold on a second the shifting here that's what caused him cuz he's rushing to shoot the last final targets and he's shifting around and he's missing that plate while he's shooting y he took two to three shots in order for him to get set on that steel which is another one of those um probably seconds just um picking up shot kind of in a rush but that's okay but what if he fixes his ability to get in position correctly one two three and set that position and then learn how to Pivot from there and then same thing again on the left side learn how to Pivot from there as supposed to all the shuffle that will help him a ton um um clean up is a lot of his movement and he will save probably 3 seconds on this stage alone without even changing the way he's shooting I don't know what his hits are but that's just my guess so that was Joshua Hilario the next person is going to be Jorge Jorge tiero re uh Jorge is going to be um showing us a drill a fast drill two to the two to the Head four shots to the body good time 3.49 that's really good um I don't think the results were very favorable yep he fires six shots and I only see 1 2 3 four five and I think maybe that one on the neck may have two on there but I don't think that's his shot because looking at the background of the shots on is covering his shots but I can take a wild guess on where the first shot and the second shot so to me it looked like the first shot went a little bit left and then the next shot went a little bit right so whether the first shot was a hit or the second shot was a hit there it is first shot was there second shot was further to the right as you can see the BM exploded a little bit further out there but it's all good and then so the next thing I'm going to look is his recoil Management on this four targets four shots in order for him to get shot he should have already set his stance the way he wants it but he's kind of flat footed right now and then immediately as soon as the buzzer goes he takes a step forward and then when he takes a step forward you can see that movement Jarred his entire structure up where he should have had that set basically all I'm looking for is this this is his structure right now and as he sets he takes a step forward and it shakes his lower half and shoulder structure to me is when I lock my shoulder my hips and my shoulder together so if I was in a drill where I don't have to move I will already lock that in position so when I draw nothing else moves but my holster and my gun and my hands for him he was standing up like this and he was stepping into the position so what that does is one changes up his draw probably affected his grip or consistency coming on the holster second he didn't have it established as he was finally on target which when you're trying to establish this while you're on target it'll it'll take a little bit longer to get those sights perfectly and on a head shot it's very critical for you to get two Good Hits on it the second comment on this is the way he shot that I don't think he prepped the trigger on the second shot at all um I think he was cranking on that trigger so who knows where even if the sights were good I would have him learn how to reset and prep the trigger correctly so the head shot would be good the body shots right here yep the big thing for me he's moving around his structure he's trying too hard to get a good time and trying to shoot too fast on that particular drill which is a nice drill it's a good challenge because it works on accuracy and it works as well as some speed but that's what happened with a couple of these shots to the right as he starts to do it and I think one of the Miss shots that happened was a shot that went up onto the neck I don't know if that was was quite his first and second shot or that was part of his body shootings otherwise I think this is a pretty simple drill pretty self-explanatory he fired six shots only got four five recorded hits on there unless this is two shots or two hits on there which I I highly doubt all right so the next one is just some kid just some kid some kid I don't even know do we have a real name on some kid nothing so after watching his video without any comments just kind of observing it first thing I'm going to do is probably even without knowing the stage plan seems like shooting production I would have changed his stage plan a little bit without really talking about shooting yet I'll get to that in a little bit this is the biggest Dead Space in Time um I right I probably would have reloaded there since it's a really big transition from right it almost took him a second and a half to fire that shot that would have been an opportunity to reload real quick right there get it in and then to be able to shoot these two next targets outside and then to be able to just run up to the final position and then actually shoot that Target on the way in that's just a wild guess since I didn't get to shoot this stage but that seems to be a very pinched place to reload and now he ended up having to actually just slow his movement so he's not doing a standing reload where here he has one two three steps that he could have done a Reload plus that big transition from right to left so any anyway he's shooting otherwise um it sounds very flat so that's is a comment first of all here instead of moving two feet and each as he's shooting it's not it did like one really small step back and up with that left leg right there and then the right foot and then he does a shimmy and I'm going to go over here to show that instead of here here and then as he's shooting this he does one two and and then take a step back and a big step he could have just done this boom boom take a big step as he's transitioning here take commit to this leg since it's already posted up on it commit to this leg and all you have to do now is instead of Shifting weight to do this and then this that affects your shot and makes it harder what you can do is if you're committed to this position right here after that second to the last shot all he had to do was start fading with that back leg and it'll start to pull him you're just basically dragging your feet back and so it affects your shot very little as opposed to shifting your weight taking this step and then shifting your weight again taking this step affecting your shots on that particular easy target so instead after that last shot I would have just started fading out boom boom and then I would have been able to explode since all of my weight is on here loaded as I get out of this position one two I would be able to see the next Target so again it looks like this as I'm loaded loaded loaded Fade Out boom boom boom and I'm set as opposed to what he did where he did this and then he shoots and shifts and then he has to do this and he has to do a weird backing backtracking so making that small adjustment would have been great when I talked about flat shooting shooting sounds really flat it sounds like every Target is the same difficulty distance uh there's some partial Target out there there's some open Target there should have been some change up where it's like or B as you're shooting on a move maybe the the Rhythm would have changed because your sights he's shooting all of them it sounds like the same splits same exact thing he spad up near the end but then the whole thing before that was all every single one of them so I would change that up and explain to him some Rhythm Rhythm would help him understand and rhythm is really dictated by either your sights on on a speed target attack Target and rhythm is dictated on a control Target by how quickly you can return the sight on target and prep the trigger on a control Target so that one would be one right there so let me move on to the next one this one is heavy riff heavy riff I think this is California it looks like it or or Ohio maybe maybe this is Ohio I don't know California looks dry first thing I'm going to watch the video without saying much to just observe it's okay shifting there oh I think he's in a bad position there yeah oh he did it twice bad position again that's all good all right so first thing off explain to heavy riff 9010 this first initial position right here instead of reloading right away inserting that mag right off in the first step trying to get that up my job would be to run I would run run to about right here as fast as I could that's like one two three four five six five to six yards of running but instead of being able to run he was trying to reload all that time and even check the mag if it was all the way in and then pulled and racked it right here I would have tried to just run first as far as I could and then only now insert the magazine in and I'll show that technique here in a little bit and then get the gun up and running and loaded at the last 10 or 15% of the movement again explaining to riff um 9010 would allow for me to be able to take advantage and save some time here shooting seems okay but again he does what I believe it was um not Jorge Joshua Hilario he does the same thing he gets locked into a position and then he has to shift his stance to that final position to final Target so again what I'm talking about is this I have a magazine have a gun starting unloaded instead of coming into position and immediately worried about loading and doing all this stuff I want to if I have a longer way to run my goal is to get my gun and magazine up and running first and run and then put the magazine and the gun together close at the last bit and do it all together as opposed to now if I'm inserting I can't run because I'm trying to put my magazine in the gun number one so I can't move my hands fast so my feet doesn't move fast so I lose the opportunity to run so that 5 yards was already lost time for him cuz he jogged or walked it as opposed to running it number two as he comes to the final position right he comes in he gots his gun up and running and loaded instead of setting up wide for the final Target boom boom boom boom boom boom he had to essentially lock himself like this where he Clos his hips to this final Target so as he's transitioning he now has to open up for that particular Target which wastes a lot of time Time by positioning himself that transition was easily over a second right so that Wast his time a lot yep again he has to shift over for that last partial Target right there on the right side to be able to see that Target right there with the black right so he has to shift over again so the one thing I would teach um heavy riff as well is to learn how to position himself only pay attention to the first Target and the last Target so instead of only paying attention to the first Target and then setting yourself in that position he's setting himself up for the first and the last so he only should stabilize himself once and not have to shift around to fire be able to shoot the next Target so it would look something like this I would teach him what's called a reverse lean as he comes to that that next position he would come in there over right here and he would lean back to the right as if he's shooting right side barricade so as he turns around he can expose all Targets by just shifting his weights right and then seeing all the targets and then from there I can now move to the next position cuz now I'm loaded going to this direction so all I have to do is take a quick step and it leads me out of that position instead he did this and then he had to shift which cost time cost my shot my sight to shake and now it really causes a lot more time a lot more inefficiency in his sty in that style of shooting so he does he does that there he shifts over there's a shift man that's almost a second right there yep a second before he fires a shot so you can see the time hack 14 seconds as he firing that last Target shifts at 15 16 is wi that that's a full second transition where that should have been no more than a 3/10 of a second transition so that's easily 3/4 of a second and of course since he's no longer in a position he's standing straight up he has to do what's called a drop steps he's jumping up to load his legs to exit all at the same time so that's that's what causes all of those partial issues right there setting up up again here he's trying to set up for the outside Target but the way he shoots this array he goes inside and out and then he ends up taking another one of those steps to readjust for the final shot and right there o right here that's his last shot Boom at 21 seconds watch this as he turns over to the right side because he shifts that's his next shot almost at 23 seconds so it's almost a full second with transition shouldn't have been that hard again if he just overran his this position a little bit and reverse leaned it lean to the right he doesn't have to take this overt step to the left to be able to expose all that all that Target and that would have put him on a nice platform lean right there so here's the example of what he did he comes in a position he stays flat there's a wall here there's a wall here he shoots this he shoots this whatever then he takes a step back and shoots that that took about a second to shoot from here to here right and by this time he can't see that Target but by setting up here all he could have done was get wide setting up deeper as opposed to setting up Shallow for him than having to take this step to get deep set up for that position as if you're setting up for the last Target be a little bit uncomfortable for the first Target so now as I wind up I can use weight shifting instead of steps to get me into the next Target and now when I shift my weight from here to there all I would have to do now is transition to here here and use some sort of lean and forward lean to move into that Target instead of what he did where he took a step and then he took another step to take a lean onto the final Target so just extra stuff that we can clean up on that particular um technique that he had here here's a step and then here's another step and there's the lean to shoot that on the move which is that was actually a good shooting and the move lean but that whole setup wasted a whole lot of time there so again um uh probably a second loss here instead of running this is where I would have inserted the mag post it up rack the gun got got the gun up and then that's the second probably and then another one of these right here this another second transition before he can shoot so set up there that's two seconds this is shed up a little shallow he should have set up he should have been right here for his stage plan and shooting that that left Target right there right there from that position right there so he doesn't have to shift and make one position as two instead he has he said he made one position into two positions and that shift cost him some time cost him to do drop step that's another second plus over there I don't like that leaving looking ahead and leaving the gun way out here CU now I have no idea when I'm reloading whenever I'm reloading I want to bring that gun in front of me so I have an idea where it's at here that could have easily gotten hit with that wood right there as he leaves it here that wood and the gun can send his gun breaking 180 so I don't like that technique there as well so I would ask him to change that as well luckily he didn't hit it so he didn't break the 180 and again here again another second or two loss because he made one position into two and then he couldn't blend this position into this he had to shift and shift and then the final position was just speed shooting I think he missed maybe a couple of shots he had to pick up another shot had an extra transition so all along all in there each and every single one of those positions areas he lost about a second so without even changing his shooting I think we can sh save up about 4 seconds on that stage alone I think that's all we got oh no we got one more so we have Clint Santos pretty cool little stage uh fast stage I like that stage yep a lot of this stage is basically movement there's not much shooting it's all about fast shooting on this one it seems like Target seem easy so he could have utilized footwork to get him in more position um what I hear is a lot of broken up shots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 yep exactly so there's broken up in each and every single position he broke up he wasn't able to take advantage of blending any of these positions together so basically it's simple um number one this right here his eyes was already onto the position or the target before he even looks down on his gun when he finally gets his gun R and running uh loaded he's already in position which is by then too late he should have had the gun loaded racked right here and then the gun up at this point right here the gun should be up on that right foot before the left leg gets on position but he gets in position first looking at two Targets before he even establishes a load and before he even establishes a grip which is a over a second that he just lost right there so that's okay he seems like he's moving already on that Target but that Target seems easy enough this should have been a more of a lean a continuous lean and he should have continued to step with that left foot over to the right side AC cross step but instead he does he picks it up to take a step but he leaves it in the same spot and then he does a Lead Foot pivot so now he has to do a shuffle right there and when you do that kind of movement it's going to jar your sights a lot which takes a little bit longer to settle your sights so instead of doing a jump like that he could have just cross step a little bit and the reload he couldn't really do anything about that unless there's a better way to reload this if I shot this stage maybe I would have looked for a different reload where there's more time so simple as this this so the first position all he had to do was instead of running to the position and I mean running to the position getting the gun up and then step here and then here and then load and then up I would have done it on the first POS on the first step I would have looked at my gun my eyes would be on my gun as I get it up my first step here and then as soon as I get this up and running and launch myself to that right step the gun will be up already so before my left leg so I can start shooting whatever I need to shoot right once I don't once I do all of this stuff here he does the fade here which is okay and as he's loading up this leg one two three four five six he picks this leg up to take a step instead of cross stepping he decides to pick it up and take another step which forces him to do a step step and then a lunge and which shakes your sights onto this position the cross step the reason why it's favorable cuz it would get me further and I'm not jumping into position it would allow for me to be able to just flow with the position instead of what he did take a step instead of launching that foot over there he stops here to take a drop step and then have to jump into the final position which jars your sights all he had to do was he can establish and accomplish the same amount of distance and cover by cross stepping and it'll be a lot smoother in position and then the gun will get into position much better get on target a lot better shoot sooner without disturbing your sight picture so so Clint looks like a good shooter um a couple of inefficiencies I would just adjust his footwork and I would clean that up his same thing I would clean up his entry and exit and understand that right here this jump right here is not a good thing all he had to do was take that left step cross it over and would have been able to take less steps to it would have been one two to get in position as opposed to what he did here right here one two three four so that's double the steps that I would have taken which created a choppy flow it's supposed to be smooth flow on that particular stage so yeah Clint man send me a message or any of you guys that just did a video send me a message um if you have any questions um I hope that helps uh there's a lot of these little things that I can cover in my classes but since I saw a video videos are so important for me to break down these are what I do to some of my students here in the US um you guys are fortunate enough to be part of the SG Club to be able for me to be able to look at some of your videos and break it down for you guys all on video all on live hopefully you guys enjoyed it hopefully you guys learn a lot see you guys on the next one
Channel: Shooters Global
Views: 39,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shot timer, shot timer dry fire, IPSC shot timer, USPSA shot timer, IDPA shot timer, best shooting timer, best shot timer, best shot timer for dry fire, competition shooting timer, dry fire shot timer, dry fire timer, gun shot timer, gun timer, pistol shot timer, shooter timer, shooting sports, shooting timer, bluetooth shot timer, practiscore shot timer, practiscore compatible shot timer, waterproof shot timer, military shot timer, durable shot timer, PAR time, presets
Id: dSvZKE5cPZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 22sec (1762 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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