How to shoot like Connor Bedard

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those ribbons and pucks with Connor Bedard the other day and he was a nice enough guy to let me record a few in slow motion and when you break down these slow motion shots it's really easy to pick out differences and really discover how this guy has such an incredible shot I mean he's 18 years old but you can tell his shot is special what I want to do in this video is show you guys three things three big differences that I noticed from his shot to most other people's shots so you can use this to try to shoot like Conor Bedard so in this video we're going to learn how to shoot like Bernard now I don't want you guys to read too much into this because he was at the NHL combine he's in dress pants he's wearing his Gucci loafers so please don't read too much into every single thing that he's doing there's a lot of ways to shoot the puck but these three differences that I notice definitely will make a difference in your game let's start with that Top Hand location a lot of newer players I notice this all the time when I'm teaching the younger players or the newer players is that the Top Hand kind of remains on the hip right here and yeah they'll get it out a little bit sometimes they just sweep we covered that in a previous video just punching that bottom hand we don't do that anymore because you've been watching the videos right but look at that Top Hand still kind of in this area lined up with the hip of this leading foot right here's what I noticed about Bedard though he doesn't have that top hand here on the hip he starts it here and down there so not only on this leg but down nice one he's basically starting with it on the thigh right how low that Top Hand is taking a look at some game footage here you can see he starts with hitting the stick handling position kind of on his hip brings it across the body to that thigh kind of holds it here that's the bait right there and he's gonna bring it back across for that release and there's a few ways you can use this shot you can also go back to their side right here he pulls it in but then shoots it back to the other side tricking the goalie and just for good measure can also use it to fake the shot and do a toe drag and through the legs if you just want to be extra cheeky look at that probably the most lethal part of bedard's shot is his ability to change the angle when he shoots well if you start with your top hand here let's take a look at the blade right we can't really change that angle much because the the puck is right there top hands right here but if we start with the top hand here and now the puck is there right now we can really change that angle before the release so that is number one play with your top hand location I want you to try your shots with the Top Hand low and starting on that thigh so you can pull the puck in and then release your first drill is just to start with that Top Hand lower you're gonna bring it across your body and then punch it out you can release from kind of a spot that's in tight do a few dangles here get used to the Top Hand being a little lower and then you tow it in snap it tow it in here a nice little shot boom get that shot let's see how badara does it you can see that Top Hand coming basically across his body to grab that puck every single time starting with that Top Hand basically on the other leg and he Yanks it across and then rips it so it really changed the angle on each shot he really told in that pocket second thing I noticed is the bow on his wrist I typically shoot by just pulling and pushing like that right that that pull push motion but when Bedard pulls this puck in his wrist is basically completely turned in like this and I think that's the result of him starting with that hand low and then Towing it in like that and punching that top hand out his wrist ends up like this but it's crazy like go and try to do it record yourself shooting and then freeze frame that same spot as Bedard shot right here in the video and see if your wrist looks like that and we also noticed this with Austin Matthews in the game also shooting the same way getting that bow in his wrist so that's something adding a little wrist action get a little extra Flex on the stick speaking of the stick while chatting with Bedard there he said he was using a 70 Flex now he's about 185 pounds but he just recently moved up to a 73 Flex must be nice to just pick whatever Flex you want and have the stick companies make it for you right because I don't think there's a retail 73. now I got a 77 but uh it could be something to think about if you want to get a lot of whip in your stick look at look at Bedard stick here looks like a banana laughs a bandana all right he's 185 pounds he's probably stronger than mostly all of us because he just hits the gym non-stop but uh yeah he's using the 70 Flex so maybe you want to drop down in your Flex a little bit you get a little extra whip something to try any last way to shoot more like Conor Bedard is how you pull that puck in towards your body here's something I noticed when I posted a video of myself and Bedard shooting side by side on Instagram [Music] thank you actually got carved in the comments section thanks guys uh but I was just trying to show a comparison how I shoot versus how the generational Talent shoots let's find the differences here's one that I noticed I pull the puck in towards my body and then I release it right but what I notice is that I typically pull the puck a little more forwards and release it where Bedard pulls it pretty much directly sideways it's almost lateral so I have this blue line here so you guys can see that the puck is pretty much coming straight in I think what that does is allows them to punch that top hand out now he has all this space to build that power on the shot versus releasing from a little further out it's a little less time for the puck being on the stick now typically I will step into it when I'm pulling it here so I still have that nice Gap right here but I'm kind of using more lower body compensating adding extra power from the legs get that shot where madari can pretty much do it all U.S stationary and if he wants to step into it and rip it he definitely can the the other Advantage here is if you pull it in pretty much to the side well let's think if there's a Defender right there's always a Defender you're always trying to shoot past the fender they're trying to get their stick on it it's a little easier if you're moving the puck more towards the net than if you're keeping it pretty much to the side of your body right so if you want to sort of bait a defenseman well Advantage number two right here if I'm starting with my hand low and further out now the puck is further out right so the defenseman is going to maybe be attracted more to try to get that Puck and then you pull it right into the side you can sidestep that Defender change that angle and then rip the puck so that's the third way you can shoot more like Conor Bedard is to try to pull that puck basically straight to the side and then rip it so if you want to work this into a few drills number one start with that Top Hand basically by the thigh number two is when you pull that puck in punch out the Top Hand try to have a bit of a bow on the wrist right there and number three don't move the puck forwards basically move it straight to the side and try to shoot now I want you to put a Target in the net and see how hard it is to actually get a shot off this way because the first time I did it I could barely get the puck off the ice or off the ground but I prefer practicing for a little while now and uh I've been ripping it off the pipe here so with a little bit of practice you'll be able to shoot a little bit more like Bedard and it will take some practice it'll feel really weird at first but after enough practice it'll feel more and more comfortable and hey maybe eventually you'll get drafted first overall NHL or just have a really sweet shot that'll work too anyways thanks for watching the videos guys if you want more videos hit that subscribe button or make a new hockey training videos every single week on this channel good luck in the upcoming hockey season and we'll see you in the next video just practice I watched Austin Matthews a lot him doing it he's kind of the creator of it almost so there's practice and and then I just watch it try to get better [Music]
Channel: How To Hockey - Coach Jeremy
Views: 747,579
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Keywords: hockey, ice hockey, nhl, sports, how to hockey, hockey training, online hockey coach, fun hockey training, off-ice hockey training, coach jeremy
Id: NiitFTS9HnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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