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Chris Tanev as his fave Nuck because of his shot blocking is pretty funny.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/northernpace 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2023 🗫︎ replies

Thanks for sharing this! So excited for the future, LETS GO HAWKS!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Ok-Selection-4801 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2023 🗫︎ replies
strangers chirp someone has ever said to you in a game I told Jesse the wine I got called turd a couple and I was like like 10 years old or something so that one was funny hi I'm Connor Bedard Ford for the Regina Pats and this is 98 questions with me upper body or lower body at the gym um probably hockey's more lower body so I'll go with that ice hockey or roller hockey I love them both but I got a nice hockey obviously is but you know I'm I'm doing a little more so I'll go with ice hockey what's your favorite nickname that people use for you kind of always had the same nickname I feel like it's globally known now little bedsy little bedsy with this one I mean Betsy's pretty common for for me so that's I guess the go-to math or English in school definitely English I think math one's kind of the Y's and X's got in there got pretty tough so yeah football baseball soccer or basketball is the second sport to play um I think basketball has always been pretty fun I think he can just get a ball you know two three friends and you got a good game game going so I've always always enjoyed that what about to watch I think basketball as well I love like following stats and stuff I mean I don't watch too many like full games until kind of playoffs but um you know I love following the stats and you know I love the like basketball talk shows and stuff they're pretty funny good one-on-one I'm undefeated never lost will you stop it that'll make any sense what's your favorite ice cream flavor um um I think like mint chocolate chips pretty good it's fun too it's fine I got it interrupt for a sec because like people who like it I've been talking stuff are like so passionate about it it's so good job it's like you love it or yeah um your favorite NHL player right now in the league uh Sydney Crosby's always kind of been my favorite ever since I was I was a kid so I'll stick with him your best friend from the hockey world Ah that's that's tough to pick I mean I've been lucky to have Simon basically all my friends are you know playing hockey and kind of the same goals as me which I'm pretty lucky so it's tough to pick one are you a superstitious player yeah yeah I am pretty pretty superstitious wow this I don't know I mean like my whole day is pretty uh regimented but um you know I think why like I don't like my blade ever touching the the ground or people touch my stick or anything so I kind of like in our stick rack I put my stick all the way at the end and hang it the wrong way up so no one can no one can touch it everyone kind of knows to leave it alone um oh man I mean being energized so cold so I think when you go back and I mean I like the rain I grew up kind of with it so I think that's more like for me that's kind of what people think of Vancouver is the the winters but the summers are pretty enjoyable too it's super nice I've actually never tried snowboarding so I've been skiing a few times and I found it pretty enjoyable um wow I'll go dang this little flashier favorite TV show of all time uh Family Guy probably is my my favorite favorite movie of all time uh Happy Gilmore yeah dogs or cats I got a little dog so I'll go dogs what kind uh it's like a Maltese and a Yorkie mix so it's pretty small but it's uh it's cute yeah how do you like your steak cooked uh medium rare what's your favorite kind of music um I'm pretty good with anything but probably rap is is what I what I enjoy most you have a favorite band or artist no not really I think just kind of you know I listen to you know like I said I'm good with anything and kind of whatever's uh whatever's playing favorite Club I like Lululemon a lot my sister works there and I feel like that's kind of basically all I wear when you know working out or it's super comfortable too so that's one I like um just before games and just black um you know I used to go a little milk in there but kind of switch it up to just straight black now who's your all-time favorite athlete and if you're if it's not um yeah I think I mean no I didn't watch but Michael Jordan's a pretty obvious one um I think him and Muhammad Ali I didn't get to watch but just kind of watching documentaries on them and stuff I think those are two uh two that are pretty big for sure so I'd say them friend if so what's your handicap yeah I mean I play a little bit um I'm not back I shoot like 90 so I guess kind of that'd be 18 so nothing nothing special but I guess I'm all right um I got to go to Hawaii when I was young but I went to like Europe for hockey a couple times and I think I went to I went to France and a little town called Germany which was pretty close right on the mountains and it was super nice there so that's one I really enjoyed uh Honolulu yeah so it's fun oh I love like uh like sushi and stuff Japanese and um you know I love Mexican you know tacos and everything so those are probably my two uh two favorite p92 kind of always always been the same Flex to use on your stick uh it's like I always use seven I switched to like a 73 kind of by the end of the year so a little specific but I mean it's not a huge huge change white tape or black white I was actually black till I was 15 and then I felt white looked a little better maybe so I switched up to it what time do you go to sleep at every night or try to uh like 10 10 30. favorite book um I read a like that Bobby Orr one I liked I don't know if you guys have read that but I haven't read like a crazy amount but I enjoyed that one guess this is a Jesse specific if you ever use flame tape oh I don't know about it again maybe maybe prax or something I think when I was a kid I probably use it a lot like on the street um roller Hawkins stuff but I don't know about right now what's your biggest hockey ick oh ick I was like you can't like like um I'm begging to like the like uh Euro talk and kind of that stuff so maybe when someone's flopping their tongues a little bit I don't I love I used to be a big Flopper and I think a lot of people pull it off but I mean personally I like the kind of chocolate favorite City to play in as an away team engineer uh I mean get and go home Vancouver is awesome but um I mean I love playing here actually in Kamloops the crowd didn't like me very much [Applause] we had a tough game but just the energy uh in the building was was pretty crazy so I love that it may not have like you but they certainly came to watch you play favorite sports quota um yeah I think uh Muhammad Ali one uh don't count the days make the days count or something and I think it's I think that's it but um for me I think that's so big right now with kind of the draft coming up and maybe all the outside noise and uh for me to just kind of be focused on what I'm doing today and and not kind of looking look look outside of that so I think that's one that I like a lot saved career so far um I think a really special one was scoring after my Grandpa died and kind of having that game and in memory of him and obviously you know getting that OT winner and you know I think just kind of the Stars the line for that game and it was uh honestly a tough moment for me and my family but to have that in memory and and kind of have that moment was special this oh man the strangest thing about me do you have like a topic or like an idea don't like to wear socks you know not to sound weird but we acknowledge this man's legs for a moment they are absolute trunks yeah yeah I don't know I kind of just wear slides everywhere I mean I I think I'm in Regina maybe I wore shorts to like November and it was pretty cold so I like to do that maybe it's a little weird are you a stomach side or back sleeper uh stomach you play Fantasy Football I haven't but I I think some of my friends were into it so I think probably this year I'll try to get into it strangers chirp someone has ever said to you in a game I told Jesse the one I got called turret a couple and I was like uh like 10 years old or something so that one was funny your favorite hockey stick of all time oh man um there's so many growing up I feel like they're they're what there were but um maybe like the 1X light when it first came out I really liked I was I think 11 12 years old so that one was kind of the first of that super light stick so I really like that one ketchup or mustard on a hot dog um I I think mustard I haven't I don't know I'm not as crazy on the ketchup with some people so I'll go mustard oh my God who's your favorite superhero um man when I was a kid like Halloween I had a like three four years span of just going superheroes but um I think you know maybe uh maybe Spider-Man I think he's a he's good I like those movies so it's probably uh probably uh my favorite GoPro and hockey he would have became hopefully a golfer if I you know got into it when I was younger hopefully it'd be all right but um you know I don't know it's a it's a tough one but I think that would be something I'd be pretty into best piece of advice you've ever received oh wow um I think my dad kind of always just says don't don't wish time away and that's something I think I kind of said earlier about being in the moment but that's something that you know I always always liked do you have any siblings yeah I got an older sister who is your biggest fan uh probably like all my family I think do you like hiking or camping uh I like hiking um you know being Vancouver I mean I'm a little busy uh with training everything but when I can go and do the grind or something I don't know if you guys have ever done that one but my girlfriend oh yeah it's tough it's tough yeah so gross grind Vancouver no if you're in Vancouver try it but uh no I think there's a lot of nice um you know obviously mountains and hikes up there your favorite sugary cereal oh man I haven't haven't had too many a while but I remember Cinnamon Toast Crunch being uh being really good oh yeah um I think like meat lovers probably um I don't know it's just kind of the most stuffs on it and you know I enjoy the most way there all right oh man I always loved TANF when I was growing up um just what how many shots he'd block and he was he was pretty uh pretty Fearless so he was someone I was kind of appreciated as being a fan of them probably Steve Eiserman or Gretzky yeah it's not yeah it's not bad uh three on three OT or five on five three on three I think that was uh I mean in regular season I think they got it perfect with the Playoffs being five on five and regular season being three on three but I I mean three round three so much fun you call it clear tape or soft tape sock tape I think all the all the Western guys are sock tape favorite biosale flavor um I mean then the pink lemonade kind of new one is is uh I mean it's pretty popular right now I think it's my favorite High glove or low blocker High glove I think flashier um I mean low block is like I think maybe the highest percentage shot but I think as a righty it's a little easier to go High glove maybe if you collect hockey cards what's the like your favorite hockey card you've ever caught oh man I have a when I was young I was super into it I have like a big binder of cards and I actually just got given like a Crosby like rookie card a couple months back so uh that one's that one's uh probably worth worth a couple bucks so it's uh pretty sweet yeah yeah it's fine video video getting a rookie you did yeah oh yeah I saw a video of you getting pranked about the Gretzky on yeah or was that [Laughter] you don't mention that card costs about a dollar I just think you'll remember most of most about oh I think just the emotions of of kind of being in that moment and obviously getting the score go like that and um you know any OT goal you're you're pretty fired up but just to be that I think you know with the crowd and being able to move on and play you know two more games I think it was uh just a feeling of it was Unreal most underrated player you've gone against in the CHF oh man I think I think Nate danielson's not talked about a crazy amount um he's he's a unbelievable player he's super hard to play against and you know me and him me and him are pretty good buddies as well so um a bit but I know he's someone that I feel like doesn't get talked about too much and he's he does everything in the game and obviously he's you know super high offensive Talent do you believe in aliens I think there's got to be something out there um I don't know I feel like the universe is so big and um you know I feel like there's got to be kind of another living living Forum out there uh pineapple and pizza yes or no I'm kind of in the middle I don't I wouldn't maybe ask for it but I don't think it's like terrible like some people think it's like the worst thing ever someone someone orders it but I'm kind of in the middle favorite spot to hit for food in your hometown um I mean Chipotle is obviously kind of a go-to for a lot of people I think so that's one I really like going to tell I like the 2011 game five against San Jose to go to the finals would be extra weird goal so I think actually I've went on the Kessler tied it was like 20 seconds left I was a little kid and like the fan jumped and spilled all his beer on me which was pretty funny so I came home you know smelling like uh smelling like beer but uh you know that game game was crazy I mean it was one of the biggest games and obviously connects history so it was cool to be there it's a great story that's awesome uh if you could pick your goal song what would it be oh man I don't know I like the evile one and Halifax is it fit really well uh personal one I don't know but um you know I enjoyed that one I've been playing that one I was recording yeah yeah I've heard it I heard it last night yeah what's your dream golf or something um Charles Barkley probably in there um to get a golfer I mean Tiger Woods is a pretty easy answer and then um I'll go Michael Jordan I feel like there should be a golf you wouldn't chuck all together that's something that could definitely happen yeah he's a pretty big hockey fan so uh yeah yeah he's got the kachak on on there the other night which was cool um do you have your drafts to be picked out and can we expect anything crazy uh yeah I got it picked uh it's nothing too crazy I'll kind of keep on low I guess but uh no I mean it's not a not something that you'll be too shocked about I don't think you're the commissioner for a day what's one rule change or addition that you need to believe if any uh yeah I got asked that question a while ago and I didn't have anything but I think I like the one to eight format um I think some guys were talking about that we do it in the Western and um I don't know like one day and then reseed after the first round I kind of like the like the idea of that I mean it's good the way it is too but I think if I was you know had something to change to be to be picky I think that would be something maybe I I wouldn't mind doing how many unread messages do you currently have on the phone right now uh like on Instagram or like text yeah Instagram yeah text uh text I mean most people that don't remember I know so I try to respond but I think I still got maybe like 50 to 70 range no it's not 105. I have worse than that there's no reason I should have that many I have 450. group chats man okay this one was not written by me but I have to say it this is there yeah question 69. it's all that bad is 69 the worst on lucky number of all time uh I mean I think it's pretty funny yeah to wear like uh you know I think whenever you're playing like a fun tournament or something there's always someone that's gonna go with it so you know I don't think you're allowed to wear it in any other kind of situation but if it's uh you know you're joking around I think it's it's good I'm that guy yeah if if you didn't wear 98 what number uh I mean I love I were 64 in Sweden that was a good one um you know 16 of well Juniors I like but ah man that's tough I like 64. that's my roller number now so um you know I like that one what's your favorite Canucks Jersey I really like the millionaires uh like that that one with the the V I think we wore it and like that was my spring hockey jersey kind of too so uh you know I got to just kind of wear it you know obviously but um I like that one first purchase you'll make for yourself once you're drafted for US ah man I really haven't maybe buying my my mom or insist or something nice but um no I don't really know what I'd want for for myself least favorite question to answer in interviews or maybe question you get asked most in interviews well yeah um question I get asked most probably just like like abroad like how do you feel about this or something that I feel like get to answer or I guess gets asked like three or four times every interview so I feel like I get that all the time it's the most interesting question you've ever been asked maybe the 69 question Jesse just asked me was was a was a new one that's great um one question you've always wanted to be asked but never um wow going deep here yeah I mean I feel like I have to talk about myself so much so like something about someone else or someone else's game or something I like being asked about are you here I just want to interrupt you you're very you're a very humble guy by the way thank you who's who's been your favorite player to watch the Memorial Cup so far um wow it's a it's a good one I think obviously snakeholden's been pretty unreal um Zellweger those two uh there's so many guys but I mean I think just it being in Kamloops and um you know obviously Logan being kind of the whole Hometown kid it's always cool to watch them here if you could play hockey in any um I mean I got to actually be a part of Sweden like their Junior League so I think being going back there and playing would be it would be fun what's your biggest fear I don't like snakes that's something I think my dad was like that always and I think it's something that scares me what sporting event hockey would you want to go see live um I'd love to be at like a college football game um I think are like just an NFL game like those those are pretty crazy like I mean they got like 80 to 100 000 people in those buildings so I just see energy in that would be it would be unreal are you a nervous fly no not bad I mean um you know I've been on a pretty good amount of flights for my age so um you know I think I'm pretty pretty comfortable with it man whenever you go to um or you should go to the game in Michigan I know I saw like Kent and fantilly and stuff I talked to them about it yeah and then they're like some teams can't even do their play calls yeah because it's too loud like I saw some like in Penn State like the team had to call timeout they couldn't hear each other like that's crazy yeah I bet um do a guilty pleasure song um huh I don't know I don't I don't really think sometimes I'll like turn on a little like um like pop or like radio songs I think but but maybe no like specific song with Barbie girl oh yeah she's not even like it's not a ghost bedroom uh what TV show are you the motion into right now um I mean that Ted lasso is pretty good like I've watched it a lot last summer and then kind of got away from it but I mean I know it's like over now and stuff and I've probably seen a bunch of uh uh what's it called it's like spoilers about it but I think I'll probably finish it so I think that's a that's a good one it's funny have you ever swapped Squad jerseys with someone yeah actually in the in the brick tournament you do like a jersey swap then I think mine was with the Caitlyn Lind on unread deer so um you know he's he's a really good player and um you know we obviously switched and you know now we still play against each other so it's pretty cool so I mean I think the next question for like the NHL player you want to talk so now like I think instead I'll say yeah so your favorite player Cindy Crosby have you been able to interact with them at all yeah I got to meet him uh last summer um talk to him a little and and stuff which was pretty cool I mean it's he's just I feel like he's what everyone says and minor I just let them just super down to earth humble and um you know just just nice guys so I got to kind of meet them and talk to him a little bit was uh it was a lot of fun uh is there like okay oh man [Music] um I had I watched a little uh too ought to handle once uh I thought it was kind of funny but I only like a few few episodes so nothing uh too consistent what's the most recent thing you've watched on YouTube um I think like a basketball talk show I think Undisputed was something so I like that one a lot do you have a favorite Channel on YouTube um I just I like watching those some like hockey stuff um I watch started watching a little like South Park stuff because I see it on uh online all the time randomly for some reason so I think it's kind of funny but I'm just kind of like sports one conspiracy theory you believe in oh I had I used to I watched some like last year but I'm kind of forgetting them a little bit um but I think it's the alien one is a really conspiracy like believe me though it's not it could like I guess if you hear if it's Area 51 oh yes the conspiracy no I don't know I feel like I had some but I kind of forgot now that's a tough one task yeah um the toughest loss of your hockey career I think this year in game seven was was tough um you know we had such a good series with the Saskatoon of course and um you know to kind of come out on the on the bottom there they're sucked and uh you know it's really hard for sure I like The Game of Life uh played it a bit growing up and um you know I think it's pretty fun I think just like NHL I'm not really you know big into video games but um you know we you know go to a buddy's house or something and play a little bit what's one game outside of hockey that nobody can do I think I'm a pretty good ping pong player uh we played tons at World Juniors and I think Josh Joshua was maybe the best but I think I'd beat him a couple times so uh you know he's he's good but uh you know I think I'm pretty good at it craziest thing someone has ever dmed you that's like Fiji yeah uh man they're mostly not PG but um that's an answer yeah yeah so yes I'll keep it at that um what's the like most interesting or unique item you've ever signed ah signed some foreheads and a sign of like a baby I think or maybe I could be maybe I was dreaming but I think I might have signed it out baby a man for the people Breakaway game step which what move are you doing um I mean I've scored a bit on that low glove move I like or the uh that line A1 five full I had a couple those are kind of my my two this year so um you know I feel like every year I try to come up with or not come up but use something a little new those two I had had a pretty good amount of success with this year favorite one so far I like the alien one I think that's a pretty good argument a lot of people have so uh that was that's a good one question number 90 seven how did you get the number 98 what's the story behind yeah I think I was six years old and with our spring team we were able to kind of pick whatever number we wanted and I was thinking kind of throughout the NHL and this 90 it was never no one really had and you know I think he was a little kid you kind of want to have your own number maybe and uh for me that was some I found cool and obviously a high number kind of kind of appealed to me so I mean it's it's stuck with me obviously and you know I like it no no you got this you got this all right man question number 98 will you pose for a picture with us with bar down Jersey that's it yeah I mean all right why not I'm sure and this is great and uh that's 98 questions
Channel: TSN
Views: 122,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Questions, AMA, Connor Bedard, Bedard, Bedard Draft, CONNOR BEDARD Chicago, NHL, NHL Draft, 2023, Hockey, Puck, Canada
Id: TbCobUQamkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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