How To Shingle - Step Flashing

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hi I'm Shannon from host improvements comm and continuing along with all our other shingling videos that we have we just thought we should maybe do one that on this mock-up just to look at the step flashing a little bit so step flashing is basically a right-angle piece of metal could be galvanized could be colored whatever that would go against anywhere we're roof butts into a wall such as we have here so this you know this could be a dormer this could be you know maybe this is a gradual this is the wall of the house whatever you get the idea so basically what the flashing does is it goes under the end of every row of shingles to help direct any water that or any rain or anything that gets up underneath there directs it back out and onto the shingle below so typical situation is you know you're going to have this roof which butts into a wall this could be a front of a dormer or something like that so then you might have a front wall as well so you can go your roof up until you get to that point same as they'll always which is what these shingles are this this area here needs a piece of flashing that once these shingles are on this piece will go against the wall before any siding or stuck or anything it goes against the wall and it when the house wrap goes on the house rap overlaps onto here and gets taped that way any moisture that gets behind the exterior finish can run down the host wrap onto this flashing out across this piece which would be exposed on the roof and then out onto the shingles in a way if you didn't have this it could just run right down the wall and you know to try to seal this with just tar something that's joint back here you're just going to have a spot that's going to be a leak so that's why you want this flashing so on this flashing it kind of goes along usually in the step flashing situations you don't want any nails down into here if you can avoid it if you have to you could put the odd one rate read as far out as you can but I would try to avoid it at all cost keep your nails on the wall up nice and high so that you know you've got at least an inch of metal here with no kind of protrusions through it okay so we've got that piece on there we've got basically we're saying we have our roof shingle up to this point and we've kind of got to the point where we're going to need a piece of step flashing okay so our next next shingle and it might be a full shingle might be a cut piece whatever is going to go against the wall like this right and in this case the height is going to be a boat like that but now what's protecting this gap here protecting moisture from getting in there maybe running down the wall behind the siding or just driving rain or whatever from getting in and going down through the roof decking it's almost impossible to seal this with any kind of sealant tar or anything and make it last any amount of time so what you need is a piece of step flashing so as you get this row on this step flashing we get nailed to the wall and sitting down just so the very bottom end of it protrudes past where the where this upper shingle would be so in effect you want basically that kind of a look now in our case because this is our first one this piece here that projects from the front of this wall normally I would just take snips trim it up a little bit and then bend it around the corner and tack it with a nail okay so if this was our our piece here once you've kind of determined how much of the step flashing you're going to have hanging out and I would say about half an inch is usually good you can where's my nail you basically just want to tack it into place okay so you can take that piece get it where you want it come up high on the wall here if you're doing a reroofing job I would highly recommend if if this is siding on here that you remove that siding and replace your step flashing a lot of guys will just strip the old shingles off end the step flashing up because it's a lot of work to pull your siding off they'll reroute the roof and reuse that step flashing but you hardly ever see it the step flashing the old stuff lines up perfectly where it should be in your new roofing job so you're better off to remove some of the siding here pull the step old step flashing off and install all new stuff okay so you want to nail that to the wall nail it up nice and high a lot a lot of guys will be tempted to put a nail in down here I try to avoid that if you can at all costs it's just one more protrusion through that metal so then your row of shingle would go on here more times than not you're going to have one sink one nail through this flashing anyways in the the actual shingle row that you're working on okay so we nail our shingle and then we're ready for our next step flashing so same thing we just get it on here get it down to the distance that we decide we're going to use tack it in place get in there and then put our royal shingle on okay so you can see as we go up it's just the same thing over and over and over again I'm going to do one more here I've got my distance off a little bit on my reveal but I'm actually using a couple different types of shingles here so I'm kind of guessing a little bit other one up there okay so you just continue all the way up until you run out of a wall here so like I said this I'm a little bit low here but normally this I would just bend it around the corner I'd probably have to do a little snip here to make a look right bend that around the corner usually put a nail in of here shingle your roof all off and then now if you're doing exciting or something you can snap a line and run a j-channel right along here and put your siding in or whatever type of siding you're using it really just depends usually if it's siding all keep my j-channel up about an inch or so off the shingle area there so just gives a little bit of clearance keeps ice from building up okay so that's that's your basic step flashing so again the reason is rain drives in here gets past the shingle in this joint here against the wall but then it ends up on top of this metal and can run out and down it just basically keeps it away from running in this joint that would be up here where the roof and the wall meet if you want to you could be putting a little bit of tar dabit are just to hold those down but most times they're just going to stick down to the metal anyway so once they get a bit of heat of the Sun arm okay so fairly basic but it's it's crucial if you don't do this you're going to have a leak there's just no two ways about it so you definitely want to use step flashing anytime you have a roof budding into a vertical surface like this okay so hopefully that gave you all the information you needed to do step flashing on your own project and if it didn't just come to the forum and post your question there and I can for sure give you an answer from there if you aren't totally sick of listening to me talk you can also come to Facebook I'm always posting stuff up on Facebook Twitter follow us along there as well with the social media thanks a lot for watching
Channel: HouseImprovements
Views: 516,137
Rating: 4.4989362 out of 5
Keywords: step, flashing, technique, wall, roof, roofing, dormer, install, seal, leak, how-to, diy, shingle, shingling, repair
Id: DOneZN1W0gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 04 2016
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