How to Install Brick Chimney Flashing and Counter Flashing Step by Step

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hey what is going on homeowners it's ryan from roof co and this week we are going to talk about how to flash properly being the key word there a brick chimney so we don't have a real brick chimney here we got something that looks like brick just for the sake of demo purposes today but all the same principles are going to apply so our main thing here when we do a do a brick chimney flashing is it actually starts before you put the metal the final piece on the outside we like to make sure that we've got at least three layers of protection to keep the water out around again any type of penetration so what we've done in this situation is we've taken the shingles back so that way we can expose the decking the underlayment the ice and water shield everything that's supposed to be on the roof is here but the first thing that we want to do in getting this thing ready to go is actually install that first piece of ice and water shield around the base of it so that way if water happens to come down you've got a piece of ice and water shield or in essence a membrane that is going to keep that water out is the first layer of defense and so what we'll do is we'll take that ice and water shield we'll lay it right down like this peel off the backer on it you want to be a little bit careful with it and only touch the surfaces where you tend to put it and we'll lay it down [Music] okay so that is going to be our first step is installing that ice and water shield membrane transitioning from the roof up a good two to three inches onto the surface of where we're going next we actually do the exact same thing on walls any place where you've got a roof line that meets something going vertical so that's our first step is to install the ice and water shield down against the decking up onto the surface of the chimney all right so step number two with a a brick chimney flashing hey we've got our ice and water shield installed right now we went ahead and installed it on both the top and the bottom all the way around the the perimeter that'll stick here in just a second but our next step is we have to install what's called step flashing as we shingle so step flashing is just a 90 degree piece of aluminum that is designed to go next to the vertical penetration and then goes on to the roof so every single shingle that is going to be meeting a wall is going to have its own individual piece of step flashing this is also a corner that a lot of contractors cut because when they're replacing a roof they'll just simply reuse the old flashing well what do you think a piece of metal that's had a couple nails driven through it could possibly do it could create some challenges right so we want to make sure that every time we do something we're putting all new components back into place so when we install step flashing and we'll get a close-up view of this here in just a minute it's very important that we don't just run it even with the shingle okay but we do have to make sure that we install this metal at least a good one inch past the corner of this chimney so that way again when water's sitting up there water is running down it's going to have a good you know inch or so to get away from the chimney before it goes down into the gutter elsewhere so let's go ahead and install this and each piece of flashing really only requires one nail placed in the appropriate spot usually in the top corner top opposite corner there we go first piece of step flashing is installed now we just install our first shingle on top of that and we cheated a little bit here and we went ahead and cut all the shingles already just to save time for this demo here but now we'll go ahead and just nail this shingle just like we normally would so we'll put two nails in this smaller shingle here there we go all right so so the first one's in let's grab our second shingle okay we're going to put our neck shingle down next piece of step flashing goes down and this is going to go down to right at the nail line for our next shingle so we've got to nail this down before we get to the shingle got a little ahead of myself there there we go okay so the step flashing is now overlapping the next piece right here so we'll put our next shingle on and one of the reasons why we like to have this ice and water shield again when we're driving a nail through that ice and water shield is going to create a seal around any nail that's going through the roof decking at this point so just another layer of protection to make sure you're not going to have a problem doing this yourself there we go all right so now we're cooking with gas moving forward quickly here put our next piece of step flashing on all right and so for our final piece here we went ahead and cut this piece so that way it lines up evenly with the edge of our chimney alright now that we've got the step flashing on we are ready to put our counter flashing on now this is where this job gets a little bit more complex because we always like to custom make our counter flashing which is you know this is literally a roll of aluminum that you use you use a brake on in order to put the appropriate bends to keep the water out so what we're going to show you here in just a quick second is how this works but before we actually attach it i want to show you on the flashing itself why this is so important and what we do different than most contractors here so i'm going to bring this a little bit closer here but you can see on this edge this actually tucks into the brick that's why as you just saw in the video we were actually grinding out the mortar joints so that way we can tuck this three-eighths of an inch lip into the mortar joints and we'll put a final bead of sealant on that but that way we're not relying on caulking to keep the water out we're using a mechanical seal with all of our flashing and this is where this gets really really cool so instead of on the corners right here a lot of times you'll see a contractor just literally wrap the metal around and put a nail through it and call it a day or worse yet they'll just in this metal here run a piece of metal here and then put a bead of caulk there well that's certainly going to fail over a period of time so we like to find a more permanent solution when combining our metal here so what we do is we actually put a one inch lip here on the bottom piece and we actually on the next piece that connects to it we create an inner locking seam so they actually just slide together just like this and then we crimp it and now we've got a mechanical seal for all of our corners and we're not having to rely on caulking to keep the water out now that we've got our custom piece of metal made here we're going to go ahead and actually install it and take this top lip again and we're going to install it into the mortar joint that we just ground out one other super important piece that i like to point out on here is notice how we've got this little lip right here we didn't just have metal left over that actually serves a purpose that's going to go underneath our piece of step flashing here so that way in the event water is coming down here it it's going to hit the metal versus having an opportunity to go elsewhere so we're going to slide that over we're going to tuck this into the mortar joint here and now we've got our bottom pan in place and the only final piece we need to do there is we take a small masonry nail here instead of a roofing nail we're going to grab a masonry nail and we're going to go ahead and just nail this in you don't have to use a bunch but it makes your nails a little bit stronger and we're just going to drive it in right above the flashing here drive our first nail in just one last nail here there we go all right so we've got two nails holding this in our final piece that we'll do here once we've got the entire chimney splashed is then we'll actually put a bead of volcano in here vulcan is a very high durable caulk actually comes with a good warranty on it and it's not going to dry rot out like other caulking wheels so we'll finish this off with some vulcan caulk right at the very end but now let's go ahead and finish out flashing the rest of our chimney all right so we are wrapping up our chimney project as you can see we've got all of our mortar joints ground in here so each piece of step flashing is going up two courses of brick we've got masonry nails driven in to hold it in place so again everything is 100 of mechanical seal here and then next we're going to put our top pan on so again as you can see this is a rather intricately bent piece of aluminum needs to adhere to the pitch of the roof needs to be the width of the chimney so there's a lot that goes into this and again it's not something that's difficult to do it just takes a little bit of time and a lot of patience in order to put this together the right way but again this is definitely the right way to flash a chimney as you can see right here as well we've got another one inch little what i like to call a wing sticking out up here because we're going to create the same type of mechanical seal as we did down below up top so that way again at every corner you're not going to have to worry about a bead of caulk running bad and nail coming out you've got a mechanical seal that's crimped together and then we'll finish this off with again some nice vulcan sealant along all of the edges but that's really just a precautionary piece because you know we've ground all of this into mortar joints everything is going to have a nice solid mechanical seal to it so let's go ahead and get started putting this final piece of the puzzle together with our top panel all right so we are here for the final step of how to finish counter flashing on our brick slash this is actually wood but stamped like brick chimney here so we've got everything finished up we've got every joint ground into the mortar joints we've got all of our masonry nails driven in and now we're ready to finish the final step or second to last step i should say which is actually crimping those two seals that we talked about so that's just taking a crimping tool you can get this at any local hardware store and all you have to do is just crimp these final edges makes this incredibly tight and there we go now we're good to go so now we put our crimping tool away and go ahead and move forward with the final step of applying our vulcan sealant and again i'm very specific about this because with this type of a sealant turn that over upside down that way anyway with this type of a sealant the reason why we like to use vulcan versus just a regular roofing tar well roofing tar is very susceptible to just simply drying out and cracking it's not a very flexible material whereas the vulcan it's ideal for very porous surfaces porous surfaces ideally like brick etc it's perfect for that because it's going to remain flexible it comes with a great warranty on it as long as it's installed properly this is the only way to go in our opinion when it comes to sealing any of your final flashing so once we get that done we'll show you the final picture of our final counter flash chimney and we'll be good to go hopefully this was helpful all right so now that we've got all of our vulcan installed all of our joints are appropriately sealed we are 100 wrapped up good to go with this chimney flashing aka wood brick chimney flash in this in this case here but we hope that was helpful if if there's any questions that you have about any of the steps involved in this process definitely drop us a comment below we'd love to hear from you answer any questions or if you don't want to do this yourself give us a call we'll be happy to help you out as well so for roof co i'm ryan herget be sure to like comment subscribe we'd love to hear from you any questions you have that's what we're here for thanks so much
Channel: RoofCo Roofing Experts
Views: 208,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chimney Repair, Roof Repairs, Chimney Flashing, Roofing, Counter Flashing
Id: 9jJgV_k4nFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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