How To Shift a Dirt Bike|5 Pro Tips

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If you want to go fast you have to know how to shift and today we show you how to shift like a Pro. So the five points we want to talk about number one foot position where do I put my foot where do I move it how do I shift and where do I rest it number two clutch or no clutch is the question we get a lot of people like do I use my clutch to shift do I not use it what do I do we're gonna explain it all then we're going to talk about when to shift and how to limit your shifting because you don't want to be shifting all the time you want to focus on your riding and last but not least we're going to show you how to shift while you're standing up. Foot position really important just like we talked about in our other video when it comes to breaking your riding on the palm of your feet so your feet are pointing in and you're away from the shift lever so in order to shift up you've got to move your foot forward a little bit shift and then move your foot back again just like breaking that transition is really important you move your foot forward to shift when you're done shifting you move it back turn in into the bike so you can grip the bike you don't want to ride on your heel with your foot pointing out no control of the dirt bike then turn it in shift and turn it back out that's the wrong way Balls of your foot, foot foot pointing in forward shift back on your peg gripping the bike clutch or no clutch? So in a lot of our trainings people say: Hey I never use the clutch to shift is that the right way is that how I do it what we teach and what we recommend is use your clutch when you're shifting up. While you're accelerating your bikes in full power your gear box is spinning the gears are spinning you gotta separate the transmission a little bit in order to force in the new gear yes in low revs you're able to shift sometimes if you're in a rush you're able to shift but you want to make sure you got clean shifts and in order to do that you want to make sure you use the clutch so you can stay on the throttle a quick pull on the clutch pull in the next gear and you're good to go shifting down a little bit of a different story coming into turns sometimes you can just step on the shift lever and shift down the next gear it's not a big problem some people in order to not stall the bike pull in the clutch especially when you're in the coming into a tight turn now on the four-stroke you want to kind of let the bike roll and use the engine brake as much as you can but sometimes you just got to pull in the clutch in order toe not to stall but it is not a necessity you use the clutch while you're shifting down when do you shift and that's a good question it depends a little bit on on what sort of bike you ride. You ride a 450 you're gonna shift a lot less then when you're riding a 85 or 125 two strokes but you want to make sure you stay within the power band so your bike as it revs up it delivers power power power power and eventually it revs out and it flattens out and at some point even fully reved out you lose power so you want to make sure that you're in the right gear to accelerate and as you're accelerating you shift through the gears like I said stay on the gas so you don't have to let off on the gas clutch the next gear clutch next gear every time your bikes about to rev out you click the next gear and that's how you get maximum power onto the track point number four limit the shifting we see it a lot in our trainings and even when we just go to the track a lot of people coming to the turn two three gears down then really sharp turn the bike kind of wheelies out two gears back up another two gears down and just a lot of shifting what you want to make sure of is that you find the gear that kind of carries you through the turn with enough momentum to where you don't have to shift every time you have to shift you give up your position a little bit you pull in the clutch so the bikes not moving forward in that little bit of a second so you want to make sure you limit your shifting. make sure you come in maybe second usually a turn is second or third gear depending on what bike you ride carry that speed shift one gear and try to carry a higher gear as much as you can it will help your suspension to settle in it will help make everything smoother and it will help you focus on your body position on your riding and not just constantly be shifting point number five and that's really important especially if you want to get faster and ride some rougher tracks is shifting standing up for a lot of people it's a little bit hard to kind of get their foot underneath the shift lever while they're standing up if you ride in the proper position with your palms on your pegs you just have to move your foot slightly forward just like when you're sitting down and then all you have to do is just move your ankle up a little bit and it clicks into that next gear you can see it in the clip I'm going slow but the only thing that's moving is my ankle and my leg a tiny little bit what you don't want to do is use your entire body just to force in one gear and give up all control of the bike little movements just in your foot forward and then up to get in that gear alright guys this is a wrap for this week's SOS riding tip shifting obviously these are the very basics as you build speed as you go faster sometimes you rush a little bit and you have to adjust your body position but to get started this is what you want to do you want to make sure you don't especially when you're standing up you don't use your entire body to shift one gear use your foot use your ankle you can move it even in the boot make sure you like and subscribe and come back next week for another Motocross riding tip
Channel: Sedlak Offroad School
Views: 39,173
Rating: 4.9073358 out of 5
Keywords: how to shift a dirt bike, how to switch gears on a motorcycle, how to switch gears on a dirt bike, how to shift a motocross bike, how to shift gears on a motorcycle, shifting a dirt bike, Motocross Riding Tip, dirt bike shifting, dirt bike shifting with out a clutch, do i need my clutch to shift, dirt bike, motocross, dirt bike shifting tips, dirt bike shifting with a clutch, Daniel Sedlak, Sedlak Offroad School, Motocross lessons, Dirt Bike lessons
Id: hhrwfCFzasU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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