How To : Sharpen Scissors

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hey what's going on guys we want to do a video showing you how to sharpen scissors this is very intimidating for people they have no idea how to sharpen scissors it's very very simple all scissors really are or two knives but you take a different approach to it if you you know or really into knives and you already know how to sharpen them that's one thing but you have to understand the concept of what it is like sharpening a knife you know basically you're trying to make you know both ends meet up to a very fine point that gives you a sharp edge where sometimes in the case of scissors or let's say ice skates you know perfect angles perfect 90-degree angles there basically would create that sharp edge it's not quite the same you don't always have a symmetrical thing with folding knives and and fixed blades you tend to you know have a symmetrical grind obviously there is a ground blades are a little bit different in that sense and there's different grinds but generally speaking it's even scissors or not and scissors are also sharpened on a different angle now you can buy kits and sharpening you know equipment that specifically pre angles for you that takes all the thinking out of it they have ones where basically you slide through the blades and you kind of you know put pressure as if you're cutting and slide out those are super super simple but you don't even need something like that pretty much any kind of sharpening equipment you can use for sharpening scissors here I have a Lansky bench stone this is an ultra fine diamond stone I don't need the base for this cuz I want to hold it up here to show you but obviously you would put this whatever system you have or bench stone keep it very sturdy for a consistent angle but for demonstration purposes I'm gonna hold it so basically first let's take a look at our our blades alright don't think of these as scissors just think it ease as two individual blades alright the easiest way to figure out how to sharpen anything with an edge is look at it if it's not super deformed you can see exactly what the edge is supposed to be in this case these scissors are pretty new Fiskars is a great brand of scissor if you're looking for scissors you know get a pair of Fiskars they're really good I actually like the old metal ones the old-school kind you have like in school for the black handle and they weigh like fifteen pounds yeah those are the bestest but anyway taking a look at this alright we have a flat edge all right and on the other side of our blade there is no grinding it's completely flat so what we have is a fat chisel ground blade that's basically what we're looking at here so treat it as such so on the back end we're not really sharpening at all I'm gonna give you a little tip towards the end here but it's not necessarily good for for scissors but anyway if it was really really rounded here all right you'd have a very bad problem you if you really wanted to sharpen pair of scissors like that I mean obviously I would just I mean scissors aren't super expensive you could pay up to twenty or thirty dollars for like the really best scissors out there I don't know six seven bucks seeing a pair of scissors at Walmart or whatever you know they're sold everywhere but if you did want to repair super super dull pair of scissors basically you know you would have to grind the back of the blade completely flat alright and you know if you put on a stone would literally be flat all right and there's no no angle at all just completely flat and then once you ground down a little bit you'd have to grind the other angle right some scissors well I should say most scissors are able to be taken apart in this case this has a simple Phillips head screw so you know if I were actually sharpening is right now and not doing a demo I would take it apart and I would treat each handle as if it was one blade that's the best way to do it if you try to sharpen it when they're open you create problems you make it hard of yourself it's awkward because you have things sticking out that are in the way alright so if you can disassemble the scissors take them apart first and then treat each one individually so in this case all you're doing is you're sharpening this angle what what degrees a it doesn't mean we make difference you don't even need to know that all you have to do to make this simple is follow that same edge so we're going to sharpen this right now what I would do is you look at that edge all right I'm trying give me a good angle here it's hard cuz the scissors are sticking out but basically you'd want to turn this until it meets that edge that's exactly the angle you need so again if this were on the table and I was doing this properly I would follow this angle all the way across the stone as if it was a blade because that's exactly it okay now you can also use rods I don't recommend them you can use them in a pinch but I would recommend a flat stone because we need that flat surface if you start getting into using rods there's a lot of margin for error here but basically it would be the same thing you'd want to is it better for me for illustrative purposes to show you this but whatever stone you're using you want to create a flat edge alright if your angled see the space say like created like a triangle of space you don't want that all right you want to keep this completely flat against this flat edge here alright as long as that's flat it will sharpen alright but again the inherited problem here is it's very easy to wiggle around do you have a steady hand or take it really nice and slow you could use a cutting rod to sharpen your scissors as well so in essence what we're trying to do is create a nice sharp connection point between this angle friggin scissors in the camera you want to create a nice connection Spade or connection point between this angle and the back angle okay so although it's not symmetrical alright it's kind of funky and wide but basically right here at the tip you want that super super fine where they meet up as long as they meet up pretty fine obviously how the scissors are ground the angles that they're at already that's why they cut all right you have two really fine edges and when they come together at that point they cut things okay says all scissors are two knives it's just they work together in essence to to cut things easier and more precisely than a single blade so anyway it's really simple it is not shouldn't be intimidating it's not complicated just follow the angles that are ready on your ear pair of scissors and you're gonna be fine so hopefully that encourages some of you guys out there to go take your probably dull scissors and take your cool sharpening equipment that you bought for your knives and use them to sharpen your scissors so you don't have to struggle it's like anything else just no different than not so nice before the sharper the knife is the safer it is to use because you don't have resistance if you start struggling why are you trying to cut something whether it's with a knife or a pair of scissors that's when you have potential of not only screwing up what you're cutting and not cutting straight and properly but also it becomes something that's dangerous all right once you start to struggle then you can you know you're putting too much pressure on things and you're going to push off you might stab your leg cut something you don't mean to cut including you or someone else so anyway sharpening scissors is really easy hopefully that uh that helps you guys out so thanks for watching hope you have a great day and I will see you soon take care
Channel: cutlerylover
Views: 1,007,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cujtlerylover, is, excited, for, the, zippo, giveaway, ending, soon
Id: jKDqGdXRy_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 30 2014
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