How to Shape a Bread into a Boule (Round Ball)

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[Music] hi Kathleen with the San Diego artisan bread school today we're going to demonstrate how to shape a bull a bull is a ball a little bit of flour on your table what you're not going to want to do is this this amount of flour what's going to happen is as you roll your dough across it and roll your dough together it's going to create two surfaces that will not adhere to each other so you want to be real sparing with your flour this is more of what you're going to be looking for okay okay this is the top of my loaf that's the ragged bottom I'm going to put the top down I'm going to gently D gasp and kind of shape it into a little bit of a circle here what we're going to do is we're going to pull the edges up and we're gonna make kind of a ball just fold it up into itself okay here's the nice smooth tuck gonna be the top of your loaf find a little section of your counter that doesn't have a lot of flour on it lay your boule on it and I've cut my hands around it and slide them towards the bowl I'm going to move the bowl about an inch that's all I'm going to do is what I'm doing is I'm creating surface tension on the top here I'm going to turn it in quarter of a circle do the same again just pull it towards me about an inch you see the tops tightening up here and what I'm doing is I'm aligning all of my gluten strands like how that's sitting up so nice and nice and high now okay I'm gonna just put that and you let this bench rest for about 10-15 minutes and I do the exact same thing one more time the reason I'm bench resting that for 10 to 15 minutes is I want my gluten to relax a little bit before I go to shape it because I vote it will fight me like crazy if you ever tried to make pizza and you're rolling out your pizza dough and it starts rolling back up on your rolling pin if that happens to you throw a towel over it let it sit for 10 minutes your gluten will relax and you'll be able to shape it the way you want and that's what we're doing with the bench rest and ours we're just letting the gluten relax okay we're back how our dough has been interesting for 15 minutes we're going to go ahead and and shape up our bar drool and take my bench knife I'm gonna pick it up I've got a lightly dusted surface I'm gonna very gently you gasp one more time it's how they that's shaped quite well and I'll pull the edges up onto itself and I'm going to do the exact same thing and I move it over to a section of the table where there's not a lot of flour and I'm gonna just very lightly pull it towards I'm not tucking my hands underneath like this I'm just pulling it towards me and I'm only pulling it towards me about an inch just to get a nice tight surface on the top and a nice shape okay I'm gonna check my seams make sure they're nice and closed up take my Banat on I'm gonna put it seem side up in the Banat on seam side up is important because I do not bake in the Banat on what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna flip this over and it's gonna bake with the other side up okay I'm gonna let this rise until it fills the Banat on and it's bubbling over and that's gonna take for this loaf about 60 minutes you
Channel: San Diego Artisan Bread School
Views: 342,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bread boule, bread ball, bread shaping in a round, Round loaf of bread, How to shape sourdough bread, how to shape artisan bread, artisan bread, shape bread, bread shaping techniques, Make bread at home, home bread making, home made bread techniques, shaping bread for baking
Id: hWXA8xFYu9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 49sec (229 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 10 2018
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