The Last PRESHAPING SOURDOUGH Tutorial You Ever Need

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- [Hendrik] Today I'll be showing you how to pre-shape your dough. In this case, I make two loafs. They finished both fermenting, it's been around five hours and they both ferment and the dough doubled in size. Now what we need to do is we need to remove the dough from the container and start pre-shaping it. I'm going to wet my hands a little bit, so that the dough doesn't stick as much. Quickly going around the dough here, remove it from the side of the container. Wetting my hands a little bit again, and now I'm going to do one coil fold. Out, and be very gentle to the dough. You don't want to degas the dough. Okay, and I'm not doing it from the other side, I'm satisfied like this. Now I'm grabbing in the container and I'm placing the dough like this on the non-floured surface. And look at all the beautiful bubbles right in there. Now, we're taking the dough scraper and we're going to divide this in half. When you divide, be very swift with your movement. So in the middle approximately. This is going to be the first loaf. And now we have to pre-shape it. We're going to shape it into something that looks a little bit like a ball. Then we're going to let it rest and then afterwards we're gonna do the final shape. For the pre-shaping you have to use around a 45 degree angle. Going to wet my hand a little bit again. And now, I'm going to tack the dough over the surface. This only works if your surface is not floured. At the start I was always using a lot of flour but this doesn't work, so we really need it to stick. With the tension we can create a nice-looking ball, so now I'm going in here, and with my left hand I'm pulling the dough a little bit. And you see here, it's already nice and round. So keep doing that. Look at how nicely this dough is coming together. Perfect. The right amount of pre-shaping. Let's do it one more time with the other just to show you. My hands are a little bit sticky so I'm going to wet them again. And now in this case, since this is the area I usually tuck down, I'm going to just rotate the dough a little bit like this. And now, we start again. Hand here, I'm pushing it and rotating. Pushing and rotating. Pushing and rotating. And rotating. And I just wanted to show you one more thing. You see here while I'm pushing it, how this area here becomes more tense. Look at that. That's the pre-shaping. If you're not satisfied you can also just push a little bit like this with a swift movement. Don't leave your bent scraper in too long or else it's going to start sticking. You see those nice-looking bubbles right here? That's what we want. So the pre-shape, when people ask me when is the pre-shape done, only pre-shape as much as you need. Don't too much, because else you're going to degas your dough and that's nothing that we want. And personally I think that the second loaf turned out much better than pre-shaping than the first one. Thanks for watching.
Channel: The Bread Code
Views: 141,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shaping dough balls, shaping dough for bread, bread making basics, brot backen mit sauerteig, brot rund formen, sourdough preshape, sourdough bread preshape, preshape sourdough, preshaping sourdough, preshaping dough, dividing sourdough, divide sourdough
Id: Koab3fxN4t4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 20sec (260 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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