How to sew Unpaper Towels with Billette's Baubles

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey everyone welcome back to my channel today we're gonna be doing a really fun sustainable and eco-friendly project making our own on paper towels okay so today the supplies you're going to need are very simple you're gonna need a pair of scissors you're gonna need some pins or some clips and then what I have done is I've decided to make 32 I'm not gonna make 32 with you guys but I'm gonna make one to show you how to do it but for my kitchen I'm gonna make 32 of these unpay per towels the really fun part is you can make as many as you want you could just try a couple and see if you like it but it's really nice to get kind of a just a big stash of stuff in your kitchen or unpay Portales in your kitchen so you can put them all in the basket and they're just quick easy to grab you can find the unpay pur towels that come on a roll like an actual paper towel roll and they snap together and you roll them out but I find when my hands are really gross maybe I'm cooking or I've just got something really gross on them to grab one of those and to try to unsnap both ends and pull it off the paper towel roll it's kind of just a hassle and so I like just keeping all of my on paper towels in a basket so today I've decided to do 32 of these unpay per towels and I'm using a top fabric and a bottom fabric so for the top fabric I'm using cotton and today I've chosen just a pattern that's gonna fit really well with my kitchen with this gray and seafoam green and turquoise and then all I've done is cut them out to a 5 by 7 length and you guys can make a bigger I wouldn't probably go any smaller than this just because once you wash them they're gonna shrink just a tiny bit it's really good to wash both the washcloths or I mean the terry cloths and the cotton fabric before you do this but they will still shrink a little bit cuz you're gonna be using them all the time right so cut your top fabric out to 5 by 7 and then I've also cut this terry cloth and the way I got all these colors in this terry cloth is I just went to Walmart and I bought a pack of 18 washcloths for $4 that was it and I got this size this 5 by 7 size I got 2 of these sizes out of one washcloth so that was pretty cool that was nice to just kind of get you know a nice variety and they come in different colors so whatever colors if you want just white if you want colored but I thought this time I would try a variety so today I'm gonna make one of these with you guys and we'll see how it turns out and if you love it it's also a great scrap Buster if you have if you're a seamstress or you'd like to sew or you just have a bunch of fabrics laying around and they're all really small pieces and you don't know whether whether to quilt Omar what to do with them this would be a really great project for that so let's go ahead and get started okay so I'm gonna go ahead and grab one of my top fabrics here set those off to the side the only thing I will say about using terry cloth is it's really kind of get like these little these little pieces of terry cloth everywhere so just kind of get used to that but let's use let's use a dark color just so you guys can kind of see it and it'll show but yeah you can kind of see the terry cloth coming out here once these get sewn right the only reason it's doing that is shedding is because I've cut it so it doesn't have a finished edge but once we put this together you won't have that that terry cloth kind of fluff going everywhere so all you need to do is just decide which side you want to be your top side so I'm gonna say this is like my pretty side this is the side that's going to show and then I'm gonna take the pretty side of my cotton so you can see it's a little bit faded that's the wrong side and that's the pretty side and I'm gonna lay it right on top so I want right sides facing right sides and I'm just gonna line those up like so try to get them as best as you can then I'm gonna start pinning the nice thing about these on paper towels right is they're eco-friendly so there's no waste they are reusable so you just wash them in your washing machine and it's not gonna take a bunch of effort you guys really you just put a load like a small load on once a week or you could even wash them with your towels if you wanted to if they weren't too you know too grody I like to wash my kitchen all my kitchen like sponges and and washcloths and handheld and that kind of stuff separate from like my socks and underwear towels that's just me that's just kind of how I work but these would also make really good gifts like a few so if you made some for yourself and you loved it these would be a really nice gift for somebody I think I'm gonna make another video too on how to make like a hand towel that snaps around your oven handle to keep it from falling on the floor but ok so here we go we've got this all pinned out and so now I'm just going to take it to the sewing machine and I'm gonna you leave probably like an inch and a half gap open and back stitch at both ends [Music] okay so now I've got this stitched all the way around the edges it's real simple there's no rounded corners you just pivot right when you get to your corner here you lift your presser foot and you pivot and you keep going and then I backstitch at my openings here so I'm gonna go ahead and take my scissors I'm just gonna start here I want to leave I want to leave this Salvage end right here so where it's open I don't want to cut that down so I want to leave that at a half inch or 1/4 inch whatever it is that you decide but the rest here I want to kind of trim this off and trim off at my corners so I'm going to just go ahead and do that real quick careful not to cut my stitching [Music] nice Kratts out of the way so now I'm gonna clear all this little terrycloth fluff out of here and so that's all clean and we still have you know this unfinished edge but we're gonna go ahead and flip this inside out and you just kind of use your fingers to do this it's not a real rush process be gentle you don't want to pull out your stitches here where you're turning hole is and then I just kind of take my thumb into that corner and use my middle finger and I just kind of poke that corner out come in here do it again on the next one if you want to take like a pencil or something that has like kind of a sharp end not too sharp to go through your fabric but maybe like an orange peel or a pencil and I just kind of come through here and I'm just kind of like rolling this and just kind of working it out and make sure that my my fabric you know there's no extra fabric tucked in here into the seam and I'm just kind of finger pressing it right now and then you can see here that like this is where my turning hole is so my my cotton terry is sticking out a little bit and then here's the extra fabric from my topper so I'm gonna put these in together and they should just kind of fit real nicely and then I kind of come through here and finger press that okay so now see I'm blowing all this terry cloth out of here but so now all the unfinished edge is inside so now you shouldn't have any more of that terry cloth I'm gonna go ahead and grab my iron just a piece of fabric to iron on for this purpose since I'm got my iron here real close to me and I'm gonna go ahead and just give this a nice press with some steam love to iron you guys ironing is the key to a good project okay nothing nothing too crazy just one side I know I'm gonna take this to the sewing machine again and I'm gonna sew right where my hole started so I'm going to do a back stitch and I'm just gonna do a straight stitch all the way to the corner lift my presser foot pivot and continue to do that all the way until I reach my stitches again okay so go ahead and get your fabric to your sewing machine and start with the back stitch and go all the way around okay guys so there we have it nothing to it right one thing to remember when you're stitching this outside stitch here this is it like a secure stitch just to keep it nice and the wash you can come through here if you want and stitch an X on the top just to keep your layers from coming apart like this when you wash it I might end up doing that after it you know making so many of them I might end up doing that but I'm gonna go ahead and come through here and I'm gonna cut my tails off my threads from the front and from the back okay you can see my stitching along here a couple tips when you're going through the Machine and working with terrycloth your machine is not my machine at least most machines are not really gonna like this terry cloth and so it's really important to just like take your time and if you find that you need to make your stitch length so that's how close your stitches are when they're when they're going so that's how close they are that's your stitch length so you might want to elongate that a little bit and make your stitches not so close together that might kind of help with the stitching but just have fun with it and and you know don't get stressed out it's a fun project and look now you have a nun paper towel or you could be could use this for a napkin I like to put these the plate on the table and I make mice the table for dinner and then I use this as a napkin and I can put up work and a knife on it but they're just really fun to make and so I'm really excited to insert a photo of all these on paper towels finished here 32 of them but I hope you guys give this a go and if you have any questions go ahead and leave me a comment below and like and subscribe my channel and I'll see you next time bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Billette's Crafts
Views: 50,296
Rating: 4.9320045 out of 5
Keywords: billette's baubles, sewing, sewing tutorial, How to become more eco friendly, How to become more sustainable, How to sew unpaper towels, unpaper towels sewing tutorial, How to sew a kitchen cloth, How to sew reusable paper towels, Easy sewing tutorial, How to live a zerowaste life, zerowaste living, wastefree living, wastefree lifestyle
Id: HFmce_7phwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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