How to Setup Visual Studio Code for Web Development | HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

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hey everybody Welcome to skills build training YouTube channel myself silha and this channel is all about showing you how to become an IT Pro really fast today we're going to show you how to set Visual Studio code for web development so first of all we need to download the vs code we can download it from the official website very easily after that we just need to install it in our system by following the given instructions on the screen after we are done installing the vs code now we need to install some extensions in order to make it ready for the web development so click on this extension IC icon and from the search bar search for live server select one and install it this extension creates a local server and allows you to see the changes in real time and obviously we need that for web development the next extension that we need to install in is Javascript snippet so just search for it in the extensions and install this one this will help you with your JavaScript coding as JavaScript will be the major part of your web development the final extension that we need to install is bootstrap again just search for it and install it we're done here with a set setup now let's create a project and inside that project let's create an HTML file so first let's create a project after that let's create a file in this project with the name index.html and now let's test our web development environment there is a thing in vs code called memt basically it allows you to write most of the code without actually writing it for example if I write here exclamation mark you see the Mt has popped up and it is suggesting us to use the code so I will just click on it or you can also press Tab Key and here we have basic structure for the HTML page now it shows that our web development environment is ready in vs code and we can start developing our websites and web pages so that's it from this video hope youve enjoyed it click on the Subscribe button and I'll see you in another video
Channel: SkillsBuild Training
Views: 257,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: visual studio code, vscode setup for html and css, visual studio code tutorial, vs code tutorial, vs code for html, setup for visual studio code, vs code for css, vs code for javascript, vscode tutoria for html css and javascript, best setup for visual studio, web development, vscode extensions, how to setup visual studio code for html css and javascript, setup for web development
Id: mL1IcxIUd5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 45sec (105 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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