How to Setup UNO R3 WiFi ATmega328P ESP8266

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hello in this video i will show you how to set up this cheap uno uh basically solve a knockoff i guess uh chipset let's call it that a little controller now this thing basically what it does it takes some commands it has some wi-fi right it takes commands and it either turns the power on or off now this is of course a very basic explanation of it but if you bought one your hair you probably know what it does but you want to make it work because it probably doesn't work which happened to me as well when i bought one so i decided to make a little video showing you how to get through all those obstacles now just because you know how to use these things doesn't mean you know how to make them work because it can be quite tricky now i bought this particular one you see it's some c-u-i-i-s-w brand uh probably the brand will disappear in a few months right but we have this i ordered this i paid this amount of money and there is actually a very similar one on amazon i found maybe there are cheaper ones i don't know but it seems to me that it's exactly the same the brand is different uh in the middle i think there is a different logo but the price is also different it's 20 dollars instead of six dollars but i do believe it's actually the same thing now of course the shipping will take less and whatnot but uh it doesn't really matter does it now this however does have this little table okay and this table is quite useful i'll show you that later but once you have once you have this device you need to connect it okay you need to connect to it and upload some data to it right some code in order for it to do something so you will use this little usb right you use this low usb and chances are it will not work it will not function nothing will happen another port will not appear we'll get to reports later but in order for it to work first you need to download this uh driver from this chinese page now the english one i could not find and i did see people suggest this one so it is sort of a trustworthy kind of a source this is for the usb connection the driver for basically that usb part of the whole arrangement okay so you download this now you click you click actually on on on this little link and the download starts and then you have a little except file you just execute that it's actually an archive file you take it out of the archive state and you execute the executable or you can go through that annoying process of going through driver update but that's a waste of time just execute it and install the drive and it will work now then another thing you need if you don't know yet you'll need this arduino ide so you go to arduino or however it's pronounced dot cc okay dot cc it's not dot com or dot net dot cc and then you go to software and to download so you go to downloads and then you'll download this id now you can download the latest version it should work uh i used 1.65 i believe because of some reasons which made me think it would work better on some circumstances now i'm not going to get into that uh try it on that and for me it worked on 1.65 if you want that then go below here somewhere right here previous uh versions of the current release so i will paste all these links in the description as well as the links to the items if you want to purchase one now from my experience we do actually work it just troubles them to well set it up and it is quite annoying but now let's take a look at the arduino ide and let's take a look at the steps you need to take in that in order for this to work now then it is time to take a look at the ide the so-called id it's more of a text editor really it allows you to upload stuff and compile stuff but it has no sort of modern id features with no intelligence like in visual studio nothing nothing that's really helpful in terms of productivity but if we go to tools we will need to go to boards manager but not yet before we do that we need to go to preferences that's in file preferences okay and in preferences this will pop up and then you need to add a link additional boards manager urls okay now you need to provide this this link it will be provided in the description uh but you need to provide this link and this allows you to sort of um download additional definitions you could call them of these additional knockoff arrangements okay you're not buying something very soft original you're buying something a bit knockoffish now i'm not sure how much of a knockoff it is the stuff supposed to be open source for most part but it's not the highest quality item you are buying i do believe it works but it is very troublesome in terms of these drivers and the setup and all that but it is a lot cheaper so i'm going to cancel because it's already inserted but you would click ok all right and then once you have that you can download some of these boards okay so you go to tools then go to board like this and then boards manager okay so basically download that definition of of a border now in here simply type in esp and what we need is esb8266 you can see that on the actual chip it says that some descriptions will also provide that name so it does all match esp8266 by the esp8266 community right this is what you need it's already installed if it wasn't installed you would install it okay once you have that installed once you have that installed you can then go to boards you can then go to properly boards right and then choose your board so you go here and then you go down and down and down and down let's see if i can do it properly okay and basically we need a generic esp8266 module right like that we need generic module and there we have it and then we have it now we do have some of these features some of these properties options whichever way you like but i believe most of the stuff can stay as default as it doesn't really damage anything and if you're interested obviously feel free to play around now one important thing is port okay port the port needs to be that new port uh that you get once you connect that usb however if you do not install the driver that i've shown you previously from my chinese site it will not work it will not appear so if it doesn't appear do check if that driver exists if it doesn't install it and it should appear new com port okay once selected you can begin your uploading almost actually no not not exactly not fully uh basically what happens is you need to click this red button now i'll show you all that but let's take a look at what can we upload you go to file okay you go to file you go to examples right here and then you can get all these different examples right and this is great you don't have to waste time writing basically a small amount of code just to see if the board itself works right you just go to basics and you choose blink okay you choose blink but but uh this will be a bit too troublesome a bit different um it will deal with the pause right away so we have to sort of connect something but if i go down a bit if i go down a bit i can choose my esp esp8266 right this is what we have and then we have blink okay blink this is what most people do i guess and once you select blink a new one will appear so you can see it's another one right another one will appear we can actually zoom into that just like that you can work with these smaller ones it doesn't really matter there's not that much code usually and then you get these uh this basically predefined arrangement there's setup and there's loot now this is not what we are dealing with but basically this one uses uh built in this one uses built-in now i'll change it to 5000 and 5000 just to make it a bit more interesting just to see that it's not just blinking on its own but that it is blinking because you have this code inserted into that ship okay once we have that we can click upload okay now uploading itself it doesn't take much time at all it's extremely quick but this compilation sometimes takes quite a bit of time which can be a bit annoying at least in my opinion right you'll see it it will take a bit of time but once it does that it will start uploading now once we upload starts these led will start flashing but for for the upload to work there is another thing i have to show you let's see how it finishes and then i will show you uh that sort of arrangement with the buttons and where the buttons are okay it's uploading uploading uploading and basically once these dots finish multiplying that's when the upload is finished right or it says done uploading okay and now the led blinks and it works perfectly okay now one more thing and then another thing with those buttons there is a red button on the board so basically if i would click upload again it would fail but in order for it to work i need to click the red button and then click upload if i do that everything will work perfectly now let's take a look at those um now then in order for this whole arrangement to work you will need to click or rather switch i guess the switches right now we will look at this little picture and it is buttons or switches rather five to seven five six seven they have to be on the others have to be off that combination has to be implemented in order for you to upload otherwise nothing will work but it is a bit tricky okay you can get lost in this so this in the image i'm trying to zoom in uh that's what you have that's what you have okay so these are 10 switches i believe actually 8 which is not 10. we have v switches and again five six and seven on every other off but they are very tiny okay they are very tiny extremely tiny and they also come with this little cover okay with a little cover and that makes them almost invisible or very annoying thing you do see the buttons but they look like pieces of plastic some little relays you don't even notice that they are buttons and even once you peel that off you still have to use maybe a little needle or a little screw or something a little nail perhaps to actually switch them on or off so do be mindful of that and again we start with the drivers with trouble with drivers you just you download them from that chinese site then we have uh the switches right we have the switches so you just peel it off and use something small to switch them on that is five to seven five six seven on every other switch off okay that's what you have to do then in the arduino ide you have to provide that link and then download those definitions of of this board then select that and then you can upload now during the uploading you have to click the red button the red button on the actual chip okay on the actual device before re-uploading so you upload it then click red button to upload again before uploading again so this is my explanation how it works feel free to ask some questions if you have any also take a look at my competition solution learning platform where you will find many of my courses c sharp related and other courses and do subscribe to this channel
Channel: taurius litvinavicius
Views: 6,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: uno r3, esp8266, how to get usb drivers for uno esp8266, CH340G, drivers, resets after reconnecting, arduino uno r3 setup, upload sketch, setup arduino ide, blink
Id: tj2fwh989D8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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