How to setup & test ESP8266 with an Arduino UNO

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I'm welcome to do this on your own tutorial in this video I'll show you how to easily connect your esp8266 Wi-Fi module to your Arduino Uno so first of all you want to get out to your breadboard and cause your esp8266 chip now I had some trouble actually fitting it to breadboard because the gap between the pins of DSP is ever narrow so what I've done is just soldered them onto a piece of PCB board and just soldered two sets of pins just extending the gap between them making it fit perfectly on the breadboard underneath the chip there are a diagram showing you what's function each in has so I'll put up our diagram showing it to you now the pin are as follows it's we have the triple a volt connecting the power to the chip you want this to be connected by our power regulator as the trip entry volt pin andari no cannot can supply enough current for the chip to function normally then we also have the reset pin and they enable pin you want this to sit too high the TX and rx pin to IO ports and the Grampian now you want to fit the ESP on to the breadboard and will start connecting it to that we know we'll start by connecting the ground there a bit over to the placed underneath the chip but go on aren't connected to one of the rails and then connected further to our emails ground go don't go forth and connect the VCC the 3.3 volts now you want to make sure that you connected to a triple tree power regulator but for the demonstration of this video I'm just going to connect it to a tree but revolt we just come to show that it's functioning properly so we'll connect the one of the ends to triple tree walls and then to one of the power rails because now you want to not only supply voltage to to the chipper cable which is right uppermost pin its it go you also want to connect it to the nail pin which is located not below the typically bolts but a little death again so you just want to connected there now between these two are the Nerissa pin marked rst you want to let that be unwired now you just want to test if the ESP is functioning properly inside the zero window you want to connect the ESP s RX pin which is the left uppermost pin to the RX pin off Torino so our XOR X it's a little bit awkward the place so we're just going to add a little wire underneath here that's where it over here then remember our X - rxo pin 0 andari node at least under you know and then you're also going to connect the TX pin just right low most pin to the TX so txt TX or in one on the Arduino you know you know now that you have connected to Darlene oh we're going to supply some power I'm using that USB cable here now if you don't see an immediate blink like I've said you may want to just disconnect and reconnect the power supply that now it's important to remember that if you're using a power supply which you should you should always connect it it's ground to the arena's ground and this means ground I say we'll have to have a common ground function properly also you do not want to connect the power output of your power supply to the power supply of Torino so if you don't use a power supply you want to connect this end to the supply to power supply but not too low you know so let's go and fire up Darian yde and let's test it now the first thing you want to do off starting a building or IDE is to make sure that you have a clean a fresh program with just loop and setup function touching this you go to file examples basics a lot of the bare minimum problem then you want to upload this to your board make sure that you have selected the correct early on board and comport then you want to upload it now after you finished compiling and uploading open up the serial monitor and make sure that you have both an L and C are selected then you'll type 80 hopefully to turn okay now if it doesn't return okay and you are selected both panel and NCR it's most likely due to an incorrect for right if you have a new ESP it's most likely going to be 115200 board so you'll select that and type 80 command that should hopefully return okay now to convert the 115200 baud rate to 9600 baud you'd select the correct baud rate for me that is 9600 and then you want to type a t + c io 4 equals 9600 and then enter when you have the correct mode read selected remember to change it from 115200 board or time both rate you had previously to 9600 now see connected to our Wi-Fi network you have to set it to client mode to do this you type 80 + C W mode equals 1 the one is for client mode which will let it connect to your network to would be an AP than it lacked us access point itself and it also has a dual mode only connect us both next point and a client but we're just going to use crank mode enter it should return ok now to list all the nearby access point you type 80 + CW l a key hit enter then you'll get nearby Wi-Fi networks so I have Wi-Fi setup called some Wi-Fi not to connect to that Network I'll top 80 plus C W G ap equals quotation marks the name of the network and it's case sensitive so I'll type some Wi-Fi quotation marks at the end comma quotation marks no space between then the password of the Wi-Fi which means to I try test and then clench marks again password is also case and step enter then after some time yeah it should return Wi-Fi connected waffle karate okay not to get info about your network you can type 80 plus C by F as our oops don't forget that's command this walls case instead so 80 plus CIF let's are more caps after then it will return your IP so for me it's one ninety one six eight four three one five three but that's how you connect the SBT already know and also test it to see if it actually properly now in next video I'll use to blink services which let us connect the original to the Internet and that's us control there you know why our smartphone so if you like video of the preciate alike and also you can subscribe to get my next videos
Channel: LARSFSO
Views: 3,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: esp8266, arduino, UNO, arduino uno, projects, blynk, how to, setup, IoT
Id: IpKk-f8asBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 08 2018
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