How-To: Setup SteelSeries Sonar For Streamers

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what's going on everyone bear here from steel series and in this video I'm going to show you how to set up sonar for streamers for the first time now if you've already set up sonar before you can go ahead and skip over to the next chapter I want to quickly go over how to set up sonar for those who may not ever used it before once you've installed steel series GG you'll be asked to sign in with an account now if you don't already have one it's easy to set up and you can create one right from here now once you're logged into GG you'll be greeted with this screen where you can decide what apps you want to have activated if you're here just for sonar go ahead and turn that on and turn the rest off you'll always be able to activate the other apps later with that said I would take time at some point to check out moments it's a super easy way to capture edit and share your Clips with your friends and your community if you're a streamer anyways let's get back to it go ahead and click let's go and select the sonar tab on the left so here is where you're going to be asked to choose your outputs for game this is going to be what you're using to hear your game and system sounds through for me I'm using the Nova Pro Wireless so I'm going to go ahead and select that up next you have your chat output this is going to be where your voice communication apps like Discord or TeamSpeak is going to send to so just like game I want to have that sent to my headset so again I'm just going to select the Nova Pro Wireless now here we have two additional outputs that will Target audio for your apps like YouTube and Spotify just to name a couple again since I'm using the Nova Pro Wireless that's what I'll be selecting but if you have anything like speakers like the Arenas or anything that you want to use feel free to select that here as well and finally you have your mic input I have the Alias Pro mic so I'm going to be selecting steel series Alias Pro input and then in parentheses it should say steel series Alias Pro 1 now a cool thing to mention is that sonar is going to be compatible with third party products what this means is that you're not going to be required to go out and get the new Alias or Alias Pro microphone so if you're already using like an Elgato wave a hyperx quadcast the Blue Yeti they all will work within sonar now now the only caveat to this is that if you want to stream on a dual PC setup it is going to require you to have the Alias Pro however we realize that'll be a minority of people out there so we wanted to make sure that if you already have products you wouldn't have to buy in in order to take advantage of sonar for streamers now once you've made all your selections for sonar it'll start setting up your devices and then once that's complete go ahead and click game on okay so here we're in the mixer tab within sonar and this is where you can control all of the levels of your audio now for this video we're going to mainly focus on this section we do have a separate video going through all of the different tabs for game chat media aux and mic and how you can customize the audio in each of those categories that video will be linked in the description down below so if this is your first time using Sonar I suggest pausing here go and watch that video and then come back to this point once you have your audio set to your liking now once you have all your audio set up within sonar let's go ahead and turn on streamer mode up here at the top right right now once you've activated streamer mode for the first time you'll get this popup that will give you information on what exactly you're going to be doing so go ahead and read through that and then if you want additional information feel free to click here now once you've read through everything the first thing you'll notice is that you'll have devices that you'll need to select under your master Channel first up under your personal mix you want to select the device that you're using to listen to your audio so now whether that's your steel series headset or the arena speakers even if you're using a third party headset or a third part set of speakers you'll want to select whatever you're using so for me personally I have the Nova Pro Wireless so I'm going to go ahead and select that now if you have the Alias Pro microphone and you're using a headset hardwired into that and want to use real-time monitoring for your audio make sure to select steel series Alias Pro personal and then in parenthesis it should say steel series Alias Pro 1 otherwise go ahead and choose whatever device you're using now moving on under your stream mix this is going to be the audio that's put out to your stream now this will also be dependent on what device you're using so if you're using the standard Alias microphone the Alias Pro for single PC or any third-party device go ahead and select steel series sonar stream and then in parentheses it should say steel series sonar virtual audio device now if you're going to be using the Alias Pro for a dual PC setup you'll want to select steel series Alias Pro stream and then in parenthesis Steel series Alias Pro 1 and finally under your mic input go ahead and select the microphone that you're going to be using I have the Alias Pro so I'm going to select the steel series Alias Pro input and then in parentheses it should say steel series Alias Pro 1 now once you have all three of your inputs selected you can go ahead and exit out and just a quick note if you ever change your equipment and need to update your sources you can click this gear icon next to master and it'll bring up your devices so they can be adjusted later on all right so moving on the the next big difference that you should notice is that there's now two Sliders in each channel on the left there's a slider with a headphone icon this will control the audio that you're hearing in your personal mix and the slider on the right with the streaming icon this will control the audio that your stream is hearing allowing you to adjust each individually for both yours and your stream's preferences now we'll dive deeper into that in a minute once we start talking about submix but first I want to point out that each Channel by default is going to have audio going to your personal mix but only the mic channel will be active in your stream mix to start what this means is that you'll have to go in and manually activate each channel that you want in your stream so this was intentionally done this way if you accidentally started streaming before you had everything set up and you were playing audio that you didn't want to share it will not be broadcasted to your stream until you manually go in and activate that channel now to activate the audio in your stream just go ahead and click the gear icon at the top right of each Channel and select add to stream mix vice versa if you want to remove audio from either your personal or stream mix you can unselect it here as well okay let's quickly go over sub mixing now the way this will work is that any app you have playing audio like OBS Discord Spotify YouTube whatever it may be will show up under your game channel as well sometimes it might show up under the master Channel but in order to get the audio from your specific app into a specific Channel all you need to do is drag the app into that channel that you want to assign it to now I do have Spotify open up here but you'll notice that in sonar it doesn't recognize it this is because it needs audio playing from the app in order to show up within sonar so once I start playing a song you'll notice that once we go back into sonar that it shows up under the game channel now for me personally I want this to be in my aux channel so all you need to do is drag it over and you're good to go now some apps might show up great out meaning that you can't assign them to a channel even though audio is playing so in this case specifically I have Discord open but I'm not able to assign it to a channel so what you'll need to do is go into the app settings and reassign the input and output devices so for input I'm going to select steel series sonar microphone and for output I'll select steel series sonar gaming you notice that once we're back in sonar it shows up and I can assign it to my chat Channel now that you have your apps routed into each Channel all you need to do is adjust the volume for both your personal and your stream mix you can do this individually for each Channel or use the master channel to control everything but your microphone we've also included this button at the bottom of your master Channel with the ear icon this will allow you to hear your stream mix in real time so if you need to make any adjustments on the Fly while streaming or you just want to double check all your audio before you go live you can do this at any time and the final thing to point out is that there is a mute button at the bottom of each channel for both your personal and mix streams so say you have Spotify on your aux Channel and you want music playing in between games you can mute and unmute as needed without having to open up Spotify directly all right we hope everyone enjoys sonar for streamers if you have additional questions feel free to check out our Tech blog on our website it's going to have tips and tricks for all your steel series products have a great day and for Glory
Channel: SteelSeries
Views: 37,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steelseries, gaming, gaming gear, steelseries gaming
Id: ch6tbHZfO-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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