How to setup react native environment in windows 10,11 (2024)| How to install react native

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hey guys welcome to Z decoder in this video we are going to talk about how to do react native environment setup okay so let's see how we can set up react environment First Steps we will follow the official locks for react setup we will install the nodejs and jdk using the chocol so we can install the chocol after that we will install Android Studio after that we will install Android hdk and the emulator and after that we will inst all the set up the environment variables and we will create a react native app and we will run the app okay so let's get it started so first what we have to do open your Chrome and type react native okay now after that click on this first page then click on get it started then after that click on the set of the de development environment okay then you will read about this and we are not going to install Expo we are going to install react native CLI then after that we have to click on Windows and we are like targeting the operating system Android then we have to they are telling that we have we recommend install installing node via chocolate what is chocolate chocolate is a popular backage manager for Windows okay so to install the node we have to use chocolates they are telling so to install the Chocolat how we can click on to install the chocol how we can first click on open the chocol page click on try it now now open the power cell okay but open as a administrator okay then after that uh just scroll down so you will get this command copy this command and execute just P that command in your in your shell uh okay now let me open my another sell I don't know why it's not visible okay now once you run this command but I uh just paste this command and hit enter but I have already installed the chocol so I'm just typing choco so once uh the chocolate get installed you can see choco when you type choco you will get the version okay now after that once you done with that you have to copy this command okay and just past it here uh and it will install the nodejs and JD let's suppose the chocolate is not working in your system so how we can install the manually the nodejs and jdk okay to install the manually nodejs and jdk if your chocolate it doesn't help to install the nodejs in jdk okay first what you have to do go on the browser and type nodejs just click on this now after this you have to click on recommended okay now when you click on this uh you will download it you you will download this uh node sh okay and after that you have to just uh double click on this okay it will install that and after that you have to open your environment variable Okay now click on environment variable now after that click on path not this one yeah click on path and what you have to do you have to go on your uh not for this okay you have to click on path okay now for the not you have to click on you know we have to add a path path for the nodejs okay so what we have to do we have to go on the C then go on the program files and we have to go on the nodejs okay now we can see here and copy this path and add it on the environment variable okay now and that's how and after that open your terminal and just type node Das version okay if you have added you know if you have set up the environment variable for node in the right manner so you will whenever you type this command so it will return the version of node okay and after once you install the nodejs you have to install the jdk to install the jdk you have to write jdk 17 on the browser okay now you have to click on this Java downloads uh the website looks like this now after that you have to click on jdk 17 and there's a called option Windows click on Windows and click on xs4 installer okay it will install your J K and I've already installed the jdk and once you click on this ex uh you know this aex file you have to just click next next next and after that once it get installed you have to go on the local DIC then go on the program files then you have to go on the Java then you have to click on jdk then click on the bin copy this path okay now go on the environment variable okay uh like this let me close it now click on like click type edit type environment variable okay now after that click on environment variable click on path system path and if the path is not added here click on new and just P the path by but I had already added the path so no need to add it here and you can also add this path on the system variables also so I've already added this path on the system also okay now this is how jdk now we have to check that jdk is install or not just open your command prompt and type Java Dash version so if the Java is install so it will you will get this open jdk version okay now once you install the jdk and the node just by following the chocol or manual process that's up to you now after that we have to install the Android Studio to install the Android Studio we have to click on this okay now after clicking on this uh it is loading okay now you have to click on download and studio now you have to accept this and it will get downloaded like after click on this and click on this you will get downloaded but I have already downloaded the Android Studio okay when you click on install so what you have to do you have to check this all Android STK Android STK platform Android virtual device and if you're not already using hyper P so you have to also um turn it on so what what you have to do turn on uh feature what you have to search uh turn on Windows feature Okay now click on this and if hyperb is not turned on just check it through okay now so whenever you install the Android Studio so you have to take that all the stuff you know now after installing the Android Studio you have to open Android Studio okay now we have to install install the Android SDK okay now to install the Android s SDK so what we have to do just click on more options click on SDK manager Okay now click on Android SDK platform so this is the uh SDK platform I have installed so if you're using Android 14 you can install this one but they are also recommend that you have to uh install the Andro 13 uh tham tham ISU so you can install this Android 30 tham ISU if you want but I've already installed Android 40 so it doesn't require so you can use Android 40 or Android 30 that's up to you not a big deal so first you have to install the SDK then after go on SDK tools okay and they have mentioned that uh for the SDK tool what you have to do you have to install these Android s build tools Android emulator Android emulator hyper driver viser andk platform but you know when I install and studio in my system so it it was already installed so I don't have to do anything but if that is not installed in your system then you have to install this all this one Android STK pools and Android ulator Android ulator Android SDK platforms tools okay now you have to click on okay and it will install that all the stuff now after installing that all the stuff okay like Android SDK platform Android this one which I have already installed but let me quickly show you also this one click on SDK manager so SDK tools so they are telling that you have to install this one Intel X Intel X X4 or Google API so so you can install like whatever you want uh int Intel or Google API uh I want this here uh Google apis but I have already installed it so doesn't need anymore okay now after that you have to configure the Android home environment variable so how we can configure the Android home environment variable first click on environment variable now click on environment variable then if the invite home path is not there you have to click on new okay now what you have to do you have to copy this path okay and after that you have to write this Android home variable Android home oh sorry like this and like this and you have to click on okay but I have already added here so you have to do this stuff now after that uh configure the invite variable and basically you are adding the invite variable and after that t install by the default location okay now after that what you have to do open the again environment variable and you have to add this path as well as on the system path open the path and you have to add this path on the system path copy this path okay and you have to click on this like this you have to click on path and click on new and you can add that path okay now same for here also go on the system variables and you can add that path okay now after adding that after adding the SDK uh add platform tools to path okay now uh we have already added the SDK platform tools also so you can see here okay now add platform tools to path click on Windows control okay you have to open the environment variable copy this and and after that what you have to do click on the path Okay now click on new and add this path also but I already added this path and it was automatically added this path so I don't have to add it again okay and there's one more thing which I was just telling uh copy this path also okay and add this path here also so SDK path also so I added this okay now after this so we have to add the two path the first one is SDK path okay and the second one is called platform tools bar after adding that all you have to run this command in your PC so I've already run this command in my PC and after that uh we had set up the react native okay we are going to use vs code CLI so let me BS code uh BS code BS code and you have to click on this and you have to download this BS code okay okay I've already downloaded the BS code uh somewhere and I have I've already installed it okay so click on vs code open the vs code and you know you have to just you know run this command like know copy this command like as mentioned on this uh article you have to copy this command okay and run this command Okay and like you have to write my the your app name my first app and hit enter so it will start creating your app and you can see here okay now uh there's one more thing which I just want to add once you click on this you have to click on virtual device manager and I have already you know created one device but you have not created then click on create virtual device click on phone Okay click on next okay I'm I'm going to do the resizable one so I'm I'm using resizable one click on next Okay click on next okay there's some specification which and click on finish so it will install this device also and if I open this so we can open this all the devices but yeah meanwhile you know it's you know creating our project and this is how we have set up the reactnative project so if you guys facing any issue with the set of react native please let me know in the comment will help you out and there's one more thing if you're getting any error with the react native uh just copy that error search it out you will get a lot of lot of solution and it will get solved okay uh yeah let's uh install this packages dependency and okay cool now after that you have to type CD and click open the my first app um after that you have to run command npm start to start the the Metro okay so after that you have to type a to start your Android server so I'm going to type a so it's started installing the app okay uh apart from that uh I'm using this so yeah this is so simpler like you know to install uh to uh to set up the Android environment reac to environment in your system it's so straightforward I don't I don't think it's going to take time or but if you might get any issue like you know any eror in your system so feel free to just Google it and let me know in the comment will help you out and Yeah guys there's one more update which I just want to let you know guys like I already started one react native series at J qu so if you are someone who is really interested to learn react native from scratch so please let me know and there's one Google form in the description for so you can fill the form and you can join our course it's just 39 PR so it's too affordable and in that course you will be learned to uh how to build your uh app like you know insort app uh Prime clone and many more apps so we'll let you know all this stuff so yeah guys we will able to uh set up our react native environment that's
Channel: Zero Degree Coder
Views: 8,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react native, react native tutorial, react native tutorial for beginners, react native for beginners, how to install react native, react native expo, react native cli, react native installation, react native app, react native vs flutter, react native windows, how to install react native cli, setup development environment for react native, how to install react native in windwos, installation of react native in windows, environment setup of react native
Id: G0wrlZvDjrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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