How to Setup Microphone on Windows 10 & Test Mic! (2021)

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hey guys before we get started with today's video i wanted to plug a little series that i got started that i'm really excited about i have two videos out so far okay so i have one video that's just applications you should have on your desktop it starts out hey i just built my computer what should i have downloaded and show you guys some of the cool things that are out there available to you just all for free so go check those videos out that would mean a lot to me and also likes comments subscribes any form of interaction with the channel is really helpful towards the algorithm and just simply asking for it makes people 60 more likely to do so youtube is crazy man youtube this is nuts and so it's been fun looking into it because hopefully this will grow and grow and maybe the channel will turn into something someday and hopefully this one blows up so i'm going to be talking about how to get the best sound out of your microphone we will talk about things that you should be looking for on the software side and then also just the basic how should you set it up i know some of these things are obvious to people also sometimes people don't care like it's a microphone it's just gonna work right and i'd like to preface all of this just by simply saying if you don't think that my audio sounds particularly good right now i wouldn't disagree i'm in a small room with hardwood floor and like just a desk in front of me this is a very very echoey room and i'm not really putting my best foot forward here i'm not about to destroy my walls by gluing foam to it if you want to get rid of echo if you want to get rid of background noise then your best bet is rtx voice if you have an nvidia graphics card a 2000 series or newer you can get the software called rtx voice that is just magic so first thing that i wanted to talk about is something that i personally struggle with if you're making videos if you're streaming this might not be super viable if you're streaming like a long form content learning how to speak at the same volume and to me that's really hard to do without being monotone right so this works in tandem with when you set up the gain of your microphone you're setting that up to a certain volume that you're going to be speaking and if you can hold your volume at the same level where you're hitting negative 6 db you're gonna be golden and i'm hinting a little bit towards the software side of things when we start monitoring and actually looking for these levels another thing that is probably more obvious is speaking directly into your mic so i'm going to start moving my mic around in ways that i see other people doing and hopefully you'll be able to hear the difference and first i'll just start with just simply blocking the microphone from my mouth even still in a good distance but i'm not talking directly into the microphone you can tell that it sounds different if i move it away now it's probably more echoey like way out here what are we talking into right now what is this what are we doing if you get too close i have a pop filter but even now you might be getting some plosives here i'm probably too loud obviously you can angle your microphone and you can get it away from your mouth but just talk into it yes i know this is an obvious tip but i just still see so many people not talking into the microphone okay let's switch over to some software stuff um i will make my camera a little small drive myself down so i'm running my my mic through voice meter this is all subjective i think it sounds decent right now so i'm running my mic through voice meter and i'm applying a nutella pan effect i have a gate on and a cup and a compression so i'm now shaping the way that my microphone sounds this is um a really cool effect that i think can help a lot of microphones it's really easy to get crazy with this effect and um and add too much low end sound too bassy and distorted sound too bassy and distorted so be careful with this so this intellipan effect for like the millionth time on my channel this is the bread and butter of voice meter so i wish we could do everything in voice meter here but for some reason they don't like to add numbers to this [Music] to this fader here so i'm gonna have to open audacity which is just a free program you can download right now so here's how we get our volume so we have the microphone set up um we're talking into it it's the correct distance from our mouth and now how do we know what we want to put our gain to so if you have a microphone with a gain knob on it start all the way down the lowest gain possible what i'm going to be looking at in audacity is this playback meter so this will actually tell you your volume so i want to hit around negative six to negative seven dbs once you start recording then you're going to be seeing something very similar to voice meter right here bouncing up and down whenever you talk so that's going to be telling us what our volume is at it would be so nice if voice meter actually had numbers associated with this so we didn't have to go into audacity but this is just something that i do before i start recording so i'm going to hit record um i should be hovering around there already because i just did it so okay so here we are yep and we're just right around negative six okay so that's super helpful i'm already hovering around up negative six i'm not getting too much louder and i'm skewing a little bit more towards negative twelves between negative twelve and six maybe i'm hitting zero a little bit but i shouldn't be clipping at all and doing that i mean if you really really care that is another way that you could um you could practice your speech and maintaining a certain volume you can actually watch it and you can know okay that's what it feels like to go too loud so that's it's really great being able to monitor yourself here now if your gain is all the way down and it's still too loud in audacity then i would try moving your mic away from your mouth and also probably talking softer and vice versa if your gain is all the way up and it's still too quiet then you can go into voice meter and you can drag this fader up um to negative 12 and to boost your boost your volume so you have a couple of options to play with your sound here when you want to actually hear yourself you can go into these settings advanced audio properties and here you can monitor yourself which is super helpful like i said at the start of the the video this is kind of crazy my microphone that you're hearing me right now it skews so far right this on top of voice meter my pan like this is what i have to do to get myself sounding sounding dead center which i just think is kind of interesting so i have my balance this far left as well in in obs and hopefully i sound center you can raise your volume which is kind of helpful again i like doing that in voicemeeter more and now if you want to listen to yourself we can click the audio monitoring and now you can do monitor and output and before you start recording do that listen to yourself at like a normal volume on your headphones that you would listen to youtube videos and just see how you sound and that's that's another good way of actually seeing how you sound and that's pretty much it for how i work on my audio and make sure everything sounds good before i start recording or streaming or hop into discord it's kind of just a set it and forget it type thing your settings aren't going to just magically change on you at the very most your microphone might just inch a little bit closer or a little bit further away and it's not you know not the end of the world if it's too far away i like it i like it maybe a if length maybe two two fists before i end the video i want to plug my discord dude we just hit you know check this out we just hit 14 1140 1140 members that's freaking that's crazy i got an invite for you guys top link in the description come join my discord come hang out if you have any questions i'm there to help you and like i said at the start like comment and subscribe any form of interaction with the channel is super helpful towards the getting us in in the algorithm you guys could follow me on twitter as well here at hook wtf also i want to give a shout out to strawbaby who created a logo for the channel which is super cool shout out to her i'll put her her links in the description and that's it man stay busting text when you get home love you
Channel: Huke
Views: 4,559
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: set up microphone, how to set up microphone windows 10, how to set up a microphone for singing, test microphone, how to use headphones with built in mic on pc windows 10, how to test microphone windows 10, how to set up headset on pc, mic setup for streaming, manage audio devices, microphone headset, mic setup, blue yeti setup windows 10, setting up microphone windows 10, windows 10 microphone setup, microphone, mic, usb microphone, giveaway
Id: 67ABn86TacQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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