How to setup Dome Boost Control on Holley Terminator X, HP and Dominator

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[Music] so i figured i'd make a video on how to do dome style boost control for you guys um i'll show you how to do it in the hp and dominator software and i'll show you how to do it in the terminator software it's basically the same the only real difference is the pin maps are a little different and you want to make sure you know where you're going to pin everything and how you want to trigger and blah blah blah you want to know all that before you start wiring and set everything up here's a pin map for hp and dominator and you can open up your pin map right up here and this will pop up and it'll show you all these letters and numbers and uh they all mean something uh f is for frequency five is five volt two is 20 volt uh t is uh what is it thermistor i don't even know if i'm saying that right temperature style and then h is 12 volts and g is ground so you can see what inputs can handle those things and then you have to wire it accordingly and then same for your outputs on hp and dominator they can do 12 volts on input one and two so they can do a 12 point 12 volt trigger and positive pwm pulse width modulation and output 3 and 4 is the opposite they can only do ground and negative pulse width modulation so you'll have to take that consideration when you're wiring everything if you only have an hp and you want to do boost and trans brake slash bump you have to take this sentence into consideration because normally we'll do uh the boost solenoids on the negative side so we'll put 12 volts to one side of the sil to the boost solenoid and the other side will come to the holley and we'll do a negative pwm on it once you do that then you only have positive triggering on the output and normally we all use the nos solid state relay to do a trans brake and bump but it's a negative triggered so you can't you can't run it on the first and second output any if you need to swap your um boost solenoids to positive or negative uh triggered what you got to do is you go to the boost icf go down here on the left hand side to inputs and outputs and right here it'll tell you what type of output your boost solenoids are and you can swap them to pwm positive or negative so what i did on mine is uh i put my vent on a positive pwm and i put my trans brake on a negative pwm um the boost only can take positive or negative triggered it doesn't matter just the other wire has to be the opposite on the solenoid it's fine we just normally will do negative because it seems they seem to work faster from what i understand i've never sit there and mess with it both ways and figured it out but i've always heard that's faster to negative triggering so all negative trigger the feel and positive trigger the vent but when you go to uh terminator pin map it's a little different on the inputs they're all the same they can all do frequency 5 volts 12 volts and ground you know the outputs this is just some random file to show you guys they're all the same there's no more positives on the first and second output they're all ground triggers and negative pwm triggers so this you can do everything on the ground and you don't have to worry about it so you can do the nos solid state relay and both your boost solenoids and you can do them all negative triggered and you're fine so that's the main difference really between setting up the two as far as setting up in the boost icf and everything that's all the same which i'll show you guys you go up here to toolbox add individual config oh sorry this is what it'll pop up when you hit the at individual config and you go to boost default boost oh it's just telling me it won't be compatible with a one bar sensor okay you go up here to the little boost icf picture of the turbo and here's all your boost settings but before we get to this point i want to show you guys how to plummet right here is a really good picture showing you guys how to plumb the sucker you got your two three port mac valves or whatever we all always use mac valves you plug the number three port on both of them and number one port on the fill will be your pressure source if that's uh co2 on board air or the compressor discharge air off the turbo so if you're using just turbo pressure for your boost control right here on this green line that goes to the bottom of the wastegate you'll t off here and go to the pressure source but that's only if you're using just the turbo for boost control and you're not using co2 or onboard air but you can see the way they got these set up most wastegates have multiple ports on top so this is really easy you just have your dome sensor tied into the top a t in between these two and it ties into the top and number the number two port on the vent is left open so when you set it up at whatever dome pressure you want in your software these will just be sitting here and constantly trying to regulate whatever pressure you put in the software here if you say you want 30 pounds of dome the sensor will tell it you know i'm not there yet so it'll keep adding adding adding and once it sees 30 then it'll start going back and forth between the fill and the vent keeping it at 30. and you'll have to mess with your pid loops and stuff and that might be over some of your guys's heads the standard pid loop is normally pretty good right here in the dome control setup it's normally pretty good but if you want to get it perfect you'll have to sit there and really mess with it in the garage but i'm not going to show you guys how to do that i could show you another time how to do that but i'm going to show you guys how to set this sucker up wire it and plummet but uh yeah i think that's it as far as plumbing goes it's pretty straightforward once you look at this diagram on how to do it this dome sensor it'll be a three wire plug and it'll need five volt source it'll need sensor ground and then it'll have a signal wire the signal wire will go to the ecu on the input harness you can put it wherever you want um as long as it can handle five volts you know and i'm pretty sure both of them will handle five volt yeah so you can put on any input and the easiest way we found to do this is the power tap if you have a newer harness i believe they all have a power tap which is just a like a a plug with four wires in it that's in the harness with nothing on the other end of it and uh you can tap into that and it will say what pins what on the plug but it's got chassis ground sensor ground sensor 5 volts and then uh engine running 12 volts so basically when the fuel pump's running it'll be putting out 12 volts here but anyways you'll need the 5 volt sensor or sensor 5 volts and sensor ground to go to your dome sensor and that's just you know this just keeps it really simple really easy only be hacking stuff up but if you have a harness that doesn't have a power tap on it you can cut the fuel sensor wiring you can cut that up and use that just steal the sensor ground and sensor five volt from it the black wire will be sensor ground and the i believe it's orange wire is the sensor 5 volt the purple wire will be the signal wire so don't touch it but if you have a power tap this is the easiest way to do it don't put your ground your ground to chassis ground it needs to be a sensor ground to get a good clean signal let's see what else here so once you got the boost icf all set up on in the terminator you don't have any other choices so i mean it's already set up the way it needs to but on hp and dominator you can click uh dual port wastegate dome control okay and you have all these you can pick from and you can also do map and dome on this um i just this is how we have it set up to dual holly and everything on the terminator you can't do it a bunch of different ways you have to do dual port dome but uh on the hp and dominator you can actually change all this and you could do a single dual port you can do it as a duty cycle and dome and map and blah blah blah but that's not what this video is about but uh and up here is where you'll tell it if you're going to be using a compressor uh that's from your turbo if you're just running boost pressure for your boost control then you'll use you'll just click compressor if you're using co2 or onboard error you'll do fixed and you'll set you'll this number right here will be whatever your regulator is set to on your co2 bottle or your onboard air and then over here you have all your safeties normally i start out kind of low depending on what what it is what the combination is what the end goal is and i'll go revert to wastegate you know like 20 pounds or something and then do 22 for 0.1 and cut ignition that's pretty normal for me starting out on something depending on what it is um like i said this is where you set up you know if it's a compressor which is just from the turbo or fix which is co2 or compress or onboard air and then right here is where you pick your dome sensor input well there's nothing there because we haven't made it we haven't set it up yet so you got to go back over here to toolbox add individual config io base config and go over here to the inputs and outputs icf make a new one dome enabled 5 volt okay configure you want to make it a holley 100 psi all right cool you go back over here to your boost icf dome control setup and it already did it and it's as easy as that then you can go over here and set up your scramble and you go over here to your uh most you guys are gonna be boost versus time but uh some of you guys on the street that are roll racing or just want to play around you might do gear rpm or speed on the dyno we'll do rpm but if you're racing at the track you're going to be on boost versus time then you just make your ramp here i always do them i always set this up differently and just something you know then you got yourself a boost ramp at the very end whatever time you're running if you're doing an eighth quarter mile whatever the second to last one it needs to be a little bit longer than where you need it and then right after that just make it a second longer whatever and go to zero that way that it'll shut every everything off after that time but also when you have the tps modulation enabled it won't be doing anything under 50 anyways but that's just how we always set it up let's see here this is the terminator it's the setup the same i mean it's almost identical so i don't really need to show you guys anything differently on that oh i'll show you guys how to pin map everything then up here you got your t-brake launch which will be also your rev limiter one your rev limiter 1 and your t brake launch will all be the same on the same input and then your scramble will be whatever and then your dome will be whatever just like i said just make sure you put them in the right place where you're going to wire them and your scramble if you're doing bump on the car your bump and your scramble couldn't be on the same button so you're not wasting an input and now we got our input set up we'll go to uh outputs and you just have the boost fill and the boost vent they're both on negative like i said you could change them to a positive pwm if you need to on a hp and dominator on terminator they have to be negative because it'll only do negative outputs but i think that's about it on setting up boost dome control and a lot of people they might get confused and think that your dome pressure is boost numbers it's definitely not it is just the measurement of the air on top of the gate so it's not going to be 100 accurate it's going to take some trial and error every car is different it's not a perfect science you're just going to start slow and slowly work your way up and see where where it's at you know some cars uh 10 pounds of dome will make 10 pounds of boost some cars it'll make 20 some cars it'll make five i mean it just all depends on the combination it's just something to play with don't go crazy in the beginning when doing a dome control until you figure out what don't what amount of dome makes what amount of boost but i think that's it for you guys if you have any questions just message me or get with me on facebook or whatever comment whatever and i'll do my best to help you guys out
Channel: BoostinBo
Views: 2,324
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Holley, efi, hp, terminator, dominator, boost, controll, dome
Id: uBmskjf0eSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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