How to Setup Custom Domains for Web & Email - beehiiv 101 (Tutorial)

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in this video you'll learn how to connect a custom domain to your publication on beehive by default you'll automatically receive a beehive subdomain after you've added a publication name to your account however if you're subscribed to a grow scale or Enterprise plan you'll have the option to connect a custom domain to get started log into your behive account and go to settings publication and domains now before you can connect a custom domain we have to verify that you actually own it to do this click on add custom domain under verifi domains and enter your custom domain here we generally recommend you enter a subdomain for your custom domain for example adding ww dot before your domain or something like blog or news once you've entered your custom domain click on ADD domain here you'll see instructions on how to create a DNS record which will'll use to help verify your ownership over the domain now in a separate tab log into the domain host account for the domain and find the DNS records here you'll be creating a new DNS record by copying over the values that you saw on the Beehive [Music] page once you finish make sure to save the new DNS record in your domain host account and go back to beehive from here click on verify and if everything was entered correctly you'll see verified under the domain you just entered if you want to go back and add more subdomains you can simply go back to verify domains and add as many as you like if they have the same root domain they'll automatically be verified as soon as you enter them without any additional work for example we recommend you add a mail subdomain for emails that you'll be sending out and ww. for your website but either way you can add as many subdomains as you'd like after verifying your custom domains now you have the option to select which ones you want to use for your website and email if you scroll down you'll see an option to select custom web domain here you can choose from the list of subdomains that you just verified once selected click on configure domain and you'll be prompted once again to create a new DNS record similar to before you want to go back to your domain host account and create a new [Music] record once you've copied over the values you can go back to beehive and press verify setup and if all is correct the domain will be verified and you'll see live appear under your web domain it's important to note that it can take up to 24 hours for your new DNS record to be verified so in the meantime you might see the status of your domain say verifying configuration instead of live now the process for setting up your email domain is almost identical to the web domain simply click on select custom email domain and choose from the drop- down options in this case we'll be selecting the male subdomain that we created earlier once selected click on configure domain here you'll be creating an additional three cname records which you can once again access in your domain host DNS settings so just go over and and copy and paste these [Music] values and once you're done go back to beehive and click on verify setup once verified you'll once again see live appear under the domain you just set up now you can just update your email and type in anything you want in the text box now all of your newsletters will be sent from this email lastly you'll have the option to set up a custom redirect domain or in more simple terms we can help redirect one of your verified subdomains to The Domain that you're currently using for your website this can be helpful if you're using a ww. subdomain and you want the nww version to work in order to do this you'll need to have the nww do version of your domain as a verified domain after you do this you can now click on select custom redirect domain and choose the domain that you've just added and click configure domain once again you'll have to create a new new DNS record in your domain host account just follow the instructions and copy and paste the values and once you're done go back to beehive and click on verify setup and now you're all good to go one important thing to note is you should not use any subdomain that starts with mail as your custom redirect and if you want you also have the option to set up this custom redirect with your DNS provider or your domain host you'll just have to follow their documentation in dead that's it follow for more tutorials
Channel: beehiiv
Views: 4,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beehiiv, beehiiv tutorial, beehive, email marketing, newsletter, newsletters, email newsletters, beehiiv newsletter, beehive newsletter, beehiiv newsletter tutorial, how to use beehiiv, beehive tutorial, beehiiv vs substack, beehiiv boosts, beehive newsletter tutorial, how to write a newsletter, best newsletter platforms 2023, newsletter design, convertkit, ghost, substack
Id: cDUyqNwxP4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 33sec (273 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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