Beehiiv Tutorial for Beginners: How to Get Started in Just 9 Minutes

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in this video I'm going to show you step by step how to get started with the email marketing software beehive so beehive recently gained a lot of popularity in the content creator space and is a serious competitor to other Alternatives like substack and convertkit but before getting started hi my name is Matt jro and this channel is for Content creators who want to turn their ideas into an income so if that sounds like you hit the Subscribe button now so here is what I'll be covering number one how to create your beehive account number two how to create opin forms so that people can subscribe to your newsletter number three how to send your first newsletter to your email subscribers and number four how to set up automations to send out automated emails cash in sitb backs and relax let's get started so the first thing that we are going to do we're going to head over to am I coming from if I have any paid subscribers and then some questions about how I want to name my newsletter choosing a sub domain adding some tags to describe my publication uploading a logo picking my brand colors and finally choose a plan you obviously have to confirm your email so let me do this real quick once this is done your behab account is ready to go okay great so once the account is set up simply head over to settings and let's create a publication so think of a publication as a new newsletter and a Blog combined right a little bit like a substack so you have to create one and you can add an unlimited amount of Publications with a total of up to 100,000 subscribers for most creators this will be more than enough so let's create our first publication I'm simply going to add on line description about what my newsletter is about I can preview this real quick then I'm simply going to choose a logo for my publication I'm also going to add a thumbnail that I'm going to design real quick here in Photoshop upload it I'm also going to add a sender name so that people know that this email is actually coming from me I can also choose the double upin option to make sure that people confirm their email before receiving my communications and I can then also add my social accounts if I wanted to and voila here you can see I already have my opin page ready so as you can see I can also create a welcome email by simply clicking on this button right here so this is the email that people get immediately after they subscribe to your email list okay great so right now let's just create your update form so that people can actually subscribe to your email list straight from your website so in my case I have a WordPress website and let's say I wanted to include my beehive opin form straight on my website so how do you actually do that simple go back to beehive click on audience click on subscribe forms and simply create a form so let me give you the name right here so I'm going to give this an original name like demo form right and here I can add a header so let's assume that yeah monetize your expertise with digital products get my free Weekly Newsletter right and then here I can specify the placeholder for the email the button text I can also change that it will automatically populate this with the colors my brand colors that I chose when setting up my account so you shouldn't have anything to do right here I can then also play around with the fonts which I'm not going to do I can then also simply show a success message once people actually opted in or I can redirect this to an external page I'm going going to leave this blank just for demo purposes and I'm simply going to hit save once I hit save I can simply head over to view and then as you can see it will give me different options that I can use to Simply add this on my website so let just go for the full width option right here I'm simply going to copy this head over to my WordPress website click on edit page so let's just assume I wanted to add this just underneath the button let me just add an HTML block right here paste the code and now let's preview this and as you can see it actually works obviously there may be a few things that you want to tweak perhaps Center it make it smaller Etc you can then play around to adjust this to your needs okay great so now let's head over to start writing your first newsletter and start sending it to your email subscribers so you have two options to actually access the editor so either you can click right here on start writing or you can head over to write and then post and then simply click start writing it's exactly the same thing the only thing is that this button right here saves you a few clicks which is never bad when you're sending out a lot of newsletters so the thing is that as you can see here you have the editor on the left hand side it's a pretty simple and straightforward editor what I really like about it is that it shows you exactly if the Chang that you made are synchronized or not so what I'm going to do right here is I'm simply going to insert a dummy text right here and once I select a bit of text as you can see I have the stings options that come up so you can actually basically do what you can do in any text editor right so the other thing which is quite interesting right here is that it kind of works like a notion where you can simply type the forward slash and then simply choose from different blocks that you can pull into the body of your newsletter right so this is quite handy right so right now what I'm going to do is I'm going to give this post the title so let's assume that this post is about how to grow from 0 to 1,000 subscribers on YouTube in 30 days and then subtitle my simple growth formula right so here you're going to find all the options related to The Post because beehive is going to convert this newsletter into your quote unquote Beehive website right where you can have kind of a public Archive of all your different newsletters number two is actually the emails options right so as you can see you can either create an AB test or there a lot of different bells and whistles but I really want to keep this simple so what we're going to do right here is we simply going to use the post tile at the subject line and the subtitle as the preview text right here right and obviously you have other few options right here then when it comes to the website you can also specify the slug which will then become your url you can add a thumbnail you can also fine tune SEO settings then what you're going to do you're simply going to click right here on schedule at the bottom right and it will then bring up a popup like this where you can then schedule your email simply click on the calendar icon and then choose the date at the time which you want this to go out and then simply click on review and publish and this is it as you can see it's it's pretty simple so in order to create a new automation simply head over to write automations and then simply create a new automation so this is extremely useful if you want to create a welcome sequence where you can actually send out automated emails to new subscribers and actually grow your income this is a method that I've been using for years to build trust and create passive income with emails and again it's something that I explain how to do in depth in my free course you can find the link in the description so in order to create a new automation simply head over to write automations and then simply create a new automation this will bring up a screen like this where you have to start with a trigger so first of all what is a trigger well a trigger is basically the action that will start the automation so let's click on ADD trigger and as you can see you have different options right here so either this starts with a sign up with an email submitted a survey form submitted or let's say if your subscriber upgraded or downgraded from a premium subscription and if it's none of those then you can simply head over to manual and then edit the conditions so as you can see right here you can easily customize the conditions based on all of the following or any of the following right so the main difference right here is if you click on all of the following all the conditions that you're going to add up here have to match in order for this automation to start working and if it's any of the following then as the name suggests it's basically if any of those specific conditions are met so let's head over to the different conditions that you can add right here so as you can see you can either add if let's say the email equals a specific email by a specific embed Source a custom field a campaign a source medium Channel referring URL all subscription tires so you can really find tune that to the specific needs that you have so let's assume that you only want this automation to triggers by a specific campaign so if let's say my last campaign was YouTube review then I can simply choose this and click on save so now that we have our trigger we can simply start clicking on activating right and what will happen is that this trigger is now active so now I can start with my actions okay so if this subscriber meets these specific conditions then let's set out an email right and I can then simply head over right here and then simply specify ify the time delay right so in this case it's 1 minute then simply head over and start writing the email right here let me just add some dummy text right here a dummy subject line and I'm done simply again click on activate confirm so now this is done I can simply add another delay let's say wait until let's edit the timing right here any day of the week 12 I can also change a time zone and then save and then simply build out my automation like this once this is done I'm certainly going to give it a name so let's say new YouTube subscriber click save that's it and as you can see automation is running it's saved and it just works and that's it the automation is done simply click on exit and you should see your automation running and here you can see how many people are already enrolled in this Automation and how many people already finished this automation right now you know exactly how to start using beehive but my question for you is do you know exactly how you can also make money with your emails because that's the end goal right well my next video will show you how
Channel: Matt Giaro
Views: 1,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beehiiv tutorial, beehive newsletter tutorial, beehiiv newsletter tutorial, how to use beehiiv, beehive tutorial, beehiiv newsletter setup, beehiiv newsletter, beehiiv newsletter course, beehive newsletter app, how to use beehiiv newsletter, beehiiv how to use, how beehive works, how beehiiv works
Id: 8Lksj9W-umk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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