How to setup Cloudflare DNS for your website!!

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to my youtube channel digital storm and i'm dennis and today what i'm going to do is show you how to set up cloudflare dns onto your name server and in my case with cyberpanel is my web server and lightspeed is pretty easy but first thing you do of course you see i'm in vulture that's where most of my stuff is kept most time and here's my address we need you to go to cloudflare so if you don't know we'll go to c-l-o-u-d-f-l-a-r-e-com when you get to the welcome screen just basically either sign up or log in if you got a login and then once you get logged in it'll bring you to a screen similar to mine and what i need you to do is right here it says search domains or my account i want to add a site this is going to be my website i want to secure and at this time i want to secure digital storm dot i o so i just type in digital storm dot o and add site as you can tell it brings me to choose my plan of course unless you need benefits from any of these which i don't believe most people will the free version is plenty and that's why we're going to click and we're going to click continue now it's scanning my site for dns records and it will import them automatically if they find any and we found one a name and one c name and let's see what they found of course as you could tell they found my ip address if we go back and look that's my ip address it also found my c name and it's proxied meaning basically everything is running through name server if you see this orange cloud with the arrow through it name server is taken over and taken care of if you see it gray out with the arrow going around it it's just more likely dns names added to it and name server's not doing anything we're going to hit continue at this time and it says change your name server so we gotta point the cloudflare name server to or point our dns to or you know at night like mine's that namecheap but wherever you got your uh website uh domain like if it's namecheap godaddy portbun wherever we gonna have to point it to cloudflare name server and they said this is a critical step of course if you don't know who your domain is registered through you could do a who is and it will tell you so you log into your account at your domain register and you need to it's already got my domain name that is registered this is not no name name but the registers dns server names the dns one and dns2 that is name cheap so it wants us to remove that and it wants us to add theirs to it so i'm going to click copy for the i'm going to go back to namecheap i'm already logged in and i'm at digitalstorm if you haven't logged in go to your if it's namecheap or wherever it is it's going to be similar just go to it and follow my you know what i'm doing of course on here you got domain and we got advanced domain if i go down to name servers as course you tell is using namecheap basic dns that's the ones they want me to remove so now i'm going to click on custom dns and it asks for name server 1 and name server 2 i'm going to paste name server one go back copy cloudflare's name server to do the same thing paste and that little green check mark your own name sheet click it to save and it should automatically update within the next 48 hours it's been my point that most time it don't take near that long but of course just letting you know and this is a site that i'm trying to secure the digital storm so let's go back to uh cloudflare and see what else is next so i save my changes and it says cloudflare can take up to 24 hours to process this so let's do done check name servers and it's got like a little starting guide where you start and it you know go through these steps and then we'll go finish let's go ahead and start that first thing is improve security ht automatic http dev if yours not checked or to green you need to check it we want anything that's going to the unsecured http to be automatically directed or there's rewrites in it that automatically tailors it over to the secure site click save use always use https yes it needs to be green it it just redirects it to the secure https one and click save and the third one auto minify it reduces the size of your source code of your website most of these it might click cause it remembered at a time but just click all three basically what it does your source codes and and other source files or that you have in there it takes out the unneeded stuff and it keeps it smaller in order to have a higher performance website click save and last but not least is broccoli broccoli is kind of like a compression a plug in or not necessarily plug into this but it's part of everything about managing the traffic and compression but i'll click the green and hit save for yes so now it tells me all basic four things that i have on and i hit finished and of course says complete the name server setup right now it still has not completed so at this time i'm going to go to another tab and i'm going to type in what's my y'all probably see me deal with this several times i'm typing www.digitalstorm and this is just going to kind of give me an idea of how it's propagating through all the name servers throughout the world of course some are showing 144 but there's already a lot of them showing name servers or this is cloud flares the 104 is in the 172 that's cloud flares and that's what it's showing pretty much look like propagated most of it already from the 144 so that's quick so let's go to c name see what c name shows us as you could tell it still has not there's three check marks on my c name but as time goes on it will indeed those x's will turn to checks time i'm going to check the dns records see what it shows and as you can tell on the www it does not show to be propagating yet if i'm take that off and i'm click it again because technically that is how it's supposed to be and as you could tell there's one right here this isn't that ain't cheap but look at how many has already propagated for cloudflare and there's a digital ocean that i dealt with a long time ago i think sometimes they will have carryovers so and it would take up to 48 hours for that to you know end up being replaced with one of these but as you could tell it's going pretty good but at this time i'm going to pause the video until it gets through propaganda okay everyone we're back and what i went to check just make sure you remember when i went to digital storm earlier it was unsecured now when i go to and click return you see the padlock if you click the padlock it will bring you down to their connection is secure and when you click that you see this little certificate click it and see that cloudflare is now it's these clear cloud flare and they're now are the one responsible for my security and now let's go back to dns and then we're going to click cloudflare it's going to bring us here and you see it says digital storm.o is active and it is now great news cloudflare is now protecting your site now this is just the beginning we're going to go through many different steps off and on and setting up different things but that just how you get your dns server to point towards cloudflare and use their server to secure your site now anytime you use a uh someone let's say is far away from you and they try to access your site cloud server got so many cdn out there that whatever the nearest one to that particular audience or person it would cash from it so what they they're doing they're storing static cat or sites or static pages of yours uh web pages and all across their global network in different parts and that way when it does get a hit from someone that's further away and if it's a if it's not a dynamic and it's more static that that's already cached in their system they make it go over there quicker and again this is how you set up your name server from wherever you register at to point to cloudflare and use their service to protect your site and in their cdn y'all like comment and subscribe i'm going to have more tutorial to come and thank y'all
Channel: Kotcyn
Views: 825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Digital Storm, Vultr, Linode, Google Cloud Platform, AWS, CyperpPanel, OpenLiteSpeed, Web host, Web hosting, Wordpress, Divi, Elegantthemes, shared hosting, VPS, VPS Server, Digital Ocean, unmanaged server, managed server, Namecheap, Domains, Cloud, server, backend server, Cloudflare, SSL, Name server, Universal SSL, proxied
Id: _r8UnUotm2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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