$5 WiFi Camera Setup | ESP32 Wifi Setup view on Mobile phone

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ESP 32 camera module. I'm going to show you how to set up the program, set up the connectivity so the camera can work and display the video over the Wi-Fi. I'm going to show you to use these different UART to USB modules including FTDI or you can use your Arduino Uno compatible or Arduino UNO or any other Arduino that you have you can program to program this. Make sure to connect this jumper, let me measure the current I'm connecting it... You can get the code for this by clicking at the link below the video in the description which will take you to www.robojax.com/learn/arduino Let's get started with this. This module is sold between ten to fifteen dollars depending where you get it from. The configuration is very simple straightforward but you have to be able to upload your code through certain method and way because the module does not have USB connectivity so you have to be able to use either FTDI or other UART to USB converter or even Arduino UNO or other module which I'm going to show you. In this video I'm going to demonstrate to see the video over the Wi-Fi network within the same network of your home or business whatever you have but in a separate video I'm going to show you how you can see the video over the internet from any other location across the world this is the camera module usually when they ship it and the camera usually will be not inserted when you receive it so I'm lifting this brown piece like that so you left it and remove the camera camera is facing up and that is the camera then we have also micro SD card reader here which consumes a lot of power but when I use this I'm going to show you the amount of current that this consumes and on this side we have the ESP 32s module, it has antenna but it has also external connection that you don't need. At home it will work but if that is needed it needs a little modification which have I will not go through that and the module does not have any USB this is a 3.3 volts chip we have a reset button using few pin of this. Length of the module is 40 millimeters the width is 27.1 millimeters and the depth is 11.8 millimeters but the camera make sure that this grey portion is up like that so you can lift it up insert the camera and hold it and press this. Now the camera is ready. Tto operate the device and in terms of power supply you can connect 5V here or you can connect 3.3 volts we have ground (GND) here and ground here and there is another ground that is not that you can connect five voltage that you can connect it from Arduino Uno or USB or another device and that 5 volts comes here and it's being converted to 3.3 volts that supplies the voltage to the microcontroller. And we have a reset switch here that if you want to restore the microcontroller you process this. This chip here is IPS 6404 64 mega bit which is 8 megabyte Internet of things Ram this is a ram or memory for this chip and for the camera so it can process smoothly. and here is a datasheet for it the chip is IPS6404LSQ. it's 64 megabyte ROM for the internet of thing and here the says IPS confidential for this use only besides 4 MB RAM on the ESP the little chip we also have 8 megabyte extra RAM here to facilitate the smooth process of video Datasheet Viewed Here is the datasheet of the manufacturer camera the resolution of the camera if the picture is taken or set with JPEG depending on the type that you said QQVGA that's 6 frame per second that's 7 frame per second if it is VGA 7 and SVGA 8 frame per second and if we set to the grayscale it would be 9 and 18 in these values and the pins in terms of connectivity from the device to camera off and this order. The camera pans are these and these are the pins for ESP 32 and these are the is the SD card pins and these are these the ESP32 pins that have been connected internally. This is a datasheet for the movie 26:40 camera it's a CMOS UXGA a 2 megapixel camera and the resolution is 1632 by 1232 8 bits or 10 bits. i'll provide you the link so you can download this and have a look at it if you want to. Wiring Explained I've created this camera module pan out I'll provide you the link to download it the camera and the module these are the GPIO pins that are at these locations so when you see the antenna and these chips towards you these are the pins and these are your USB pins. You need to connect only four wires GND, RX, TX and 3.3V. if you have 5 volt source you can connect it the 5 volts of your external source connected in here instead of 3.3 so a pay attention this is UOT is the UART TX and then RX. TX is connected to RX and RX is connected to TX. This is receiving from transmitter. This is transmitting and this is receiving. As I am going to show you when you update the code you need to connect a jumper female to female and you inserted here between GND and GPIO 01. Once you upload the code you have to connect it and once the code is finished as I have mentioned here first remove the jumper of the furnishing they put the wire X is wire and then press the reset button. All the wiring you can use any USB either this one this one or or you can use this one with CP 2102 chip. You may use FTDI chip all of these have one thing in common. I am using this one because it doesn't have 3.3 volts make sure that you connect the 5 volts to the 5 volts pen of the camera module. 3.3 volts here and then I have 3.3 volts this one has +5 volts this one a source 5 volts then we have TX Rx TX Rx and ground so they are the same I'm going to use this one. The last one is GND yellow I'm going to connect it to the GND on this side. After that we have RX. The Orange is connected to RX will be connected to the UOT this pin, the second pin and then we have TX I've connected red wire. TX will be connected to R so the three wires which are connected here and here they are connected in order there so for this red module the three pins will be connected. Yellow is the first one Oranges at the second one and red is the third on. And the last one is 3.3 volts brown wire. If you look here 3.3 volt is in here. This is done now. We need to connect a wire between IO0 and GND. I'm connecting this female to female jumper wire to IO0 and GND and this is ready. Now let me show you how we can use Arduino Uno compatible or Arduino Uno actual board to program this. So I'm connecting four wires again the three wires from this side will be connected and here the last one is 3.3 volts and here and remember this is GND and the last one is 3.3 volts so 3.3 volts will be connected to 3.3 volts of Arduino Arduino the last one is GND, GND will be connected to GND and here and here the pin that is labeled as T the green have been connected here to pin 1 that is labeled here TX which means bring your TX to this point and the yellow with U0R that is the RX it has been labeled here to be connected to the pin 0 of Arduino compatible or Arduino Uno board Code explained first we are preparing Arduino ID with ESP 32. I've separate video but here quickly explaining that we need this URL for the board I am right clicking and copying it I will provide you this URL then go to arduino IDE (Arduino program) and then click on file->preferences and at this section additional board manager click on this link and you you will see a lot of items here if you have previously other stuff just press enter and in the last line press CTRL and V and it will be pasted. You can see I already have it so I'm not gonna do it. So I will delete it or not save it you just click OK and then click OK doing this we have set up Arduino IDE. To find the board click on "Tools" boards->board manager and wait until this finishes this bar graph and then here type ESP32 and this is says installed it is installed and there is remove in your case it will be installed so just click it will take few minutes or maybe seconds depending on your internet speed wait for this to finish and then close it. Let's select the board click on "tools" then "boards" and scroll down and until you see ESP32 Rover module. Select that and then click on "tools" go to "partition" and select "Huge up" then click on Tools and make sure you select the COM port that you have with your device connected. Click on "File" we have to open the example go to "Examples" scroll down until you see ESP 32 then on this menu go to camera and then select "Camera web server" we have commented out make sure to comment out "CAMERA_MODEL_AI_THINKER" if you comment this out the this board will work for this module you will enter your Wi-Fi SSID and here your Wi-Fi password the rest is exactly the same do not change anything it will just work fine. And here is a camera and the USB I'm going to connect it. Once you connected you see the light is ON the system has powered up and also this one has power. Now we have to select the port that this USB is connected. Here is how you discover the port. Right click on your Start menu go to Device Manager and under the Ports I have Silicon Lab CP21x and 2101 and it say COM4 and I'm going to "Tools"->Ports and then select COM4 then click upload. Now this is first compiling it and then uploading it to the board. Pay attention to this that the blue will start blinking. And if it doesn't start make sure to press this reset button. Once you press the reset it starts working and I'm scrolling so you can see it and as you can see it's hundred-percent and everything is completed. At this stage let's remove this yellow wire and let's open the serial monitor and I have this on the screen and as you can see it says Wi-Fi connected starting web server port 80 and here is the IP for this module just copy this or let's go to the web and open your favorite web browser and then type the IP I'm turning on the light Demonstration now if you scroll down this if you see the screen it's a good sign and here it says start stream and as you can see the videos starting I can flip here the video is flipped mirror you can mirro it. These two are the most important one and you see this is a video and here is underneath you see that serial monitor is continuously streaming those values and this is now I will flip the video and here is a video that is showing me it's displayed I have to look at this like that so I'm looking at you from here I can change the resolution make it larger or larger even larger let's see it become very slow you have some lagging but it has video so the larger the video the slower the response let's make it very tiny and you can see it's a little faster because we are sending small frames of videos so this is the original size that was default and it has a lot of other features for example negative and different color tent, green sepia and here quality brightness you can play with those with a contrast you can click here and get a still and maybe from here you can save it save image as. Capturing SD card is not working properly so I did not included it with this tutorial If I find a working solution, I will present it on Robojax The cameras connected let me let me open my phone and I'm opening a new tab type the IP address and enter. Here is a screen for it and let me touch the stream. Once you touch it the video appears underneath it's shaky and it's flipped so I can flip the video from here now it's better. I'm holding it like this oh that's the video Demonstration of upload code using Arduino UNO Do not select different board. Continue as it is and it will work when you upload it with Arduino UNO now let's let's upload the code using Arduino Uno compatible or Arduino Uno from Arduino IDE. Ggo to tools make sure the port is selected in my case it is COM11 and then upload you will see the lights will blink in here. Let me turn the lights off so you will see that they are blinking and I have to press this reset button once at this point. When it is at this stage you see now it starts I'm scrolling so you can see it otherwise it just stays at the top and it is completed. Now let's remove this jumper and let's open the serial monitor check the IP to do that let's press the reset button and it is connected to Measuring the current used by the camera board let me measure the current I'm connecting it via this wire leave wait for it and tell it boot have not connected yet 120 mA go to the web refresh the page when the stream starts we will see what happens 320mA let me reduce the resolution more I would like to thank my patrons from Patreon.com as of 14 September 2019 thank you for watching this for the setup and how to use this ESP 32 camera if you learn something and found this useful please thumb up đź‘Ť the video of this will help my video in the search algorithm of YouTube. If you have comment or question posted at the comment section below I try to answer and reply. And if you want to get update want to get updates of my upcoming videos, make sure to subscribe. blank file with blank empty spaces but the capacity is one megabyte and heresy safe picture I have some light here so do not consider the same picture that
Channel: Robojax
Views: 193,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electronic, tutorial, training, video, robojax, arduino, code, download, esp32, wifi, camera, setup, usb, uart, library, how to, see, resolution, cam, eye
Id: 5XCb3t8J4Kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 19sec (1459 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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